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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. csyphrett


    then duplication, different powers is what you want with a multipower of each power and the duplication power for the original CES
  2. The Robot Ranger Rescue 1990- Tokyo was under attack by a giant made of stone when the three amateur heroines arrived. They decided to fly over and get a look before asking the locals what the cause could be before throwing their weight around. This was their first mission. They didn’t want to mess it up before they got started. “It has a central core.” Eleanor called to the others. “It’s hooked up to other smaller cores. It looks like remains are inside the thing.” “Remains?” Money grimaced as she flew at the front of a lightning bolt. “Dead people?” “Looks like,” Eleanor pointed to a tent on the ground. “Let’s see what the authorities have to say.” As they descended toward the tent, a giant of gray metal exploded from the city. It punched the stone pile in the face with a wrecking ball fist. It followed up with a kick to keep the attacker from the intact buildings. “That’s one of the Robot Rangers.” Carrie smiled. “At least we won’t have to do this alone.” “That gives us more options.” Eleanor waved at the people on the ground as she touched down. Her sisters touched down behind her to form a triangle. At least the soldiers didn’t try to shoot at them. “Excuse me,” said Eleanor in perfect Japanese. “We are here to help with your problem.” “Americans?,” said a man with untidy curls of red hair turning gray. “I’m Stanley Craft. I’m the control for the Rangers.” “I’m Elle Mark.” Eleanor indicated her sisters. “This is Blaster and Lightning. What can you tell us before we get started?” “The Rangers and I were doing research in the Sea of Japan when this started.” Craft indicated a small jet to one side. “Apparently one of the local apartment buildings came to life and ate its residents. Then it started toward downtown to eat as many civilians as it could. We arrived and engaged it to keep the loss of life down. Growth and Multiple are keeping it back while I try to think of a way of stopping this thing.” “We should kneecap this joker, Elle.” Carrie looked at the stone giant. “That’ll keep him from the people until we figure out how to stop it.” “Right.” Elle frowned. “There’s no telling what would happen if we get close to the core. It might try to take us and add us to the meal list.” “If you can open the thing up, I can get a ranger inside to dismantle things.” Craft touched his watch. “That will let us end this situation without anyone else getting killed.” “That won’t be a problem at least.” Elle looked at the stone giant. She agreed with her sister. A kneecapping looked like the right thing to do. “This is what we’re going to do.” Elle launched herself into the air. Her sisters joined her. “Lightning is the distraction. Blaster and I hit the knees. It goes down. The legs have small cores in them, so they have a space to let one of the Rangers in. If not, we’ll have to blast a tunnel through the thing to get the core out. We don’t know if that thing can use us for fuel, and I don’t want to find out.” “Why do I always have to be the distraction?,” asked Money. She had picked a yellow jumpsuit with a black stripe on the outside of the arms and legs to be her more heroic dress. She still presented as the youngest, but her other form was her in the late teens, instead of the fourteen year old she actually was. Elle had settled on something that looked like what a figure skater would wear. It was light green with the Mark’s twelve pointed star in the middle of her chest. She was still slender but looked like someone in their late twenties. Carrie had gone in for something that she had seen on television in the orphanage. She had always liked Mrs. Peel, so she had copied the black leather look in light purple. She looked like a late twenties woman who had become a lot curvier with age. “You’re the fastest.” Elle shook her head. “And you leave a visible trail.” “When you put it that way, I am pretty great,” said Money. “Let’s do this before I have a panic attack.” Carrie looked at the giant’s legs. “Which leg you want, Elle?” “I’ll take the right.” Eleanor frowned as she gauged the distance. “We’re going to need room to make our runs. Go ahead, Money. We’ll be back in a couple of seconds.” “On it, sister.” Money flew down at the giant’s head. She created a ribbon across its vision with her lightning trailing behind her as she circled around the thing. Eleanor and Carrie flew out over the ocean and then turned around. They headed back to land, burning the air with their passage. They corrected for the ranger slamming into his enemy while it was distracted. Then they sliced through the back of the knees in a one-two punch. The giant fell on its back, trying to recover by boosting its upper body with its hands. That allowed the ranger to kick it when it was down. A cube of gray matter hurried out from cover on legs that were stubs with feet at the bottom of them. It threw itself into the opened channel created when the right shin had separated from the right thigh of the stone giant. Another of Rangers adapted himself into a pump to pull water from a broken water main and spray it into the leg after his colleague. Eleanor caught a giant fist trying to strike at the giant ranger. She held it back with both hands as she waited for the Rangers to finish the job. How long could it take? She glanced at the inner workings of the living machine. The ranger filled all of the inside heading toward the chest. All of the orbs inside the machine were knocked down from their web of tissue as the robot expanded with the help of the water. The ranger hit the central core and tore it lose in a liquid metal wave. The orb hit an inner wall and broke apart. The fist that Eleanor was holding back collapsed to the ground in pieces. The part of the left leg that had been separated from the main mass started to change as the main body collapsed into a pile of concrete and steel beams. It took on a more humanoid appearance and picked itself up on two legs. A giant metal foot came down on the smaller block man. The weight of it crushed the menace against the street. Its central core popped like a balloon under the impact. “I didn’t get to do much on this,” said Money. “I thought we would have something to make us famous.” “Shoot some lightning in that other shin piece.” Eleanor pointed at the other foot. It was still intact. “I don’t want it to get up and start moving around.” “On it.” Money dropped down so she could see the hole in the top of the shin. She pointed both hands. Lightning blasted into the inner workings of the thing. It collapsed immediately. “That takes care of that.” Eleanor smiled. “This heroing business might be easier than I thought.” “What do we do now?,” asked Money. “Go home, get something to eat, find a club?” “We help clean this mess up.” Carrie smiled at her expression. “That is part of our job.” “Where do we start?” Money looked down on the path of destruction. It was a miracle if no one else had been hurt in all this. “I guess we should ask the authorities where they want things.” Eleanor nodded at the soldiers coming out on the battlefield. “Then we can start helping move things around.” “This was pretty easy.” Money smiled. “I thought it would be harder.” “We’ll be on body detail unless they think some civilians survived this.” Carrie shook her head. “That’ll be hard enough.” “Oh, not that,” said Money. “Can we pass?” “No.” Carrie shook her head at her younger sister. “Who else could get to them?” “I’m not liking that all,” said Money. She descended on a lightning bolt to land in front of the scientist they had talked to earlier. “Nice job, ladies.” Dr. Craft and an older Japanese man with gray hair and neat mustache smiled. “The Mark would be proud.” “How else can we help, Doctor?” Eleanor doubted the Mark would be proud. He might say good job, or something. Spiffy might give them a friendly headbutt. “My associate, Dr. Yamada, has asked me to request that you help with rescue work.” Craft indicated the other man. “The Rangers are also going to help out until we move things out of the city, and find all the survivors.” “We can do that.” Eleanor glanced at her sisters. They nodded to confirm they would help out. “We’ll fly over to where the attack began and start looking around.” “Thank you.” Craft said something in Japanese. The other man nodded. He responded with several short sentences. “Dr. Yamada said the attack started five miles away to the west.” “We’ll find it.” Eleanor nodded. “Thanks.” The trio took to the air, heading west. The trail of destruction was obvious from the air. They headed for the original resting point of the altered building. Some people were trying to help others from the wreckage with whatever they had at hand. “Let’s get to work.” Eleanor flew down and lifted a car off a trapped woman. 7685
  3. The most common anti vampire symbol is the cross like the Confessor uses on his costume. CES
  4. Okay. That gives you blue, orange, indigo, and violet for a palette with white, black, and brown as back up Do you have some kind of symbol like a skull or something? CES
  5. I don't see why not. I thought of pills like Nuke, but chewing gum might enhance the effect CES
  6. They are talking about the lady with the ears above MJ CES
  7. Since you are going with a body suit, I guess the first thing to decide is color. What is the basic color do you want? Is the character armed? Does the character have strange body changing powers like Alucard? I tend to prefer normal clothes as costumes but the same choices apply. Here are three examples of what I mean from some stories I wrote: 1) Jack Dragon is a stage magician who can do real magic. In the tradition of Zatara and other comic book mages, Jack wears black or dark business suits. He carries small index cards and sunglasses that he uses for his spells. He looks like the typical man in black. 2) The Leaguer is an agent for an alien police force that use nanotech to build armor in the vein of Iron Man. The armor can be any shape, and size, but the Earth Leaguer uses it as armor with like a faceless gold silhouette with the triangular L on his chest. One Leaguer builds a gold starship. One uses his armor to be like Beast Boy, or Ben Ten, changing the shape to suit the problem. 3) The Mocker is an experiment and attempted murder victim who gained the ability to use shadows to hide and move around. He cobbled together a costume from a hockey mask, plain towel, and a body suit, and boots. CES
  8. A chemical genius, Shane Spicer devised an array of drugs that he uses to boost his abilities and skills above a normal human. He typically keeps things low key, boosting his intelligence to get around obstacles, but if cornered, he will boost his physical abilities and enter into a drug fueled frenzy until he is clear of his opponents. Spicer is trying to deal with the addictive side-effects of his drug use, but so far hasn't been able to kick the habit. It's only a matter of time that he goes into a frenzy outside of combat and hurts one of his teammates. Until then, he is an erratic but effective operative known as Spicy CES
  9. Plus Mark Meadows and his Freedom Caucus are backed by the Koch Brothers. They (FC and Kochs) want a straight repeal, not none of this law where it apes the ACA but doesn't do anything good. So you have the FC for straight repeal, Ryan's repeal and replace guys, and Repubs who got a call from the AARP and know old people will vote against them in their next election. Trying to appease the FC who never was going to back a replacement plan cost Trump and Ryan the AARP people who might have backed something. And that's not counting the Dems in Congress or the Senate as a whole who might have voted against this thing. If only they hadn't tried to ram this thing through on a budget bill, they might have given themselves more time to fix their problems. CES
  10. Girl at work saves toddler walking down the road. Apparently she slipped out of the house in her socks and diaper and walked a half mile before Keirstan picked her up CES
  11. The Sisters 1986- Bobby Benson sat at his window. He looked out at the clouds roaming below, letting his mind drift in memories. Sometimes he saw something that could have been if he could change the past. It seemed better than the present. He heard voices, and dismissed them at first. He was in his castle and was the only one with a key. No one else should be wandering the featureless halls, many stairwells, and rooms placed where the doors weren’t always present. He listened to make sure he hadn’t really heard anything. Someone exclaimed they were tired of wandering around without a sign post. Bobby stood. His green spark washed away the old shirt and jeans he wore and replaced it with the light blue suit and twelve-pointed star he favored for his other face at the moment. His withered arm filled out with muscle as his body changed just as easily as his clothes. He flew down to where he had heard the voices. Maybe someone had wandered in from the street. It didn’t happen often, but it did happen. He directed them to where they had to go, sometimes helping them with money or transport if they needed it. He thought he had closed up the doors leading to the outside over the years. New ones seemed to open on their own while he wasn’t looking. He found three girls arguing over which direction to go. He stood in the hall and listened as they tried to figure out where they could stay for the night. The argument gave him the gist of their story. He knew a lot about being an orphan, and trying to live on your own. These girls could go back to their orphanage and try to get adopted, but they all wanted to be adopted together. He could see that being a problem for prospective parents. “Excuse me.” Bobby smiled so they wouldn’t freak out at his standing there. “The door is that way.” “Who are you supposed to be?” The oldest girl stepped in front of the other two. She was slim and blond. She might be as old as thirteen, but Bobby had no idea. “I’m the owner of this place.” Bobby crossed his arms. “Who are you three trespassers?” “We’re not trespassing.” The youngest, a black nine-year-old with hair pulled back into a ball at the back of her head, peeked out from behind her older companion. “The guy outside said we could find a place to live until we had something better.” “Really?” Bobby shook his head. “Guy with a cigar and a beige coat?” “Yes.” The middle girl nodded. She had a hand on the youngest girl’s shoulder. She was close enough to the oldest girl to be a sister, except she was carrying a little more weight. Bobby should have known that Nobody was behind this. He had his fingers in everything. Why would he con some kids to enter Cain’s castle? Of course the same thing was how he had become the Mark in the first place. “So you ran away from home.” Bobby hadn’t had a home before he took over for Cain. He still remembered walking the street with the hope he wouldn’t be frozen by the time the sun came up. “It was just an orphanage.” The eldest spoke up. “They didn’t really care about us.” “So you decided to break into someone’s home and squat.” Bobby frowned at the three of them. “So you don’t want to go back.” “You can’t make us.” The youngest glared at him. “We won’t go back.” “I can make you,” said Bobby. “And if I take you back, you will stay. Threatening kids is what I do. Come with me.” “Why should we?” The oldest held her younger companions back. “I’m going to give you a space while I think about this.” Bobby wondered if he was doing the right thing. He wasn’t mentor material in his own estimation. Maybe he should carry them back to the orphanage and let someone else take them off his hands. He walked along the similar corridors until he found a large door. He pushed the door open on a meadow full of tall grass. Trees stood in the distance under the clear sky. “Where did all this come from?” The middle girl held out her hands as she stepped on the grass. “It comes with the building.” Bobby whistled. He watched the grass. Swaying grass told him that his summons had been heard. A gopher lifted out the ground. He looked at the group with ears twitching. It chattered quietly to itself. “I’m trying to decide if I should keep them.” Bobby held out a hand. “What do you think, Spiffy?” The gopher dropped into the ground and tunneled over to where the group stood. He came out of the ground and stood on his back legs to grab the hand. “This is Spiffy.” Bobby picked up the gopher. The beast looked as big as a lion cub. “I’m Eleanor,” said the eldest girl. “This is Carrie.” She pointed at the middle girl. “And I’m Monique Teckina Natasha Brown,” said the youngest. “But you can call me Money.” Spiffy stretched out his head to sniff Money. Then he headbutted her as he dropped to the ground. He ambled a few feet away and sat on his haunches. He chittered at her. “Why did he do that?” The girl rubbed her forehead. “He wants you to chase him.” Bobby smiled. “He wants to play.” “I’ll chase him all right.” She ran at the gopher, turning into lightning on the way. She missed the animal as he sank into the ground in a cloud of dirt. A furrow led away through the grass. They crossed the meadow at high speed. The older girls stood shocked at their adoptive sister flashing through the grass in bursts of lightning. She still wasn’t faster than Spiffy who taunted her by bursting out of the ground and then diving under again like a dolphin in the ocean. “How is she doing that?” Eleanor looked up at Bobby. “She doesn’t have superpowers.” “Spiffy must have loaned her part of his.” Bobby shrugged. “I imagine he gets lonely without someone to play with him.” “You have a superpowered gopher?” Eleanor looked at the lightning in the grass. “He belonged to a friend of mine.” Bobby shrugged. “I took him in when my friend died.” Bobby didn’t think they wanted to hear how his friend had been pulled into pieces before she could activate her spark and defend herself. “Will he give us powers too?,” Carrie asked. She brushed back her hair with her hands. “I doubt it.” Bobby smiled at her. “Hey, you two. Play time is over.” “Ahhhh!” Money paused. “Really?” “We’re going to eat.” Bobby waved her in. “I’ll bring you back something, Spiffy.” The gopher chittered at him before sinking into the ground and burrowing away. “Let’s go.” Bobby pulled the spark Spiffy had planted from the girl with a brush of his hand through her hair. “Leave your stuff here. Spiffy will protect it.” “Are you letting us stay?,” Carrie asked. She took their belongings and made three piles next to the door. “Depends on how dinner goes.” Bobby smiled at her. “Spiffy likes you and that’s a good sign.” “What’s a bad sign from Spiffy?,” Eleanor asked. She kept herself between Bobby and the other two girls. “He rips your arms off.” Bobby gestured for them to go first through the door. He smiled to take the sting out of his words. “Don’t worry. He hasn’t done that in years.” “That’s comforting.” Eleanor looked at her sisters. Their expressions said let’s go ahead. “We don’t have a lot of money for food.” “It’s on me today.” Bobby closed the door to Spiffy’s room and led the way toward the outside door. “My treat.” “Why?” Eleanor led the girls like a mother duck. “Why not?” Bobby knew she was trying to protect her sisters. Being paranoid about a stranger with a gopher just seemed like good sense to him. He remembered his last day before becoming the Mark. He should have been more paranoid when he talked with Cain. “Come on.” Bobby opened the outside door. “I’ll let you get your gear back after dinner if I decide you can’t stay.” “Spiffy loves us.” Money protested as they stepped outside. “Spiffy bit a man’s leg off out of spite.” Bobby closed the door after them. “Don’t think he wouldn’t do the same to you.” “Out of spite?” Carrie shook her head. “I don’t believe that for a minute. He’s totally tame.” “You keep thinking that.” Bobby led the way down the street. Buildings reached into the sky all around them, but he steered them to a small diner between two other buildings. He smiled when saw the sign still hadn’t been fixed. “I hope you’re ready to chow down.” “We can repay for anything like this.” Eleanor examined the place as Bobby walked to the door. “It’s on me.” Bobby opened the door and waved them to go inside. “I have a tab.” “What’s a tab?” Money asked as she walked inside the diner. “The restaurant keeps a tally of your bill so you can pay for a lot at the same time.” Carrie pointed her to the bar stools that lined an ancient counter. “Let’s use the big booth in the back.” Bobby led the way through the tables and booths to a booth designed for eight people to sit in a circle. They sat down. Eleanor sat between Bobby and her two sisters. He didn’t know what she thought she could do to protect them if he wanted to do anything, but he let it go. “It’s the Mark.” A waitress with streaks of gray in her dark hair walked over in a red shirt and black skirt. A glove covered one hand. A big knife was in a belt sheathe at the small of her back. She smiled at the girls with genuine warmth. “And I see you brought some kids with you this time.” “Hello, Cassie.” Bobby smiled. “I need three specials and a reading.” “Don’t know your own mind?” Cassie smiled as she shook her head. She walked off. “Coming right up.” “What did she mean?,” Carrie asked. “This is the first time he’s asked for advice,” Eleanor said. “What are Specials?,” Money asked. “They are meals that have set items on them for a cheaper price.” Carrie brushed her hair with a hand. “So we all eat the same thing.” “Sounds like the orphanage cafeteria.” Money frowned at the thought of that. “This is much better than any cafeteria.” Bobby looked out the window to one side of the booth. “Cassie has the best food ever.” “Then why aren’t you eating?” Eleanor raised an eyebrow at his not ordering for himself. “I already did.” Bobby smiled back at her. “What I’m getting is not on the menu.” Cassie returned to the booth with a big serving tray. She placed three plates on the table before handing Bobby a folded piece of paper. He opened it and read the contents before putting the paper away in the breast pocket of his jacket. “Which one?,” Bobby asked. “Don’t be a jerk.” Cassie shook her head. “No one can tell you that.” “This is exactly what I wanted.” Eleanor examined the plate of salad, yogurt, and toast. “How did you know?” Carrie picked up her triple hamburger with an eye roll. She took a bite and smiled. “This is better than the orphanage.” Money dug into her pieces of chicken. “I’ll bring you your drinks.” Cassie tucked the big tray under her arm. “Come by any time.” She retreated to the kitchen. “What did the paper say?,” Eleanor asked as she put dressing on her salad. “None of your business.” Bobby smiled at her. 6071
  12. I'm game. What would you like to know, Chris? One setting had an elevator to different planes of existence with natives being unable to use them. I had one game where the heroes kept fighting battles with the kings of hell. Are you having problems with these other dimensions? CES
  13. I used to run a Palladium game with that as well as time travel. Is this a rule question, or a setting question? CES
  14. Trump's analysis says the plan will lose two million more than what the CBO says. And then someone leaked it. At least a ton of money will be saved because no one will have insurance or medicaid CES
  15. Sorry to hear this, Masked Man. CES
  16. over 500k people in NC are projected to be out of insurance if the new Trumpcare goes through. Millions are projected across the country. Ryan says they will be able to get insurance if they want it CES
  17. The End of the Light 1956- Bobby Benson smiled as he took a seat at the glass table on the patio in the backyard of Will Williams’s place. He had saved Will’s life during the war, and granted him some of Cain’s power to help fight the enemy. Bobby had empowered several people in this way so that he had help to make the world a better place. And they had done wonders as far as he was concerned. Will had asked him to come by his place for some kind of talk. He didn’t like the sound of it, but he had nothing better to do. His excuses sounded unfeasible to his own mind when he tried to think of one. “I wanted you to know this was Ann’s idea.” Will brought out two glasses of tea and put them on the table. “She said you wouldn’t mind.” “Mind what, Will?” Bobby took his glass and sipped at it. Ann Baker was another of his helpers. She was an orphan like him. He had helped her find a home with a family while enlisting her aid. Will smiled as Ann came out of the house. She wore a simple dress and shoes in shades of green. Green pins held her long, red hair back from her face. Will wore the simple shirt and pants that seemed to be his only outfit. Every time Bobby could remember meeting with him, that was what his friend wore. If it was a special occasion, he would add a jacket and tie. “We wanted to ask you to be the best man at our wedding.” Ann smiled. “You’re the only real choice.” “You’re getting married?” Bobby couldn’t believe his ears. “When?” “In a few months.” Will laughed at his friend’s expression. “We have most of it worked out, and we’re seeing how much it will cost.” “Congratulations.” Bobby smiled. “I’m happy for you both.” “So you’ll be the best man?,” Will asked. “You’ll have to hold the ring for us, and do some things around the service.” “I would love to be the best man.” Bobby couldn’t stop grinning. “I never thought about marriage before. This is a whole new view of things.” Will, Ann, and the table exploded in a beam of fire. Bobby fell to the ground, arm covered in flames. He rolled in the grass in pain. He couldn’t feel it as he tried to get his brain to work again. “I knew this would be the way to do things.” The familiar voice drifted to Bobby’s ears from a million miles away. A hand grabbed his neck and picked him up off the ground. “Time for you to die.” Bobby took a breath and changed. The source of his power, the green spark, was also the source of his enemy’s ability. Barbarossa changed also as his green spark flowed into his intended victim. His light blue tunic, stained with darker patches of red, became rags. His dark hair tied back in a knot became gray and brittle. Lines of time ran down his face with liver spots keeping pace. Bobby had replaced his initial tunic with a light blue shirt and pants. A pin shaped like a twelve pointed star rode on his right breast. He glared at the man holding his neck. Then the man fell to the ground with a hole through his skull. Bobby turned his attention on his other enemies and walked toward them. He had spared their lives because he had felt that it would be bad to just kill when you didn’t have to do that. As he advanced on them, he thought maybe he had made a mistake adhering to that philosophy. Bad guys always thought they were more ruthless than good guys because they were willing to take what they wanted. Sometimes they ran into a good guy who decided that was enough. Then they found out someone was more ruthless than they were on a personal level. Then it was too late for them to rethink what their plan should have been. Bobby took in the scene in a second. Four of his most dangerous enemies, five if you counted the dead Barbarossa, had driven to a house down the block from Will’s place. They had exited the van they had used. Then they had killed Will and Ann with a heat ray. He had let them live for so long. He should have known better. His rage burned hot as he closed with his enemies. They would regret what they had done for the few seconds it would take to deal with them. Dr. Rainey Sybil had lost most of his hair over the years, a few inches in height, and accidentally inflicted several scars to his person from experiments that didn’t work as well as he thought they should have. He stood behind the two bruisers he was using for muscle with the heat ray smoking in his gloved hands. The Butterfly perched on Sybil’s shoulder. This alien insect possessed mental abilities that allowed it to control people, and a knowledge that allowed it to create machines that surpassed anything on earth. Wings of gold glittered in the sun as it turned its mental abilities against the oncoming enemy. One of the muscle was Koal, an immortal caveman. He had tried to destroy civilization to force it back to a society without technology. He carried his club in both hands so he could swing it like a bat. The other muscle was Paul Poindexter. He was known as the Spine. He was almost as strong and durable as Bobby, and as smart as a rock. He was the perfect minion if you could deal with his inability to carry out orders. The only thing he was good at was the application of violence. Bobby headed right at them at full speed. Koal swung his club at Bobby’s head. It looked like freeze framed pictures to the hero. He grabbed the club, smashed the caveman in the face with it, watched as the face started healing, hit him with the club so hard the wood shattered into splinters. Bobby grabbed his enemy by the neck and flung him straight up as hard as he could. It would take a while for the caveman to fall back down. By that time, the fight would be over. The Spine leaped at Bobby. His fist moved almost as fast as Bobby. The hero let it slip by. Another punch sliced the air in the hopes of knocking the hero out of the way. Bobby grabbed Poindexter by the neck. He slammed him into the ground. He punched the man in the face hundreds of times in a second. The villain’s invulnerability prevented him from being hurt, but not from having his head drilled into the ground and trapped there like debris in ice. Bobby turned his attention to his last two foes. Sybil pointed the heat ray at him as the Butterfly perched on the scientist’s shoulder. One trigger pull unleashed a beam at their intended victim. Bobby held out his hand and directed the beam into the Spine. The ray baked him into the ground even more, turning some of it into glass on top of him as the beam heated everything up. Sybil cut the beam as Bobby rushed at him. The hero missed his grab. He paused as his enemy tried to catch him with a different weapon from his belt. Ice formed from the projector’s light. It covered Benson’s arm as he blocked the beam. That was a mistake for the doctor. Bobby dodged around the beam, and slammed into a shield Sybil had set up to protect him and the Butterfly from harm. Benson froze against the wall as all of his force was transmitted into the protective barrier. “You’ll never get through that, Mark.” Sybil laughed in his high-pitched voice. “It takes kinetic energy and makes the barrier stronger.” Bobby grabbed the ground at the edge of the bubble and tore it up. That threw the bubble into the air. He flew under it and headed into space. He would deal with the Spine when he was done with his more dangerous enemies. Bobby found Koal floating in orbit. He needed to put the caveman somewhere he wouldn’t hurt anyone else. He sent Sybil’s bubble heading toward Mars. The mad scientist probably had some kind of flying device to prevent any ground entanglement. He was fine to use it in the few seconds he would have before he was once again under scrutiny. Bobby only planned to take that long with Koal because he didn’t want him falling back to Earth and becoming a threat again. Sometimes it was best to make sure. He grabbed the caveman by the back of the neck. He flung the frozen body at the Sun. Let him spend the rest of his life in the gravity well of the Sun. Bobby watched his projectile hit the outer shell of the sun. He firmed up his face, glad that some of the anger was fading. He still had to deal with Sybil and the Butterfly. He flew to where he had dropped the scientist and insect in the dust. He knew they would try to think of some way back to Earth from their red crash site. He didn’t plan to give them time for that. Bobby spotted Sybil standing on the ground in a cloud of red dust. He had a gas mask over his face to give him oxygen while he tinkered with his arsenal. The enraged hero picked up the biggest piece of rock he could rip from the ground and dropped it on his enemy. His shield would take the kinetic hit, but the mass of the thing would push on the force field until it collapsed. Psychic pain washed over him as he waited for the two villains to dig their way out. He knew then they never would. Bobby flew back to Earth. He found the Spine where he had left him. The man had not been able to free himself from his cocoon in the short amount of time he had been given. Bobby grabbed him by the neck and ripped him free. The green spark made him stronger by degrees than the other empowered superman. He held the man over his head. “I want you to say I have no spine.” Bobby didn’t recognize his own voice. “I’ll never say I have no spine!” Poindexter froze as he reverted to normal in a dusting of particles drifting to the ground. Bobby closed his hand. 4063 words
  18. Using 95 to 40? or 52 to 40? I live near the Davidson line, near Bermuda Run/Tanglewood Park/Yadkin River. If you're coming through, and the traffic report says 40 is snarled out that way, go down to 421 and cut back on the other side of Mocksville if you can. The other night it took forty minutes to drive a mile because a tractor trailer overturned and shut down 40 Eastbound. When something like that happens, the surface roads are impassable CES
  19. Charred (Charlie Redmond) is a burn victim that is resistant to damage and holding a part of the flame that nearly killed him inside. While not good to look at, he is the hero to call if you need someone to set a fire. CES
  20. This is never going to happen as long as Big Money is allowed to buy politicians. The Trump Admin has already rolled back regs for clean water and air as being too intrusive CES
  21. DA of Rockingham County arrested for hiring wife but not making her work CES
  22. man is denied his gun and gun permit after trial. it seems he tried to break up a fight by shooting into the asphalt of a parking lot beside a busy street here in Winston Salem. the problem is the fight he interrupted was two male nurses trying to round up a mental patient to take back to the home. CES
  23. Jason Chaffertz who has a free Iphone given to him by his campaign donors. This is the guy who was all EMAILS!!!!, but won't deal with possible Russian influence on the election. And he looks like a ground hog which I think ground hogs should resent CES
  24. Does Trump's budget reflect the fact that he is cutting into the Coast Guard and Fema which provide help and assistance to thousands of people every day. Trump's is designed by a guy who has no idea what goes on in the real world or how the government should be going about its business. He's a tea party guy and all they care about is screwing things up so the government doesn't work. CES
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