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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. All we need is the Black Condor, Phantom Lady and the Doll Man, and all the Freedom Fighters will have been picked CES
  2. I'm picking Joe Higgins, FBI agent and the Shield, first flag wearer in the comics for my Patriot , and the original A-man created by Everett for my shapeshifter CES
  3. The only surprise out of this is my guy Rich Burr, alleged inside trader, voted to convict. This is like the third time I have seen him not vote R ever. The world has turned upside down CES
  4. My profile says I joined in 03 also. I'm not sure if that's right, but 18 years is okay CES
  5. All right, guys. This is the state of the draft at this moment with Bazza's picks removed. Since we're not pulling outright villains for the teams, all of his picks were inappropriate. Old Man, give me another home base please. CES Pariah home base of your team: Brighton and Hove Your team 1) A Brick: Forgotten One 2) A Blaster: Magneto 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter: Congorilla 5) A Detective 6) A Speedster: Liberty Belle 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. Hermit Home base: Blackhawks' Hawk Sub Your team 1) A Brick: Namor 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter 5) A Detective: Rex 6) A Speedster 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion: Mister Mind And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. CSyphrett home base: Pearl Harbor Your team 1) A Brick 2) A Blaster: The Ray 3) A Magician/Psychic : Dr. Fate 4) A Shapeshifter 5) A Detective 6) A Speedster: The Flash 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. Logan home base of your team: Washington, D.C. Your team 1) A Brick: Atomic Robo 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter 5) A Detective: Doc Savage 6) A Speedster: Quicksilver 7) A Patriot: Uncle Sam One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. Old Man Home base of your team: Zurich Your team 1) A Brick 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic: Black Widow 4) A Shapeshifter: Fantomah 5) A Detective: Agent Carter 6) A Speedster: Spitfire 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. Psybolt Home base of your team: North Africa Your team 1) A Brick 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter: Unknown Soldier 5) A Detective: Noir Spiderman 6) A Speedster: Whizzer 7) A Patriot: Union Jack One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional.
  6. It will be okay, Archer. She called you, so you know she wasn't that badly hurt. The door probably jammed so she couldn't get out. Just hold on. CES
  7. That's good, because this isn't a wide open pick anything draft. This is a draft for the JSAders, not the Suicide Squad CES
  8. I'm not one to meddle, Bazza, but are you sure you want villains on a hero team who has to pick an enemy target to attack at the end of the draft? They would have to have a target inside Europe, or the Pacific Theater as the final pick. CES
  9. Im grabbing Kent Nelson, Doctor Fate as my magician. CES
  10. I will put one out tonight when I get home. A group is okay as long as they are era specific. Individual members are subject to being drafted. Anyone can pick the monster society, but Hermit has already drafted the founder Mister Mind. CES
  11. My son and I were speculating if this is why Whedon had to do Justice League instead of getting another Avengers movie given statements by Ray Fisher about what was going set there. Disney HR might have said Predator? Wait What? Here is your papers. CES
  12. I have to admit I had the unknown soldier down as my detective with his trenchcoat and hat, and Plastic Man as my shapeshifter. Good moves, Psybolt and Bazza. I'm picking Happy Terrill, the Ray as my Blaster today. CES
  13. There are ten thousand bricks, magicians, and masked detectives, but only five speedsters CES
  14. So six of us are starting with two of us holding American spots with Log Man picking Washington, and my pick of Pearl Harbor. Hermit picked the Blackhawk sub as a mobile base. Pariah picked Brighton and Hove which I think is an English naval base. Psybolt grabbed all of North Africa. Old Man picks Zurich, Switzerland as his base which is not exactly an Allied strongpoint. Today is the day to start putting the teams and options together in one hour and forty five minutes CES
  15. Just a reminder that we are starting in 16 hours 5 minutes CES
  16. The word is he is getting sued by the voting machine companies. CES
  17. Well it does go with the dream lands where cats guard dreams from things men werent meant to know CES
  18. You do know the Mounties caught two axe murderers this year, along with five roving murderers, a drug ring, and closed twenty + unsolved cases after finding people's skeletons. And Canada has a history of police brutality against the Native population. I am going to close with a story from a guy I actually know who just retired from the local highway patrol. At one point he had driven down to Georgia to pick up a computer monitor for cheap. He said he had just started patrolling, so this must have been the late 80s-early 90s. He was stopped at a checkpoint with a line of people. The Georgia HP started hassling him over the computer monitor in the back of his car, about how he stole it, and so forth. He had to show them his badge to get moved through the checkpoint without them confiscating his monitor. he said he never wanted his fellow officers to be that way to the civilians they served. And Georgia has a history of assest forfeiture just on the suspicion of drug trafficking and you can't get your money/property back without suing. The police are like any other organization and follow the Chris Rock rule. You should either know this, or learn this. CES
  19. I guess if you want an 80 year old fraud on your team CES Doc Savage, the Shadow and the Spider all ran into the late forties, early fifties. Check the publication dates. most of these characters are detectives CES
  20. King of the Wild West 1 Bertram Chandler glared at the small town at the end of the road. The lightning scar on his forehead gleamed slightly against his dark skin. He decided that he didn’t have anywhere else to be. He might as well ride in and get a drink before riding on. Chandler had fought off the plantation where he was born, fought for the Union, fought his way west as a wrangler and scout. He had some money stored away so he didn’t need a job, but if he picked one to have, he knew he was fighting again. And he was fine with that. It was the one thing he was good at above all else. Chandler flexed his hand as he urged his mount on. He felt the connection to the white sword he carried. It was his gift in a blade of sharp ivory that could carve anything, and memories of lives he had used up as stepping stones to where he was now. He knew that if anything happened to him, the sword would wait for him in his next life to pick it up again. He was not in a hurry for that to happen. He saw a sign that said Last Stop on the side of the road. He smiled. A lot of towns had ominous names. He wondered why the townfolk had picked that for their community. He rode slowly into town. He tried to look harmless. He was just another cowboy looking for work. He didn’t know if there were ranches around to hire on, but that was something he could ask about at the local saloon. Chandler rode his horse up to the hitching post of the first drinking establishment he saw. He could listen to the people as he sipped at whatever rotgut they had. It took a lot to make him drunk now, and he couldn’t remember being so drunk he didn’t know which way was up since he took up his blade. He had considered that it was making him immune to alcohol, and the thought hadn’t bothered him. Chandler tied his reins to the hitching post and gave his horse water from his canteen. He saw a trough nearby, but it was empty. He didn’t see a water pump for it. Maybe they didn’t have water coming into town overland. He wondered how the town survived with no water. Did they all drink whiskey and live off of that? Maybe there were wells that he couldn’t see from the saloon. Water rights could lead to private wars. Ranchers didn’t like to share the limited commodity when they had to water their herds for market. He might be able to get work busting up a water monopoly for the other ranchers. He decided to wait and see. There might not be anything here that needed him. His expertise was killing things. There might not be anything that needed killing. The town looked like it had never seen a gunfight before. He patted his horse down and put his wet hat on his head. He stepped into the saloon. He tried to look harmless as he walked up to the counter. The scattered crowd gave him a onceover, but no one said anything. He supposed they had seen enough drifters coming through that one more wasn’t anything new. He was fine with that. He was there to listen to them talk, not to say much himself. “Can I help you, Mister?,” said the bartender. He was lean and had suffered from acne from the looks of things when he was younger. He stood away from the bar. “What do you have on the shelf?,” asked Chandler. He could read the labels, but he wanted the bartender to recommend something. “We have some bourbon, some brandy, some whiskey, a small bit of rum that I can’t say if it’s good to drink, and some moonshine,” said the bartender. “Let me have a shot of whiskey, and a shot of the moonshine,” said Chandler. “Is there any work around here?” “There’s a lot at the mining camp,” said the bartender. He pulled two small glasses from the shelf behind him and put them in front of his customer. He poured whiskey in one, and the clear moonshine in the other. “Not so much any wrangling, or for farming. Not enough water.” “You should have something coming down,” said Chandler. “Most of it has dried out,” said the bartender. He pointed in a direction. “They think the water is blocked upstream somewhere.” “Up at the mining camp?,” asked Chandler. “Beyond there,” said the bartender. “They’re having water problems too.” “Anybody check on it?,” asked Chandler. He knew that was the wrong question by the way the man’s face closed off. He sipped the whiskey while he waited on an answer. “Some of the town went up there,” said the bartender. “But they haven’t come back yet.” “I’m headed up that way,” said Chandler. “I’ll look around while I’m riding.” He sipped the moonshine. He ignored the bigger kick it had. A normal man might have lost their sight from the toxins in the drink. He was tougher than that. “I wouldn’t sell the moonshine to anyone you liked,” said Chandler. He shook his head. “You might kill them.” “That bad, huh?,” asked the bartender. “I’ll have to say yes,” said Chandler. “If I see the missing townies, I’ll send them back to you.” “That would be great,” said the bartender. He took the two empty glasses and washed them out. He dried them off and put them back on the shelf for the next customer. Chandler headed for the door. His inclination was to ride on and let the town die from the lack of water. He paused to pet his horse’s neck. What could he do to help things? He decided the bare minimum he could do was try to find where the water was stopped up. If he could do that and remove the block, the town and mining camp could argue about who needed the water more. He could try to keep things below a frenzy if the town decided they didn’t need the miners. He didn’t want to cause a massacre over something where no one was to blame. He had to take care of his horse before he did anything else. He decided to walk Ulysses down to the local smith and farrier to get feed and more water if he had it. Then he would pick up the trail and see what had happened to the water supply. He doubted the town would last long without more coming in. Maybe something like a landslide had closed the streams off. It had been known to happen. He should be able to break some of the natural dam off with his sword so the water could flow again. He needed to be careful so he didn’t cause a flood, or another landslide on top of himself as he worked. The fact that no one had come back from their survey bothered him, but there was nothing he could do about that. They were either still moving along the dried up banks, moved on to another town, or had faced some kind of calamity that had prevented them from coming back. He hoped to find them still exploring the upper reaches of the river and streams so he could get them back to town without problems. He had seen a lot of death during the war and after. He wasn’t so hungry for it as he once was. Being the King meant fighting for good, but it was also a burden that couldn’t be set down until he died, and some future self picked up his sword again. The Destroyer had set his future in stone with one casual flick of its giant hand. Chandler paused at the door to the smithy. He spotted the local smith making a horseshoe at his anvil. He waited for the man to get done pounding on the red hot metal and cooling it in a barrel of water next to his forge. “How do you do?,” asked the smith. “I’m fine,” said Chandler. “I’m heading up to follow the river and I wanted to get some feed and some water for my horse before I went.” “The water is drying up around here,” said the smith. “Some people went up there a few days ago to look around.” “I expect I’ll run into them on my way,” said Chandler. “The bartender said the stoppage is above the mining camp.” “That’s right,” said the smith. “Been a lot of trouble up there since they set up. The sheriff went with the water finders. He left his deputy in town to look after things.” Chandler nodded. The sheriff had formed a posse to go look at things and took some men with him. His deputy and whomever would look after the town remained behind. He had seen that after a few bank robberies, or other things, that he had come upon afterwards in his wanderings. “Since I was riding up there, I thought I would take a look,” said Chandler. “Good luck to you,” said the smith. “How much feed and water do you think you’ll need?” “I’ll need enough for at least a week of travel,” said Chandler. “I can’t count on finding a town close by. Some of the ones upstream might have already been abandoned and left to die if this drought is wide enough.” “Let me get your supplies,” said the smith. “Are you coming back this way?” “I don’t know,” said Chandler. “I doubt it. If I find the block, I plan to either fix it, or send a note back to tell the town where it is. After that, I plan to ride on to California, maybe head north toward Canada.” “If you find the problem and fix it, the town will hail you as a hero,” said the smith. He went back to the back of his work area to barrels crammed into a corner. He opened one of the barrels and filled three empty sacks taken down from a hook on the wall. He tied each sack closed and put the lid back on the barrel. He gave Chandler the sacks to be hung from his saddle. “Let me get a couple of canteens for you,” said the smith. “That should hold your horse until you find a stream to let him drink from out there.” “Thanks,” said Chandler. “I imagine that there are watering holes out there the closer we get to the mountains.” “If you go too far north, you’ll be back in the desert again,” said the smith. Chandler nodded. He had heard some religious people had settled northeast of where he was. He planned to avoid the place like the plague. He had dealt with enough preachers to not want to run into a city full of them. “Here’s two canteens full of water for your horse,” said the smith. “You’ll have to ration them until you find something.” “Thank you,” said Chandler. He fished out a handful of gold dollars and handed them over. “If I can’t find the problem, you might need to think about where you’ll have to go from here. There’s a couple of towns east of here that need a smith to look after their horses.” “I’m going to stick until I run out of water,” said the smith. “Thanks for the advice.” Chandler nodded. He hung the water on the other side of the saddle away from the feed bags. He needed to grab something to eat, and then he would be headed out of town. He walked his horse down the dirt road to a little diner built in the front of a house. He imagined the owner slept in the back while serving in the front. He thought about what lay ahead and decided he should get his food and ride on before something happened to hold him in town. He didn’t know how much water the town had, but he didn’t see it lasting long. He stopped in the diner and ordered a few sandwiches and some beer. He drank the beer at the bar and took his sandwiches in their wrapping and started his journey out of Last Stop.
  21. Just got a question and i want to put the answer out there for you guys. All Eternals (Ikaris, Pixie, Sersi) and Deviants (Kro) who were not born after the war are eligible to be drafted in one of the slots. Makkari has been established as the hero Hurricane through retcons. So if you are picking someone like Sersi, you look at the slot that fits the ability you want to showcase the most which is blaster or magician or brick and put her in that slot. CES
  22. The first pick of the draft should be the home base of your team. This is where they assemble to do their battling against the forces of evil. Your team which has to be picked after the home base and before the final destination must be made up of these elements: 1) A Brick 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter 5) A Detective 6) A Speedster 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional.
  23. The All Star Freedom League Draft In this draft, Franklin Delano Roosevelt has ordered every superhuman in America to form into one group, the All Star Squadron. This group is instrumental to invading Europe and Japanese waters. Participating drafters have to put together mixed teams from that era to attack designated targets in front of the Allied forces. The draft pool will consist of any hero active during the war such as Captain America, Nick Fury, the Shield, and Samson, any hero who had served during the war but was retconned into not serving such as Superman, Captain Marvel, Batman and Robin, and Aquaman, and any hero created with a back story of serving in the war such as the second Firebrand, Jenny Sparks, or the Gentleman can be picked. Additionally certain heroes with a long individual history such as Immortal Man, Wolverine, Jason Blood, and Zealot can be picked. The same guidelines apply for the villains. The first pick of the draft should be the home base of your team. This is where they assemble to do their battling against the forces of evil. The last pick of the draft should be the destination of the team's invasion. A reason for that spot would be good but is optional. Your team which has to be picked after the home base and before the final destination must be made up of these elements: 1) A Brick 2) A Blaster 3) A Magician/Psychic 4) A Shapeshifter 5) A Detective 6) A Speedster 7) A Patriot One Master Villain/organization to fight the invasion. And three options of choice as long as they fit in the era. Draft Note: I know everyone likes to use time travelers when they can but only two are available as era appropriate: Per Degaton and the Doctor. Whomever can grab either one of these picks get the only time travelers allowed. The Draft will start monday, February 8th, at high noon Eastern Standard Time
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