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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. New York's prison system is not known for its competence. At least they didn't leave him in the shower room with the population. Then we would be hearing about a Dahmer Dive. CES
  2. I'm going to have to go with the most famous alien, Mr. Spock. CES
  3. Epstein wasn't on watch. They had relieved him after the standard five days. (I'm not saying that wasn't dumb on the part of the prison) And even on watch, there are ways to kill yourself if you want to. A prisoner arrested here and sent to Raleigh killed himself while on watch because he observed the guard rotation and chewed through his arm like a coyote CES
  4. It's Link from Legend of Zelda. Since I have a pretty good spaceship, the rules say I can't pick a pilot. CES
  5. Both the french teams filled out pretty fast. Only need one each for both of them. Good job guys CES
  6. Better than having to check in the toilet CES
  7. France's Roget's Academy is only interested in turning out the best in villains anywhere. Who are the five best students in the school. (Five french centric villains. They can be related to other french villains done on the thread if so inclined. Death Tribble should have them on his list of characters.) CES
  8. France's School of the Gifted teaches potential heroes how to use their powers. Five of their students are among the best in the world. Who are they? (Five french centric heroes are the call. They can be related to other french heroes in the thread. Death Tribble should have the international teams on his list.) CES
  9. Kenny Briggs was the best kid in shop. When he stumbled over the ship's fabricators, he knew he had the means to make anything he wanted. As the Fabrikid, he sits back and uses his arsenal to help the others out on their schemes while testing new builds to add to his standbys. CES
  10. The hero known as Marsalis uses the horn of order to act to save lives. When people hear his theme song, Take Five, in the air, they know it's okay. A hero has arrived to help out. CES
  11. I'm going with Max Tennyson as my old coot. Now all I need is a farmboy and an alien, then the bad guys CES
  12. I'll take Wonder Woman as my royal. That gives me her, Lupin the Third, Skylark and Coruscant. The farmer and the Old Coot have already been picked clean. At least there are a ton of aliens I can use for the sidekick CES
  13. I guess it's true. The mounties do always get their man CES
  14. I would like to pick Lupin the 3rd for my rogue with a heart of gold. CES
  15. Otis Hampton discovered that the ship had portable forcefield projectors. He took them and the hologram creators and joined the technology to become Flash Mob. CES
  16. It's only one. The Brown Note was an earlier draw for another team. There was also a cousin/daughter/ sister character but I don't remember her name off hand CES
  17. While the Brown Note can disable people with the sound of her voice, her cousin Marion Jeffers is the Blue Note. The glow of her presence slows everything down while she jumps into action. CES
  18. A farmboy in Kansas discovered a spaceship buried in the back forty. He showed his friends. THese five kids adopted technology from the ship to become thieves and vandals. Who are the Starlight Brigade? CES
  19. The Paint specializes in paintings that are replaced with forgeries at the time of their theft. it is believed he is a master of camouflage because no one sees him doing his deeds. Eventually the copy turns into a dripping mess to show the museum/gallery they have been robbed. CES
  20. I'm sorry for missing both drafts. The world creation drafts are my favorites CES
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