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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Mythic Guardian: Some people did not want to appear in court to answer complaints. Erinyes, bailiffs of the overworld were created to serve these summons out of the elements in the vicinity of their summoning. Seeing a creature of earth dragging someone to a courthouse is not common, but it does happen. CES
  2. Whedon has something. Michelle Trachtenburg confirmed they had rule on the set of Buffy that he wasn't allowed to be alone with her. CES You're old. This has been such a thing, there has been a lawsuit over male pregnancy and who can write it CES
  3. if you have a single series of episodes like early television, then the only thing that matters for continuity is that Majors Healy and Nelson work together, and one always has a problem that is exaggerated by the other. When you have a shared universe like Wild Cards or Thieves' World, every writer has to know what every other writer is doing, or at least the editor does so he doesn't have Tempus split the city in half while Shadowspawn is trying to steal the Sea King's horn from the city vault, or if Tempus does split the city, it isn't where Shadowspawn is actually working. DC's writers and editors are like we want Batman being pregnant with Aquaman's kid and then asking some other writer to figure out how he is going to handle that for JLA CES
  4. I am missing order and punishment all of my list of secondaries, DT CES
  5. They have had ten rewriting crisis since then. Think about that. I saw the DC History book on the book shelf and laughed. CES Dan Didio, the former top dog, said get rid of all the legacy guys and bring back the old guys, and then went out of his way to give the shaft to Nightwing and Wally West. Everything bad that has happened to those characters has been because Didio hated them. CES
  6. I have no problem with legacy characters, diversity, or trying a new angle on an old character. I don't agree that writers, artists, or editors are putting much thought into what they are creating except maybe for Miles Morales. In the legacy characters that I have seen, the personal history of the characters involved are railed. Connor Hawke is the son of Green Arrow and a Temple maid. There is no point in Green Arrow's timeline when this could have happened. And if it did happen at the point indicated by Dixon, Connor would only have been 5 to 10 years old when he was intro'd. (Sidenote here: I think Mike Grell's Green Arrow and the Hal Jordan Green Lantern were actually supposed to be ten to fifteen years older than what they should have been because the writers or editors couldn't do math. Same with Black Lightning. His timeline is manure.) Jaime Reyes is using Dan Garrett's old beetle. So Garrett's beetle switched from being a mystic artifact to a superscience artifact that no one could figure out because no one knew the password that just latches on to Jaime to spark an alien invasion after thousands of years. Why doesn't it use the same powers? The gay Green Lantern is Alan Scott who after a hundred years on the job, four romances/marriages, two grown kids that he didn't know were his, has suddenly come out of the closet. Jack Knight, Starman, is nothing but retcons from one end to the other and most of them were not good. Ted Knight being part of the Manhattan Project is such a failure in research, it's the first thing that jumps to mind when someone says name a character whose history was railed. Thunder and Lightning, Black Lightning's daughters, should not have been created because Black Lightning has only been around as long as Firestorm, and his actual age is a little older than Nightwing. He broke up with his wife before they had kids, and moved to Gotham City from Metropolis with no signs of being reconciled with her, and in point of fact I cannot recall him even dealing with her all the years the Outsiders ran. Then boom his time with the Outsiders is railed and he is married, middle aged and has two almost adult kids. Teen Titans, period. The in-universe explanation is that the characters are being rewritten every time they save the universe. The real explanation is the writers come up with an idea which a thousand fan fiction writers have already done, and go let's make this official. Then they retcon whatever they need to for their idea to fit because it would be harder for Jaime to just find another blue beetle, Connor not to be Oliver's kid but related to him, Black Lightning to be Static's teacher. And there are hundreds of other things done the same way on the whim of the writer such as Superboy being the clone of Lex Luthor, or Cyborg founding the Justice League instead of the Teen Titans, or Firestorm being a fire elemental. CES
  7. Geography: Everywhere there is need of arbitration of the laws of the land, there is a courthouses where no matter how high or lowborn you are, you may have your grievance heard and addressed by the god of justice. These courthouses are usually permanently installed where they are first needed and remain there CES
  8. They have been writing a GLC movie with Jordan and Stewart. Johns is supposed to be writing a script for it, as well as doing a GL tv show for HBOMAX CES
  9. I think as the god of justice, I already have this covered CES
  10. Mrs. Marple has convinced me that cities are not the only place that need a paladin sorting crap out and putting the beatdown down. CES
  11. I have Justice, Laws, Punishment. Old man grabbed up truth before I could. Sociotard picked up duty and obligations. Hermit picked up protectiveness. And Pattern Ghost picked up Death and medicine. It looks like I have to pick up order to round out my secondaries. So it looks like the god of justice is paralleling a lot of other gods which wasn't the plan, but that's what happens when things like this happen. CES
  12. I think I am picking Punishment for my second secondary. CES
  13. To go with justice, I am picking the law as one of my secondaries. The rules are what the rules are CES
  14. What are you talking about? The best heroes are going to be back with the Guardians and Ant-man/Wasp. I wonder how they are going to do a new Black Panther Movie without Chadwick Bozeman, but the trailer says it's still there. And who doesn't love Shang Chi. kung fu, and pushing old people down steps CES
  15. Thunderstrike was the original Thunderstrike's son. Thunderstrike was a replacement Thor for a while who had his own title when Thor came back. They also had Cassie Lang as Stinger testing one of the Ant Man suits. They picked up copies of the four replacement Avengers (Cap, Hawkeye, Wanda, and Quicksilver) and then Kate Power and THena, Daughter of Thor CES
  16. There's a lot of abstract concepts being thrown around here, a lot more than previously. I think I am going to go with Justice. CES
  17. Allan Dean Foster is the first name I heard connected to this based off his Star Wars work. Lucasfilms has been paying him royalties on his novelizations, and Disney is like we're not doing that CES
  18. Chauvin has to face the treasury department now. Good luck with the IRS is all I got to say on that. CES
  19. The secret: All the problems that Ichigo and Karama have to deal with on their job (ghosts, demons, minor gods, major monsters, elves, elder gods, and outsiders) are all caused by Ivo Shandor trying to destroy the Dreamlands and the dreams of every human on Earth. If he succeeds, Shandor will turn the human race into insomniacs that will gradually grow more violent until they are ravening monsters, and all the creatures that depend on human belief will cease to exist. The Title: What Dreams May Come CES
  20. I agree with Z on this, plus Scott Buck is on record for not wanting to work with the source material. So they had to create a show out of the remains of a budget used up by three other shows, use a show runner that didn't want to do Iron Fist, and have it done in a couple of months before the Defenders was scheduled to drop CES
  21. Netflix only had so much money for the first seasons so by the time they started on IF most of it was gone. And then they handed the production to Scott Buck, who has a reputation for being on time and under budget but not knowing the source material CES
  22. I'll think of a title, Pariah. I also need a secret. I think I have one that fits my picks. Don't know how it well it will fly CES
  23. I think I only need a third option and secret. I think I am going to option the 70's Sandman. CES
  24. Ditto. Boston was where Whitey Bulgar had his deal with the FBI after all. CES
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