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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I have an option and the evil genius for this last day of the draft. I am using my third option for Clouseau's nemesis Charles Lytton/The Phantom. CES
  2. I think I still have two options and the big bad I am picking Inspector Clouseau as security for the Pink Panther as option two.
  3. It has been pointed out that McCarthy has started lying to the public about Swalwell and Schiff, so this isn't a surprise. A surprise would be something like Matt Schlapp being sued for touching another guy's private parts and claiming he is happily married when he gets sued and his wife sticking by him. Now if that happened to McCarthy, that would be the surprise CES
  4. I am going to option the Cat's Eye burglar team CES
  5. I am going to be picking T'challa, the Black Panther, and the second White Tiger as my hero and assistant. CES
  6. Watched the last Columbo with Columbo trying to tie a club owner and his girlfriend to the disappearance of their money man and murder of a tabloid reporter. Julius Carry is here as Columbo's sidekick, and Carmine Gionvanzzi is the victim. One of Tony Soprano's captains serves as a gangster from back east CES
  7. I need a pick for Friday I think. So I have THE Cat for the planning, Katnappe for access with her portal abilities, I need a big bad, brute, and dragon. I am picking Cat Girl Nuku Nuku for my brute CES
  8. I just don't think he's smart enough to be an evil genius CES
  9. With T.H.E Cat as the evil genius planner, I am going with Katnappe and her portal creating Golden Tiger Claws as my Dark Chick CES
  10. I don't know if Hawkeye could be considered an evil genius. CES
  11. The Gem CES DT sniped my first choice. T.H.E. Cat is my mastermind CES
  12. I disagree with the assessment of the second movie. Scott had some moments where Pym's tech let him down, but he faked out Jimmy Woo's Unit almost constantly, foiled the Ghost, and got his own wombats to help cover and put Sonny's guys in jail while saving the day, and saved the lab with giant power. If anything, he gets treated badly by his sidekick who supposedly trained all her life, and his mentor who should know better, and outshines them at every turn. CES
  13. The heist is the theft of the Pink Panther on loan to Tokyo CES
  14. Columbo night brings our detective trying to crack the alibi of conductor Billy Connollaly. CES
  15. Did Kevin MCCarthy get enough votes to be a speaker? I think it would be hilarious if he didn't. CES
  16. I think someone said that the NY DA is looking at him for all of this stuff. They want to know where his money came from to declare is what I heard. CES
  17. The last I heard it hasn't reached the supreme court. The two guys suing in Texas are mad about the money limits, and the Republican states suing are mad that some of their debt collection agencies might be out of business and it will hurt their economies. CES
  18. Agatha Harkness was Wanda's teacher back in the day before whatever her status quo is now. CES
  19. I blew up my most recent campaign and ended my association with RPG net because one of the player said I wasn't giving him enough information. I literally told them the premise of the campaign, what was going on, where they had to go, and mulligan'd the fact that apparently they flew into the wrong airport so they could pick up the load, and was doing write ups on the NPC thread. The guy is like you're trolling, and I'm like it's the port authority of NY and NJ. He's like how was I supposed to know that. I was like you're not even trying. Never went back to the board CES
  20. I'll get the list together later and maybe we can vote by tomorrow. I think I have one more pick and I am picking the Scarlet Witch as Agathas daughter as my last option . CES
  21. I think that he is a trumpist and doesnt have a clue. One day I was telling another guy about the school debt relief being held up in Texas because one of the guys suing was because he didn't get enough money. Paul was like this was rendered unconstituational and it was executive action. When I tried to tell him he was wrong, he was like no you're wrong. But if you do a search for the law on this you get the congressional record here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2034 When you look at the status, the president signed on it CES
  22. Belated Columbo night as our detective matches wits with Patrick McGoohan as a funeral director who kills Reporter Rue McClanahan when she threatens him. Sally Kellerman plays a dead guy's wife who McGoohan is wooing. CES
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