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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Sure. Win Sal Journal webpage is journalnow.com, and this is the link to the story CES
  2. Piper Kincaid only has one power, a mind control command for only one thing. So when she picks up her flute to stop bad guys, they will dance until she stops playing. This may cause some villains to run in fear from the Moon Dance. CES
  3. Woman is caught selling twelve year old for sex. Facing a ton of charges, as is her male accomplice. CES
  4. Theresa May has gripped Brexit like an old lover. It took a decade for Britain to get into the EU, and now it has to leave in two years. I hope you come through this okay, DT. CES
  5. Dr. Darian Tyme is a researcher into aging. Believing he has finally identified the source, he works on finetuning his formula to retard, possibly halt the process altogether. His victims turn up aged beyond belief as he tires to get things right. CES
  6. The Red Snapper is an armored hero working his way up and down the Mississippi. He tends to patrol the water and leave land crimefighting and rescues to other heroes. He has ranged as far north as St Louis and near the Gulf on the other end. He has a fairly good relationship with the Coast Guard. CES
  7. The Ensign is the team's transporter and secret weapon. He commands the smart battleship Fender Fries, using it to drop the team off on a mission, pick them up, bomb the authorities from the sky. The Ensign keeps track of all movement in the operating area to keep his team out of trouble. And the Fries is big enough to allow his team their own quarters if they want to stay on board. But the Ensign doesn't like to massacre people and avoids combat as much as possible, and his team knows better than to try to lead him into a trap so he has to deal with police using the Fries artillery. He would just cut them off and fly away. CES
  8. Make Your Mark 2017- Bobby Benson looked up at the sky over New York. The words that had come with his reading so long ago leaped into his mind. ALL OF YOU, OR ONLY ONE OF YOU. He knew this was the decision that would make those words come true. He just didn’t think it would take so long. “What are you thinking, Bobby?” Eleanor dropped down out of the sky, long light blue dress flowing around her. A green twelve pointed star marked one shoulder. “Someone has to buy time for the rest of you to save the world.” Bobby wore his light blue suit, star for a tie clip. He smiled at her. “I’m proud of you girls. I knew letting you stay was a good decision. It was maybe the best decision I ever made.” “There’s no way you can stop this.” Eleanor pushed her blond hair out of her face. “The magicians and the Lamplighters have a plan. Let them carry it out.” “I need you to take care of your sisters in all this chaos.” Bobby drew on his mantle. “I’ll see you when I get back.” “You’re not coming back.” Eleanor looked like she was about to cry. “How could you?” “Someone has to defend the planet.” Bobby smiled. “That’s my job, and has been since you were a baby. I kind of slacked up on it, but I never could quite give it up. It has been a pleasure, Eleanor. Thank you for being my friend.” “Thank you for being a dad.” Eleanor found herself talking to the air. The Mark had exploded into the air before his last words reached her. Bobby crashed through the descending front line of the invasion force. They hadn’t expected his level of force being applied to their ships and armor. And when it was, parts of alien cephalopods rained down on the street. He crossed into the cloud that denoted where Earth was mixing with another place and time. He flew out the other side, catching the invaders by surprise. A human torpedo crashing through their launching platforms sent bent metal and aliens flying from the entrance. He spotted a giant flaming tree in the distance. This tree had eyes of green flame and a mouth to match. It glared at him as he closed on it. It was the biggest thing around, and it had to be stopped to help the others on Earth. The Mark hit his enemy as hard as he could. Saving the Earth meant cutting loose with everything he had. He hadn’t done that in a long time. Since he had killed Barbarossa, very few of his enemies could match the sheer power given him by the green spark. Bobby realized he might have bitten off more than he could chew. Punching through the burning tree did nothing to stop it. It directed more of the invaders to launch through the portal with a wave of its limbs. He crashed into the mass after a flying start. He disrupted their assembly by throwing flying gunships that resembled crabs into each other. The crews abandoned ship or blew up when their boats collided with each other. He was holding them back. That was all he could really do. Hopefully the Lamplighters and their allies planned how to shut the portal down from the other side. Two colossi of stone and metal sprang to life from a floating mountain drifting by the mustering point. They stepped forward, reaching for Bobby as he flung a soldier away. Bobby knocked the head off one with one blow. He didn’t watch it sail away across the liquid sky. The other one swung a massive fist he had to dodge. Then he flew straight in like a bullet and punched a tunnel through the second colossus’s head. It dropped to a planetoid and refused to move. Bobby looked around to see what he could wreck next. He hoped he was helping the others with this big move. He might be able to turn most of the invaders back before they jumped across to Earth. He wondered how the others were doing. How were they handling the ones that were getting through? He knew that his girls, the Lamplighters, and the Rangers were on the scene. Hopefully they were holding the invasion to the scene of the beachhead. Was he really helping with this solo effort? He grabbed a flying boat and rammed it into another one. However much he doubted he could hold the forces back, he was creating chaos in their ranks. That had to create extensive delays in getting to Earth to set up. And his girls were fast enough to take out groups of these alien soldiers on their own. Help would allow them to expand their net. Sheer numbers could wear the defenders down, but he hoped he was keeping those numbers down with the destruction he was causing. The burning tree stepped across the landscape and swung multiple limbs as one. He ducked the blow. So the general had decided to take him on while the army kept going without him getting in the way. “I have had enough of your interference.” The voice was a thousand fingernails on chalkboards eating at his mind. “It is time for you to be removed from my sight.” Bobby waited for her next move. He was the one who had to buy time. The longer he could hold her in place, the more time the others had to stop this. Beams of spellfire leapt from her multiple gnarled hands. They swept toward him in lockstep waves. He flew out of their way, blinking across the sky to avoid the burning symbols that made up the rays. Bobby charged in and swung with all the power he had. He landed his haymaker, noting that it caved the bark of the face he had smashed. A second later, the crater popped out while he wound up to hit with his other hand. He could be in for a slugfest as long as he could keep hitting her more than she could hit him. He doubted that he could kill her. He just wasn’t strong enough to do more than inconvenience her at this point. He realized that but he knew he had to try. He couldn’t let his adopted daughters down. He had to do as much as possible until the dimensional rip was sewed back up from the other side. Anything after that would be gravy as far as he was concerned. He slammed into her face again, swinging with both hands. That rocked her head back on the tree trunk body she had. Flames hissed from her eye holes as she fought to keep from going over. She exhaled a sheet of flame at him. He dropped out of the way close enough to smell the air burning from the assault. He didn’t think he could take a hit from anything that powerful. It made his green spark look like a double a battery next to a nuclear power plant. He slammed into her chin to shut her mouth up. He didn’t need her wrecking havoc with her bad breath in his world. A wave of wooden hands crashed into him. He flew into a planetoid and dug a crater in the rock. He staggered to his feet as the tree came on. Maybe he shouldn’t let the thing him with its body, along with its spell power. “You don’t have a chance against me.” The tree held up all of its hands. They all glowed. “I’m the Queen of Genn, Sister of the Destroyer, Mother of the Myriad. You are nothing to me with your pitiful piece of magic.” “I’m the Mark.” Bobby felt more energy pour into him from his green spark. It had to be enough to get the job done. “I won’t let you pass. Call off your invasion.” “You can’t stop me from passing.” The Queen of Genn laughed at the absurdity of his demand. “You have thrown my children in disarray for the moment, but that is of no consideration to me. You can’t stop the inevitable joining of your world to mine.” “I can try.” The Mark launched himself in the air. He had to keep pushing against her until she gave up. He wasn’t going to overpower her. She had regeneration to burn against his attacks. “Stubbornness in the face of destiny will only cause your extermination sooner than the rest of your breed.” The Queen flung her spells from her hands with a roar of flame from her crowning branches. Bobby dodged most of the spells. He moved like lightning in the air. His reflexes were also heightened so he didn’t crash into things while trying to make turns at high speed. A net spread out in front of him. He tried to fly over its golden threads, but it wrapped around his legs. Pain shot through his body as he tried to pull away from the net. More of the sticky spell work covered him as he tried to rip the strands already wrapped around his legs. Soon he was cocooned into immobility by the layers of netting. Bobby tried to pull away from the Queen, pulling on the net like a fish on a hook. She yanked him back so she could grab him with her many hands. “It’s time you learned your place in the many worlds.” She marched to the cloud that denoted the boundary. “It’s time your world learned its place.” Bobby struggled inside the netting. He had to get free so he could get out of her grip and keep up the battle. He had to buy more time for the others. “You can’t avoid your fate.” The Queen of Genn formed a bridge through the boundary and emerged over New York. Bobby wondered if he had made the wrong choice trying to shape the future to something that he wanted to happen instead of what would happen. Had he moved things too far and doomed his family? What if he had doomed the world by trying to play the Lone Ranger? Who would look after his kids now? “I, the Queen of Genn, the Sister of the Destroyer, the Mother of the Myriad, the Sun of a Million Lands, pronounce sentence on this miserable place for the crime of accepting my rebellious daughter as one of your own.” The burning tree held up her prize in her grasp. An image covered the world so everyone could see what was going to happen. “You will all be exterminated just like this hero who tried to stop me.” The net around Bobby caught fire as magic poured down on him. He felt the green spark in his body being ripped out. Then he blew apart in a cloud of ash and smoke. Cassie’s cryptic reading passed through his mind as he burned away. He knew he had made the right choice and bought the time the others needed to save the world. 9543
  9. The Maroon Slider (from this thread) is named for the turtles common to the islands in the Carriebean. His armored form is frequently seen at sea protecting ships and tourists. No one is quite sure if he is a man in a suit, or a victim of science gone wrong. He has also inspired turtle/tortoise based heroes around the world. Who are the six Shelled Shields of Justice? CES
  10. Read Grim Death and Bill the Electrocuted Criminal by Mignola and Sniegoski. Bentley Hawthorne is called on to avenge the deaths of those cut down before their time. As Grim Death, he punishes the guilty to the best of his ability. In the pursuit of his calling, he must avenge a trapeze artist and rescue her true love who is awaiting death in the electric chair. CES
  11. The Great Deceiver has a silver tongue that convinces anyone he is talking to that whatever he says is the truth. CES
  12. They caught the dismemberer and have charged him and set bail. The reason he dismembered the corpse was to cover up how he had killed the victim. They are still looking for the victim's silver miata convertible. CES
  13. Get married and see what your opinion is. CES
  14. Ed Reed has become the hero known as Beastling for his ability to change form into any combination of animals he knows CES
  15. Yesterday, the local paper reported that a man was found dismembered in his own house. They are trying to link it to a body found in another county in the same condition CES
  16. The variation I saw was: Pepsi: That didn't go over well United: Hold my beer. Sean Spicer: LEEEEEEEROOOOY JEENNNNKKKINNNSSS!!! CES
  17. Watched Moana. Who knew the Rock could sing? CES
  18. Shooting Star Rogues Gallery is the name, like the Flash Rogues Gallery CES
  19. Baron Winter has threatened the world with his mastery of storms and snow. Freezing regions so he can force the inhabitants out is a common ploy. Naturally his nemesis Cumulative tried to stop him at every turn. CES
  20. When the Shooting Stars were lost, their rogue's gallery didn't retire. They tried to implement their plans in the expectation the team would return. Other teams had to step in the Shooting Stars' place to stop these six menaces. Who are these world class threats to the system? CES
  21. Rapier is a cousin of the Swordsman and possesses his psychic power to generate a blade of mental force. He doesn't have the ability to create a thousand of these weapons yet, but he has learned some fencing and can slice through almost anything in his way. CES
  22. The villain known as Lot is known for his portable armories which he uses to outfit himself with the right weapon for the job. Very few obstacles can stand up to his creations when he is trying to get somewhere quickly. CES
  23. Sounds like something you would see in Schlock Mercenary. CES
  24. JM, Have you considered a Captain America type as your team lead? Or maybe Moon Knight? Also Camp Nano is starting at midnight at campnanowrimo.org. You'll have thirty days to write your draft. CES
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