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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. When Tracy Karr took on the identity of Blue Beetle, and then Solar Scarab, her use of her mystic powers awakened Seti, the Sultana of Sand. The mummified villianess wants the book that is the source of Solar Scarab's powers to be more human and more than human after all her time buried in the Earth CES
  2. NCIS investigates crimes against naval and marine interests. One of its part time assets is Gail Harper. Gail is used for recoveries at sea because of her unique ability to merge and control any water she touches. Gail was asked to join America's Best in case the Navy/Marines needed the team to help out as expendable assets in edge cases that NCIS should not be touching. CES
  3. I would like to pick John Constatine as my support CES
  4. I need someone to be my heart. I think I am going with Jennifer Kale. CES
  5. I would like to pick Jules de Grandin as my smart guy. CES
  6. Marvin Mole, the Monstrous Maw of Minnesota is known for his fatal biting attacks on his victims with his large teeth CES
  7. I doubt it will eat him entirely CES
  8. The Groundhogs are a vicious pack of murderous monsters. Who are these five villainous voles? CES
  9. (I created these guys when Egyptoid did the USA 50) Mike and Matt Lerner are brothers based out of Montana. They named themselves after the state motto Gold and Silver. Mike, Gold, has all the powers of a metallic liquid, and can conduct electricity. Matt, Silver, can change other things, transmuting them into what he needs at the moment. While there aren't that many Montana heroes around, they are among the best known thanks to their stint as reality show heroes. CES
  10. Transvont is a giant bot used as a mobile base disguising itself as a tractor trailer. In combat, it lets the trailer hunker down as a bunker for its passengers while it changes into a robot with a big gun. CES
  11. What are you using for your campaign, Dayson? CES
  12. Watched Escape Plan. Stallone is a professional prison breaker trapped in an off the books prison by his coworker. Naturally he escapes with the help of inmate Schwarzenegger. The way they get back at the coworker is pretty gruesome but fitting CES
  13. I admit that this a while ago and the actual story was something I heard on the radio while I was working but apparently this guy and the woman worked in the same building in different offices. My read is they only knew each other on sight maybe. So she gets mad at him and keys his car where its sitting in the company parking. She didnt know that Tesla 3's have a camera on all sides that records everything that happens to the car. So the guy comes out and sees his car is keyed and goes I need to look at the camera. He calls the police and shows them the video and they go and arrest her. Slam dunk. Easier than a Law and Order episode. Cameras are everywhere. This lady was obviously mad at something. maybe it was road rage. But even the garage had cameras It's like the guy who killed his wife and forgot the doorbell camera records everything that happens in front of the door CES
  14. The last part of Mindhunters. A team of trainees are sent to an island to learn profiling methods only to be trapped with a serial killer who decides to start picking them off one by one. CES
  15. Title: I had a long title, but I am going with Burn'd Monkey CES
  16. I am going to pick up poltergeists/ghosts from ghostbusters and add nature spirits as my race. CES
  17. D-Fens has adapted his magnetic technology to deflect anything metallic away from him at high speed. This has allowed him to derail trains at the higher end of the setting as he rips the rails up and forces the train off the track into a crash. CES
  18. (I had a commando x for my writing, I should used him for a hero before this. What can I do for this?) Ray Sloan is a hero who spent most of his youth as the bearer of the lightblade. it made him stronger, faster, and capable of many light related feats. He stopped using it when his children were born. They became heroes on their own. he decided that maybe he should get back into the game. So the Light Blade was reborn in a modern era CES
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