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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. One of the stories I looked said Capicek (I'm not sure of the spelling, but the head of the streaming service) made I think 7 million dollars as a bonus. Iger got options worth Scarlet Johanssen's salary for that movie on top of his yearly which is almost the same as Johanssan's take for that one movie CES
  2. They did it because Iger and Capicek made money off the numbers being big. It's probably buried in some financial report somewhere CES
  3. Almost fifty percent of the movies in the top 100 are Chinese, most of which did not get a theatrical release in America as far as I know CES
  4. All the funny parts and angst were the pretend family getting together and trying to sort their issues. The villain was doing the same thing as Telefon or Jason Bourne, so there is no new ground there except his choice of assets. The taskmaster was a whole new profile given his name, but he was more like Deathlok CES
  5. Can you find any other streaming numbers, Doc. The only numbers I could find were theater only CES
  6. But it didn't crater. It made almost 400k just in the theaters. It's the number five movie of the year. Who knows how much it made on the streaming service? The only real financial problem with the black widow is how much more it could have made if it hadn't been put on a streaming service the first day. There is also a possibility that the people shafted the movie for the streaming service which we will see if all of this goes to court CES
  7. He was so good as the dead guy in Harry Potter. CES
  8. Front page of the W-S Journal covers a guy who was finally cleared of a home invasion and sexual assault after seven years because he was at work when the crime happened. https://journalnow.com/news/local/a-brutal-crime-a-bungled-investigation-a-7-year-legal-nightmare-for-a-man-who/article_35d2ad30-e597-11eb-a25f-574e4168eafc.html#tracking-source=home-top-story CES
  9. Read the Breaker by Petrie. Peter Ash is supposed to be hiding out from the law, but instead decides to find out why someone held another man at gunpoint and then fled the scene. CES
  10. The next film with the twin release is Jungle Cruise. I doubt the Rock will be treated the same way. He gets two checks for every movie he makes. CES
  11. I don't think so. Apparently she lived her whole life in St Mary's Mead, watching people be ugly to each other CES
  12. The RT Score echoes the GB scores. Critics love it. Fans and MRAs don't CES Foster and Chibnall are gone according to some headlines I saw. I don't know if it's true, or not CES
  13. These reboots are trying to cash in on nostalgia. They are trying to grab the old fan because that is guaranteed money. The problem is the old fan doesn't want things that don't line up with what they want. Like if you have a property where the hero is supercompetent, can always get out of any situation, is a quick thinker, knows stuff that no one else knows like Derek Flint for example. And your marketing is on how cool Flint is to grab the old fan. But the movie is Flint's harem actually being the heroes. The old fan is not going to like that, and when word spreads around, the movie will lose traction. You have to be able to grab new fans, and if the movie isn't written well enough, the new fans won't like it either. That will cause your movie to bomb. This is what happened to Masters of the Universe. Kevin Smith told everybody He-Man will be front in center. All the trailers have He-man front in center. When it leaked that He-man was not going to be the star, Smith was like that's not true. Then when the show drops and Teela is the star, he basically tells people to quit crying. Now Teela's girlfriend is rumored to be the new He-man. The problem is Netflix has a new MOTU with a different studio in the works for next year, and a live action movie from what I hear after that. Will this next show capture anything for Netflix, or will people go you burned me once, I know enough not to touch the stove again? This could have been another She-Ra where the show runners said we don't know anything about the character but we're going to do the best we can with the 50 episodes netflix ordered. Instead we get a showrunner who said I hate the hero of the show like Scott Buck and Iron Fist. CES
  14. That's fine but there is going to be another show by another studio next year. And right now fans are going what is this? I can't even let my kids look at this. CES
  15. The thing with the plane guy reminds me of a CSI episode where a guy tried to open a plane door in flight and the passengers beat him to death. CES
  16. It had a four on IMBD 250 reviews liked it, gave it a 10 out of ten. A thousand didn't. Most of the reviews I saw were who is this show for because it sucks CES What do you think this is about? They are already trying to sell toys off of this. CES
  17. The only movie I remember with you are bad guys if you don't watch this, is GB 2016. Critics loved it, but fans hated it, and it bombed. The same thing is going on with He Man right now. Kevin Smith is like you are all bad for hating my show even though I lied what it was about. Older fans and some new ones are like this show isnt what you promised and Teela is awful in every way. CES
  18. Cyborg lost the brooding and angst over the years, but when they gutted his history and put him on the JL and gave him his own book, he went right back to where he started just like the song says CES
  19. So the guys who made the most money off this are the guys who decided to boost the streaming service over their theatrical release. Then they released Johanssen's pay for one movie to the press when Iger got paid almost all of that in options, with a yearly salary that matches Johanssen's pay for that one movie. But they can't honor royalty contracts like Foster's (he wasn't the only one. There was a group that went after Disney over that), or obligations they signed. That seems a touch greedy to me. CES
  20. The wooden menace of the Hesperite can control plants to do whatever he wants, while also using his powers to split into a trio of plant men CES
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