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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I matched out with Malcom Reynolds and Spike Spiegal, but also Ron Weasley, Josh Gibbs, and Jimmy McNulty. I'm either a good captain, or great sidekick CES
  2. This is like the people who got caught licking food at the grocery store and putting it back. "We're infected and giving it to other people" CES
  3. My son loved this when he first saw it. he said the raccoon is t posing whatever that is. CES
  4. When you deal with people who can't tell the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory, things like driving a train into a hospital boat happens. So naturally no one believes the actual people on the ground to stay home and quit buying all the toilet paper CES CES
  5. The Icelot has felinoid abilities which give her dexterity and hunting reflexes, and the ability to create ice out of thin air. And she is capable with both sides as many a lawman and vigilante have learned to their frostbitten horror CES
  6. The Sexton brings the firepower to the fight. This mystery man opens his visor and demonic fire rips through anything in his way. And then the ground tries to cover the burning remains. CES
  7. i believe that disaster relief is carried out by the executive and Trump has put incompetent grifters in those slots. I am not sure about how the mechanism is supposed to work, but what we are seeing is what Trump has ordered to happen. CES
  8. Republicans dont care. During the impeachment, one guy was asleep in his chair CES
  9. Somebody put up a news story that the Gov of Mississippi opened up all the businesses again after the local authority shut them down. Basically exposed people who were too dumb to stay home CES
  10. Astronomers. Always ruining people's feel good aspirations. CES
  11. Geoffroy is the smallest member of the team and a duplicator. He is able to use his power to traverse his range effortlessly CES
  12. Used this for list of equipment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_World_War_II_military_equipment CES
  13. Jim Mitchell always had the ability to fly. He loved it. He could zip down to the corner market in seconds, get across town in minutes, sometimes even save somebody. Mitchell's ability kept getting better and better, allowing him to go faster and pick up more weight. After an almost lethal encounter with a villain, he started carrying an armored shell with weapons built into it. By the time he had been asked to join the team he had became the Flying Fortress. CES
  14. Since we just did the Birds of Paradise, maybe we should do their opposite number. Let's have six Jaguars of Inferno from South America CES
  15. Farley Gruant devised a railgun like system for people. The problem was the people had to be augmented enough to survive the ride. The project was considered a failure, but Farley kept working on making it feasible until he had a working model for himself. Deep in debt, he accepted the offer of employment by using his system as Slide Right as a human sized projectile. CES
  16. it wasn't a bank robbery after all. Apparently the SO wanted to talk to this guy about his girlfriend. And he said shove it, turtleheads. And they said Eat Lead Evildoer. And then they closed down the strip mall and nearby businesses CES
  17. Someone robbed the Fidelity here in town. SD is everywhere CES
  18. Pincoya operates off the coast of Chile. Her control of the weather and natural flight allows her to arrive with fury of a storm CES
  19. Remember when Assault and I were talking about Rand Paul and his efforts to stop the government from doing the minimal amount of help that it does now. Guess who tested positive for C-19. At least he can afford to stay home and not give it to anyone else other than his family and staff CES
  20. Donald Trump is still mad that Obama made fun of him years ago. That's why he's always claiming that he's doing a better job when he isn't. He's a grudge holder that can't take a joke. One of the stories that went around was someone said he had little hands and he sent a picture of his hands to the guy 15 years later saying they're normal hands. The guy sent back a note saying they're miniature CES
  21. They're still investigating Hillary for emails even after the investigating office, and most republicans were found to be doing the same thing. CES
  22. BOP is just the name for the family of birds that live in that part of the world so it's no surprise when Busiek needed heroes for that part of the world he would use flying carnival dancers and name them after the prevalent birds. For my own part, I offer the Steamer Duck. This hero is capable of flying and speeding through water with the ability to blow hot steam on a target. CES
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