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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Adalene Masters, the Spellbinder, stepped from the alley. House calls were a necessary part of her job. Even for a simple consultation. Walking along the block, she kept one eye one the street numbers, and the rest of her awareness on her surroundings. There were more dangers in the city than just the human predators. Coming to the building that was her destination, she stepped up to the door and pressed the button on the intercom. The panel had room for several, along with spaces for businesses or names, but there was only one. After a moment's pause, the intercom came to life. “Elevator to the third floor.” The door lock popped free and Adalene entered. The elevator was situated at the end of a short hall. She pressed the call button only to have the door immediately open. She stepped inside and pushed the button for the third floor. For being an older building, Adalene found the elevator ride to be smooth. The door opened on a similar hall as the first floor. This hall had some equipment crates lining the wall. Glancing at them as she stepped past, she noted they were all embossed with either SE in an interlocking block and diamond or with Scott Enterprises spelled out. The door was open, and she heard several voices from within. “Thanks for the prompt work, gentlemen,” she recognized Jason's voice before she turned into his apartment. “I will be sure to call if I end up with anymore holes in my walls.” Jason handed a check to one of the workers. As the workers heading towards the door, Jason acknowledged her. “Ah, Miss Masters,” he said with a smile. Adalene lowered the hood of her cloak. Both men nodded at her as they went past. “Dinner smells good. What is it?” she asked. “Beef tenderloin. I didn't want you thinking I was paying you too cheaply for your consultation.” “What were those guys doing?” Pointing at the back wall where his desk sat, Jason said, “Patching the two holes in the wall. I don't need to try heating the whole city myself. Too cold to leave them open. Other than that and me cooking, the place is, more or less, as it was when Scruffy departed.” “Scruffy?” She set her bag on the dining table. Adalene slipped her cloak off. “Where can I put this?” “Rack on the back of the entry.” Adalene turned and saw what he indicated. She hung her cloak up. “The chair?” she asked. Stirring a pot, Jason said, “That was me. Scruffy sent me flying.” Taking a smoked crystal out of a pouch, Adalene asked, “Where did it start?” “Up the stairs and hang a left.” Stepping to avoid chunks of plaster, Adalene noted the gouges in the wall. She spread her fingers and compared them to the gouges. Scruffy's hand was apparently much bigger than her own. At the top of the stairs there was a short hallway. An open arch to the left and a little further down on the right, a door. Within Jason's bedroom was a wide closet lacking any doors, taking up much of one wall. Next to the entry was a tall chest of drawers. There were two nightstands, bracketing the wreckage of a king-size bed. The wooden frame was splintered in several places. The frame of the box springs was likewise damaged beyond use. The mattress itself had been rent almost the entire length, as if some crazy slasher had a go at it. Holding her crystal up. She looked through it as if it were a lens. “Bright Lady,” she muttered to herself. She lowered the crystal. With a quiet incantation, Spellbinder brought up her witch-sight. Raising her crystal again, she turned it, trying to bring something into focus. Spellbinder watched as a tear appeared above the bed and Scruffy fell through it. The shredding of the mattress was incidental, caused by talons and bone-spurs as it stood. The damage done to the bed itself caused by Scruffy's weight as it hit and then stepped off. She followed as the image went down the stairs. The damage to the wall as it descended seemed to be for no other reason than the creature could. Scruffy bent over. It's mouth moved as if it spoke. Mental note: add audio. The thing leapt for the floor, causing more damage. With a speed belying its size, Scruffy charged out of her sight. She rushed down the remaining stairs and caught sight of crimson marking the spurs of one hand. “It marked you,” she commented. “Marked me?” “It bled you. Raked you with the spurs.” “Yes. Healed already.” Spellbinder pursed her lips. “That isn't the point. It has marked you. If it can find a way back over it will find you.” Jason smiled. “Good. That will make things easier.” “I've seen what I needed to see. Would you like to tell me who the person you were with was?” Stirring a pot, Jason thought before answering. “No. I don't think so. Not yet, at any rate. I want to deal with this myself if possible.” “That thing could have killed you. When it comes back, and it will, it just might,” she warned. “I think I'm up for the challenge. First question, what was it?” Adalene slipped the crystal back into its pouch. “It's called a hrumguroth. It is a fourth tier infernal.” “Which means what?” “Imps and the lesser infernals are first tier. As the tiers increase, so does the danger.” “Spellbinder, in English, please. Give me something I can compare it to.” Adalene sighed. “Jason, I don't deal with the same type of things you and the others do. I deal with demons and devils and idiots that think they can summon either up without consequence. I deal with other spellcasters. “A hrumguroth is strong, malevolent, with a baseline intelligence roughly that of an undisciplined teenager. They have a tendency to cause damage for no other reason than they can,” she explained. “Infernal?” “A demon.” Nodding, Jason said, “A dimension traveler.” Closing her eyes and shaking her head, Adalene said, “Asprin did no one any favors with that definition.” Smiling at her, Jason said, “Well, he did have the right of it. We go to another dimension, we're demons.” “Demon has other connotations, though,” she exasperated. “Okay, so strong, some brain power, and violent. Sounds like Thumper.”
  2. Arrow star Emily Bett Rickards announces exit ahead of the final season
  3. I've got my world more or less set. Much like Marvel once was the "world outside our window, but with supers." I decide which antagonist I'm going to use and what they are after. Then decide where that objective is and what obstacles might be in the way. I start dropping hints that may come to light about the behind the scenes stuff that antagonist is up to. Then it is all flying by the seat of my pants and letting the players run wild. Kind of fun when they miss one or two things and they have to deal with the bad guy after when they could have derailed him early on.
  4. He isn't riding a "mount". He's riding another PC.
  5. His arm position makes the whole thing look awkward.
  6. I was trying to figure out why Foggy Nelson got a poster and Maria Hill didn't.
  7. The general basis for points in the CU is whether or not the character is intended to go solo up against a team (boss fight situation) or are they a member of a team intended to be fought as part of a team.
  8. They're rebooting him in the head to get him to shrink.
  9. Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine.
  10. Looks like May 3 is a general release date. Dated 2018 due to two film festival releases.
  11. Entirely possible with the whole "start over" with Endgame and all the flashbacks, that Hydra never infiltrated SHIELD so no housecleaning required.
  12. Starfire and it is still there for me.
  13. Or they just CGI from the footage they already have and the actors have already been paid for.
  14. The MCU is inherently a few inches shorter than the 616.
  15. A mimic that never learned that its fangs are supposed to be inside the chest.
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