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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Or just ignore the fact that it even exists. No points added. No points lost. No implication on the GM's part that it will never come into play.
  2. Looking at the cake is like looking at the future, until you've tasted it what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late. Too late.
  3. They went Batwoman because they couldn't go Batman.
  4. Keep in mind, in the comics, Magneto was rejuvenated in the 80's. He was regressed to childhood and then matured to a man in his 30's. It was how he managed to dodge charges on a lot of his previous terrorist attacks.
  5. Well, the person that caused his downfall already died (Carina in GotG).
  6. I can relate. A lot of names I drop that I don't show the character are characters that belong to others. I don't want to get too deep with other people's toys. Meanwhile, a few of those players want to know why I don't write about their characters. "Dude, if you want a story about your character, write it."
  7. DC Universe cancels ‘Swamp Thing’ after a single episode (updated)
  8. Like it or not, it's established in the books. Otherwise the ship would split at the point where he's lifting from.
  9. The Arctic Police showed up and hauled Lex, Otis, and the Kryptonians off to prison.
  10. Thor at that point is also the king of Asgardians, as Odin was before him. It is the right of a king to mete out justice for the 50% of Asgardians that did not survive the Decimation.
  11. One of the main reasons I hate smart phones. More than happy to have a flip-phone still.
  12. If Superman can lift a ship without it breaking at the point he is lifting it from (the basis of his tactile telekinesis that was passed on to Superboy) why is it hard to believe that same ability won't apply to a person?
  13. The Flash knows how to punch. Just like Scott Lang had to learn.
  14. GMs smirk at their players all the time. Does that count?
  15. I've run games that numbered from 1 player to too many.
  16. Falling won't killing. Sudden stoppage at the bottom will. Lex was just clearing out the dead wood for the next election cycle.
  17. Supes could have gone through the wall backwards. He's moving too fast to tell.
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