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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. He was the son of Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu. That goes all the way back to the Yellow Peril. CES
  2. Watched Free Guy with the boy. Guy is a bank teller in a video game who becomes active and starts trying to improve the game for the citizens while romancing the girl of his dreams CES
  3. Woman is on trial for murder for leaving her immobilized patient locked in a car for five hours CES
  4. We dont know. But if it was for Exclusivity, then Disney knew they couldn't put the movie on their streaming service on the same day it was getting released. This is different from Bill Nye's case on the grounds that a service wasn't there. This is a whole another case where Disney knew their actions would break her contract and did it anyway. What we're going to see is Disney agreeing to pay a sum to hush things up rather than even get to a courtroom. CES
  5. Harry Osborn was foreshadowed before his breakdown because he was breaking up with Mary Jane Watson so he's on camera buying drugs and then taking them until he overdoses. Speedy's drug addiction came out of nowhere and is basically the kind of hack writing we're talking about. We need a junkie to make GL/GA relevant against drugs. Speedy is our junkie. Seriously. You can't do better than this, O'Neill? CES
  6. The basis of everything is going to come down to can she prove that she had a right to an exclusive theater release, and did the head of streaming know this. Capinek and Iger both made a ton of money on this so it can be shown they acted in their own self interest and not that of the company. On top of this, Disney is still not paying royalties to the Star Wars people, so a pattern of ripping people off can be shown, but I don't know if that will hold up in court CES
  7. As a writer, it's unrealistic because you have to make the story make sense and foreshadowing is a thing you use. As a reader, you're invested in the character and the writer just changing something seemingly overnight doesn't go over well unless the change is going to be temporary. Robin getting superpowers would not engender anything more than a look because everyone knows they are going to go away at some point like when Spider-Man was Captain Universe, or when Superman was Superman Blue. it the same situation that Laura Hamiliton is/was having with Anita Blake. CES
  8. Didn't they reduce him to a Deadman like mental influence and trap him in Cyborg's eye? On the other hand, that was three history revisions ago. CES
  9. Aquaman taught his octopus to shoot arrows in one story. CES
  10. This is all insightful as always, Hugh, but what you are talking about and what we're talking about are totally different things. What you are talking about are evolving things that happened for instory reasons. What we are talking about is someone taking their fanfiction idea and grafting it on an existing character because they have only been writing for two years and this is the best they can come up with because they have no idea how to write an adventure story. And Aquaman has always been able to throw a car around since the forties. CES
  11. Your argument cuts both ways, Ranxerox. If a guy has had several girlfriends, and is constantly dating one off and on, never looks at another guy, and then goes hello nurse over some guy he just met, is that natural? The only people I have seen do that basically don't have steady relationships if you know what I mean. And writers having their own stories to tell is great, but not from when they were 10 years, and should know better as an adult. The Superboy arc I talked about failed for Johns. The same thing for Cyborg. Again a writer can do anything they want. But DC is close to being sold off from Warner Brothers, or being dismantled by ATT and rebuilt. This book has to be a hit so Fitzhearn has to draw readers in, but if she is alienating her core readership with this, she has to replace that reader and get another. I don't see that happening when the top seller can't crack the top twenty. Archer said it a lot better than I ever could. The Immortal Hulk with his mental problems is a natural outgrowth from Peter David's run that set down the multiple personality thing to explain the Hulk's changing mind. This is not that CES CES
  12. This is exactly what I was saying above. People who read adventure stories are there for the adventure. If I am reading Dresden, I'm reading to see Dresden save the world and blow stuff up, not for Mab indulging in BDSM. CES
  13. fanfiction is also derivative and can be considered owned by the originating author and so can be copyright struck and ordered taken down. That's why fanfiction.net has a list of people you can't base off of like Archie Comics. So as soon as someone notices you're writing about the Shield, Steel Sterling, the Black Hood, or Archie, and reports it your story will be deleted off the servers. What I was talking about was Geoff Johns wrote a letter to Superboy when Karl and Barbara Kesel were writing it about Lex Luthor being Superboy's dad. The Kesels were like we've already covered this and Lex Luthor is definitely not a clone donor. So when Johns started writing the character in one of the Teen Titans variations, this was one of the plots where Superboy found out Lex Luthor was his dad, turned evil and tried to kill the rest of the team. Copies of the letter went around the internet while this was going on. This is also the reason Cyborg got boosted to be a founding member of the Justice League. Geoff Johns saw him on superfriends and when the 80s Titans were gutted, Johns prevailed to put him in a big seven slot. Unfortunately Cyborg's solo book crashed and burned because most of his support cast were Titans which they couldn't use because he was never a Titan. This could be an example of the same thing where Fitzmartin had an idea when she was a kid that Robin should be bi and now can put in play despite the fact that Chuck Dixon, the guy who created and oversaw the character, never even thought this at all. On the other hand, this could have come down from Editorial and she has to live with it. But no it's not a natural thing CES On top of this, DC has had ten rewrites to their history since Crisis which is why no one can keep anything straight while Marvel has only had one I think. What they need is Scrivener's and an official archivist CES
  14. Women do that. Women think Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were the perfect couple. That's the basis for most of the fanfictions that I have seen. This is looking more like Scott is right which I hate to admit. This is a Geoff Johns/Superboy, and not anything natural to the character. The problem will be can Fitzmartin replace any readers who drop the title with two new readers. If she can, then her run will be considered a success. If she can't, her run will be considered a crash and burn. And DC needs her run to succeed. CES
  15. chapek did make a ton of money off the streaming service because of BW. Somebody might have said we're paying him too much in bonus money CES
  16. I'm going to stick to what I can see. Jim Lee just had an interview where he said everything is fine, and his boss that took over for Dan Didio loves the company. Speculation is they are both about to get fired if they can't get a winner especially with Todd MacFarlane just getting 500k preorders on King Spawn which is more than DC and Marvel have done in a long time. Batman is the company's best seller but it didn't even crack the top twenty in sales this month. Tim Drake is outed. The only reason is try to stir up interest that DC is a relevant company since it's not really selling that well, and is being propped up by its movies and animation. WB pays the company for the use of the IP and then makes a movie. The studio and company split any money. It's the same deal that CN had with Hanna Barbera even thought CN technically owned HB. The problem is that at one point comic fans were mostly straight men. I think at one point it was like 80-90 percent straight men. I'm willing to go that the demographic has changed enough that it is only 70-30. I'm willing to say that this section of the fandom don't care and are not going to spend money on Tim Drake unless it is hooked to something else. The remainder in minorities and women for the most part are not going to care either in my opinion. So logically the targeted audience is not the people who love Tim Drake, but the LGBT community. I don't see whatever fraction of the fandom this is being able to boost a Tim Drake comic to a viable level without help from the rest of the fandom, which may see this as a money grab and go I don't think so. And every time DC does something to Drake, more of his fans stop reading his comic. So what was the point? Tim Drake has been reduced to one of the guys who gets killed in the giant crossover to show how tough the villain is. The company is going we're diverse, but the people who spend the money are we don't care about that. We want an Indiana Jones/Doc Savage adventure and you're not giving us that. We're going to read Ghostbusters, or King Spawn, or Saga, or Lobster Johnson because they are giving us what we want. CES
  17. You didn't fix anything. You want real diversity, you should read Rick Riordin, early Milestone, or maybe Spawn. DC has lost a ton of production and editorial staff, sales, and their writers are looking to go other places. They are trying to bring in a new audience for their business so this is the only way they can think to do it, because new characters very rarely light anything up. We're diverse because we can change our old characters to suit is what they're doing when they should be creating new guys to fill the slot like Black Lightning's kids. (The fact that they gutted BL's history to get those kids the same way they did Cyborg's is a whole another thing.) They have been dumping on Nightwing and Tim Drake since Dan Didio took over, and even now that he was fired this is just one more thing they dumped on Drake because DC Editorial sucks. Who can we make LGBT today? Tim Drake is our goto whipping boy this week. He's the LBGT guy because we can't do better than a 12 yr old fan fiction writer who's already given Tim Connor's kid twenty years ago. DC can do better, they just don't want to. CES
  18. Not Sinclair. They were pro trump all the way, and are deep right CES
  19. George Carlin, Sid Ceaser, Bob Hope Mary Tyler Moore, Richard Pryor, Shirley McLaine CES
  20. That's cool because he's being investigated by one of the county mounties up there since one of his harassment victims filed charges on him CES
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