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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. I would like to pick the original Kent Nelson Dr. Fate. Obviously he can return home any time using the ongoing storms of RIFTS Earth but someone has to stick around and battle the various factions that want to destroy and enslave humanity as well as keep human forces in check from being too brutal to the peaceful nonhumans that now share the planet. CES
  2. Ralph Stanley is the Wrecker. His massive hands can punch a hole through anything that gets in his way. CES
  3. button pushing 2015 3 Tanner stood in front of the hangars. He had missed something. Where had the men in black taken Givens? None of the hangars had planes in them. He walked toward the runways behind the terminal. Maybe there was somebody on the field who had seen what had happened to the van. He wasn’t giving up. There had to be something he could do to find the van and its users. What power did he have that could help him? He did have a technological thing he could call on. He didn’t use it that often. It might come in handy to hack the phone he had stolen. That might lead to someone else in the chain. Once he got Givens back, he could hand whatever he found over to the Feds and let them go about their business. That was better than being a one man band chasing after villains everywhere in the world. He wasn’t the Mark. He loved his small corner of the world, and didn’t want to protect anywhere else. He spotted the van sitting by a runway at the other end of the field. He shook his head. All the doors being open told him that he had missed them. He looked up in the air. Planes roared away from the airport. The one he needed had to be one of them. How did he find it? He would have to hack the tower and ask the computer what it knew. That should be easy enough to do if he could get next to one that knew what he wanted. The first step of his plan required that he get up to the roof of the control tower. He summoned his wings and flew up to the top of the tower. He took a position beside some machinery. He didn’t know what it did, and his only interest was in how much access the dishes and such could give him to the files he needed. He tried not to think about how many federal laws he was about to break to find out what he wanted to know. When the wings went away, he dialed another combination. He heard a ton of computer chatter as he leaned against the machinery. He didn’t need to interfere with day to day operations to get what he wanted. He simply asked where was the plane that had launched at roughly the same time as the van entering the lot. Three planes kicked back to him from the system. Only one was a private jet. He checked the location. It was headed for New York. Tanner checked the heading with the equipment. As far as the radar knew, the plane was on course for the northeastern section of the United States. All he had to do was follow it and track it down once it landed. That shouldn’t be too hard. The man in the coat had given him a tough job to crack. And when he got home, he would have to deal with his parents and the fact that he had skipped school. The fireballs against the house across the street from the school would have to give him some pretext to skip out for the day. Maybe he could claim that there had been an emergency and he had been forced to walk home. It wasn’t a perfect excuse, but it should give him some cover until he thought of something better. The bodies left after the attack might give him something else he could use to justify skipping. He decided to worry about that after he figured out a way to get to New York after that plane. Tanner checked for where the plane was due to land. He had a way to get to New York as soon as this power set wore off. It was the fastest way to travel across country. He should get to the airport before the plane landed. What did he do after that? He should call the authorities and let them handle things from now on. He could still try to find the plane and get Givens back. That would be faster than trying to convince someone that he knew where the plane was going. He was a kid. No one would believe him. He would have to check in at the airport to catch them when they land. Until then, he could lead his normal life until it was time to meet the plane on the ground. Then he would have to go on the offensive and do what he could to stop the group. He programmed his phone to give him an alert when the plane was due in. It wasn’t foolproof. The plane could land and put Givens off anywhere. If it did that, he would have to get into the plane’s electronics and see what he could do about finding out where the plane had stopped before its final landing. The mechanical aptitude wore off as he tracked the plane in the air. It was still heading northeast according to the radar. That was the best Tanner could do at the moment. He called up the slide. He frowned that there wasn’t a hole close to the top of the tower. He had to get off the tower to start his slide home. He looked at the nearest location hole. He threw himself off the tower. He hit the point and exited halfway across town. He stepped through another hole and wound up at school. He had to get his books out of his locker. Then he could head home until the plane was closing in on a landing. Then he could use the slide to get across the country. What were his next steps if he couldn’t stop them? How much effort would it take to get Givens back? How did he deal with those ball shooters? One thing at a time, he told himself. The first thing was to get his bag and get away from there before the police asked him some questions he couldn’t answer. He headed into the building and worked his way down to his locker. He freed his gear. No one seemed to be looking at him. Tanner made it outside. The police and fire departments were still busy across the street from the school. He didn’t see any students or teachers loitering about. He checked his timer. He slid across to somewhere in Miami and started making his way back home. He reached the end of his block after several slides and reloading the power from the keyboard. He ran to his house. Both of his parents were gone from the looks of things. He let himself in and headed for his bedroom. He put the bag next to his desk as he thought about what he should do next. He should probably call to say he wasn’t going to be at school. That way they wouldn’t call to check on him. He went downstairs and grabbed the landline receiver from its cradle. He didn’t want to use his own phone in case they suspected he was ditching. He definitely didn’t want the school to call his phone while he was away. Tanner looked up the number for his school on his own phone, then called on the family phone. He waited for someone to answer the ringing. He hoped no one had seen him before he went into action as the Gold Man. That would dampen his lie if someone reported seeing him on the street heading to school. “Robert Wilson High School,” said the familiar voice of Mrs. Treadle. “How can I help you today?” “This is Tanner Lerner, Mrs. Treadle,” said Tanner. He put one hand over the mouthpiece and coughed. “I’m staying home today. I don’t feel that well.” “You’ll have to bring a note to be excused, Tanner,” said Mrs. Treadle. “I’ll let your teachers know you’ll be absent.” “Thanks,” said Tanner. “I’ll bring the note in tomorrow.” “I hope you feel better,” said Mrs. Treadle. Tanner put the phone down on its cradle. He waited on the couch. A few minutes later, the phone rang. He scooped up the handset with a coughing hello. “Mr. Lerner,” said the vice principal of the school. “This is Mr. Banks. How are you doing?” “Just got a bug,” said Tanner. “I’ll be fine when I get some sleep.” “Don’t forget to bring in your excuse,” said Mr. Banks. “The office will need it to explain your absence.” “I’ll bring it in as soon as I see a doctor,” said Tanner. “It should be okay.” “Take care of yourself, Mr. Lerner,” said the vice principal. “I will see you tomorrow.” Tanner breathed a sigh of relief as he put the phone down. They might call again, but he could say he wasn’t awake to answer the phone. Unless they came by, they couldn’t prove he wasn’t sleeping. Now that he had an excuse for not being in class, he had to get ready to move. Once in New York, he would have to locate the airport, and then get to the plane before the kidnapers could vanish into the city. He also had to be ready to take the guys on. If they had more of those fireball shooters, he would have to take them out before they could start shooting at him. He had some movement powers that he rarely used, and some energy control. He would have to fall back on those to do what he had to do. He just liked the Gold Man for its elasticity. Tanner decided to raid the refrigerator before he left the house. He had plenty of time according to his phone. Who knew when he would get his next meal? He made three sandwiches of bologna and cheese he toasted in the microwave. He wolfed them down while sipping on a bottle of Coke from the pantry. He grabbed another can of Coke when he was done with the first. He pressed the three keys he wanted to use on his arm and stepped outside. He opened the can and sipped at it before sliding to Boston. He used various links from there to get to somewhere in New York City. He recognized part of the skyline in the distance, but only had a rough idea of where he was in relation to where he wanted to be. Tanner pulled out his phone. He walked down to the next corner. He looked around for a street sign, and a building address. He typed those in to see where he was. He typed in La Guardia to check where he had to go from where he was. He nodded at the arrow on the airport. He checked his timer. He still had hours before the plane came down. Tanner put his phone away and checked the vanishing circle on his forearm. The slide was going away. When it did, he would select the wings, or a speed power low to the ground. Once he was at the airport, he would have to turn on his mechanical power and check on the plane to see if it was still heading to the city. He could track it to the exact runway he needed to be at to intercept and then stop the gang, or whatever they were. Everything about this was strange and he wasn’t sure what he was dealing with at the moment. If he could get Givens back, he might be able to use him as bait to find the chief executive behind the scheme. Then he could use the keyboard to straighten everything out. He imagined a fortress in the heart of the city surrounded by men in black, and robot gargoyles. He put that thought away as he considered that the villains probably had space in some converted warehouse, or storage area. He should build a secret base for himself one day. Maybe get a mask and costume. He smiled at himself. That would be the line that stopped him dreaming of doing anything but vigilantism. He would rather get a job and use the keyboard for that than build himself some kind of lair under the town. He wasn’t cut out to be a full time hero when he could help out without being seen most of the time. Tanner pressed the keys to call on the speed component he wanted. That should let him run to the airport in plenty of time to get set up to meet the plane. He cruised through town, skating along the ground with every push of his feet. He reached the outer perimeter of the airport as his timer wound down to zero. He was going to have to fly to the terminal while watching for security who wouldn’t like his invasion. They wouldn’t see him as friendly. He would be considered a villain that needed to be defended against to protect passengers on the planes, and in the terminal. He pulled on his wings and took to the air. He flew low and fast over the field and landed on top of the tower. He waited until his power went away, watching the field for any reaction to his presence. How many man-sized targets did the tower track in a day? Hopefully they thought he was the Mark, or one of the Mark Girls, and dismissed the radar contact as one of them being really slow and then going really fast to vanish off the radar so quickly. He switched powers as soon as he could. He extended his mechanical expertise into the building and watched everything. Operations were running smooth and his plane hadn’t made radar contact yet. He settled in to wait, letting the machinery run without interference. He reset his power a few times until the plane he was looking for showed up on the edge of the radar. It headed straight in to La Guardia from what he could tell. A controller gave a vector to a runway away from the passenger planes taking off. He asked for the location of the runway from the machinery before disconnecting. He had to get off the terminal and meet that plane when it landed. //140706
  4. Let's still do an anti-corporate team. We'll just change the focus from the house of the mouse. Time/Warner is one of the biggest telecom/movie/comic companies/etc in the world. Their practices have angered a section of humanity who feel that Time/Warner needs to do better. It is believed their terrorist actions are what brought back Superman's red underwear. Who are the six members of the AntiTime/Warner Brigade. (Sorry, I couldn't think of a snazzier name. Essentially six services like DC Comics promoted by the company turned into villians.) CES
  5. I'm sorry. I forgot that we had done them. I even put Alladin on that team. I was wondering why I hadn't put him on the team of heroes. CES
  6. A shutdown didn't have to happen, but the Republicans don't want to make deals. It doesn't matter what they say, they're running things. They wanted to run their tax plan more than they wanted to fund the rest of the government. If they hadn't done that, they could have rammed a budget through first with reconciliation and then had to deal with their tax plan being delayed especially since the tax plan was so bad even people who benefited said what are you doing? The only people who benefited were people who didn't need tax cuts but said they would quit donating if they didn't get them. Trump's revolving mind and tiny twitter fingers aren't helping. The belief is Miller and Kelly are fighting against immigration reform which means they are counseling him to be a dumbass and he's like sure, I can do that. The question is how many more people in the White House, or connected to Trump going to be indicted. His campaign manager, Manafort, and Manafort's partner are gearing up to fight charges of money laundering, Flynn signed a deal in the summer, and Bannon, McGahn, and Pubus all share the same lawyer and have been asked to explain things. If Melania exercises her prenup over the payoff to the porn star Trump did, we might even see a divorce happen before Trump leaves office.
  7. Maybe not but he was already divorced and didn't have kids in his original run. He didn't have them the original run of the outsiders either. But now he has two teenage daughters, one of which was in the new outsiders bonking Roy Harper I think. He goes from being a teacher to the secretary of education under Luthor. It's like some fan fiction writer said hey let's make black lightning an old man and give him kids. Everybody else will stay the same. On the other hand, they did the same with Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen, and then erased it. So who knows? CES
  8. Peter Gambini, an ordinary tailor that created a force field belt that could be used to throw lightning. And then the power became innate when the belt was damaged. Word is his brother used to work for the Rogues. I always wondered why they aged BL up when he was originally younger than Batman. Maybe it was to tie him to the seventies after the fact. CES
  9. I am going to take Dan Hayata and his heroic counterpart Ultraman as my first hero. CES
  10. Bolo's Anti Disney Society should go after this post. Just need details. CES
  11. The Rose Dragon is the team's biggest asset. This pink beast leaves a path of destruction despite only being the size of a chihuahua. CES
  12. Bianca Lo Ciani is the Rescuer. The smaller she is, the stronger she is. Coupled with the ability to fly, Bianca is tries to be the first responder for any emergency where she is stationed. CES
  13. I would like to pick RIFTS Earth for my location, and Rasputin from Hellboy as my general. CES
  14. Justin Tripps is Fleet Runner. He has trained himself to getting through any obstacle in his way with Parkour/Free Running. His speed is that of a cheetah. CES
  15. Violet Valentine is Vi. She is a trained commando that is six women at once CES
  16. Mirva the Queen of Neptune falls in love with one of the Atom Brothers. he has to prove his worth to her tentacled courteriers CES
  17. I usually take the Halloween draft, and I'll do that this year. CES
  18. Button Pushing 2015- 2 Tanner got up the next morning. He got ready for school, then went over his notes. He hadn’t forgotten near as much as he had thought. He should be okay during the reviews and leadup to testing. He needed to put another night into studying the chapters before he went in to take the tests. The review that was supposed to happen would help him focus on what to expect from his teacher. He wondered how many trick questions were going to be on this test. His teacher seemed to love them for some reason. He figured he would pass anything his teacher threw at him. His grades were higher than average as far as he could tell from what the rest of the class said. And if he passed, he never had to think about history again. Tanner decided that he could slide to school instead of riding the bus. It was quicker, and he could study in the cafeteria until the first bell. It also meant avoiding Darla for the first part of the day. That would make things tolerable as Tanner waited for the sun to come up. He activated his keyboard with the opposite index finger as he walked out of the house. The slide put up its map. He didn’t see a direct line to the school, but there was a path through Egypt, then South Africa, that should drop him a block away from it. He ran through the first portal, through a market of people wandering around, then through part of a desert, then across a lot surrounded by skyscrapers. He stepped through a door in the shadow of a statue he didn’t care about and slid down the sidewalk toward the school. A man in a tan coat puffed on a cigar as he watched the school. His eyebrows seemingly arched in surprise at everything he saw. He knocked some ash off the cigar as he stood in the middle of the sidewalk. “Excuse me,” said Tanner. He walked around the human obstacle. “No problem, Tanner,” said the man in the coat. He puffed on his cigar as he returned to his vigil. “I don’t think I know you,” said Tanner. “I’m a nobody,” said the man in the coat. “There’s no reason for you to know me.” “But you know me,” said Tanner. He hitched his bag backward on his shoulder so he could reach his tattoo easier. One wrong move, and someone was getting punched in the face with a gold fist. “I know lots of people, Tanner,” said the man in the coat. “Take that guy over there.” He pointed at a kid heading towards Tanner’s school. The kid looked down at the sidewalk under him, and not ahead. He wore a jacket against the morning cold, khakis, and red Nikes. “That’s Roland Givens,” said the man in the coat. “He’s special to some people because he might have a tenth of a percent of a talent they need. If he does, he will be great for them to use. If he doesn’t, he’ll be executed and left somewhere for somebody to find later.” “How do you know that?,” asked Tanner. He watched the other boy walk down the street. He didn’t seem special. “I travel around a lot, Tanner,” said the man in the coat. He took a long pull on his cigar. “I hear a lot of things from people who don’t see me in the background.” “Have you talked to Givens about how special he is?,” asked Tanner. “He thinks that’s the way things should be,” said the man in the coat. “He doesn’t quite grasp how bad things could get for him if things go the way I foresee.” “He’s gambling that he might have the talent for what they need, and the ability to get away from the bad guys interested in him?,” said Tanner. “That doesn’t sound too safe.” “That’s what I said,” said the nobody. “It’s an extremely dangerous route that will probably get him killed.” “And you won’t help him?,” asked Tanner. He felt there were pieces missing in this conversation. “All I can do is warn him, which I have done,” said the man in the coat. “The rest is up to him.” “You’re telling me all this for a reason,” said Tanner. “What do you think I can do?” “More than me,” said the man in the coat. “Givens won’t forgive you trying to save him. He wants his moment in the sun.” “Why would I try to save him?,” said Tanner. He knew that was a rhetorical question as soon as it came out of his mouth. Somehow this guy knew about him using the keyboard to help people. It was the only explanation for why they were talking about this at all. The man in the coat squinted at him before raising a hand to say look at this kid. He’s so humble. “You know about the keyboard,” said Tanner. “How?” “I listen to things, kid,” said the man in the coat. “Your secret is safe with me. Very few people listen to a nobody like me.” “I don’t believe you,” said Tanner. “How does the keyboard work? Where did it come from? Who are you really? You’re not some nobody.” “I can’t give you those answers,” said the man in the coat. “I’m not supposed to be talking to you about Roland, much less explaining how someone lost something they shouldn’t have lost here, and how they want to get it back. Once you start using five digits instead of the usual three, your horizons will expand but you’ll be telling everyone who wants the keyboard to come get it.” “Wait,” said Tanner. “Did you say five keys?” “I don’t have time to talk to you about that,” said the man in the coat. “Givens’s abductors are here.” He pointed his cigar at a black van rolling down the street. Even the windows and wheels were black. Tanner looked down at his arm. The cycle for the slide had ended while he had been talking. He could call up his other abilities and stop this before the first bell. Tanner handed his bag to the man in the coat. There was no point in not using the keyboard in front of him. He already knew how it worked. He rolled up his arm to expose the keyboard as he walked toward the van. His mind thought about possibilities. What would be the most effective way of stopping this before it got started? Guys in black suits piled out of the van. Some took up station to keep an eye on the passing cars and pedestrians. Two grabbed Givens before he could run away. They touched his forehead with something and he collapsed. Tanner punched three keys to give himself his gold form. It should be enough to take these guys out. Three of the watchdogs turned their heads to look at the statue come to life. They raised their hands. A device sat in the palm of each hand. Balls of energy erupted from the weapons. Tanner threw himself to the side. He heard the sound of explosions and winced. He had just gotten someone’s house burned to the ground. He flung a gold arm across the space between him and the closest goon. The arm wrapped around the man in black. One yank sent the man flying. The other two blasted at Tanner to cover what their group was doing. He needed to go through them if he wanted to get Givens back. The Givens takers loaded him up in the van. The vehicle jerked away from the curb to get away from the fight. The driver put his foot down as soon as he was sure he wouldn’t hit anything in front of him. Tanner had to make a decision. Did he let the van go, or did he take care of the two guys still trying to take him out. Self preservation won out. He couldn’t catch up to the van and get Givens back if he was being shot at by his enemies. And if he timed out in the middle of things, he could be killed by their strange weapons. Tanner threw himself at the two men. He stretched out his arms, fists ballooning up into pillow-sized bludgeons. He took a hit on his gold skin that burned through the protection right before he swung his makeshift hammers at his enemies. They went down with bloody faces. Tanner looked at the fleeing van. Maybe he could catch up with it if he hurried. It meant cutting through the school lot and getting around the school to try to beat them heading in front of the school. He charged forward, legs lengthening to extend his stride. When he reached the school, elongated arms and legs vaulted him to the roof of the building. He ran across the tarred and graveled surface and dropped down on the other side. He ran toward the van as it sped down the street. He checked the spiral on his arm that replaced the keyboard when he had a power in use. It was counting down to zero fast. If he didn’t stop the van before he lost his gold form, he might lose it for good. He ran after the van, crossing the front lot to try to cut it off. It roared away as he reached the street. He looked at the plate, trying to memorize it. His gold skin flaked away as he slowed to a walk. They had Givens and he had someone he could interrogate. All he needed was the right power for the job. Tanner shook his head. His side still hurt from the blast he had taken. At least the keyboard had healed most of the damage up for him before he changed back. He also needed to talk to that guy now that things were over. He had known about the kidnaping. Maybe he knew where they had taken their victim. Tanner entered the school and jogged down to the other side. He hit the exit door and ran out to where he had left the three goons he had taken down as Gold Man. He frowned at the way they lay where they had fallen. Had he hit them too hard? Tanner turned the first man over so he could check him. The goon’s face was partially eroded. He stepped back from the body. His gold form shouldn’t have done that. He checked the others. They all had similar damage with some burnt holes in their black suits. How did he find Givens now? Tanner patted his last victim down. He found a wallet and a phone. He put them in his pockets. He looked where the man in the coat had been. His bag stood neatly on the ground to mark the guy’s absence. The joker set me up. I can’t believe that. He ran out while things were going down. What did he do about the situation? That was the real question now. Tanner grabbed his bag. There were things he had to do if he wanted to follow things up. The first was to call the police and give them an edited version of what had happened. That would put them on the trail of the rest of the gang. Tanner made the call while walking to his locker. He needed to store his bag. The locker was closer than using the slide to go home and drop it off. He told the dispatcher everything while storing his books for the day. He could get them back when he was done with chasing the bad guys down. He shut the phone off. Now he had to get away from the school and figure out where the van went. Once he knew that, he could get Givens back from his captors. Tanner decided the easiest thing to do was try to locate the van from the air. He had an idea how to track them down if that didn’t work, but he wanted to try the easiest thing before resorting to a deeper tool in his repertoire. Tanner pressed three keys on his arm as he left the school building. He grew wings from his back. Sirens heralded the first police response as he took to the air. He decided to head up as high as he could. That should give him a good overview of the neighborhood. He spotted the van heading for the highway. He descended on an angle to keep it in sight and to get closer to the ground for when his wings wore off. He could resort to other powers since he knew the direction of the van’s travel. The thought of crashing into the ground when his wings wore off bothered him more than he liked. Maybe using five keys would buy him more activation time for each power. Did he want to alert the keyboard’s hunter that he had it? He doubted the guy in the coat had accidentally warned him of the possibility. He had just made it look like an accident. It fit in with the fact he had been watching for Givens and drew Tanner’s attention to the other boy. It wasn’t something that had just happened. Tanner glided along the road, alternating between reading his timer and checking to see if he was still behind the black van. He set down on the side of the road when the circle started fading out from one end. His wings vanished as he walked down the shoulder. Tanner pressed a different combination. He had to catch up with the van. Then he could worry about how he was getting Givens back from the clown squad. The need for speed surged through his body. He leaped forward like a cheetah after a small deer. Gravel from the side of the road flew as he pelted along the white line. He spotted the van pulling off the next exit. He frowned at the sign pointing to the airport. They were going to put Givens on a plane? Where were they taking him? How did he get on that plane? Tanner raced down the highway after the van. He spotted it heading to a private road leading to some hangars behind the terminal. He ran out of steam as he reached the road leading from the entrance of the property. He caught his breath as he headed toward the access road. How long did he have before the plane took off? He pressed the cheetah speed keys again and ran toward the back of the terminal. He had to stop that plane from taking off. Tanner ran to the gate in the fence and headed down the access road as the guard tried to stop him. He paused when he reached the group of hangars housing private planes. Where was Givens? //138324
  19. Dr. Scholl's is thinking about setting up a corporate team as an advertising gimmick for their line of foot services. The board has settled on the name the Foot Pads. All they need is six foot based heroes to answer their recruitment drive. CES
  20. Sometimes you are lost without an idea of where to go, sometimes you just need a hand. Occasionally you might meet a man who can point you in the right direction. His words will give you an epiphany to fixing your problems. This man is often called the Twelfth Knight. CES
  21. I am always interested in any superdraft or running one. I get a lot of story ideas like the one million out of them. CES
  22. The Gavle Goat is a battering ram that knocks down any barrier, but worse than that for evil doers, sometimes he explodes into a burning mass of rage that throws himself at his enemies. CES
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