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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: Show me the PC Thank you. CES
  2. Re: Show me the PC These are the two characters I am currently playing. The first is from Animemun's TEEN GUARDIANS, where heroes have been turned into teenaged versions of themselves. The other is from Dan Flack's Galactic Patrol, a blue, four armed, three eyed, red haired, alien named Bao Shen. Pusher Real Name- Jared Lee Player-Carl Syphrett Hair/eye color-brown hair, brown eyes Height/mass- 5'8", 180 lbs. Nationality-American Place of birth-San Francisco. Date of birth- May 1, 69 20 STR 10 pts 20 DEX 30 pts 17 CON 10 pts 15 BODY 10 pts 15 INT 5 pts 15 EGO 10 pts 13 PRE 3 pts 14 COM 2 pts. 4 PD 3 ED 3 SPD 8 REC 34 END 34 STUN OCV/DCV 6/6 ECV 3 PHASES 4, 8, 12 Powers Molecule Pushing powers 50 pt reserve OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/ 40 real 2u: Molecule Scatter Defense: Desolid, only to protect against physical attacks (-1), OIHID (-1/4) 40 active /18 real. 2u: Molecular Swimming: Flight, 25", only through solid surfaces, (-1), OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/ 18 real 1u: Molecular Surgery: Healing, 5d6, concentration (-1/2), self only (-1/2), extra time 1 turn (-1), OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/ 12 real 2u: Molecule Push: Energy blast 10d6, variable lim (-½), OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/23 real 2u: Molecule Wall: Entangle 5d6, 5 def, only to form barriers (-1), OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/ 18 real 2u: Molecules Scatter: Flash 5d6 variable lim (-½), OIHID (-1/4) 50 active/ 23 real 4u: Dramatic Molecule Scatter: drain body 5d6 OIHID (-1/4) 50 active / 40 real 2u: Molecular Mastery: Transform 1d6 major transform, improved target group (+ 1), OIHID (-1/4) Concentration (-½). 30 active/ 17 real Life Support (self contained breathing) linked to flight (-½), OIHID (-1/4) 10 active/ 6 real N ray perception (not through force fields, liquids) linked to flight (-½), OIHID (-1/4) 10 active/ 6 real. Cost Skill Roll 3 Paramedics 12- 2 navigation 12- 2 survival 12- 3 systems operations 12- 3 lockpicking 12- 2 AK- campaign city 11- 3 mechanics 12- 6 fast draw 12- 2 WF: small arms 2 TF: ground vehicles 2 KS: geology 11- 3 computer programming 12- 3 supreme balance (no penalties on shaky ground) 15 + 3 dcv Disadvantages 100 pts Social lim: teenager 15 pts Normal Characteristics Maximum 20 pts Hunting Dr. Tempus 15 pts. Social Lim: secret identity 15 pts. Accidental change: high speed impacts 11- 15 pts Psych Lim: never lies common total 20 pts Characteristics Cost: 83 Powers Cost: 69 Skills Cost: 48 Total Cost: 200 pts Bao Shen 25 STR 15 28 DEX 54 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 15 INT 5 15 EGO 10 15 PRE 5 14 COM 2 5 PD 4 ED 5 SPD 12 9 REC 40 END 42 STUN 9 OCV/DCV 5 ECV PHASES 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Disadvantages 15 DF:Concealable, always noticed major reaction four arms 10 DF:Concealable noticed Blue skin 15 Watched Prometheus Protocol 11- 20 honorable 40 vulnerable 2x stun and body from electricity 15 Dependent NPC normal 11- wood chopper 10 Rivalry other martial arts students 10 Hunted: alien bounty hunters 15 secret id:alien Skill Roll 2 Language Chinese 2 Language English 1 Acrobatics 8- 2 Ak: Chinese jungle 11- 2 Ak: Known Home Space 11- 15 +3 levels w/HTH combat 3 basic strike 5 choke hold 3 grappling throw 4 martial block 4 martial dodge 3 navigation 12- 3 paramedic 12- 1 stealth 8- 3 streetwise 12- 2 PS: engineer 11 - 2 PS: Starcraft engineer 11- 2 WF: Small Arms 2 WF: Common Melee weapons 1 TF: anti grav vehicles 2 TF: ground vehicles 1 TF: large spaceships 2 TF: Air vehicles 2 Survival: Tropical 12- 2 Survival: Temperate 12- 2 Survival: Deserts 12- 3 Systems Operations 12- 22 Danger Sense, all the time, any danger. Powers 83 VPP (50 point pool) cost 25, no skill required, restricted type of powers telekinetic/ martial art type powers 10 2 extra arms 6 immune to aging/ disease
  3. Re: The Invisibles Writeups... no REALLY!! (NOT the Incredibles!) I think it's viable, but I don't have HD to help you. CES
  4. Re: Justice League Avengers, Assemble! Manhunter: Dr. Sam Erdel wanted to reach out and touch the stars with his experimental teleporter. The beam played through the solar system, touching on an artifact on the surface of Mars. Dr. Erdel was astonished to find that he had found a cybernetic organism that had survived the extinction of all life on the red planet. The cyborg activated, scanned its surroundings, and decided to learn to live with the humans. It adopted an identity as detective Jim Jones to blend in and protect the innocent with its martian powers. Mariner: Arthur Namor was the product of a liason between an Alantean Princess and a sailor. He grew to manhood unaware of his heritage until he fell into the ocean near his home on the upper world. He quickly learned he had the ability to command the surrounding sea life as well as being able to swim almost as fast as a plane could fly through the air. This coupled with his great strength and immunity to the depths allows him to operate as the defender of the seven seas. Arrow Witch (Scarlet Witch/Green Arrow): Wanda Queen always had an eye for archery, but it was a leisure activity until she was stranded on a desert island. She honed her skills to survive, which awakened her mutant ability. Arrows went wherever she aimed, and when they struck, strange effects were bound to happen. Discovering a band of pirates landing on her island, Wanda adopted the identity of the Arrow Witch to rout them and return to the mainland.
  5. Re: The 'Elminster' of Hero: Harbringer of Justice? You're right, CO. Looking it up, the Sandman, Dark Angel, and others came with later books. Sorry about that. CES
  6. Re: The 'Elminster' of Hero: Harbringer of Justice? What about the other three vigilantes in the original edition? I believe that the Sandman (blanking on the name) is built on the traditional 250 points. I think that section was the difference of point values that could be used to build a street focused character. CES
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In the ftf HU game I am running on Saturdays, two of the PC's have been killed in back to back to back sessions. Chris was appointed the team leader. Chris: I don't want to be the team leader. The team leader gets killed. CES
  8. Re: Lovecraft Horror Hero I believe that it was 4th ed champions in 3d. It was a transform and a ego drain. CES
  9. Re: Loony conspiracy theories Poor Marge, Maggie, Bart, Lisa. CES
  10. Re: Mystical artifacts There's Shugosin's twin swords, as well as the sword of the thunder king, tenshi the ghost cutting sword, the storm lord'svajra, the mandragore (SP?) from GC. I hope that's a help Dave. CES
  11. Re: Youngblood trivia 12 of them? Yeegads, what a pig of a team that must have been. I haven't even heard of half of those names. Were they all there at the same time or is that the complete roster over time? And thanks for replying. Cheers, They had six on one team and six on the other. Shaft, Badrock, Chapel, Combat, Vogue, and one of the guys I can't remember was on a home team. Sentinel and the rest were on a foreign intervention team. I cant remember if the teams changed that much but I do remember that Riptide got kicked off her team for posing for a girlie magazine. CES
  12. Re: Youngblood trivia Hi All, I was wondering if anyone in Champsland remembers the membership of the various incarnations of the Youngblood roster. I know the first team had Shaft and Badrock but I'm completely blank beyond that. I don't know about the other versions, but i think the original team of twelve was: Shaft, Combat, Vogue, Chapel, Photon, Cougar, Badrock/Bedrock, Riptide, Sentinel, Diehard, and I am drawing a blank on the other two right now. CES
  13. Re: Silver Age Superteam Archetypes? Yeah, I was thinking this re: gorillas as well. I couldn't really think of a "heroic" gorrilla to use as a guide, but then again, my own comics knowledge falls far short of many others here. Hey mike, Congorrilla might be something you can use, but I don't know. Explorer uses mystic ring to exchange minds with a golden furred gorilla. Gorilla mind in his body gets locked up, while he uses its body to fight poachers,etc. or Gorrilla Man; explorer cursed by witch doctor to be a gorrilla with a human mind. CES
  14. Re: Knot Another Magic System! This kind of reminds me of a character from Lord of the Isles by David Drake. Some of the effects I remember were EDM, paralysis, mind control, and RKA. I am sure there were more but I don't remember them. CES
  15. Imo I believe that is a violation of the code. You can't destroy personal property because you think someone did something. A policeman is not allowed to burn someone's house down because they think a guy did a crime somewhere. Same principle.
  16. GL Code Part of the code is you can't use the ring to kill, you can't use it for personal gain, you can't violate the legal affairs of your local authorities, you are responsible to the guardians, and their word is the law. I forget the rest of it, but some of these rules were relaxed according to where you lived, or how you violated them. One GL was the only law on a planet where a couple of GLs had been killed beforehand, so he was allowed to use a firearm to kill a villain in self defense when his ring wouldn't do it. On the other hand he was not allowed to operate off his planet. One GL took over his planet (like sinestro) and was allowed to stay in power because his goverment was better than the one he supplanted, and coups were the natural customs of his planet. CES
  17. csyphrett

    Iowa Heroes

    Wild Dog was based in Iowa, so maybe that type of do it yourself punisher/batman might be a fair sample. Someone who builds all of his equipment at his home.
  18. I think... Dr. Strange was beaten by a copy of Dr. Fate called Dr. Strangefate. It wasn't any of the regular AE under the helmet, but Charles Xavier. We talked about this in the JLA Avengers thread. CES
  19. If it were me... I would take one of the characters hostage, move him away from where the villain was going to carry out his scheme, and leave a ransom note of some type. Moving up the time schedule on the plot is also something, or moving the actual scene of the crime with the limited resources the mastermind still possesses. CES
  20. Have to agree I guess a lot of writers forget how easy it is for superman to do things, especially with his combined strength and speed. A typical thing when I was reading comic books. CES
  21. Venom vs. Superman Didn't he tie Venom up in a girder once Spiderman made on the scene. I seem to remember Superman took hits that didn't seem to bother him. Something like "As long as he is hitting me, he can't go after a bystander." Or am I wrong? CES
  22. Venom vs. Superman I think you are thinking about DC vs Marvel. Superman is having trouble restraining Venom, until the spiderman clone shows up. Batman didn't meet any X-Men in that, but did clock Bull's Eye. I think I am talking about the second series where the X-men show up at Dr. Strange's house where Batman is investigating, and they duke it out until the JLA arrive. Then they merge into the X-league. Been a couple years, so I could be wrong. CES
  23. Batman Batman did hold his own against 8-9 X-men, taking out half the team before Jean Grey got involved. CES
  24. Re: Planet Fall When do you need a character, SS?
  25. Creator of Colossus Len Wein and Dave Cockrum created the second version of the team. Banshee, Storm, Wolverine (created earlier for the Hulk), all came from this.
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