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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. It looks like all of my picks are there, Hermit. CES
  2. It's just a city that turns into a giant robot since I have a diamonds card. On the other hand, if I need a source, I will go with Transformers. CES
  3. Never lets it go. He's like a dog with a bone and food aggression. CES
  4. Metroville Colonel Braxton Bragg looked over his post from the height granted by the shoulder of the Enforcer robot he used as his command vehicle. His men moved with purpose. Vehicles and armor were positioned to shoot at the target in the center of the ring of steel he had thrown up. No one fired. Everyone was ready to fight, but Bragg had ordered a siege after the first attack had ended in destruction for most of his armor and a warning had been issued in the air by a glowing symbol in the sky. None of the buildings in the new city had been touched by the fighting as far as he could tell. He didn’t know what the response would have been if his men had hit one of the buildings with their energy weapons and missiles. He had a feeling he didn’t want to find out. He contemplated the city and thought about the orders that had brought him here. A city had appeared in the middle of nowhere. Nothing uncommon about that. Whole peoples had been transplanted to the Earth from the various Ley storms that roared along opening gates to anywhere. Things had settled down, but monsters and inhuman creatures still showed up that needed to be stamped out. The city, Metroville, had landed close to the Coalition held territories. Chi-Town had ordered Bragg’s division to take it over, clamp down on any civilian population, kill anything not human enough, burn anything that wasn’t useful to their science division. The initial assault seemed easy enough to do. A wall surrounded the towers, but there was an absence of weapons pointing away from the city. The plan was a flyover with Samas and bombers to soften the target while giant bots like his Enforcer and mobile artillery pieces punched holes in the walls for ground forces to swarm in and take the city block by block. Anti-magic forces were to be moved in as quick as possible to shut down a magic response to the invasion. Everything went wrong as soon as the first Samas pilot fired his railgun at a target over the wall. A wall made of the same repeating symbol of a cross with a loop at the top leaped into existence to protect the city. The railgun bullet was stopped cold by the field. Bragg ordered his armor to attack. The combined firepower should have punched a hole through the wall at ground level with his psychics trying to suppress the magic with their minds. Something resembling a pink blur came out of the city and his vehicles turned into debris as he watched. His own Enforcer had an arm ripped off and used to trip the giant robot. “WE DON’T WANT TO FIGHT, BUT WE WILL DESTROY ANY FORCE THAT ATTACKS THE CITY,” said a voice in the air. “THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING YOU WILL GET.” After that, Bragg pulled back to ring the city with replacements for his division. He had requested more troops to fill out the living wall he was constructing. Engineers had been flown in to design a barricade to keep the city residents from leaving, and any forces inimical to the Coalition outpost out. Samas flew day and night to keep flying machines from the city so it couldn’t get supplies flown over the wall. The problem was the city was built on a nexus point and the occasional storm attracted monsters to the area. His psychics and dog boys were kept busy running down predators while the regiment kept an eye on the city. The first time a giant monster appeared, Bragg had readied to fight. Another giant from inside the city killed it and took it into the sky after a fierce battle. The colonel had been glad to stand down, but requested more armor in case another one showed up. The situation had stabilized for the last few months. People were getting into the city, trading and leaving, and slipping away through the lines. Some settled down inside. He had managed to get in two spies who sent reports on what was going on. They painted a picture of a populace ready to fight for what they had, but growing their own food and helping their neighbors. Troublemakers and predators who slipped inside the city were hunted down and dealt with ruthlessly. A dragon terrorizing some of the local ranchers was found with a hole where the front of its skull should be. Bragg wondered what they had that could kill a dragon with one punch. That would be great for the Coalition if it was a weapon they could take from the city. The Battle of Metroville started with Bragg ruminating on what had gone on before and what he could do to carry out his orders. His superiors had read and seen everything he had sent. They still wanted him to crush this city somehow, and kill its leaders. They had the luxury of living in Chi-Town, and didn’t care how many of his men they wanted him to sacrifice. He heard Dog Boys howling and looked around. What was going on? “This is Metro One to Pack One,” he said into his helmet radio. “What’s going on?” “The packs are picking up a heavy influx of magic energy coming down the pike,” said Pack One, a psi-stalker named Kolchak. “Pack leaders and Auxiliaries are reporting danger signals.” Bragg heard a bell ringing over the camp. He knew that sound. He had heard it when the giant had appeared to attack the city. Metroville was going into emergency mode. “This is Metro One to all units,” said Bragg. “Mount up. Launch air elements. Get ready to repel the enemy. I repeat get ready to engage.” Everywhere he looked men rushed to get to their machines so they could fight. Crews not on rotation grabbed armor and weapons to suit up and defend themselves. One of his psychics caught fire to power up. “Message from Geddis,” reported Sgt. Harridan. “Should I read it in the clear?” “Go ahead, Sergeant.” Bragg climbed into his machine, hitting switches to power it up. “ALARM SOUNDED. STOP. CIVILIANS URGED TO SHELTER. STOP. BATTLESTATIONS. STOP. DIMENSIONAL FORCE INVADING. STOP.” Harridan made a sound at the end. “Dimensional force invading?” “And it’s big enough to worry Metroville,” said Bragg. “All units brace for attack. Kill anything that comes through a rift.” Lightning played in the air. Holes opened above the encampment. Holes opened at ground level. Then soldiers appeared. Everyone paused because the two armies hadn’t expected to meet each other. Bragg was quicker off the mark than his counterpart on the other side. “Fire!,” he ordered through the net. He triggered the miniature missile system in the torso of his robot. Ground troops flew from the impact. Energy weapons burned the air as the armies exchanged fire. “Star Fox is go,” sounded over the net. A squadron of four jet fighters joined the CS elements in the air. Enemy fighters and troop ships blew apart under weapons fire. “We’re clearing the air. Coalition elements look for stragglers.” A pink stripe joined the fighters. The invaders suffered equipment losses as their aircraft came apart under the flying thing’s touch. “Metro One,” said Harridan over the net. “A giant monster is coming through the biggest rift. Forward elements are sending reports. They are engaging, trying to keep it on the other side of the rift.” “Fox One,” said the lead pilot for Star Fox. “Commencing giant bombing run.” Bragg used his rail gun on a low flying transport. It flew overhead as enemy fire from ground forces chewed on his robot’s legs. He dropped a rocket on that patch of the enemy with a satisfying thump. His troops were surrounded with most of the armor pointing the wrong way. At least the robots were able to turn around to support the ground troops. Air cover was engaged with the enemy. Whomever cleared the sky first had the advantage. Star Fox’s planes cleared a firing lane for their leader as he shot three spherical torpedoes into the biggest rift. The overriding flashes blinded anyone without eye protection. “This is Metro One,” said Bragg. “Clear enemy forces as fast as you can.” “We have negative impact here,” said Fox One. He pulled away from the rift instead of flying through to the other side. “I repeat the target is still coming.” “All CS elements, concentrate fire into the rift,” ordered Bragg. “Do not let that thing through.” He punched an enemy troop cart while firing all of the missiles in his shoulder launchers. He didn’t worry if they were on target. Any damage done to the other side of the rift was good. Metroville stood inside the ring on two legs made of conglomerated buildings. It flexed arms, as fists formed. A humanoid face rose from the chest of the thing. The silver and red giant appeared beside the robotic city. Glowing eyes regarded the rift as he fell into a fighting stance. A giant thing three hundred feet tall came through the rift, pulling itself with its front legs. The face resembled a bat’s. Its skin was gray and leprous looking. Something fell off of it and attacked some of the nearby Coalition troops until they put it down with laser fire. Metroville opened fire with hundreds of kinetic and energy weapons on the giant beast as it rushed toward the transformed city. The giant tried to get in the way, but he was brushed aside. He had to leap so he didn’t fall on top of the forces still fighting on the ground. Bragg slumped in his control chair. How did they fight something like that. It ignored their firepower easily. He didn’t see any way to stop it from killing all of his forces unless he called for a withdrawal. Some of his men were still fighting. He idly watched lasers and missiles being poured into the thing. He couldn’t give up. There had to be a way to kill that thing. A bald man appeared on the shoulder of the city robot. His cape whipped in the wind. He leaped at the monster, swinging his fist at the creature’s head. The monster flipped over and lay dead after it hit the ground. Bragg let out a cheer. The tide had been turned instantly. He ordered a search for survivors as the rifts closed on the invaders’ home. Technically he had helped the enemy, but he was sure his report would not reflect that at all.
  5. I would like to get the Cloverfield monster for pick ten. I pulled the jack of diamonds as my card. I think that catches me up until noon today. CES
  6. I have seen reruns on Kids Click after Tombstone Territory. CES
  7. I still need a dragon and option and a card. I'll try to think of something tonight CES
  8. I would like to pick Dexter from Dexter's Lab as my fifth protagonist.
  9. Button Pushing 2015- 5 Tanner threw himself forward as the change took effect. His body slicked over into a gray tube with a nose at the front, fins on his back and where his legs merged into a tail. His hands formed into paddles to help him move forward. He sank into the concrete of the parking deck, swimming in it. He headed for the transports at high speed. He needed to know if the Men in Black were still in their cars. This way was a dolphin that used solid substances as water. It had the disadvantage of not having hands, but that was balanced out by being bulletproof. He leaped from the deck into the door of the first SUV. He expected to see someone sitting in one of the seats. The vehicle was empty except for discarded clothes. He passed out the other side and headed for the other car just as fast as his initial charge. He jumped into the door and slid through the Chevy to fall to the deck on the other side. That one stood empty too. They had parked the cars and walked away while he was looking for the Chevys from outside the deck. Dumping their uniforms made it hard to locate any that he hadn’t been close enough to deal with using his powers. What did he do now? He had time as the land dolphin. He decided to use that time to swim around the parking deck. Maybe he would get lucky and spot one of the group. If he couldn’t locate them that way, he would think of something else he could use. He refused to give up now. Whatever was going on meant bad news for Givens and anybody who might cross his path in the future. He could feel it in his bones. He had to press ahead until he knew something for sure. Tanner slid through a wall and swam in a circle around the parking deck. He moved to the next square of blocks, and then the next, and then the next after that. He gave up when the timer ran out and he hadn’t seen anything to attract his attention. He circled back to the SUVs. Maybe there was something there he could use somehow. His mechanical ability should help glean something. He waited until he got back to the cars before he pressed the three keys he needed. He hooked into the first SUV. He found a hook up to a navigational unit. He inspected that. He smiled. He had a list of everywhere the car had gone in the last few days. One of those places had to be where they were holding Givens. He had to check them to see if he was right. Tanner wrote the addresses down on a scrap piece of paper from his pocket. His phone would give him Google Maps and he could get to work. He disconnected. He was surprised that the vehicle wasn’t trapped. He pulled away from the SUV before finding out the hard way. He checked the directions for the first address. He pulled on his runner form and headed out. He took a couple of minutes to get used to moving around people, but there were plenty of places where he could cut in a direct line toward his goal. The first place turned out to be a restaurant on the edge of Chinatown. Tanner repeated his method until he found himself at a church that had closed signs on the front. He wondered why a church would close. He needed to get inside and look around. If this was the place, he would have to be cautious. He didn’t know what he was facing, or what he should be doing. The last thing he needed was a fight before he knew what he was doing. He transformed into his land dolphin shape and dove through the ground. He swam up to the front wall and slid inside. He hopped into the air. He didn’t see anything on the open floor. He dove into the floor to see what was beneath the church. He found a set of steps leading to a stone table in the middle of an open space. He fell into the floor there. No one shot at him as he looked the room over. Why had they came there? He felt like he was missing something. What should he do now? He decided that he should retreat and think about what he had found. He was at a dead end for the moment. Why had they visited a closed church? What was so important about it? He had his phone. Maybe Google could help him. He swam away from the church and took shelter between two buildings where he could see the front of the church while he tried to think of his next move. Tanner pulled out his phone after he changed back. He opened the New York Times website. He typed in the address. A pocket history popped up. He shook his head. The church had been closed after losing its last priest and another church had been built a few streets over to serve the congregation. Then the police had caught a cult trying to sacrifice someone in the basement where he had found the table a couple of decades after that. Then the Catholics had sold the land back to the city, but nothing has been done with it yet. The sacrifice thing stood out. Is that what attracted the Men in Black to the place? Did they plan to do the same thing to Givens? Were they behind the first attempt? Was it coincidence? He discounted the theory that it was just a coincidence that two different groups were interested in the same place. Either they were connected, or the place was special in some way. What made it special? It had to be something about the building, right? Why else would it attract some kind of cult attention from two cults? How did he prove his theory? Was he on the right track? Were they coming back? What kind of tactics should he use? The Gold Man had been okay on defense, but unable to mount a decent offense. He needed to use something with a bigger punch. He needed to be able to one punch through their defenses before they could figure out what he was doing. He had some powers that might be able to do that. He had to be quick. He didn’t relish another confrontation where he took a face full of fireballs and the bad guys won. He had to be the one throwing fireballs and wrecking the other guy’s day. He took the Gold Man off the table. He decided that Iceberg would be the right powerset if he could get close enough to get Given’s back. He wondered if he should be waiting outside, or inside. Either choice had its problems. He decided to stay out for now. He didn’t want to be in the church and miss them showing up. That would lead to them being inside with him, and able to shoot up the interior while he had to look for cover. Where were they keeping Givens now if they planned to use the church at some point later? Were they planning to use the church? Had he stopped at a dead end? Despite the fact he didn’t like her, he had to admit this was the kind of thing his cousin was better at doing. Her third eye allowed her to track things easily. The rest of the places he had visited had seemed normal. Givens could have been taken to any of them. He would have to get inside and search all of them. He didn’t know how much time he had before they did what they wanted to do. The Church was the only place they visited that didn’t make sense. He liked it a suspect location. How long should he wait before he tried another tactic? He touched his pockets. Did he have enough money to get something to eat while he waited? He had two phones. Why did he have two phones? He remembered he had taken the one from the dead guy back home. He pulled it out and weighed it in his hand. What could be on it? Maybe it held a clue to show where he should go from there. Tanner keyed in his mechanical power again. He realized suddenly that he had used this one power more in the last two days than he had the rest of the month. He shook his head. The things he got involved with didn’t usually require being able to hack electronics and mechanics. He mostly used this power to keep his laptop updated and working right. Sometimes he rerouted a virus back to its creator. He took the phone’s brain apart after his transformation. Text messages indicated movements in code. GPS coordinates for his town showed up. Messages back went to a phone locally there in the Big Apple. A tower transfer showed him the virtual path to the other phone. He couldn’t hack into it at a distance, but he could see the signal moving on the ground. He looked the coordinates up and noted the phone was at a hotel south of where he was. He pulled out his list. It was one of the places the SUV had been. So maybe the church was going to be used after all. Did he want to go to the hotel and search it, or did he want to stick in place? He only had the rest of the day before he had to come up with an explanation for his parents. They were going to want to know why he had skipped school. Feeling bad and not being home didn’t usually go hand in hand. Things were going to get even more complicated if someone saw him in the school and reported it. More questions from the vice principal would have to be answered. He had to wrap this up as fast as possible. He couldn’t wait for whatever they planned to do. He had to take them out first. He had to get to that hotel and find the guy, and then ask him about Givens. Getting Givens back and on a plane back home had to be next. Then he could slide home and try to come up with an explanation for everything to satisfy his parents without telling them about the keyboard. Getting Givens back looked better than trying to explain everything to his parents. Tanner put the phone away and started walking. He would have to wait for the mechanical to wear off before he could use a move set to get to the hotel faster. Hopefully the guy had no reason to move before he could start his search. He called on the Runner as soon as he could. Direct paths opened up for him to slip through, hopping over obstacles that got in the way. He arrived at the hotel in a few minutes. Part of that time was spent finding the place itself. He needed to find the room for the guy with the phone. How did he do that? Raiding the desk computer wouldn’t get him anything since he didn’t know what name the guy was using. But he had a phone number. Would the guy use the cell number so he could be called on his personal phone instead of the room phone? Didn’t hotels take in that stuff? He let the Runner go and called on his mechanical control again. He got the number he wanted from the stolen phone before he approached the desk. He walked over to the clerk who was watching him. “How can I help you?,” asked the clerk. She was a little older than him, hair pinned back, professional smile on her face. “Hello,” said Tanner. He put his hand close enough to read the computer without touching it. “I’m looking for a guest. His name’s Steve Bueller.” “Let me check for you,” said the clerk. The name tag said Tammy. It glinted as she moved. Tanner smiled as he ordered the network to search for the phone number he had. A room number kicked back within a few seconds. “I’m sorry,” said Tammy. “I don’t see a Bueller anywhere in the system. Could he have checked in under another name?” “No,” said Tanner. “He must have given me the wrong hotel. I’ll call him and find out where he is. Thank you for your time.” “You’re welcome,” said Tammy. “Have a nice day.” //144864
  10. Felinus is a cat who can get in anywhere he wants by using shadows as portals. CES
  11. Xavier Raye is the man to call when you need to crack security on a vault. His security and safe cracking skills are second to none because of his ability to see through solid objects. They don't call him X Ray for nothing. CES
  12. I'm behind on my picks. I'll try to catch tonight. I don't think I have enough for a card draw yet. CES
  13. T-bird is a hawk who has gained control of electricity. To many polluters, he gives meaning to "Justice, like lightning" CES
  14. The man known as Bell South is able to listen in on any communications form anywhere at any time. Setting up a post, it is easy for him to gather information to be used against any target given enough time and electronic chatter. CES
  15. Button Pushing 2015- 4 Tanner waited for the mechanical power to run out before hitting the three button keys for the Gold Man. He leaped off the terminal and stretched his limbs down to stop his fall before his body impacted the asphalt. He ran toward the designated runway, elongated legs swiftly covering the distance. He had to get Givens back and flee before they started shooting at him. He didn’t want to take more hits from those fireballs. The Gold Man was tough, but it had limits. A few bad hits to the face would put him down until the power ran out and he could switch to something else. Tanner spotted the plane coming in. He nodded as it descended to the designated runway. Black SUVs waited at the end of the runway. He should have known more goons would be waiting at the end of the line. How did he stop them from taking off with Givens? He should have gone for some kind of blaster. He had a few in his set but he didn’t like to use them unless he had to face someone he couldn’t physically overpower. He needed to circle around to get behind the SUVs. Then he could sneak up on them with the Gold Man’s ability to flatten his body. Tanner hoped Givens would be smart and help him with the rescue. He didn’t need a victim that wanted to be victimized. Whatever was going on couldn’t be legal with all of the black suits and lack of badges. Tanner sank into a sheet with arms and legs. He crawled to the edge of the runway, picking a path that would take him behind the parked cars. He reached the edge and crept out on the runway. He grimaced at the lack of cover, but he had to do the best he could with what he had. He pulled himself until he was next to the rear bumper of the nearest car. He checked the back door. It opened with the flip of its handle. He held the door and crept inside as quietly as possible. He pooled himself into a pile behind the back seat. He readied giant hands as he steadied himself. He took a deep breath. It was time to go to work. Tanner boiled over the backseat. His gold fists punched soft flesh as he moved towards the front of the vehicle. The driver half-turned in his seat. He tried to unleash a fireball at the gold face coming right at him. A thin pipe of an arm slammed the fireball making hand upwards so the blast went into the car’s roof. The other gold hand came around in a long powerful arc to knock the man’s head against the steering wheel. The Gold Man pulled himself together. He had this car secured. All he had to do was take the other two, and then he could move against the men on the plane. It sounded real easy when he said it to himself. Men in black boiled out of the other two cars. They pointed their hands at the SUV Tanner was in. They blasted the car, pouring power into the fiberglass and steel. The SUV blew up around Tanner. He was ejected into the air on a column of fire. He hit the ground off the runway. Debris fell down around him. He lay there and tried to pick himself up. One finger twitched at his efforts. He concentrated. He got his hands under his body and levered up into a sitting position. It took a supreme effort for that much. Men in black approached him as the plane coasted to a stop. So much for trying to ambush them. He had to regroup before they burned him up. Those fireball makers packed more punch than the Gold Man could handle. He sprang at the closest man and turned him around. He threw the man at the next closest group of suits. He was rewarded that they fell down. He turned and fled the other way. He had to get some distance. His timer for the Gold Man was running down and he needed to catch his breath. At least the ambush was a partial success. The five men in that car would never kidnap another kid. He flung himself into the grass as fireballs flew over his head. He flattened himself out as much as he could and pulled himself away from danger. The plane coasted to a stop a few feet from the SUVs. Men disembarked, one dragging their captive by the arm. Their hands swept around as they looked for targets as they moved to their transportation. Tanner watched as the vehicles pulled away from the runway. He had missed Givens, and was pinned down. What was he supposed to do now? He needed to make his own escape and get after the SUVs. He had to switch powers to do that. That meant becoming visible to the Men in Black while switching powers. The two surviving cars vanished on an access road leading from the airport into the city. He would have to track them down somehow. He just didn’t know how he was going to do it now. He should have gone with a blaster instead of the Gold Man. He relied a lot on the stretching and the toughness. Maybe he relied on it too much. The timer on his arm ran out. He switched back to his normal body laying in the grass. The Men in Black shouted when they saw him. He touched the keyboard on his arm as they shot at him. Tanner flew back towards the burning SUV. He cursed it as he hit the wreck and bounced into the air. Fireballs flew around him as he skyrocketed upwards. The Rocket fired him at something and let him take impacts easily. It turned him into a cannonball that would keep burning until he ran out of time. That was the last thing he needed if he wanted to find Givens and get him back from his captors. Tanner looked down as he soared ever upwards. When the power ran out, he had to look forward to a long fall. He spotted the black vehicles heading into Manhattan. What did he do about it? He grimaced. He was at the mercy of the keyboard’s timer. Too bad he hadn’t asked the man in the coat how to modify that before things went into the pot. He smiled. He was in New York. He had a bead on the bad guys. He only had to wait a few minutes before the power ran out. Then he could switch to something to get out of the jam he was in. He just needed to stay calm and things would work out. The skyrocket cut off. He floated high above the Earth. He could almost see the curvature of the planet. He had to react fast before he ran out of oxygen and died. He put on his wings and dropped toward the ground. He needed to get back on the track of his enemy while they thought he was out of the picture. He found the airport easily. He scanned the streets around the airport. Where had the two car parade gone? They had to still be on the road. Where were they going? He was not going to lose after all this effort to track the gang down, and getting close enough to stop them. Tanner winged over the city, watching the streets. There had to be a way to find the caravan. He decided that maybe he should climb and try to pick up the trail. He didn’t have a lot of time, but he had enough for one shot. If he could climb high enough before the timer ran down, maybe he could spot the SUVs and figure out which direction they were going. Then he could switch to the runner and catch up. It wasn’t a perfect solution but it was all he had for the moment. And if it worked, it allowed him to get close enough for another ambush. He needed to make sure it worked the next time around. And he already knew how they treated someone taking hostages. He didn’t like the feeling of almost being blown to pieces. He knew they were ruthless from the confrontation at the school. He didn’t think they would discard their friends so readily. He should have known better from the way the downed Men in Black had committed suicide after the rest had gotten away with Givens. It was too bad he hadn’t figured a way to con Darla into coming. She had a lot of skills given her by her third eye that would be useful in this situation. She didn’t like using it, and felt like it was a curse. It told her too many things she didn’t want to know was all she ever told him. The few times he had been able to coax her to use her abilities had been emergencies where no one else could help, or was available. He loved his abilities, but didn’t like the new knowledge that pressing more than three keys sent out a signal to someone to invade the Earth. It dampened his enjoyment somehow. He had a ton of abilities with the three keys. Did he really need more than that? Tanner put his thoughts about powers away. He thought he saw a two car parade of black vehicles driving slowly through the streets. He checked his timer. He had to get down, or he was going to have problems. He aimed for a building ahead of the cars. He could switch back to wings, or use the runner option. He had to keep them in sight. He didn’t know what they wanted with Givens but it couldn’t be good just from the methods they were using. He expected that was why the man in the coat had duped him into getting involved. Something bigger than a kidnaping was going on. It was up to him to find out what. He didn’t like that feeling at all. He landed on top of a building just as his wings gave out. He leaned against the wall and caught his breath. A few seconds the other way and he would have been headed for the street. He doubted he could have activated a power to help him before he hit the ground. He looked down at the street. The two cars still rolled down below him. He frowned. He was too high up for the runner. He needed to put on the wings again. He pushed the three keys and let the wings lift him from the ledge. He soared to the next building. He needed to know where they were stopping. He could try to grab Givens there. Once he had spoiled part of their plans, he could work on spoiling the rest. The SUVs pulled into a parking garage. He lost sight of them as they rolled into the deck. He checked each deck from the outside. He found the cars parked on the third floor. He climbed over the rails and watched the cars. Nothing moved as far as he could see. Had they already gone to the exit on foot? He looked at his arm. The wing timer was winding down. Once it had, he needed to switch to something that would help him. He might have lost Givens while trying to find the cars. Where would they have taken him from here? He still needed to check the cars. They might be waiting to meet someone. Darla would have been able to scan the cars and tell him if he was waiting in vain with one look. He lost the wings and waited for a moment. Nothing moved. He gritted his teeth. What could help him in this situation? The Gold Man, his primary offense, had been beaten back twice already. What could he use to get the upper hand and get Givens back. He pressed the three keys on his arm to activate his next change.
  16. I'm going with Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls as my strategist and secondary powerhouse for protag number 4. CES
  17. Heard on the radio- Four men try to sell a fifth man a genie in a bottle for 60k. The fifth man shows up at the meet, says the genie in the bottle is fake, and he won't buy it. They rob him of the nine dollars in his pockets. Philly police had to grease lightpoles to prevent fans from climbing them. CES
  18. I would like to option the Coalition States Army. I am still trying to put my team together. The Coalition is their back up. CES
  19. I dont see that I posted Monster Hunter Siege. MHI decide to invade and clear out a city of monsters. CES
  20. I saw a version of this team in an advert for Astro City. I'm calling it the Animal Assemblers. These five animals have gained intelligence and super powers to protect the environment from evil doers. CES
  21. While most of the heroes who work for Disney want to help people, or use their abilities in good ways, Merryweather McGonagall Mim is not one of them. Sentenced by the Faerie Court to do community service, she works at Disney to hide her nature and to do as much as she can to buy off her sentence. It's going to be a long five hundred years for Madam Mim. CES
  22. The Editor loves movies, but is unhappy with the studios on how they are made. Executive meddling to wreck a good movie is his worst complaints. When he gained the ability to wear movie characters like suits and use their inmovie abilities, he decided to use that power against the Warner Brothers Studios until they made great movies again. When this crusade is over, he's turning his attention to Sony next. CES
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