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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. THe Sentinel by Child and Child: Jack Reacher is protecting the voting process from Russian spies and American nazis CES
  2. I guess that's better than a headless dead bird CES
  3. It didn't help that the director didn't want Sue in the movie CES
  4. These are all characters based on Captain Marvel or his gimmick of switching bodies. I can't see all of them really well but lower right hand corner is the Gentlemen and his daughter/creator from Astro City, the Harvey Captain Marvel that splits, Hoppy the Marvel Bunny, Carol Danvers Captain Marvel, The original CM and a crowd of actors who played Billy and Cap, Mar-vell, Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel, Marvel/Miracle Man, Kid Marvel Man, Ben Ten and his grandfather. In the background, You have Prime, Mightyman, Thor and Donald Blake, Captain Thunder and his alter ego, Dynamo, the Fly, Omac, Jason Blood and Etrigan, Ultraman, Spectre Man, the Mighty Mightor, He-man and Prince Adam, Sinbad Jr, the mary marvel parody from Big Bang comics ( I can't remember her name), THunder Bunny, Adam Warlock, Robby Reed and the kids from Dial H for Hero, Shazzan, Fat Man, David and Goliath, Kevin Matchstick, Madman, Isis, The Forever People and Infinity Man, Genis Vell and Rick Jones, the kid Mar-vell and reborn Mar-vell from Earth X, the Mar-Vell from Almagated, the original Mar-vell green and white costume and the revamped version. THere are a bunch that I don't know, or can't make out like the group around the wheelchair in the upper right next to Ultraman CES
  5. I have seen this picture before but I just noticed the Geoff Johns/movie version of captain marvel is all the way in the back. CES
  6. I think the last draft, two characters were left, and one of them was one I put in, so I automatically got the other character CES
  7. I need three things to finish out my draft: Sentient life, flora/fauna/ and interference. What kind of life would the god of justice/order/laws/and punishment create? judges? punishers? ghost riders? Maybe angels? Paladins at least. A race of paladins. This race of paladins will be called the Dreaded, and enact justice for those who need it by calling on the domains of JUSTICE. As for flora/fauna, I will put in the Mew, a fairly harmless telekinetic monster until it is angered. Interference: Dean has really killed it on the twisting concepts thing. How do I even try to top that? My interference is going to be karma applies to the gods too. Doing good gets you good, doing bad gets you bad. CES
  8. loaded on Royal Road https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/43053/sara-flowers-and-the-devils-checkerboard
  9. I'm three behind I think. I will see what I can get after work CES
  10. That might be how they are describing it now, Matt, but the Hulk explains to Rhodie why they can't just kill Thanos as a baby in the womb because that wouldn't help them in the present at all. Think about Nebula. The old one killed the young one. Why didn't she just vanish? She would have if they were using the river and not the many worlds. CES
  11. I just told you how time travel works in the MCU. You don't go to your past. You go to another timeline that resembles the past. That is why Cyclops has all these kids running around. There's two different versions of Cable. It clearly states in the movie that is how time travel works. Most time travel stories work that if you change the past, you change the future. Back to the future, Terminator, TImecop. Marvel time travel creates alternate branches from the event changed so Steve going back in the past to be with Peggy means he went to the past and changed somebody else's history, not his. Whether he went to a timeline where his past self died, or he unfroze his past self earlier, or left him in the ice to be unfrozen. Anything he did changed that timeline, not his. This is all spelled out in the movie, and the comic books this method is based on. CES
  12. I'm two picks behind and I don't know what I want to do. I think I have all of my major choices already CES
  13. I'll have to disagree with that. She's saying he came back because everyone thought he was dead, not because he suddenly got younger. Steve went back in time, lived in another timeline until Peggy died and then returned with that Universe's version of his shield. Otherwise where did the shield come from? CES
  14. marvel's Time Travel has always worked like the movie shows. Whenever you travel into the past, you are traveling to a past. Whatever changes you do, changes the future for them, not you. Every time you go back to kill Hitler, you kill a Hitler, but Hitler stills starts WW2 in your timeline. It's the whole basis of What If? All those stories from the Watcher are different timelines where the event we saw in the comic was changed and the future changed too. The implication that you guys should take away is that 2014 Thanos left another timeline to attack our timeline and failed and did not go back. That means there are a branch of timelines where Ronan doesn't have his backing, that the snap never happens unless someone else does it, and Gamora isn't on the Guardians team if there is a team since she was the brains of the outfit. CES
  15. I have to stop and think for a second. I'll have another pick tonight. CES
  16. Jaime Alexander had her own television series for a while, and guested on AoS during that. I think Jane and Thor are going to get together and have little Thorettes CES
  17. Charisma Carpenter was talking about him since Angel, whenever that ran. I think it was before 04 but I am not sure CES
  18. And Suicide Squad had four different editorial staffs going over it because Warner Brothers couldn't decide on the tone. If 84 was disjointed, barring the discovery of the same thing, then that's on Patty Jenkins. CES
  19. Gift to Civilization: Karma. You put the work in, you get rewarded. You do something bad, you get punished. CES
  20. In the words of my man Weird Al, i going to have to edjumicate you. Ready? Okay. Let's go. In certain fanfiction fandoms, there is a thing called Mpreg. This is a tag that one of the male characters will be impregnated by another male character and have to carry the baby like the movie Junior with Arnold. I don't know how popular this type of story is. I write adventure stories, not romance. At a certain point, an organization of Romance novelists (books where couples bond over their trouble with sex offscreen) sued over the use of this, and sued an online critic for her take on things. I think the lawsuit was dismissed but I am not sure. CES
  21. The local restaurants here are adverting for help between the minimum and what Walmart pays for a starter. CES
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