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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. The Constitution is the hero of Connecticut. His endurance and rapid healing ability have allowed him to chase down villains and wear them down until they are forced to give up. CES
  2. The Harvey brothers are descended from a long line of lawmen in Virginia. Mark Harvey preferred technological solutions, donning a blue body suit, cap, and equipment and weapons as the Blue. Larry Harvey had fell in with mystical forces, learning minor spells to impersonate spirits. He created a confederate identity and skull mask as the Gray. CES
  3. The Blue Crescent represents South Carolina as an acrobatic vigilante that only operates at night. He tends to move around in an area that takes in Columbia and Orangeburg. CES
  4. Before Egyptoid set out to do his US 50 sourcebook, I had already done fifty heroes for my old drawing ideas. I think the Cardinel was the first one I came up with but I am not sure. CES
  5. I have two heroes in my notebooks based on the Rhode Island Red idea. And I have never got to use either one of them. CES
  6. Does Carl Icahn (sp?) seem out of place with the rest of the pirates and general bandits that Trump has picked to lead his admin. Did he get picked because Trump knew him, or because he advised Apple? Will he moderate the general intentions of the others? CES
  7. The USA Today is reporting that Trump wants to build more nukes. I guess that's okay CES
  8. The Cardinel stands in for North Carolina, as minor flying brick. CES
  9. The multiplying hero known as the Great Divider makes several cities in Colorado his home. Additionally, G.D. knows enough magic to make himself a major threat to menaces in from beyond our world. CES
  10. Cartman has the ability to use a shopping cart like a surfboard, becoming a low level speedster. One hit on the cart is enough to send him flying. CES
  11. Watched Safe with Jason Statham and Catherine Chan. 9 yr old Mei is taken from her home city in China and turned into a living account book by a Triad. After being given a number to memorize, she is kidnapped by the Russian Mob for that number. She escapes from the Russians and runs into Luke Wright, an excop turned bum, who takes her under his wing and begins decimating both sides of the conflict as well as a squad of dirty cops mixed in to the problem. CES
  12. Trump and Putin have been friends for years Mike. CES
  13. The Coloramando is a stealth expert and skilled commando that uses his ability to blend in any background by changing his colors to his advantage. His ability also acts against special vision powers and mechanical aids. CES
  14. The villain known as Skill is Paul Pride. Pride always has to prove he's the best at anything he tries. He has successfully mastered skill trees. When someone comes along that might be considered better than him in a certain field, he must prove that he's the best. CES
  15. The USA Today reported Trump has been dealing with Russians for decades in his real estate business. Most of them are friends with Putin. CES
  16. The Times's front page is how the Russians hacked Dems running state races and revealing their strategy to the public. CES
  17. Won't happen. They would have to trace things back to a specific guy and get a sworn statement. Even if the CIA was that good, they couldn't do it before Jan. CES
  18. Also one of the guys did a breakdown of the cabinet, all of the guys nominated are the exact opposite of what you need to run the department they are up to run except for maybe the exxon guy for sect of state. After all he already has ties to most of the countries we are operating in and russia. CES.
  19. Oh yeah. Some of them are wondering if this will go to court. If it does, Hillary might be rewarded the race, The problem is a smoking gun is needed. CES
  20. Rpg.net is concerned that China was reported flying a nuclear bomber over the south china sea close to Taiwan. CES
  21. Watched Kingdom of Blood. The Four must protect the Emperor, stop a replacement plot, and put an end to a cabal dedicated to taking over the country CES
  22. Storm Trooper is a vaguely faceless mook for the group. His main power is to use water to travel along. During a storm, he can easily travel miles, attack different targets at the same time, penetrate all but the most waterproofed security. The fact that he can also use weapons with his power if not well puts him in the dangerous level of a confrontation. The problem is if he doesn't have any water, then he is stuck depending on others for cover and support. CES
  23. Blanc Grande patrols the waters around Cuba, He focuses on smugglers coming into the island nation rather than people fleeing to the US. People trying to get anything to the nation not approved by the government was more dangerous than people leaving and never wanting to come back. Blanc Grande has also worked with the US Coast Guard and Navy to deal with emergencies at sea. CES
  24. And the people he is wanting to have confirmed for his cabinet are pretty horrible people for the most part. I think Pence picked most of these people since they seem rational but have a core of evil running through them. The only two that actually look Trump picked them are the guy from Goldman Sachs (which owes money to and blasted during his campaign) and the king of bankrupticies. I can't wait until my obamacare is repealed. I am going to look at my coworker who voted for Trump, and I am going to laugh in his face, and rub it in that he had obamacare too. The people I know who said Hillary was the bigger evil, I point blank told them that Trump only told the truth 4% of the time. In a hundred word speech, Hello I'm Donald Trump were the only truthful things he said. Benghazi: Cleared ELEVEN TIMES (And the guy on the committee getting the cabinet seat still swears Hillary was such a mastermind that she covered up her involvement, but she can't cover an email server that a private foundation found through FOIAs.) Emails: Nothing on them, nothing but reports coming from her department that never went out from her server (which shows you how stupid the FBI is because they destroyed a diplomat's career because they couldn't figure out part of her job is to talk to foreign nationals. Oopsie.) Clinton Foundation: The guy that was complaining the most was getting chucked out for CoI because he was building his side business while using Bill Clinton as a fundraiser. Foundation paid for Chelsea's wedding, which apparently is not true according to an audit. The list goes on and I have had to show how wrong the people I work with are to their faces. And they are still Trump's better. After that I was like you are the biggest fracking idiots ever. And I have gotten to rub it in about what they choose, and every time Trump does something stupid, I go you voted for him. What would really make my day is Trump gets impeached, arrested, and tried over his own Foundation, and the fact he was committing fraud with it. I would laugh my Shadow laugh at my coworkers, and say you voted for him. CES
  25. A scion of Dapple execs, Barney Moses was exposed to computers and electronics all his life. After a life saving operation where electronics were placed in his brain to help him control his own body's functions, Barney altered the mechanism to give him control of machinery in his presence. Turning into a hacker who could be anywhere, and unleashing his fury as the ransomware master, the RED SEA was the next step CES
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