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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Just curious but why is 3% unknown? They couldn't find a bullet? CES
  2. First pick for me is an easy one. Hephaestus and Agatha Heterodyne got together to bring their offspring Gilgamesh Hercules Tarvek Heterodyne into the world. CES
  3. What pantheonic part of Mexico? The aztec/incan pyramids, the giant mounds, the nazca lines? I admit I didn't think about some of the pantheons not having places like Olympus or Asgard. That's on me. CES
  4. Five O'Clock high and I am picking the court of the Jade Emperor as my pantheon's home base. CES
  5. It doesn't have to be a superhero, just a professionally fictional person. CES
  6. If you think they are human enough to mate, I guess. To paraphrase South Park, tentacles are bad, mmm'kay. CES
  7. Gods/goddesses for the god slot, superheroes are acceptable for the SO slot, your fictional kid based on the parents in the kid slot. So Apollo and and Power Girl begets Iona Starr, a little girl who is going to grow up to be a rocking sun goddess one day. Gods: Just mythical or are fictional gods acceptable? Offspring: We're drafting these or making them up? I suppose fictional gods need a place. We're making the kids up. CES
  8. The Children of the Gods is up. This one might need some research. Good luck CES
  9. The Children of the Gods: Since we are doing the World Creation Draft next month and we did the adopted children of the UA at the start of the year, I thought what would happen if we combined the two for a month. We've already done a draft like this, but I couldn't find it with the search. Here's the premise in a nutshell. Various planes of existences have been disrupted. Pantheons of gods and their supporters have gone to war with the menace from beyond order and defeated it at a cost. Their numbers have been depleted and their responsibilities are threatening to sink Reality under the strain. Something has to be done. After much argument, it was decreed that the surviving gods and goddesses would produce heirs to take up the dead gods' mantles. But something wants to stop them. The first pick is the location of the pantheon. This is where your children are being raised and guarded. The next fifteen picks are five days of three picks apiece. One pick is the god/goddess, the second is the mortal mate/SO, the third is the offspring. You have three option picks for weapons of the gods, various menaces, so forth You have one option for a villain/god of evil that threatens your children. You can mix and match pantheons so that Apollo's, Huang's, and Thor's children are being raised together. Please do not pick real people. As usual Power Girl and Supergirl are separate people and once you pick one version of that person all alternates are off the table. Any god that is not picked for the draft is considered dead and his sphere of influence needing to be filled to relieve the multiverse. The draft starts on Wednesday at 5pm Eastern Standard. So roughly 36 hours from right now CES
  10. There is a chance that Superman knocked the walls down first as he is dragging this guy along. I'm just saying this because as a writer it would be something I would put in if I had a CVK hero splattering someone into a million pieces instead of the end of an episode of OPM. But yeah, it looks like the guy is dead just from that one clip. CES Also he's fast enough to slam someone through a wall, but not fast enough to Jet Li a pistol? come on
  11. I am still doing this. I have to go in for a while. When I get off work, I will post rules up for the draft. CES
  12. I haven't seen either of those movies and I apologize. I must restate my position. Snyder's Superman could never be as good as Downey's Iron Man because Snyder will never be as good as the Russos and Kevin Feige and since Superman should be the example of pure goodness, his fans have a right to say that Snyder should not do Superman movies since he can't seem to get that. I do the same thing when I say Paul Feige should never do Ghostbusters again. CES
  13. I think the circumstances are different in how things were presented. Superman typically beats Iron Man nine out of ten times under regular rules. Superman already had kryptonite in his movie. And he already knew lead blocked kryptonite. So it's easy to say that he could have combined the two and weakened Zod enough to move him off planet, or put him back in the phantom zone, or what have you. Iron Man is using the only thing he has to deal with saving the universe since Thanos almost snapped the universe into what he wanted, and there was no way Stark was going to survive another brawl, and Thanos was right there to take the gems back. The Russos might not ever have a movie as good as Endgame but they showed they understood their characters and how to set things up for the sacrifice better than Snyder. CES
  14. I'll take it. Let me think of something. I'll post it on Monday. CES
  15. He lost a billion dollars in ten years. That much we do know. The rest is a lie CES
  16. Sergeant Charles Victor is a veteran of the Brigade's operations in the Nam against the Unholy Kuo, and the reviled Demon Shadows. Charlie had earned himself a name as the Moravian Mole for his ability to dig his way out of any situation. CES
  17. Crystal Long is the Krsytalknife. Anything made out of glass is something that can be turned into a knife to slice her enemies down. CES
  18. It's Memorial Day and five members of the White Army supremeists have decided to kill members of the Devil's Brigade at their yearly reunion. Can they be stopped by our elderly heroes? CES
  19. It's Memorial Day and five survivors of the Devil's Brigade are in town and being hunted by the White Army. Who are these veterans and which war did they fight in? CES
  20. Matthew is the Unknown Prophet. His ability is giving advice that changes the outlook for the person he is talking to, and showing them how to change things for the better. CES
  21. The Lock Tone has the mystical ability to lock or unlock any door, grill, vent, or similar covering not supposed to be opened by people who want to get into places. He usually keeps his thievery in the small time and cash to avoid any serious complications with the police. He likes to pretend his ability works through a screwdriver. CES
  22. The Scouts Hold the Line 2017-  Marty Morgan rubbed his bald pate with a gloved hand. Age had taken his hair and carved lines in his face, but he was still fighting trim thanks to his gift. It burned calories like no one’s business. Finch, his wife, stood at his side. Gray strands of hair was the only difference he could see from when they had first met in ‘79. Who would have thought they would be together so long doing what they did. He looked to his right. Blue flame marked where the Lamplighters were doing what they were doing blocks away. He hoped they knew what they were doing. His kids were out there, and he wanted them to have a chance. “I, the Queen of Genn, the Sister of the Destroyer, the Mother of the Myriad, the Sun of a Million Lands, pronounce sentence on this miserable place for the crime of accepting my rebellious daughter as one of your own.” The image of a burning tree held up its prize in its grasp. The image covered the world so everyone could see what was going to happen. “You will all be exterminated just like this hero who tried to stop me.” The net around the Mark caught fire as magic poured down on him. He felt the green spark in his body being ripped out. Then he blew apart in a cloud of ash and smoke. Marty’s radio exploded in his ear. He gritted his teeth. Now was not the time to start losing it. “Everybody, pay attention,” he said. “We have to hold this line. Fliers, knock anything in the air that’s not one of ours down. Ground troops, keep their armies back as much as possible. We need to give the Lamplighters a chance to do their thing. Rangers, keep moving people out of the way. We don’t want to kill somebody by accident.” “I have to go,” said Finch. “Be careful,” said Marty. “I’m going to try to distract that thing until the Lamplighters can do what they can.” Finch moved to the edge of the roof. She vanished over the side. A streak of light appeared over the city. Marty frowned as he watched it head right at the center of the chaos. Then the giant hero known as M-37 punched the Queen of the Genn in the face with a metallic fist. That was a big distraction in Marty’s book. He needed to add to that. Purple pulses lit the night along the line. Air ships came apart as he watched the night sky. What was causing that? “I have some help over here, Marty,” said Scarrow on the radio. “We’re covering our point.” Another giant blasted through the air. Marty didn’t recognize him, but he was throwing blasts of energy into the Queen as he flew across the city. “He’s with us, Marty,” said the Scarrow. “Don’t shoot him.” Marty frowned. New players on the board were changing the positions. It looked like their mad scheme might work after all. All he had to do was keep his children safe, and the city by extension. “Mr. Multiverse is here on the ground,” said Plus. “He’s everywhere.” Marty expected that. Mr. Multiverse often showed up at events where there was a rip in the air. He only stayed around long enough to help out, and then he was gone. The Mark’s kids flew through the air. If the Mark couldn’t make a dent in Big Ugly, they couldn’t either. Other fliers joined them. Marty hoped none of them were his kids. He had to hold the line, and keep the air clear. If the Lamplighters were right, they would become targets soon enough. The Queen wasn’t going to let them pose a threat for long. “How’s it going?,” said a voice on his right. He looked down. A teenaged girl with dark hair and eyes smiled at him. “Name’s Sara. This is my brother, Moshe.” Moshe stood behind her. He scanned the air for danger as he tried to keep an eye on everything at once. “Our parents wanted us out of the way until they got done helping the Americans build their lamps,” said Sara. “Al-a-Din is down on the street with his butler and felt we should help you instead of getting in his way.” “That’s kind of him,” said Marty. “I’m trying to concentrate here. The goal is to protect the Lamplighters and keep the enemy confined close to the door. Can you do either of those things while I do what I have to do?” “I think so,” said Sara. She smiled. “What do you think, Moshe?” “I think we’re too close to the front line,” said Moshe. “I don’t think this is what Al-a- Din wanted.” “Concentrate on what’s going on,” said Marty. “We have to hold this line one way, or the other. If things get ugly, get clear.” “Don’t worry about us, old man,” said the girl. “We can handle walking trees.” “I don’t think that’s right,” said the boy. He flung blue balls of light across the roof. “Sorry, something moved over there.” “Need some light,” said Marty. Sara said a word. A column of light sprang into existence across the street. Trees with jack o’lantern faces looked around at the revealing fire. A rain of blue bolts fell on them before they could snuff the light out. “Keep doing that until the coast is clear,” said Marty. He sat down on the gravel of his base roof and concentrated. Marty started out his career as Animal Boy of the Hazard Scouts. His gift was the ability to summon animals to help him out. His foster family had brought him along on adventures until they were ambushed and for the most part wiped out. Barry Nicklaus, Mister Robot, spent ten years as a brain in a jar while Marty was figuring out how to survive without resources. As soon as Marty and his new friends had rescued him, he went back to solving problems with a new body. When the call went out, he had been the first to fly into New York to set up to repel the invasion. He had shifted to help the Lamplighters with his expertise while the rest of the newer generations of Scouts went about their business. Marty had originally only been able to summon animals. Then he had been able to summon mixes of two different animals. Then he had been able to move into imaginary animals after that. He crafted his summoning to keep the Queen busy. The Scouts had to hold the line while he worked. If the plan worked, he would be able to gather his extended family and take them home after a job well done. If it didn’t, he would go down fighting. Either way, he wasn’t giving up. “Are you okay?,” asked Sara. “Yes,” said Marty. He didn’t open his eyes. “Just keep the roofs clear while I cook up this surprise. It’ll take me a couple of minutes. It’s the biggest crafting I have ever done.” “Don’t worry,” said Sara. “We’re handling things.” Marty didn’t open his eyes to check the veracity of that statement. He needed to concentrate on what he was doing. He had been younger when he had started out. He hoped they knew better than he had. A roar answered his summons. He smiled. He opened his eyes as a wave of heated air washed over him. “What is that?,” asked Moshe. “The biggest distraction I could come up with,” said Marty. “Scouts, Behemoth is walking. Let him go by.” The summoned monster stomped forward, casually knocking aside any building in its way. The fins running down its back glowed in anger as it closed on the fight ahead. It roared its challenge at the Queen. “That is a big distraction,” said Moshe. “I don’t think I have seen anything bigger.” “Hopefully she hasn’t either,” said Marty. Weariness settled into his bones. He closed his eyes again. Maybe he had created too big a distraction. Maybe he should have tried for something a little smaller on scale. The roar of the big lizard was followed by the sound of burning air as it breathed on the Queen while still blocks away. “Are you all right?,” asked Sara. She said something else. Marty felt a tingling, but it wasn’t enough to get him back on his feet. “I just need a moment to rest,” said Marty. He knew that no matter what happened next, he was out of the fight. Calling on his monster had broken something inside. He could feel it. No one would be able to fix what he had done to himself. He was too old, and at the end of his life. He should have stayed home with his feet up and sipping Pepsi. Saving the world was a young man’s, person’s, game. “I can’t fix this,” said Sara. “I’m sorry.” “Everybody has problems,” said Marty. “Are we holding the line?” “I think so,” said Sara. “Your monster is forcing the tree people to defend their queen. They aren’t doing a good job of it from what I can see.” “The Mark’s girls are probably wrecking a lot of the mooks,” said Marty. “That’s what I expected.” “The Mark is dead,” said Moshe. “I didn’t expect that,” said Marty. “Doesn’t matter if we lose the fight.” If they lost, who was going to care how hard they fought, or who fell in battle. The human species would be forced to live under a yoke and possibly put on the path to extinction. He hadn’t joined the Scouts to let that happen. “It looks like we’re pushing them back, Marty,” said Corona in his earpiece. “That was some stunt you just pulled.” Corona and Ren had come out of retirement to help with this. Their son, Bond, was out there fighting with the other Scouts. She still looked like the blond girl from the poor side of town he had asked to move from Detroit to help him restart the Scouts after they had saved Barry. Ren had aged better than Marty. The former Animal Boy put it down to the magic he used to solve mysteries. Forty years had only given him some streaks of grey in his dark hair and a few wrinkles to go with the scars he had picked up in the battles they had waged. “The lines on the street have stabilized, Dad,” said his son, Mark. “We’ll need some more people on the street if we want to start pushing them back for real.” Marty tried to talk into his radio. There had to be something he could say to change things. His mouth was so dry. “I have a wedge of clear sky,” said Harmon, the Scarrow. “Darla says she can knock down anything flying too close to us.” Marty wondered who Darla was. He thought she had something to do with the second giant helping M-37. That made her the source of the purple lightning he had seen earlier. “Finch,” said Marty. He didn’t know if the radio would activate. He didn’t know how loud he was talking. “Can you hear me? I love you.” It would be beyond expectation to think she had heard him. He couldn’t do anything about it now. He had to hold on to give his monster time to do its work. If he died, his animal would expire too. He had to hold on to buy it time to do its job. “We’re ready to fire,” said Mark Hadron over the radio net. “Magicians, get ready to push.” Marty smiled. He only had to hold on until the Lamplighters did their job. He could do it for another ten seconds. “Counting down,” said Hadron. “Three...Two...One...Fire in the hole.” Blue flame pressed against Marty’s eyelids. He tried to turn his head, but he couldn’t. He grimaced as the light seemed to go on forever. Then it shut off and the night sky was back. “Mister Morgan?,” said Sara. “Can you hold on? It looks like we’re winning.” “Finch,” said Marty. “Can you find her?” “I’ll call,” said Sara. “We’ll get her for you.” Marty held his breath as he waited. He couldn’t open his eyes. He felt a hand touch his face. He smiled at the familiar calluses. “Here,” said Finch. “I love you,” said Marty. “Thank you for the time you’ve given me.” “Hospital,” said Finch. “I’m broken on the inside,” said Marty. “It’s my time, and no one can change that. I just wanted to say goodbye before I go.” “Love you,” said Finch. The city of New York lit up in a display of blue flames at Martin Morgan’s passing. His gargantuan creation went with him as it became thunderous clouds casting random lightning that broke apart over the ocean. His unknowing enemy, the Queen of Genn, looked down at the hole in her body in shock. A giant fist punched her back into her cloud door. Chanting closed the door as the various magicians summoned into action cast their spells to fill the hole in the boundary between worlds. The fighting continued for a bit, but the children of the Genn were beaten with their queen sent home, and no way to distract the Mark’s daughters. They were rounded up and sent home to get rid of them. The Scouts gathered where Finch had covered Marty with his jacket. Others like the Robot Rangers arrived to report in after the action was done. The city’s emergency services were taking over, surveying the damage. Tanner Lerner and his cousin, Darla, stood at the back of the crowd. A blond man in a dun coat stood with them. He puffed on his cigar as he watched things with his squinty eyes. “So we didn’t save everybody,” said Tanner. “Couldn’t be expected to,” said the man in the dun coat. “You two still did okay considering.” “If you can call running across the country and nearly getting killed fighting someone that killed the Mark okay,” said Darla. “What the frack was that?” “It needed doing,” said Tanner. “Exactly,” said the man in the dun coat. “Some things need doing. Have a safe trip back home. I doubt things will be this bad for a while. This Earth has beaten two menaces from beyond. The others might decide to leave us alone for a bit.” “What if they don’t, Mister Mysterious Mister Who Likes Crappy Smelling Smokes?,” asked Darla. “You’re the heroes who have to fight for the world,” said the man in the dun coat. “I’m just a nobody comedy relief.” He raised his cigar in a goodbye gesture and walked away. //235931
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