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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Rule number nine Rule number nine? Always carry a knife CES
  2. I am going with Johnny Thunder as my support, Hydroman and the Original Daredevil as my anythings CES
  3. I am going with Artemis Gordon as support, anything James West and Lord Heisengard (Atomic Robo)
  4. 4 Clonus groaned. He rubbed his face. He didn’t need the trouble now. How did he get rid of Tribe? The thin man walked toward the trucks outside of the lair. It had been a good move to install cameras for security. How did he handle this problem? He certainly couldn’t let Assault know their security was compromised. The criminal mastermind was obsessed with no one knowing he was still alive. He would lose his mind if he knew that Tribe was that close to exposing him to the world. Clonus considered what he should do as he watched the hero approach the trucks. He needed them to transport Assault’s prize. He couldn’t let them be sabotaged. He also couldn’t let Assault know that Tribe was outside the secret lair. That would invoke a row that he didn’t need. He decided that he could put Tribe in one of the other buildings long enough to get Assault’s target, and clear out. It would take a moment’s bit of work. He split until he could reach the skylight in the ceiling of the renovated building. It had taken a few days to get it to where he wanted it before he furnished it. With Tribe so close, he would have to abandon it before the authorities started searching for it. He snarled as he pulled himself out of the skylight and drew in his clones. He walked over to the edge of the building where he could see Tribe walking around the trucks. The thin man must be casting about for a trail. At least he had a chance to deal with things before they got even more out of hand. He split to drop down to the lot. He kept splitting so his army approached in a silent wave. He couldn’t let Tribe fight back. Everything depended on taking the hero apart before anything else could go wrong. The clone army fell on top of the intruder. There was no time for any mercy. Tribe went down under the fists and feet of his opponent before he could defend himself. He groaned as one man army looked for a place to hide him until his business was done. He saw a truck loading up cargo at one of the other industrial places nearby. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it might buy time until he could make his move for Assault’s prize. It would also get Tribe away from the scene and shipped to a random location until he could move his things out. On the other hand, as soon as he had put Tribe on the road, he would have to start moving his things to his next hideout to avoid giving another beating. He doubted Assault would understand the move, but he wasn’t going to explain it. He didn’t want any trouble with the pain in the neck. He gathered Tribe up. He didn’t care about the broken bones he had handed out making things more painful for the hero. He needed to get the dingo away from the site for as long as he could. He carried the nuisance across the space in a wave of bodies, throwing him over the fence around the other property, and flinging him in the back of the truck with the already loaded cargo. The driver and loaders were nowhere to be found. He put one of his guys behind the wheel after strapping Tribe down with the cargo. He closed the door and told his clone to start driving. He watched the truck pull out of the lot. That should buy him enough time to relocate. He had to hurry if he wanted to get things done before Tribe brought the authorities back to his headquarters. He decided not to warn Assault. He didn’t need the headache of the other villain complaining about how he did things, and he didn’t care about the other villain wanting to keep his survival under wraps. If he was there when Tribe came back, then he could deal with Tribe. Clonus planned to be at his backup place so he could avoid any problems for himself. He flowed back to his headquarters. He started packing everything up and loading the loot on the trucks. He thought that was how Tribe had tracked him down. He should have hidden them better from the street. He looked around for Assault. The last thing he needed was to exchange words with his contractee. Maybe he could beat Assault into the ground, maybe he couldn’t. He was getting paid not to try while he was needed to steal something for the blowhard. He would have to watch his back after the job was over. He didn’t need Assault trying to clean house by burying him in the Outback somewhere. He finished packing and inspecting his former lair in a few minutes. He would have to find another place where no one cared about trucks waiting at the loading docks of the building. Assault would have to find his new lair, but that should be a breeze for the master villain. Clonus smiled at that. Assault probably had something that tracked his movements and called him to show that the duplicator was out and about. Nothing he could do about that. He checked on-line adverts for anything he could use as a lair. He also put in a search for closed companies so he could move in those places. He found a ranch on the edge of the city that was up for sell. No one seemed to have moved in yet. It might be perfect for what he wanted. At the very least he could put in a bid for it. He still didn’t have any information on when the pieces were coming in. He decided that he should at least let Assault know that he was moving. That would prevent the temper tantrum he saw in the future. At the very least, it might cause Assault to hurry his end of things up so problems could be smoothed away by fast action. That would make it easier to lead him into a trap and get rid of his threat at the same time. He liked that. He would have to get another truck, but that was child’s play. And with Tribe wandering around the city in the back of a cargo truck, he could truthfully say he was covering his tracks. Assault wouldn’t like it, but that wasn’t his problem. Clonus sent a text to his boss. He waited for the inevitable reply. He smiled when his phone buzzed as he moved out with his trucks and loot. How did he put this in the best light? He scratched his head. He had no idea that there was a best light. It was best to break the news straight so the emotional outburst could be dealt with and they could move on. “How’s it going?,” asked Clonus. He held the phone away from his ear as he directed his clone to drive. He waited until he couldn’t hear the enraged voice any more. “Did that feel good?,” he said. “You need to work on that bad temper. That kind of thing leads to strokes and heart attacks.” He waited for the next tirade to end before he spoke again. He wanted to keep his hearing in that one ear. “I loaded him into a truck and sent him out of town,” said Clonus. “I’m moving my lair right now. How much longer before you know when you need me to move?” The response was a little more pensive than he was used to from his employer. “All right,” said Clonus. “I don’t know where I’m going to hide at the moment. I’ll let you know when we quit driving. You let me know of the general location of the targets so I can do the job.” He waited out the brief storm of words. “You can always hire someone else,” Clonus said. He hung up before he had to listen to another diatribe. “Some people,” he said to his clone. “I know, right,” said the clone. “Always talking, always with the threats. Like we don’t have feelings or something.” “We really need to expose him and make sure he gets taken in,” said Clonus. “I don’t like the idea of having him at our back.” “You’re telling me,” said Driver Clonus. “He might try to kill us to preserve his precious anonymity. Probably doesn’t want to run into a big timer like the Leaguer while he’s trying to get his scheme going.” “Nobody wants to run into the Leaguer,” said Clonus. “Take us to that house I was looking at, and we’ll see if we can fix it up into a new lair.” “Might not be able to with Assault running around,” said Driver Clonus. “I know,” said Clonus. “That’s why I want to cut him out if we can.” “I’ll say,” said Driver Clonus. He gave Clonus a thumb’s up in agreement. “Keep your eyes on the road,” said Clonus. “We don’t want to run into any blue boys while we’re moving.” “You don’t have to tell me, brother,” said Driver Clonus. The little parade rolled through town as Clonus waited for Assault to call him back. Did the master villain have the contacts to get the job done? Did any of them know who they were dealing with, and what he would do if they found out? He didn’t think so. A murderer never let the victim know they were the target unless they couldn’t help it. Assault would never tell his assets for whom they were working. That would be asking for trouble in the criminal dog eat dog world. And it would destroy his precious anonymity if he missed someone bragging about him being their boss. Clonus smiled when he saw the property he wanted coming into view. It was outside the city proper with some acreage, and a nice looking building. He needed some security put in but he could do that after he settled on how to pay for the thing. You could steal a house, but that only lasted as long as it took someone from the authorities to come around and ask why you were living in someone else’s property. It was far better to buy the house and pretend you were a law abiding citizen. Then the coppers had to get warrants and such to even touch your property. It appealed to him to try and make them prove he was Clonus and he had stolen everything in the house. He smiled at the thought, but knew that the police only needed probable cause to arrest him. Warrants for searches would come after when he couldn’t hide anything. His clones would make sure they wouldn’t find anything. He could dig out the space under the house and reinforce it for personal use. An army of manpower would help that along when he was ready. The pyramids weren’t built in a day, but they were built with so many hands that combined individual strengths. He did the same thing. Clonus directed the convoy to the back of the house, and told the drivers to wait. He needed some regular clothes and the number of the real estate agent. He went to the back of one of the trucks. He opened the door and climbed in. He climbed out a few minutes later in what was usually called business casual. He walked to the front of the house to examine the sign for the selling agency. Time to settle down in an old disguise.
  5. I would like to go with Support: Hank Pym, anything Scott Lang and Hope Pym. CES
  6. I'm going back to the pulps for G-8 as an anything pick, Micheal Carpenter as anything pick, and Mab from the Dresden Files as my support CES
  7. I am going to pick Ibis and the Immortal Man as anything picks, and Max Tennyson as support. CES
  8. Woman facing three thousand years for exploiting the elderly and arson CES
  9. Regulation with a deft touch is never going to happen. There are five hundred people writing these laws and they all have their own interests. Asking for a deft touch for regulation is asking to drive a nail with a screwdriver. CES
  10. Did I say Pirate Boots? I meant to say the Burger King's boots. CES
  11. You can't claim that since she's also wearing Jack Sparrow's boots. :)) CES
  12. I need one more hero one more villain, five more support and then a boat load of anythings. I'm going with Ben Ten as my hero Vilgax as my villain Gwen Ten is the support. CES
  13. Jesse is going to start using a variation of her dad's costume but she can't get pants? CES
  14. There was a measles outbreak in New York because of kids without vaccinations. Apparently someone not vaccinated brought it back from overseas and it spread around the city. This is why you don't listen to conspiracy theories. CES
  15. Supporting Character: The Green Lantern Corps Hero : John Taylor Villain: Undead Thomas Edison from Atomic Robo
  16. I'm still working on this, but I have started another project at Dev Art CES
  17. heroine Jade Villain Mordru Support character Katherine Corrigan CES
  18. Villain Dormmannu Hero Hal Jordon Supporting Character Boston Brand, Deadman CES
  19. He's not disrupting Stephen Miller, but since almost half of his admin has quit or got fired , I guess either the smart ones have fled and the dumb ones have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, I suppose it's only a matter of time. CES
  20. Stargate Command, headquartered in Colorado. CES
  21. I am drafting the SGC as my support character. Alan Scott as my hero. Kulak as my villain. CES
  22. The theory is Jim Jordan is after Rosenstein because about a hundred wrestlers have come forward to say he knew they were being molested at the University where he was the coach. He's trying to avoid having to give up his seat, or at the least act like he can be the house speaker when Ryan retires. CES
  23. I have had radios and different communications setups, transport, and a base. Sometimes police contacts are thrown in to ease the way of certain things. CES
  24. it depends on the group. I have had groups do all these and against the kings of hell on top of that. CES
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