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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I am going to allow the Blob and the Robot Monster as picks. CES
  2. Let me think about this. These are kind of alien monsters. CES I'm grabbing up the Kraken as my big guy. CES
  3. At the end of the second day everyone should have a base, organization of backers, and a monster of some type. I'm not good with the humor like Hermit and Log's WWE style commentators, but let's look at the picks and see what we got. I grabbed up Project M, creator of the Creature Commandos for DC Comics. While active in both theaters during WW2, the main lab was established in New York City. First pick is Tohru, a thirty foot to fifty foot tall dragon posing as a maid in the middle of her home city. She's buff, tough, and doesn't mind setting things on fire. Psybolt grabbed Monarch for his organization. I don't know who that is but I am going to say its from the Venture Brothers. His base is Derry, Maine. Home of It and the Tommy Knockers. His first pick is Pennywise as the master of shapes and menace living under Derry. I am going to say a lot more King monsters are in store from this drafter. Dr. Mid-nite came out with a region of Japan and the Science Patrol as his organization. Interesting pick since the team is the alien Ultraman's helpers and fight homegrown monsters and aliens plaguing Japan and the world. No word on his first pick yet. Cancer rolls out with The Forge, a faction from Dr Who, based in Antartica. These are already fighting the Doctor, so they are ahead in the alien fighting. His first pick as a big guy is Typhon, the father of monsters. I had thought about grabbing some Greek goodness. This might be the way the Big C rolls on this draft. The Log also picked an alien fighting agency in the NID from Stargate, based in their traditional haunt D.C. Lots of aliens that need to be put down there, but not so many monsters. Log does pick an old favorite in King Kong. Pattern Ghost hooks up with Max Smart's base agency CONTROL in Mt Rushmore. Not a lot of monsters in South Dakota, but I know PG will bust a move. Bone Daddy grabs up the number one alien fighting agency in fiction MIB, and their undersea base from the cartoon. And his pick is the bug from Mimic that looks like a man in a trenchcoat until it decides to eat you. I think this film was based on a Penderghast mystery. That might be the way BD is going with this. Last but not least is Hermit with the Organization running the rituals to keep ancient demons at bay by sacrificing them to monsters. They use Transylvania as their base as they pull out the first monster, Dracula. Hermit might be looking at a Universal Monster Combo pack. I think that recaps everything so far. It is now 537 in the morning. The third day picks start in roughly six and a half hours. Get ready. CES
  4. I am picking Tohru from Miss Koyabashi's Dragon Maid as my shapeshifter. CES Also there is a lot of interesting choices here for the sponsoring organization CES
  5. Well Psybolt is out the door with Stephen King country. CES
  6. It was time, and since no one picked I am picking the obvious. New York City, and Project M, home of the Creature Commandos CES
  7. They didn't learn anything from Steve Bannon, did they? Someone is going to jail over this. CES
  8. Dropped all of The Adventures of Ray Gunn: Be A Shining Light on Royal Road. CES
  9. I like that the one lady is dressed like her boss CES
  10. For this month, we are going to set up to run an invasion story. Only this time instead of being opposed by humanity, it is up to the monsters to oppose the evil oppressors of Earthlings. The first thing you need is a base of operations and a sponsoring organization for your monsters The next things you will need in no particular order is a five monster team of monsters 1) The Big Guy 2) The Brain 3) The Shapeshifter 4) The Historical Relic 5) The Leader (who can be the token human on the team.) One Alien Three optional choices for weapons, other monsters, other aliens, particular humans While some monsters can be a shapeshifting superstrong ancient brainiac leader in one package like Dracula, let's try to use the one quality that fits for each slot picked. Monsters don't have to be named like Dracula, but any type that is picked is off the table. So if someone picked vampire, then vampires are off the table. We'll start on the 7th which is Monday, at high noon EST. CES
  11. We're going with monsters versus aliens. I will post up the rules when I get home. let's see what we can get out of this CES
  12. One of the dreams I had this morning (which was weird in itself because it was like three or four different things that kept changing when I realized I was dreaming) was walking around the trailer park and looking at my neighbors' places. I walked back to my trailer and thought I don't live in a trailer and woke up. CES
  13. This is a partial scam, partial recruiting pitch. Keep in mind that Webnovel has a negative reputation for stealing work. Hello carl-syphrett, My name is Bryce. I'm an Author Liaison representative, representing Webnovel. I've read the initial chapters and I feel that your novel showcases your capabilities as a writer thus, I would like to invite you to publish on our platform Webnovel. You may find Webnovel on Appstore or Google Play, which has over tens of millions installations. We would like to offer a non-exclusive contract for your novels currently on the site, this way, you can keep the novel on the site but at the same time also help you tap on the large reader base of on Webnovel with over 60 million unique user views, making it a win-win situation. Please feel free to reach out to me with regards to this, we want to understand your needs first and foremost as an author to help you reach the target market you want to hit. For more information, you can join our discord server or email us at: discord(dot)gg/ZBhZYNp Or if you want to reach out personally, You can contact me at: Facebook Messenger: Webnovel Editors Instagram: Webnovel Editors Whatsapp: +65 8931 5794 Discord: bryce#1600 Email: BryceAng@yuewen(dot)com
  14. Mil Journal Sentinel In the first shooting, which occurred a minute-and-a-half earlier, he faces a first-degree reckless homicide charge. Rosenbaum was shot multiple times in the Car Source car lot at 63rd Street and Sheridan Road. The complaint says Rosenbaum suffered gunshot wounds to the groin, back, and hand. He had a graze wound on the right side of his forehead and a superficial wound on his left thigh, the complaint says. Law enforcement had earlier said he was shot in the head. CBS New The complaint claims that cell phone video showed Rosenbaum, who appeared to be unarmed, trailing behind Rittenhouse before throwing a plastic bag at him. As the pair approached a car, a loud bang is heard, followed by an unidentified male yelling an obscenity. When Rosenbaum gets close to Rittenhouse, another four bangs are heard. McGinnis told investigators that at the time of the shooting, Rosenbaum was trying to take Rittenhouse's gun, according to the complaint. Rosenbaum was hit and fell to the ground. McGinnis began administrating first aid, the complaint said, adding that McGinnis was allegedly in the line of fire when the shooting occurred. Rittenhouse is charged with endangering him.
  15. I have to agree with Cleve. Blake might have been a good shooting if it had happened any other time. Right now when you have five or six what looks like police murders, riot police shooting people in the face, police chiefs posing for photos and then turning the dogs loose, and the Kenosha police department basically allowing someone to flee after another shooting, it comes across that the police in this case didn't know what they were doing, or are just crap in general. Maybe there should be a better standard of training to weed out bullies, and cowards. I don't know. My brother was in the same situation once where he was grappling with someone. He shot the guy one time in the leg. He told me he thought about shooting the guy in the face, but felt a bullet in the leg would settle the problem. CES
  16. Before Rittenhouse shot the guy with the skateboard and the guy with a handgun, he shot an unarmed protestor down the street. This is like the guy with the bow and arrow they pulled out of his car. CES
  17. The report says that the police that shot Blake had a grip on his shirt with one hand and his gun in the other. Why not apply the choke? Was he smaller than Blake? I think Tucco's advice applies here. CES
  18. Apparently he was there from Illinois with an armed militia, and the police didn't disperse the idiots, but instead drove the protestors toward them. He's getting charged with intentional homicide, but may claim self defense because he might have been afraid for his life. CES
  19. Watched IN/spectre where the heroes have to battle a ghost conjured from the imagination and internet CES
  20. Read Adventure Zone: Petal To the Metal. The boys head into illegal street racing to claim the latest artifact and beat the Raven, a master thief CES
  21. A rumor has started that the Powerpuff Girls are being pitched as disillusioned 20 years old tired of saving the day to the CW CES
  22. I thought about doing Monsters versus Aliens. I am trying to figure out what the rules would be CES
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