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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Wang Fei Man is a practicioner of Wing Chun. Coming from a Hong Kong besieged by gangsters and foreign powers, he used his fighting skills in self defense. He is the one member of the team who tries not to hurt anyone, but is known to unleash his chain punch against his enemies. CES
  2. Watched Ip Man 3. I thought it was pretty good, and the baritone dub for Mike Tyson was pretty good. CES
  3. You can get the box set of all the seasons for fifty bucks at Wal-mart CES
  4. RPG net is saying they have known about this for three weeks CES
  5. I had heard that too. How would they get PC if they didn't have it? They need to check if Weiner's weiner is in pictures on her account? CES
  6. Comey is taking heat from all sides. A lot of it is why violate investigative rules when you don't know what you got. He's getting heat from Judicial Review which has been trying to do stuff to Clinton for thirty years for being so vague as to be useless. CES
  7. Watched the new ghostbusters. I don't know why they tried to claim it's a comedy. It wasn't really funny. I admit I was amused by the scene where Patty has the ghost perched on her, and the rest are like Just don't shoot Patty. CES
  8. Grunge by Ringo was okay, but the first person pov from that book is def a Sue. Joker gets straight c's in school just to tick off his liberal mom. I was like seriously? CES
  9. I just woke up from a dream where i was on a trip and when I got to the hotel the rooms were changed. My father had sold the original reservations and got different rooms for all of us. When I went down to my room, the former occupant was still there with her son. Apparently they had not checked out yet. When I went to talk to her, it was someone I thought I knew. i woke up when I heard Jeff Mabe looking for me. I remember telling them I would be right back. I had to get the room mess straightened out CES
  10. And I have plans to write more interludes. Its on the list of things to do CES
  11. Youre right. I was thinking of this thread which has fallen down and get back up. http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/88157-superteams-from-around-the-world-game/page-3 CES
  12. Kick Charleston founded the Society at the insistence of his wife. Proclaiming himself retired and living off her vast fortune, Kick combines a sharp mind with a charm that makes even his deadliest enemy sorry to see him go. People tend to say things that they should keep to themselves when he is around, and that's enough. CES
  13. The Society of Sherlocks is a ten man/woman team. They solve mysteries that can't be solved with their various skills. The idea is to take a famous television detective and exaggerate his qualities into a limited superpower set. CES
  14. Also, Bolo is right. Thanks for the hard work. CES
  15. Tribble, we had an off shoot thread. Do we include those groups with these? CES
  16. Zombipocalypse doesn't raise the dead. Instead he flashes a mob to temporarily do what he needs to have done for the ten. He is not a front line fighter, preferring to send his pawns in against heroes. CES
  17. Father John O'Reilly has always had a talent for exorcisms. When you have an unnatural problem that needs to be dismissed, Papa John is the one to call to put down your ghost, or bump in the night CES
  18. I was thinking what was the thinking of releasing this stuff when one look will show that it's faked. Wouldn't Assange see that on his end? It basically ties him to the Russians as an agent provocateur when if he had kept the mail, he could still play himself as someone who wants transparency in government. Doesn't it hurt wikileaks on some level by showing its information is rigged. CES
  19. I heard that Rubio inserted a rider to help cripple the insurance company subsidy to help cause the ACA to fail CES
  20. The times today did an article on Judicial Watch. This organization was set up to hound the Clintons. And it has been doing so for forty years. The original bank roller is dead. The original director was ousted via law suit. They keep digging. In forty years and numerous lawsuits and FOIA servings, all they have found is the private email server. Hillary is supposed to answer twenty five questions in writing thanks to them appealing to a judge for this. 40 years and all you got is a private email server. Maybe they should try others who might be easier targets CES
  21. Two from the journal. Father kills himself and his son. Another attacks his nine year old with a hammer and puts him in the hospital CES
  22. I do have a question, Dan. These leaked emails, the news said that a portion were altered for redistributation. Wouldn't Wikileaks know that? Or would it matter from Assange's side of things. CES
  23. That's why I am waiting on it. Some guy named Dworkin swears Pence is bailing. So far nothing has come from it CES
  24. Debate's done. Trump came out and did his usual. Hillary was a lot more restrained and didn't hit as hard. Cooper and Raddatz had to explain some things to Trump. Some people almost had exploding livers from taking shots when their various things were mentioned Same old, same old. Waiting on confirmation Pence is gone. CES
  25. The RNC is reported for halting any print jobs regarding the TRump campaign. Some have asked Trump to step down for Pence CES
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