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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Mike Cernovich, Author of pizzagate, blasts Disney's Twitter until they fire James Gunn for bad jokes he made ten years ago. Online petition has reached almost a hundred k to have him hired back. CES
  2. I think all the cells shown were roughly the same age, but I am not sure. CES
  3. the one with the body reminds me of Osmosis Jones. CES
  4. One of the toddlers separated from his immigrant family has been reunited with family in Honduras CES
  5. Roland Todd is the Pumper. Not a small man in his default state, he is capable of expanding into a cube of flesh to become a a human wall. CES
  6. It's cool. I remember reading somewhere that since Congress won't let the ATF computerize a gun registry, they have to take the serial number and go to the original gun shop and run things down from there until they find the last owner of record which could take days. The bias comes in when the reason the ATF can't computerize these purchases is because of NRA/lobbying interests. Personally I feel that if fingerprints and DNA and tire prints and turkey stuff can all be tracked with a government database, I have no problem with a gun registry, because the gun should already be registered. Every time I hear the government is coming to get my guns, I think they should because you are a big idiot and you shouldn't own a firearm. CES
  7. Boomer Boxcaiser is the Big Blaster of the group. He is able to turn his five hundred pounds of fat into an explosion capable of knocking down heavy hitters. CES
  8. Death Tripe is the liquid killer of the group. Spread out over an area, as soon as someone steps on him, he surrounds the victim and begins to suffocate the target. CES
  9. The Bigguns are six heroes whose powers are related to being big and/or fat. They oppose the Thin Men in every way. CES
  10. The Thin Men are six villains whose powers revolve around being thin in some way. They are opposed by the Bigguns. CES
  11. Olly Ofree is the Ox. He is a strongarm, and legbreaker, who has come across the Colonel one too many times. He has always escaped thanks to his hidden ability to use oxygen as a source of hidden abilities. CES
  12. Tikoloshe is a hero springing from the tales of the Zulu. This trickster likes to cause accidents for villains who operates in his domain. Rumors that a shaman set up this monster as a protector, or that DEMON did something that backfired, and other things, have been spread about. Whatever the case, evildoers who invade its turf pay with bruised egos, and bruised bodies. CES
  13. I think he is saying this is a Dial H/Ben Ten type ability where the hero changes form into a superbeing by activating an alien watch. So a multiform with the multiform having different abilities based on a focus with a time limit, independent, maybe charges, maybe persistent, and either OAF or OIF.
  14. Yeah, he's still on the board. They couldn't take that away from him. We are waiting for the store guys to come by and take down his stupid picture and stupid camaro story thing. Boxes will have his picture on them for a while as the commissary runs them out and prints new ones. Don't know how long that will last. CES
  15. I have one pick left I think. I need a geographic location of importance. regular oceans have currents that are caused by wind, the pull of the moon, and so forth. Roy has created a network of super currents for his followers and any surface dweller who might find them. These supercurrents act as a network of transportation to push anything almost instantly to the end of the line. Essentially they are Stargate networks in the water that can be used by anybody who can dip into them. CES
  16. Papa john schnatter is removed as company ceo and face of company. I laughed a lot. CES
  17. Okay I had an idea for interference. Occasionally Roy gets a little angry at someone on the land. That person thinks I am away from the water, none of the personal messengers can get at me. I am perfectly safe. That is the wrong approach to things. If Roy can't get at you through the water, he will bring the water to you with a hurricane the size of a continent called Roy's Hand. People who see the storm terns deep in the middle of their lands they know to batten the hatches and do what they can to keep their belongings from ripping up and away to land some place miles away. Roy may pay compensation if another god's temple is ripped up and placed somewhere else along the way. CES
  18. I am undecided on geography. The ocean is kind of flat. I have to think about it. I am also undecided on interference. Nothing really stands out to be interfered with at this point. CES
  19. Just had a dream recreating a movie scene where the good guy and the bad guy are talking and the bad guy says the dead guy in the chair is on his side. Only the dead guy in the chair was alive all the time. This took place in the living room of a house. CES
  20. I am going to create the storm tern as my fauna. These water loving birds are known to appear before storms and heavy seas to fish. They presage bad weather. CES
  21. All you got to say is At least our president wasn't a russian. CES
  22. Read the Diamond Conspiracy by Ballantine and Morris. The ministry, hunted and disavowed like the IMF, have to fight back against a youthful Queen Victoria under the sway of Dr. Henry Jekyll, assisted by Johnathan Carter and Dr. Wells CES
  23. Had a five second dream where the boy and I were on a highway. I was like this is great. The boy pointed out a sign to show we were still in the same city. I was like Looks like the road looped around. CES
  24. I am two picks behind. I am going to choose the Armorsons as my chosen people. They are amphibious , superstrong, master of the water and native wildlife, and general protectors of their reaches from the surface. Essentially Percy Jackson and Aquaman combined with deep ones. I am going to give my gift to civilization as the Dark Fleet of Coranon. Sailors have problems, people drowning on the shore, a whale attack wrecks a village. You can opt to join the Dark Fleet until you have fulfilled your time of service and are released. The time of service usually means when the last person you know has forgotten you. CES
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