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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. The Arnold and the Don are still going at it. Arnold sent the president a picture of his tax releases. It might be because Arnie is younger and smarter, but he is getting some good burns over this CES
  2. A judge files lift on ban. Customs are allowing people to come in again. CES
  3. New York Times says he is just doing what Obama did CES
  4. The group of NPCs I sold to Palladium, The Rat Pack. I used them in several campaigns as back up for the player heroes. Parsifal, grizzled weapons master, Defender, wielder of a mystic shield, El Diablo, dead man turned demon, Manitou, ghost woman able to build bodies from local materials, Thena, demigoddess, Death Mask, bonded with a metal mask of power, and Dust Devil, a tornado with claws. If one of these guys showed up, things were about to go into the grinder. CES
  5. I used to use the players' backgrounds and recurring villains to build a campaign. The players I have had like dealing with the same guys coming back and giving them a reason to play CES
  6. Also if you live near coal mining, don't drink the water. The Republicans reversed the pollution rules. They have also reversed the gun policy for mentally handicapped people too CES
  7. The DHS and Customs said the EO is the EO until otherwise. i don't know how that is progressing in court time. CES
  8. The ban has been injucted against but DHS is still sending people back out of the country. I guess they're more afraid of getting fired than AG Yates CES
  9. San Francisco has declared that it will sue the administration over funds. CES
  10. The word is Democrats in the senate walked out so they didn't have a quorum. Orrin Hatch a little ticked CES
  11. Ebell, the guy who led the transition for the EPA, said he wanted to cut most of the agency and the budget because state agencies were handling things. As a resident of NC, I know his position isn't consistent with facts on the ground. Most of Trump's cabinet are the same way in the positions they are up for nomination. The fact that someone had to point out that a 20% tariff on Mexican imports would drive prices in the United States through the roof is an indication that Trump and the people around him have problems with reality CES
  12. With a name like Runway, personal flight or super speed would be the power of choice. Instead Runway is able to launch others, or objects with a wave of a hand CES
  13. The agent known as Seven is the team's human weapon/spy. Maybe he has an insane amount of luck on his side like Bad Penny, and their powers overlap. Maybe he's the seventh son of a seventh son which gives him command of natural forces around him, maybe he has the skills and abilities of seven different people programmed in his head. No one knows, and he tries to kill anyone trying to find out. CES
  14. The Night Howler signals a heart attack on any who hear his mournful call. He frequently assassinates the group's enemies under the impression that he is a stray dog. CES
  15. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. That's where Phospher comes in. Anything he can light up with the tracking dot he uses to direct his powers, is destroyed by rocks from the sky. CES
  16. Fueled by superstition, The Lucky 13 use the means of getting bad luck (breaking mirrors, walking under a ladder, etc ) to fuel their powers. CES
  17. The Globe protects his charges with round forcefields that fend off direct attacks. Offensively, the globes can be used as cells which direct attacks back at their users. CES
  18. Zardan works for the group as the escape specialist. He opens ways for their clients to walk away from assaults on their bases. He is always by the client, and ready to move if the others have problems in their areas. CES
  19. Caelus controls all the water in the area of the Caelian Hill. He doesn't travel far from his home hill, but his power isn't as strong in other places. CES
  20. The hero known as Caput is a mentalist who projects the image of a floating skull while making himself invisible to sight. Based on the Capitoline Hill, he has involved himself in political investigations. CES
  21. The White Dragon arose to oppose the Red Dragon as the dragons opposed each other in Merlin's time. His powers over ice are unmatched by most superhumans, and he has created at least one artificial winter to reach his goal. CES
  22. There was a huge out cry to go with Trump's tweet. Maybe they did it because he said something, maybe they did it because a bunch of watchdogs, Dems, and others said What is wrong with you CES
  23. Aventinus makes his home among the colleges of the Aventine Hills. The Aventine were originally two hills that were counted as one. Aventinus is the opposite. He is one man that has been split into two. One version is a tall, superhumanly powerful man who uses his great strength to put things right. The other is a miniature genius who builds weapons and equipment to keep up with his other half. Aventinus may be connected to the Olympians in some way, but he avoids such talk especially if anyone asks him about Hercules, or being Hercules's son. CES
  24. The Journal reports that a 90yr old woman parked her car in the roof of a house CES
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