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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I need a home base, other piece of equipment, read only knowledge, character, and free option. I think I am going to pick the Darkhold as my read only knowledge choice today. CES
  2. I can't remember any books I hated. I admit I never read any assigned reading in school so that may be part of it. I think Jay Lake's debut novel was the only book I actually hated, but I might be wrong. CES
  3. John Taylor's third eye is a non physical talent, not equipment CES
  4. The twelve things to be picked: one home base, which must be anchored to the ground or space-time or something. While it might be in a fixed orbit, or be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, such "motility" is highly restricted. As an example: Deep Space 9 is a base, but Enterprise NCC-1701 is a starship. one Spaceship or Aircraft The Skylark one Land Vehicle. A horse or similar living mountbeast does not qualify here, but a robotic one could. Laumer's Bolo one Water Vehicle. Similar comment about living creatures being disqualified. The Nautilus from 20,000 leagues under the sea one ranged personal weapon Green Lantern Ring one melee personal weapon one other item of personal equipment (armor, sensory apparatus, fly-belt, love philtre, universally useful trinket, nonsentient computer, food/drink synthesizer, whatever) one magic spell, incantation, mathematical theorem, or similar created tool/weapon/capacity with no material component John Taylor's Third Eye. (The Night Side) one book, scroll, tome, map, database, recording, or similar read-only fixed-content knowledge store. one nonliving* robot, android, or other sentient artificial nonliving character, though it may not be easy to distinguish from a living being FESS (The Warlock in Spite of Himself) one inventor/artificer/gadgeteer character. This is your nominal hero, and must be a living* biological creature, though not necessarily human one free option ... possible uses include a sidekick, or perhaps a hero who uses a bunch of this stuff, could be another spiffy piece of equipment that doesn't fit easily into any of the above slots, or perhaps you want a second battleship or something, or maybe your hero wants to ride a horse (and a living horse does not qualify as a Land Vehicle). Creative uses of the option pick are encouraged. The free option cannot be among the first six items picked.
  5. Larry Wilcoxson was in Florida. The third option is just stupidity. CES
  6. The idea was if you served anywhere in the government once, you could vote. You couldn't vote if you were on active duty. Even the disabled could get a job somewhere so they could vote. And people who didn't want to serve the government weren't penalized except they couldn't vote. Rico's old man was rich before he joined the service to fight the arachnids. And anyone will tell you that it doesn't matter if you can crack a planet if you need to hold an area. You need someone on the ground to hold that area. That was why the Death Star was considered a weapon of mass destruction and terror but fairly impractical. They could already glass planets before they built that, but the Emperor wanted something that would blow up a planet at any time as a demonstration of what he had. Troopers were still going to be on the ground to hold planets he didn't feel like blowing up. CES
  7. I am going to pick one of Laumer's Bolos as my land vehicle. CES
  8. It's a Columbo night and our peerless detective matches wits with Johnny Cash dropping his wife into the ground on a plane, and Richard Kiley as a deputy commissioner using his neighbor to set up an alibi so he can get away with drowning his wife. CES
  9. I picked Fess as my land vehicle, but he could also qualify as a robot ally. I think I am going to change that to the robot ally. CES
  10. Starship Troopers is the same as any other adaption of any material. CES
  11. Moldova is on the inner coast. If the Ukraine had fallen, it was on the target list after I want to say Belarus CES
  12. Costner was great in Silverado Kline: You're making a mistake. Costner: That's what I said. CES
  13. HERO Member 10.3k Posted just now The twelve things to be picked: one home base, which must be anchored to the ground or space-time or something. While it might be in a fixed orbit, or be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, such "motility" is highly restricted. As an example: Deep Space 9 is a base, but Enterprise NCC-1701 is a starship. one Spaceship or Aircraft one Land Vehicle. A horse or similar living mountbeast does not qualify here, but a robotic one could. one Water Vehicle. Similar comment about living creatures being disqualified. Personal ranged weapon: Green Lantern Power Ring one melee personal weapon one other item of personal equipment (armor, sensory apparatus, fly-belt, love philtre, universally useful trinket, nonsentient computer, food/drink synthesizer, whatever) one magic spell, incantation, mathematical theorem, or similar created tool/weapon/capacity with no material component : John Taylor's third eye. (From the Night Side, this is Taylor's ability to find things, even weaknesses in shields.) one book, scroll, tome, map, database, recording, or similar read-only fixed-content knowledge store. one nonliving* robot, android, or other sentient artificial nonliving character, though it may not be easy to distinguish from a living being one inventor/artificer/gadgeteer character. This is your nominal hero, and must be a living* biological creature, though not necessarily human one free option ... possible uses include a sidekick, or perhaps a hero who uses a bunch of this stuff, could be another spiffy piece of equipment that doesn't fit easily into any of the above slots, or perhaps you want a second battleship or something, or maybe your hero wants to ride a horse (and a living horse does not qualify as a Land Vehicle). Creative uses of the option pick are encouraged. The free option cannot be among the first six items picked.
  14. The twelve things to be picked: one home base, which must be anchored to the ground or space-time or something. While it might be in a fixed orbit, or be disassembled and reassembled elsewhere, such "motility" is highly restricted. As an example: Deep Space 9 is a base, but Enterprise NCC-1701 is a starship. one Spaceship or Aircraft one Land Vehicle. A horse or similar living mountbeast does not qualify here, but a robotic one could. one Water Vehicle. Similar comment about living creatures being disqualified. one ranged personal weapon one melee personal weapon one other item of personal equipment (armor, sensory apparatus, fly-belt, love philtre, universally useful trinket, nonsentient computer, food/drink synthesizer, whatever) John Taylor's third eye. (From the Night Side, this is Taylor's ability to find things, even weaknesses in shields.) one book, scroll, tome, map, database, recording, or similar read-only fixed-content knowledge store. one nonliving* robot, android, or other sentient artificial nonliving character, though it may not be easy to distinguish from a living being one inventor/artificer/gadgeteer character. This is your nominal hero, and must be a living* biological creature, though not necessarily human one free option ... possible uses include a sidekick, or perhaps a hero who uses a bunch of this stuff, could be another spiffy piece of equipment that doesn't fit easily into any of the above slots, or perhaps you want a second battleship or something, or maybe your hero wants to ride a horse (and a living horse does not qualify as a Land Vehicle). Creative uses of the option pick are encouraged. The free option cannot be among the first six items picked.
  15. Come, old Crab, let us see what you have wrought this day. CES
  16. I think you don't remember because your team wasn't that great Player: Cancer Title: Space: The Final … uuuhh … whut? #1 (Feb. 1st): Dark Helmet (Spaceballs) #2 (Feb. 1st): Dr. Emilio Lizardo/Lord John Whorfin (Buckaroo Bonzai) #3 (Feb. 2nd): Zaphod Beeblebrox (HHGttG) #4 (Feb. 2nd): Howard the Duck #5 (Feb. 3rd): Gwen DeMarco (Lt. Tawny Madison, Galaxy Quest) #6 (Feb. 3rd): Kaywinnet Lee Frye (Firefly) #7 (Feb. 4th): Jonathan E (Rollerball) #8 (Feb. 4th): OMM 0910 (THX 1138) #9 (Feb. 5th): Starbuck (Kara Thrace) #10 (Feb. 5th): Carnivorous Popcorn (Killer Clowns from Outer Space) #11 (Feb. 6th): Detective Matt Sykes (Alien Nation) #12 (Feb. 6th): Detective Sam “George” Francisco (ibid) #13 (Feb. 7th): Blood the dog (A Boy and His Dog) #14 (Feb. 7th): Astro (The Jetsons) #15 (Feb. 8th): Pah wraiths (DS9) #16 (Feb. 8th): The Monolith (2001) #17 (Feb. 9th): Bernard, Sandra, Desmond, and Julian (Morons from Outer Space) #18 (Feb. 9th): Beer (National Lampoon’s DOON) #19 (Feb. 10th): Captain Link Hogthrob (Pigs In Space!) #20 (Feb. 10th): Prof. Hubert Farnsworth (Futurama) #21 (Feb. 11th): Eddore and its denizens (Lensman) #22 (Feb. 11th): Baldrick’s time machine (Blackadder: Back and Forth) #23 (Feb. 12th): Holly, the AI (Red Dwarf) #24 (Feb. 12th): Commander Eros (Plan 9 from Outer Space) #25 (Feb. 13th): Callahan’s Place #26 (Feb. 13th): Crow T. Robot (MST3K) #27 (Feb. 14th): The Orgasmatron (Sleeper) #28 (Feb. 14th): Marvin the Martian (WB cartoons) #29 (Feb. 15th): Fred Cassidy and the Speicus (Doorways in the Sand) #30 (Feb. 15th): R. Daneel Olivah (Asimov)
  17. Not the build the world that we do where everyone picks a god, but the thirty pick comic company draft. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sRuL6ciH96EXmOSa4o8BFrLEn2paKNpWSEIQ-wzivTw/edit CES
  18. Has anybody thought about another build a universe draft like Sociotard ran? CES
  19. Clownfish is reporting that Twitter users are harassing the actress playing America Chavez because she isn't dark enough CES
  20. I have to say this is the guy Fauci called a moron. Here he is proving the claim CES
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