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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Also keep in mind that Barry Allen had a tendency to always be late when he was supposed to be somewhere. Dinner date with Iris? Late.
  2. Vir, Londo and G'Kar all got what they wanted. By the end, G'Kar and Londo both realized that what they wanted wasn't worth the price.
  3. And then there are those that rage because all the lines are slow.
  4. Mjolnir doesn't bounce unless Thor wants it to.
  5. Why would speedsters inherently have Absolute Time Sense?
  6. They explore and investigate new phenomena. They don't really battle villains or fight crime.
  7. I considered that up to the point of "like Thor's hammer", which went through a lot of stuff to get to him.
  8. Simplest way would be to make the "thrown" spear a Blast with a lockout that keeps any other aspects of the spear unusable for that segment.
  9. Technically, the FF are adventurers and not heroes.
  10. https://9gag.com/gag/aE2jvEO/if-fast-food-mascots-were-psychotic-villains-by-sillvi-studios
  11. Hero Designer is meant for characters. Not vehicles or bases.
  12. Sort of. Donner saw the two movies as one and worked accordingly. Lester had to do reshoots and rework the second movie as Donner refuses to share directorial credit and Lester had to get enough done so that he could take sole credit for it.
  13. Greywind


    “Hey, Lieutenant. What are you doing?” Lt Bressler looked up from the report she was reading. “Report comparison. Harrison and Jimenez got a call in an alley. Four yahoos got themselves jacked. Badly. Broken jaw, whiplash, concussion, cracked sternum, torn ligaments in a knee, various scrapes and bruises. We got a knife with blood on it, but none of the, damn, I hate calling these guys 'victims', but none of them have any cuts or stab wounds.” “Blood sample?” “Crime scene took care of all that already.” Bressler leaned back in her chair and brushed her fingers through her hair. Capt. Frank Stone sat on the desk opposite of Bressler's. “What's the story?” “Interviews from the one's capable of talking are pretty close. They were having a conversation with a woman. Their descriptions of the woman vary; she was a blonde, a redhead, she was of average height somewhere around seven-foot. They figured the five of them were safe cutting through an alley to where their car was parked. Someone jumped them from behind.” “Seven foot? Sasquatch sighting in New York!” one of the detectives listening in called out. “If we can find her maybe you'll finally get a date that isn't your sister,” Bressler shot back. “Oh, that hurts, Bress!” “Thoughts?” Stone asked. Bressler picked up one of the reports and scanned it. “Honestly, I'm thinking vigilante. Whether or not it was this supposed woman or a third party, I don't know.”
  14. Greywind


    “That wood is going to require replacing.” Kate stood a few steps below Warren as he applied plaster to the wall. “What do you think it was?” Warren stopped and examined the gouges he'd been filling in Jason's wall. “I have no idea. There are people I know of that can do this, but I honestly can't think of a reason Jason would have any of them here.” Using the trowel he applied more plaster and began spreading it along the grooves. Hearing a key against the door Kate smiled. “He's here.” Jason slid the door open. “Hey.” Jason smiled. “Hey, yourself.” He set two full bags on the table. “I appreciate that, Warren.” “No problem. Floor tiles were easiest. Found the leftovers from when we laid it.” Warren applied more plaster and moved lower down the stairs. “Who was it?” “A demon.” “Who's 'Demon'?” Kate asked. “You're joking,” Warren said. Jason shrugged. “Not a who, Kate. A what. A demon.” “You're not joking.” Jason slipped his long coat off and hung it on the rack. His suit coat came off, and he hung that on the back of one of the dining chairs. “I'm afraid not.” He loosened his tie, undid his sleeve cuffs and rolled those up to just below his elbows. “Jesus,” Warren said quietly. “Why would one pop up here. I saw the mess your bed is.” “New one gets delivered tomorrow. Since you're here, I want to show you something.” Jason moved to his desk and picked up the museum magazine. “What do you make of this?” He pointed out the photo that had sent him to the museum. Warren shrugged. “Pretty lady. Can't really tell what she is working on.” “Yes, she is. Painting she is cleaning up isn't what I want your opinion on, either. Painting in the back.” “It's out of focus.” Warren shifted the magazine back and forth. “No... You can't be serious.” Jason smiled. “How old would you say she is?” “Mid-twenties? Maybe thirty?” “Who are you talking about?” Kate asked. Setting his phone on the desk, Jason said, “Mentor, pull the photos I took off the phone and put one up for me.” “Yes, sir.” Jason's phone lit up. The desk lit up and the monitor hanging on the wall switched on. “Everything up to speed?” “Yes, sir. Your photo.” “She's beautiful,” Kate said. “Beautiful,” Warren agreed. “Sexy, devious, and dangerous.” “The Lady in Blue,” Jason said. “Painted by Heinrich Wagner sometime around nineteen-thirty.” “Who is it?” “Angelique,” Warren said quietly. “But she's around our age.” Jason shrugged again. “Her father is over four-hundred unless you want to call him a liar.” “Not to his face, no.”
  15. I think the limit on editing has to do with the number of posts. Welcome to the board.
  16. There is no value is selling it back. You cannot increase the value of it without paying points. The simple reason is: at some point the GM may decide to introduce something wherein OMCV is required and won't have to backpedal all over the campaign setup because earlier on he said it was okay to take points for something that would never be used.
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