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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Well, it the Superman serials, he was already animated. Used to dive behind something and then the animated version would fly away.
  2. They only thing they did with Welling was CGI'd the Routh suit top for one scene.
  3. It is reasonably priced and it can be a great help, if you already know how to build characters.
  4. Battle of the Planets Movie Revealed by Russo Brothers at SDCC 2019
  5. DC's greatest stuff tends to be their animated one-shots. Hopefully, WW84 and Fishboy 2 continue their trend and improve DC's box office impact.
  6. We've yet to see how expensive Thing will be in the MCU.
  7. Zero. We took them all out on the way in.
  8. You do realize that Black Widow was dosed with the Russian version of the Super Soldier Formula, don't you?
  9. McKay: We need the Zed P.M. to power the Gate. O'Neill: What? Jackson: Zee P.M. He's, uh, he's Canadian. O'Neill (sympathetically to McKay): I'm sorry.
  10. Greywind


    A backhanded blow sent Dani to tumble through the mud. “Don't get yourself too beat up, Dani. I never got a taste of you before.” Slowly picking herself up, Dani spit blood. She wiped her mouth with the back of one muddy hand, smearing mud and blood across her face. “You want a taste of Hellfire, you bastard?” Dani asked quietly, getting herself shakily to her feet. She closed her eyes. The falling rain vaporized before it ever got near her. She began to hover, moving slowly upward. The mud beneath her feet dried, then baked to a consistency of concrete. Her eyes opened. The flames that normally danced there were gone. Dani's eyes were white-hot. She lifted her hand, pointing a finger at Jason. “Burn.” Flames that normally would flow down Hellfire's arms as she threw fire were nowhere in sight. Jason's clothes ignited. His skin blackened and cracked. His healing factor repairing the damage only for it to blister and blacken again. His hair burned away.
  11. Superpowers? Dude, I don't even know how to pee in this thing!
  12. No, he talked about it quite a bit in his second Marvel outing. You know, something about making sure there was no green in his costume when they were putting him into the lab.
  13. Saving the eye that does not see was Londo needed to stop Cartagia from having one of G'Kar's eyes removed (the eye that does not see Cartagia's greatness). Not killing the man who was already dead, Londo failed greatly. That was Morden and that triggered the Drahk moving in on Centauri Prime. Although it did give Vir his wish. Surrendering to his greatest fear was the Drahk and the Keeper.
  14. Greywind


    “I have been allowed to show you something.” His companion waved her arm and mists began to clear. Jason watched as images formed and became clearer as the fog receded. A tree to the left, the fringed edge of a blanket, a cooler off to the side. The fog pulled back further. There was a girl, a young woman, sitting on the blanket. Dark brown hair fell to her waist. When sunlight broke through the leaves of the tree and caught her hair, natural red highlights would flash. She wore shorts and a tank top. Her legs were loosely crossed and she was barefoot. Her sneakers were aside the blanket within her easy reach. Soda cans sat atop the cooler, empty ones were tossed haphazardly around it. In her lap sat a black acoustic guitar. Her fingers nimbly worked the strings. The tune tickled Jason's memory. “That's one of your songs.” “Yes. One I never finished. She's been working on it.” Moving closer, Jason stepped around the blanket. He squatted down in front of the girl. She looked up from the guitar and smiled. “Hi,” Jason said. Her eyes were a bright green. “They can neither see us nor hear us.” “They...?” Jason turned and saw a young man. He bent over and sorted through stones on the lake's shore. He picked up a few and dropped them into his right hand. He chose one and sent it skipping over water. Jason noted he was left-handed. “Did you see that? Fifteen skips!” “That was a good one,” she agreed. “Aaron, how come you don't date?” Aaron shrugged. “I date.” “Not seriously. You go out with friends. You hang out at Rosie's.” Turning to look at her, Aaron said, “Maybe...maybe because I already know what...who it is I want.” Aaron turned back to the water and sent another stone flying. “Then why not do something about it?” Aaron dropped his head before he turned back to the girl. “Because her dad scares the piss out of me. Sandy...” “Sandy?” Jason whispered. Sandy set the guitar aside and stood up. She was tall for a woman. 6-foot tall barefoot. The look on her face coupled with the green eyes made Jason think of Marlene. “I keep hoping for a romance like my parents'.” “Dad still chases after mom. Sometimes they act like teenagers when they think I'm not around. He would do anything for her.” Sandy shrugged. “My dad is the same. He would find a way to give her the world if she asked for it.” “Your parents are weird. Your mom, your dad... Aunt Leah for that matter, all look like they did twenty years ago.” “Good genes. I hope I inherited them.”
  15. Which is one of the main reasons I don't like him. ...or Deadpool.
  16. https://geektyrant.com/news/this-man-spider-cosplay-is-horrifyingly-incredible
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