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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I can't think of any remake I would want. I thought Ghostbusters would be okay, but it sucked. The Prisoner was all right, but then No 6 lost (at least they had an explanation for the village as a shared dream, but I liked the original idea better). Johnny Depp as Tonto, and Seth Rogan as the Green Hornet, God no. The Mummy didn't have enough pulp heroics to compare to the reboot it was rebooting and bombed despite Tom Cruise as the hero. And now Sony has taken back Spiderman when they haven't made a good reboot in a long time. CES
  2. looked at the front page of the journal. Prisoner arrested for a sex crime committed while free. Turned the paper over. Wake Forest had some jackass email the administration that they were against Wake's inclusiveness policy. The impression I got was a spam attack, but I am not sure now. CES
  3. Amelia Melvin is the Big Hit. Amelia is able to absorb kinetic impacts and turn them into a hand to hand attack that can punch through steel at the top end. CES
  4. I don't see why not. We only need six more, right? CES
  5. Chin Wa is the Dirty Dicer. WIth a nom de guerre like that, he should be a knife fighting, sword slashing, cucumber cutting chopper of a villain that sends heroes and civilians running with his impressive stature and physical presence. Chin is a master gambler that uses trick die to hex anyone who gets in his way. If Chin and Lucky Al are working together, Chin's die should increase Al's own natural luck by hexing anything or anyone in their way. CES
  6. The racer known as See Plus drives the Near Automaton, a car made of blue light and symbology. The car changes shape to fit the conditions of whatever planet the race is on at the moment. See Plus has been known to do solid projections as part of his suite of powers to help people during catastrophes. CES
  7. Griem Ghast drives the Spooky Spoiler. This silvery dagger has a skull for the front, and fog for the exhaust. It's main weapons are poltergeists, while defensively it is usually untouchable as it makes its ghostly way along the highways and biways of the country that is home to the race that year. CES
  8. Once a year, eight racers use a route that cross part of the globe before moving on to the next planet on the route. Their machines are some of the fastest, most well armed vehicles ever seen. And the drivers aren't afraid to do some rescue work on the side even if costs them time. Who are the heroic Star Car drivers and the names of their machines. (I know we did a similar thing for the villain list, and probably one for this list too. I'm trying to stir up the story machine. CES)
  9. The ESPies' last member is the Ghost Mask. A master of espionage and infiltration, no one has seen the real face of the Ghost Mask, or learned his ability to mentally possess others is so good, he can pass for anyone anywhere while remaining locked in his room trying to figure out how to play the latest computer game. CES
  10. Ryuto Nakamara is the villainous devourer of all that is good known as the Kyoto Kama Killing Katana of Kelp. He has two related powers that he loves above all else and claims are better than any others. The first is the ability to grow a kelpish plant to attack any obstacle with its long tentacle like leaves. Then the leaves can eat that substance if he wishes. Nakamara has only taken this job as a temporary shelter since he is on the run from most of the superheroines and villianesses in his native Japan for his use of his kelp on costumes, and taking pictures of the results. CES
  11. Its a strip where a guy has a butterfly land on him and asks him to bring back 80's speed metal CES
  12. I have to agree on this. I have a 911 guy I work with and he was quiet yesterday. Seriously if you actually read the report for this, it basically debunks everything about this. One of the others is a part time teacher and she had to inform him they haven't put mercury in vaccines since the 50s CES
  13. I'm not the smartest guy, but who should I believe in this context: A thousand trained guys who have been doing their job successfully for years, or a monkey in a suit? I think nuking a cane should be done just to see what happens for science CES
  14. The first two Adventure Zone books which are online podcasts of D and D adventures turned into graphic novels as a trio of adventurers join a secret organization to recover and destroy artifacts of doom CES
  15. About time. Greywind and I can't be the only ones writing hero stuff on the board. Snap. That's what you should have run for the september draft, Hermit. Another build your comic verse draft with different conditions CES
  16. I had a dream where an episode of the x files played out where Mulder and Scully trick mind controlling villain into revealing his mind control powers on drivers on the highway by posing as a trooper, stopping the cars, and telling the drivers to wreck themselves CES
  17. Sometimes you need someone who can go toe to toe with a target, and not nuke everything from orbit. You need someone like Kurogane, a man who reads what others intend, and acts accordingly. The fact that he can strike the target's nervous system with any weapon he picks up is a bonus. CES
  18. I have seen a few people point to Steve Miller as the architect for this. Apparently if you aren't born inside the continental US, you aren't good enough to be a citizen to him. CES
  19. Jay and the Americans playing in the background as Yondu kills everyone is a good match of scene to song CES
  20. Some guy in DOD has already walked this back to saying the policy was miswritten, but Old Man is right. The Cruelty is the point. CES
  21. Nora Inu is the muscle of the team. Her command of telekinesis is so great she can change matter at the atomic level. Her code name is Mindspear. CES
  22. Cody Garret is Spatter. His job revolves around his ability to command blood. His primary function is policing blood stains from the crime scene in case of a messy death CES
  23. Spectrum News is reporting that you should get out of there Log CES
  24. Don't know. I wouldn't be surprised CES
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