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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    “If he doesn't bring you down for lunch, just call out to Mentor and I'll come get you,” Dani said. Stacy nodded. “Thanks, Dani.” Dani headed down the hall back to the elevator. Stacy turned to face the door. She looked around, seeing nothing to announce herself with. “He's expecting you,” Mentor said and the door to Jason's apartment slid open. Stepping inside, Stacy looked around. Compared to the loft this place was clean. Jason was sitting on a stool, palette in one hand, brush in the other. “Mom will want to see that,” she said. With a light touch of the brush, Jason worked on Marlene's smiling reflection. “She probably will,” Jason said. “Your mom has always been one of my strongest supporters when it came to my painting.” Stacy stepped closer. “That window looks familiar. Is that the mate to the painting you did with Sandy?” “Yes. Not too many realize that. Those that get to see them hung will realize, though. How are you feeling?” Stacy moved closer. “Shaky. Scared. I can't believe how close I came to dying.” “If it helps,” Jason said quietly, “I know someone you can talk to about it.” He set the palette down and the brush atop it. He turned to face her. “I've got a...counselor to talk to.” Jason smiled. “Been there. Still doing that. I'm not talking about a counselor. I was thinking more in line of someone who has been there. Someone that shut herself out from everything except a few people.” “Kate?” Jason nodded. “I don't know. I mean I don't want to dump this all on anyone else.” Stacy seated herself on the couch. “How... how did you know I was in trouble? On the one hand it is kind of neat that I've got a superhero looking out over me, but on the other hand, kinda weird that...” “Worried that I'm spying on you?” Stacy's eyes darted away and she nodded. “Stace, it isn't like that.” Jason got a hand mirror Marlene had left behind. He took a seat on the other end of the couch. “Here,” he said, handing it to her. “Now take your necklace out.” Stacy fiddled with her chain until the pendant and the stone Jason had given to her for her birthday fell out. “Now what?” “Look into the mirror.” Stacy lifted the mirror until she blocked Jason's face with it. She took in her own reflection. There was still darkness around and under her eyes. The shorter hair was easier to deal with on a daily basis, but the woman looking back at her wasn't someone she was used to seeing. Jason touched Stacy's hand and she jumped. Jason smiled at her when she looked at him. “What am I supposed to see?” From deep inside, Jason's eyes began to glow. Looking into the mirror, Stacy saw that the stone in her pendant was also glowing. “If you get hurt, I'll know. The stone isn't a parlor trick. You and I are connected and your stone represents that. It doesn't make me a mind-reader. Physical sensations that tend to be extreme, like if you stub your toe, bang your shin on something, I'll know. Strong emotional spikes I can sometimes pick up on. With you, it was the lack of anything. A dullness from the connection that sent me looking for you.” “I can't believe I ended up like that, though,” Stacy said miserably. “Bad things happen to good people, Stace. Assholes shouldn't medicate to get laid. He knew he had a problem with you before I ever showed up.” “Can I ask why? You healed mom. Took the bullet out of her and all that.” Tears were falling from her eyes. “But with me...” “I healed your arm when we fell. I broke mine in the process. I healed your mom and bled all over the hospital floor. I'm a filter, Stace. Whatever you were affected with, if it was just something he dropped in your drink or injected you with once you were back at his apartment, if I had healed you I would have taken that stuff into myself. Recreational drug use is not something I want to mess around with. Somethings I know how my body will deal with. Poisons tend to be flushed. But there are other things out there that can seriously mess me up. Even with my abilities.”
  2. You want a love to last forever One that will never fade away I want to help you with your problem Stick around, I say Coming up Coming up, yeah Coming up like a flower Coming up, I say You want a friend you can rely on One who will never fade away And if you're searching for an answer Stick around, I say Coming up Coming up Coming up like a flower Coming up, yeah You want some peace and understanding So everybody can be free I know that we can get together We can make it, stick with me It's coming up Coming up Coming up like a flower Coming up for you and me Coming up Coming up, I say Coming up like a flower Coming up, I feel it in my bones Yeah, yeah yeah yeah You want a better kind of future One that everyone can share You're not alone, we all could use it Stick around, we're nearly there Coming up Coming up everywhere Coming up like a flower Coming up for all to share Coming up, yeah Coming up, anyway Coming up like a flower Coming up
  3. Bobby's driving through the city tonight Through the lights In a hot new rent a car He joins the lover in his heavy machine It's a scene down on Sunset Boulevard Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Johnny's taking care of things for a while And his style is so right for troubadours They got him sitting with his back to the door Now he won't be my fast gun anymore Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Moving on is a chance that you take every time You try to stay together Say a word out of line and you find That the friends you had are gone Forever, forever So many faces in and out of my life Some will last, some will just be now and then Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Moving on is a chance that you take every time You try to stay together Say a word out of line and you find That the friends you had are gone Forever, forever So many faces in and out of my life Some will last, some will just be now and then Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby Say goodbye to Hollywood Say goodbye my baby
  4. Greywind


    Emily walked Stacy slowly through the lobby of the Stacy Lane-Scott Memorial Tower. Or as it was more commonly known, Guardian's Tower. Stacy was still weak, but her doctor assured her that fresh air would do wonders. They approached an elevator that most seem to avoid. Stacy looked up at her mom. “Go ahead,” Emily said with a smile. Stacy touched the panel beside the door. It lit up with Mentor's computer-generated image. “Mrs. Deveraux. Miss Deveraux. Please, step inside.” The elevator doors slid apart. They stepped inside and the doors closed. Moments passed with no sensation of movement. Stacy glanced at her mom and asked, “When does the car start moving?” “The elevator you are in is experimental technology. The car has been in motion since ten seconds after the doors closed,” Mentor informed her. “The elevator also works at speeds in excess of most express elevators.” “Oh,” Stacy said contritely. The doors slid open once again. “Hi,” Dani said. “You got your hair cut.” “Yeah, I did,” Stacy said. Dani stepped close and took Stacy in an embrace. “How are you doing?” Stacy broke the hug and stepped back. “I'm okay,” she said with a weak smile. “Not one-hundred percent, yet, but I'm working on it.” “Can you stay for lunch?” “I think we can,” Emily said. Stacy looked around. “Where's Trese?” “California. I think to keep an eye on Marlene,” Dani said with a wink, “but don't quote me on that.” A panel opened and a small rack rolled out. “Purses and jackets and anything else you don't want to have to carry around while you're visiting.”
  5. You're going to make me play Phil Collins' I Don't Care Anymore again. You say I have everything Well, I'm living on dreams and chains But, I sing for the things money can't buy You say you don't believe Well could you just look at me Look deep into my eyes...my love Well, have you ever been in love Have you touched the soul of someone Did the fear inside you make you turn and run I'll take off my cape for you I'll take down my hair for you Anything you want me to do...my love Well, I'll sit home and wait for you Oh, darling, there's nothing that I'd rather do Anything you want me to do...my love Have you ever been in love Have you touched the soul of someone, baby Did the fear inside you make you turn and run You say I have everything Well, I've been living on dreams and chains I sing for the things that money can't buy me Have you ever been in love Have you touched the soul of someone Did the fear inside you make you turn and run Anything...my love Anything...my love Anything...
  6. Just imagine the porn parody...
  7. Oh, ho, ho It's magic you know Never believe it's not so It's magic you know Never believe it's not so Never been awake Never seen a daybreak Leaning on my pillow in the morning Lazy day in bed music in my head Crazy music playing in the morning light It's magic you know Never believe it's not so It's magic you know Never believe it's not so I love my sunny day Dream of far away Dreaming on my pillow in the morning Never been awake Never seen a daybreak Leaning on my pillow in the morning light It's magic you know Never believe it's not so It's magic you know Never believe it's not so It's magic you know Never believe it's not so It's magic you know Never believe it's not so
  8. "...and starring Guile as Captain America!" Or is that more Johnny Bravo?
  9. Waiting for the winds of change To sweep the clouds away Waiting for the rainbow's end To cast its gold your way Countless ways You pass the days Waiting for someone to call And turn your world around Looking for an answer to The questions you have found Looking for An open door Oh you don't get something for nothing You don't get freedom for free You won't get wise With the sleep still in your eyes No matter what your dreams might be No you don't get something for nothing You can't have freedom for free You won't get wise With the sleep still in your eyes No matter what your dream might be What you own is your own kingdom What you do is your own glory What you love is your own power What you live is your own story In your head is the answer Let it guide you along Let your heart be the anchor And the beat of your song Oh you don't get something for nothing You can't have freedom for free, no Whoa you don't get something for nothing You can't have freedom for free
  10. The boy gets struck by lightning, repeatedly.
  11. I had a player borrow my computer to print off his character, and copy all my character files to a flash drive when no one was looking. Does that count?
  12. Darkness falls and she will take me by the hand Take me to some twilight land Where all but love is grey Where I can't find my way Without her as my guide Night falls I'm cast beneath her spell Daylight comes our heaven turns to hell Am I left to burn and burn eternally She's a mystery to me She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl In the night of love words tangled in her hair Words soon to disappear A love so sharp it cut Like a switchblade to my heart Words tearing me apart She tears again my bleeding heart I want to run she's pulling me apart Fallen angel cries and I just melt away She's a mystery to me She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl Haunted by her side is the darkness in her eyes That so enslaves me But if my love is blind Then I don't want to see She's a mystery to me Night falls I'm cast beneath her spell Daylight comes our heaven turns to hell Am I left to burn and burn eternally She's a mystery to me She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl She's a mystery girl
  13. Didn't the jaegers take care of most of them?
  14. Maybe he was talking about his badge.
  15. If you're the GM, set your world's limits first. Build within those limits instead of trying to build god-like first.
  16. 4th and 5th generally went by hexes. 6th decouples the hex from the inches.
  17. Big enough to hold a figure, whether it be a miniature, a standup, a penny, a die, etc. Usually between 1-2".
  18. Pretty sure these are all Cassandra's designs.
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