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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I had two work related dreams back to back. The first one had me at someone's house and the customer, an ancient oriental caricature, was trying to pay for his food with a coupon for McDonald's except the lettering was kanji. the second one had a little boy climb out from my car with his four dogs. he was happy about it CES
  2. The man in charge of the Facility and the man in charge of building the Facility is Rick Dicker, Government Agent. He thought he was retiring but he was assigned to the most deadliest place on earth with his sidekick guardian. CES
  3. The Ginormus Ant is an ordinary ant that can grow to twenty five feet in length. His brute force allows him to bite through any obstacle in his way. Worse than that, he can summon swarms of his ant brothers to attack CES
  4. I think we need one more here. CES
  5. I'm going to hold for tomorrow because i don't know what I am going to pick CES
  6. Watched Storks with the boy. Storks have given up delivering kids to deliver packages. They have a human mad scientist who was a baby that grew up in their factory and assigned to the closed mail room. When a letter comes in for a baby, she puts the letter into the baby making machine. Hijinks ensue as the mad scientist and the stork getting ready to be promoted have to deliver the baby before the boss finds out and the stork gets fired. Key and Peele steal the scenes they are in as crazy wolves. Form of a Wolf Submarine CES
  7. That's because you're almost as old as Old Man. It's okay. The MCU has done a better job than some of the comic writers on the characters they work on monthly. It's crazy to think that superheroes are being done better by other media than the one that spawned them, but there it is. Except for Zach Snyder. WB should never have given him Superman. CES
  8. That is the name of her debut episode and the special comic edition for DC CES
  9. The golem and Lu Lu are on the edge of looking like adults, but the dog and cat are little kids, the eleven year old is a witch and young looking as crap. The elf that's fifty but looks like ten. And Liza the Lizard Girl who seems to be an adult and Level 6 which is higher than some of the soldiers but not the vets we see. And except for the elf and the golem they are all slaves so that gets a little grating too CES
  10. The only real problem I had with it was when the eleven year old tried to rape the hero. He shut her down hard, but it was still there. CES
  11. Steve Erkette is looking for a cure like Larry Hilton-Talbot. He thought he had a means to teleport worked out, but when he tried it out, it mixed his molecules with a spider. Now he commands his dog-sized offspring to eat any enemies as he tries to get his equipment back from the people the landlord sold it to thinking he was dead. He is Black Arachniod CES
  12. Heroes Unlimited Gm's Guide has the lion king and blob adventures. You would probably have to adapt out, but the lion king is about a scientist who is able to control animals hunting down criminals trying to steal his research and killing them with the animals under his control. The blob is an alien invasion story where this giant amoeba gets loose in an apartment building and starts eating the residents CES
  13. Why Go There: Someone always wants to use the Facility's inhabitants to attack something. They are living weapons that can be dropped on target and allowed to run wild. The only problem is putting them back in the box. CES
  14. If everything you own is being threatened by someone, and you know this, and admit it to others and yourself, then voting for that person against your family is idiotic. You're basically saying I would rather slowly poison myself rather than vote for someone who will help me. It's the same kind of thinking that goes into conspiracy theories. It's stupid. And I know this because I work with people like this. I just gave up on them because no matter how much you say, no matter how much gets pulled out in the light, they're like I like Trump because I don't like X of whatever. Seriously my boss did this, and I laughed and laughed in his face. A few of my coworkers did this. When Sessions got placed in as AG, one of them was like what have I done. I laughed in his face too. They forgot Rule Two. CES
  15. Mythic Guardian: The Facility below New York is guarded by a mysterious creature who tries to keep the other monsters in check. This guardian has a propensity for Electricity and is known to use electrical blasts to show intruders the door. The monsters must be left alone. CES
  16. How much of dip, PG? I worked with a woman who couldn't get anything done because she was always trying to figure out what was going on. One time she just walked by food slicing itself to pieces without a thought CES
  17. The architect goals: Deep below the city, the government created a vault to store some of the vast experimental ideas that were created during the cold war. An entrance/loading dock was hooked to the subway system at one end, and the harbor at the other. This was done for resupply and fast deployment. Some of the creations have broken out and wander the complex. Both doors should be sealed, but no one has been down to make sure. CES
  18. Heard on the radio. Woman keys man's car. Car has surround-o-Vision. Woman goes to jail CES
  19. I'm sorry to have caused a problem. I didn't realize we were supposed to use fictional areas. CES
  20. Every time Trump tore up a piece of paper information on his desk, he was committing a crime. At one point, people were putting that stuff back together for the national archive before they were fired. The fact is that Trump has committed so many crimes that it becomes a thing on what's important enough to impeach on, and what isn't. They should have started impeachment when the Mueller report came out and Bill Barr tried to hand over a redacted report They should have started impeaching Barr too CES
  21. Megaplayboy is right about the base. Spectrum News was interviewing some farmers here in NC two days ago. They were like oh this trade war is killing my farm. I wish Trump would stop. Would you vote for him in 2020? Sure. I was like Idiot. You're losing the farm because you are a stupid clown that can only make the world a better place by doing one thing. I wish you would do that because you are breathing my air. CES
  22. Some people are slow on the uptake CES
  23. Somebody told me Tom Petty has died of a heart attack CES
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