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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Watched a Ron White special which was not safe for work, and the strange case of dr jeckyll and mr hyde with Tony Todd as the split personality roaming around murdering and eating young coeds. This is a b movie and it shows CES
  2. Read Burning Bright by Petrie Peter Ash finds a woman hiding in the woods and decides to help her find out what is going on with the guys shooting at her CES
  3. I have to agree with Zeropoint's post above. I'm the only one at my workplace who said things would be like this. Everyone else was like it'll be worse under Hillary. I get to gloat so much, the winning is painful CES
  4. Read Broken Souls and the Cunning Man. Broken Souls has Eric Carter still dealing with Santa Muerta and his place as her prospective king of the dead. The problem is she and her ex-husband are still trying to manipulate him into killing one of them to solve his and their prospective problems. The Cunning Man has a Mormon beet farmer and his adopted Navajo son taking food to a shutdown mine and winding up dealing with a deal with a demon, angry heirs, old witches, and the Mormon elders who don't like cunning men and their magical ways. CES
  5. i was thinking the same thing. "You heard of CatDog? This is their cousin OwlCat." CES
  6. You know what old soldiers say when they are down at the bar telling stories. It's better to be lucky than good CES
  7. Stygian Pigeon knows all the dirty tricks and is quite capable of opening the door to Hell, but he is content with popcorn CES
  8. I would go with Alan Scott, Doctor Fate, The Silver Surfer, Any of the Flashes but Jay or Barry might be the best in this situation, Superman, and Captain America CES
  9. Fred Franks always cut things too close, but it was how adventuring worked. You had to chase the bad guy down some alley, deal with the monster with a sacred text, save the day even if it killed you. Knowing he was going to die just made Fred shed more of his caution as he went about his business. Heroing was not for the faint of heart, and Fred Franks, Parkour Jack, didn't know the meaning of fear CES
  10. This is fine. it could be the losers or suicide squad in some settings. I'll go first. CES
  11. I'm passing on that, but Mike Pena as Roarke. Man who would have thought that? CES
  12. Word is Fiona Hill told Devin Nunes he should stick to suing imaginary cows because he was more useless than a obstructed bowel in the nicest politest way possible. Otherwise everyone called has confirmed every known fact that Trump did hold aid as hostage for personal favors and that Nunes and Jordan should not try to run conspiracy theories in the middle of a proceeding and leave that to their counterpart in the senate Lyndsey Graham CES
  13. Reminds me of one of Schlock's Maxims. Everything is airdroppable once CES
  14. He was one of the Impact guys. I loved his work. DC lost a good talent when they screwed that over CES
  15. That's fine. I will substitute the Agincourt, a villain capable of shooting thousands of projectiles at once. CES
  16. Brain Freeze. It happens. Don't disparage the stupid of the world. You'll be here all day CES
  17. he already jammed pencils in his opponents' heads and not in the eye either. i hope we never see him do what he did to the guy in the subway again to be honest CES
  18. I believe that Buffy is actually as strong as Blade, or maybe Captain America at the upper end. It takes a lot of omph to jam a pencil through a human rib cage. CES
  19. Spectrum news is reporting Trump is considering pardons for war crimes committed by our troops CES
  20. Even as Defender passed his armor down to his daughter, so did the Cavalier to his son. And the corporate hero earned a spot on the Champions and a rivalry just like their fathers' CES
  21. The hero known as Red Rover is Harry Henderson, the son of Hank Henderson, and possesses his father's strength, toughness and speed. CES
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