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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. The journal reported that two 12yr olds murdered a fifteen year old with a gun. CES
  2. Penny Usket collected bark from various trees. She fell into a dumping site. She became known as the Woodpecker with the ability to fly and punch through wood CES
  3. Didn't have time to think about this. Give me a few minutes. Had a long day CES
  4. I'm just saying that they have argued all of these points already as far as I can see and the conclusion seems fair. Only I don't know these people so I don't have a stake in whatever personal stuff they got going on. CES
  5. Like I said RPGNet went over this and the conclusions were the DNC did nothing since Sanders won all the events they sponsored and lost all the wide open voting. If there was anything to this, the reverse would be expected. Sanders would have lost all their events and won the wide open voting. The only thing they could see that could point to favoritism were the debates which were scheduled against big sports events CES
  6. RPG Net is discussing the leak and the consensus is that there is nothing there other than the usual stuff you would hear around the water cooler. Additionally they don't trust Wikileaks or the fact the Russians all of sudden sent this out in the world CES
  7. I dont want to sound illiterate, but panegyrics? Is that a real word? CES
  8. Read For a Few Souls More by Adams. After two books following a cast of characters to their destination of Wormwood and the afterlife, that cast is replaced for the most part with new characters as the trilogy ends with Lucifer as the president a few years after the event and Patrick Irish becoming a prime agent in changing the world having taken up the role filled by Alonzo as the master of heaven. CES
  9. Someone at RPGNET reported another club shooting this time in Fort Meyers at a kids dance CES
  10. Myron Myrtle is Salt. He has a limited ability, but it is potentially deadly every time he uses it. Myron can draw in all the water around him. It's enough to render normal people asleep, hurt some substances. He can also load a target up with water from his surroundings. CES
  11. I always liked that quote, but I also like this one from K A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. 1500 years ago, everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow... CES
  12. Blond Josette Bambier is the Bombadier, destroying material by blowing up. While battling a heroine with a similar power, she was scattered beyond the usual range that her molecules must be in to rebond. It took thirty years for her molecules to contact each other and slowly rebuild her body. CES
  13. Armed with a bow and arrows, expert tracker and woodsman, friend to most living things, Ranger Smith wanders the parks to keep the animals safe from stupid people and poachers. CES
  14. The plea deal for Lee Baca was thrown out according to the paper. Defense and Prosecution cut a deal over the fact that Baca tried to stop an investigation into the LA jail, obstruct justice, trained his deputies on how to do the same while beating the inmates hard enough to put them in the hospital. He has early onset Alzheimer's and is 74. The judge said six months is not enough time for the crimes involved and sent the deal back. it looks like a trial will be called to settle it. CES
  15. The Second Squad is made up of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Virgo. Taurus is Lee Smith. A cowboy by trade, Lee grew a set of long horns from his skull. THe medical community could not offer an explanation other than they were boney growths. Lee found he could ram things with his horns and knock them over. He joined the Zodiac Force to figure out how he became a living battering ram. Scorpio is Jenny Lottle. She developed a device that allows her to shrink. She armed herself with a tranq gun to protect herself at such small sizes. Now she uses her equipment as the team's best infiltrator. Leo is Don Trin. He inherited the power to be a werelion from his father. His other forms has all the usual were powers, but he's intelligent on top of that to allow him to hunt the biggest of all games. Virgo Is Jane Mauy. The name is an ironic joke since Jane is hardly a virgin and charges up her magic powers through sex whenever she can. When fully charged, she can alter reality on a major scale. Needless to say, she is the team's problem solver and biggest target at the same time. CES
  16. I tell you what lets go with the three teams of four. I have to go to the hospital. When I get back, I'll do a team also. That'll just leave one team to be done. CES
  17. Inji Ko was born of an Indian father and Japanese mother. She led a sheltered life with her parents in France, picking up teachings from them until she became profienct in a type of summoning magic. While engaged in protecting Duvall from a rival criminal group, she summoned a spirit to protect her employer. The spirit did so, but it froze Inji in place for thirty years as payment. Known as the Deva, she was one of the most powerful of the bodyguards before her paralysis. CES
  18. I thought you wanted three teams of four from your post. CES
  19. NC passed the new body cam law despite the city and others having concerns. The only way to see the footage is through a court order. CES
  20. What are the caps on your campaign, Tech? CES
  21. The USA Today reports that Pokemon Go can take your information from your phone to be resold by the company that makes it. CES
  22. Star Stein stole the Omniwave Projector from Argent. This device is supposed to alter the molecules of anything that it is fired against. Instead it altered Star's molecules so that she can control them to change shape, size, and mass. This allowed her to be a better thief and become bored with her profession. She became the Mighty Star for the excitement CES
  23. Deep in Camp myself. Will be seven thousand words behind when I get home from work. CES
  24. Ray Jennings is The Force. His ability allows him to amplify impact damage of anything within his line of sight. It allows him to throw soda cans like bullets, tear down floors from stepping on them, and generally ruin someone's day. It also negates impacts against Ray. Such a narrow power is not generally useful but Ray uses it to complement what the others are doing, and amplifying the impact of what his enemies are doing sometimes leads to their trapping themselves. CES
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