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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Does your tablet have Java on it?
  2. They have signature lines for that.
  3. Greywind


    Mary looked up to Ben. “He's trying to make it an opportunity for her.” Ben glanced down at his wife. He inhaled, drawing himself up taller. His face went hard. Then he exhaled, his face looking to the floor. “I think that we need to talk to her before we can decide.” Jason nodded. “I understand. Give me a few minutes and I'll get her in here.” * * * * * “And that's pretty much all there is to it,” Jen said shrugging. “I just didn't think they'd realize why I felt compelled to do something. So here I am.” “I don't think you give them enough credit. Running away is a bit drastic in the best of times.” Jen glowered at Beth. “I didn't run away. I came here.” “Without your parents' consent,” Jason said. “And they want to talk to you.” “You called my parents?” “Minor. Runaway,” Jason said pointing at her. “Office is at the end of the hall. Mentor will guide you. Don't keep them waiting.” Jen slowly got up and walked past Jason. “This way, Miss Asher,” Mentor said. For a long moment, Jason stood staring at Beth. “What are you staring at?” Take her. Dominate her. Use her. “Just admiring your long, tanned legs,” he said with a smile. Beth gave him an annoyed look for a moment. “What's it going to be this time? Just a sketch or a painting.” Jason chuckled. “Actually, steaks on the grill. Sauteed mushrooms. Garlic shrimp. And whatever else comes to mind.” “Need help?” “Do you want to help?” Beth stood up and stretched. “Not really, but I don't think this crisis is over quite yet.” “Probably not. This crisis may well last through the summer.” “How's that?” Beth asked. “I told Ben and Mary I'd arrange what Jen wanted. I also told them I'd put her to work. Give her to you so you could have your own personal runner.” Putting her hand on Jason's upper arm, she said, “Good. Give her the opportunity.” Now! Take her! Make her ours! You can't have this one, either! Smiling at Beth, he said, “Jennie may not think it's so great if she can stay.” “Why?” “Dani's mom is coming in. Should be here soon. If she likes what she sees, she'll be the one teaching Jennie. You want to mince the garlic or shell the shrimp?”
  4. Greywind


    “I do,” Warren answered as he came back into the house. “Parents are on their way.” Having slowed down, Warren really looked at Jason. “Are you okay? You seem kind of worn down.” “I'm good. Just too many irons in my fire right now.” “And Jennie just added to them. Sorry.” Jason shook his head. “Not your fault.” “Has there been anything about...” Marlene's name hung between the two of them. “Still looking. Can't help but feel something was missed.” “Yeah,” Warren said quietly. “What's your plan so far as Jen?” “To wait until your parents are there. Then we can discuss what options I am willing to take as long as they fall in line with what your parents will allow.” “They shouldn't be too long. Mom called the sheriff to let them know that Jen was found safe. What are you doing?” Warren asked when Jason looked at the chess board. “Playing a game of chess with Beth's dad.” “Two more reasons I should run out there.” Jason chuckled. “You're more than welcome. Just don't come alone.” “That requires planning and me not running out there.” “See?” Jason teased. “You're a lot quicker on the uptake that you say you are.” Warren hrumphed. “Mentor, check with Jen's school. See what options they have in place for distance learning.” “Scanning now.” “You're going to have her finish her school year?” “First step is to make sure all her obligations are met as best we can.” “Jason, they do have a plan in place, but they are lacking the funds for the equipment. The school board is attempting to get the funds budgeted for the next school year, to do the improvements over the summer.” Smiling, Jason ran his hand over his desk top, shoving all the icons on it to the side. “Bring up the IT department at FP#5.” Nodding, Jason said, “I thought I recalled that. One of department heads is an adjunct professor at the community college out there. Teaches networking.” “What are you thinking, Jase?” Jason turned his attention to Warren. “Donate all the necessary equipment. Either from FP#5 or have it expedited. Toss this at the IT head. He can use his students, give them practical experience. Have it all done between two weekends if the school is willing.” “And you get a little tax write-off for the charitable donation?” Warren asked. “Hmm. Didn't even consider that. I was think more along the lines 'giving back to the community'. Mentor, is that school in the same district as the plant?” “No, sir.” “Oh, well. There goes that thought.” “Two weekends is rather generous, don't you think?” “Not really. Looking at the plan Mentor has up, the school was figuring two weeks. I'm figuring paying the IT guys overtime, covering dinner for the students when they're helping, things like that.” Warren nodded. “Nice.” His eyes darted to the door. “Think my parents are here. Be right back.” Stepping back in front of the camera at Warren's, Leah regarded Jason. “Warren's right. You do look worn. Is everything okay?” I'm locked in battle in my own mind, but just seeing you helps. “I'm fine. Just tired. Like I said, I have entirely too many things going on that need my attention.” The screen door closed and Ben and Mary stepped into view. Jason nodded to each in greeting. “Ben. Mary.” “How is she?” Jason smiled. “She's fine, Mary.” “Did she say why she ran away?” “Not exactly. She wasn't too forthcoming on details and I didn't want to push her. She didn't run away, Mary. She ran to.” “Where is she?” Ben asked. “Sitting room. I left her with Beth. I told her she had to talk to someone she trusted. I figured Beth fit the bill.” “I want her home.” “Ben, I can do that. If that is what is decided that is best she'll be home before midnight. She trusted me enough to come to me. If I send her packing without the help she has asked for that could be lost.” Mary and Ben looked at each other. “Why did she come to you?” “She wants me to teach her how to fight. With what little she said to me, she is either being bullied or is friends with someone who is.” Jason rubbed his temple. “She came home with a black eye last Monday,” Mary said. “She told me she ran into a door.” “I don't get why she'd run off, though,” Ben said. “Ben, Jennie is a strong girl. You've raised her well. But she looks up to Warren. She's known all of us for as long as we've been a team. We don't sit by, Ben. We do. Sometimes that has a powerful impact.” Ben nodded. “I want her home son.” “I'd like to hear what Jason has in mind,” Mary admonished her husband. “What are you thinking?” she directed at Jason. Eyes shifting to an email notice on the right monitor, Jason tapped it and dragged the attached file to the desktop. “Printer hot, Speedy.” “On it,” Warren replied. “What I have in mind, Mary, is to give Jen what she wants. I won't teach her. I don't have the time and, honestly, as a teacher I suck. I do have a friend that is coming in in a bit expressly to interview Jen as a student. “I've been discussing ideas with Warren about making sure Jen finishes out this school year. Hopefully without too much disruption.” “I had a call from one of her teachers,” Mary told him. “She wanted to let me know that Jennie's grades have slipped.” Jason nodded. “That doesn't surprise me.” “Why wouldn't she say something?” Warren coughed. “The Unwritten Code of students; thou shall not be a narc. Students have issues, you don't involve the teachers to resolve them. Printer is up, Jase.” Jason dragged the file icon across his desk and dropped it on top of Warren's image. “I am sending you a mess of papers for you to read, sign, and send back. If you'll let me keep Jen through the summer. I will give her to Beth and Jessica working however many hours state law will allow. If we can get the school to agree and get the equipment set up so she won't miss any more of her schooling, then she will do that at a distance. “Between school, work, and if Sharon takes her on as a student...” “Sharon? Ouch,” Warren said. “If Sharon takes her on a student she won't have a lot of time to get into trouble. If she's allowed to stay.”
  5. Greywind


    Contemplating his next call, Jason looked up when the right monitor lit up with a chess board. Frank Gilbert took the white and started off moving his queen's knight to c3. Jason mirrored the move. Jason tapped the monitor in his desk top. The screen button read “Guardians”. Images of all the active members appeared. Jason was just about to tap Warren's image when Mentor announced, “There is an incoming call from Miriam Croystetter.” Jason hung his head. “Send it to voice.” Jason's finger touched Warren's face. “Jason! I was just about to call you. Jennie, she cleaned out her bank account and ran away. I could really use your help in finding her. I figure...” “Warren.” “...that she would go somewhere warm...” “Warren.” “...probably a big city...” “Warren!” “...I'm thinking like... What?” “Relax, Speedy.” “How can you expect me to relax? My sister...” “Is here.” “What?” “She showed up at the gate a couple of hours ago.” “I'm coming out there.” Jason shook his head. “No, you aren't.” “Why?” Smiling, Jason said, “Because your impulse to run out here to make sure she's safe is the same reason she didn't talk to you before she ran off. Trust me, Warren, she's safe.” “You've got something on your mind. Why is it, as fast as I am, you always seem to think several steps ahead?” Jason's eyes shifted to the chess board. He moved another piece. “You should...” “...get my parents. I'll be right back.” Warren disappeared. Jason heard the screen door slam shut. Laying his head back against the rest, Jason closed his eyes. “Mentor, see if you can rescind Jennie closing her account. If you can, transfer funds from my personal account to match what she withdrew. While I'm thinking about it, keep an invoice running of how much this favor of Jennie's is costing.” “Yes, sir.” “Hi, Jason.” Opening his eyes, Jason smiled. “Hey, Kate.” “She is okay, right?” Jason made another move on the chess board. “She's fine. It seems she had a plan in place.” Kate frowned. “Why did she run off?” “It's not my place to say, Kate. And I'd really prefer to wait until Ben and Mary are there,” he said, still smiling. “How is Aaron doing?” “Running me ragged,” Kate said, also smiling. “He's asleep right now.” Aaron wailed. “Was,” Kate said with a grimace. “Hang on. Mommy's coming. Talk to you later.” Kate stepped out of view. “Another call from Miss Croystetter,” Mentor said. “Voice. Until further notice any calls from her go to voice.” “Yes, sir.” Jason sighed. “Hello, Jason.” Turning his full attention to the left monitor, Jason just stared. Leah cocked her head and gave Jason an impish smile. “What? Did Aaron spit up on me or something?” From what Jason could see, Leah was wearing a bikini top. “No. Just rendered speechless for a moment.” Leah grinned. “Going swimming?” “Sunbathing, actually. Trying to talk Kate into working on removing her tan lines.” “No one wants to see me without tan lines,” Kate yelled. “I do,” Warren answered as he came back into the house. “Parents are on their way.”
  6. Greywind


    “Beth!” Jen jumped up and dashed across the room. She caught Beth in a hug. “Hello, Little One. What are you doing here?' Looking up, Jen tried to smile. “It's a long story.” “You might as well start telling it, Jen,” Jason said. “I did tell you that you would talk to someone you trust. I need to get back to what I was doing.” Walking towards the door, he held his hand out to Frank Gilbert. “Mr. Gilbert. I've got a chess board set up in the study.” He handed the other man a tablet. “This is tied to the board. We can start remotely and then perhaps finish up sitting down.” “Sounds good, Jason. When are you going to start calling me Frank?” Jason just smiled in answer. “Will I be playing you or your house ghost?” “It will be me. I might be a bit distracted. I've got some calls to finish making. Excuse me.” “I don't think Jason's happy to see me,” Jen said quietly to Beth. “He has a lot going on. And you just added to it. Let's get my dad settled in the study and then you can start telling me why you're here.” * * * * * Jason closed the door and leaned back against it for a moment. “Send a message to HR. Minor in the workplace, necessary work permits, parental forms. Whatever is needed.” “Yes, sir,” Mentor answered. Jason brought his hands up and rubbed his forehead before dragging his fingers down his face. “War room on the left monitor.” Jason looked to the screen. “Call Huntress. Personal.” Jason walked around his desk and sat. It took a few moments before there was an answer. “Hey, Jason!” “Afternoon, Sharon. How's the trip? Where are you at?” Sharon Anderson smiled. “So far it's great! A few hours south of you traveling north. I was planning on stopping in. Thanks again for the bike. So is this a social call or business?” “Calls to you are always social. But, yes, there is some business involved. I have an individual that wishes to become a student.” Sharon frowned. “Came to you? You're good, but you don't have the temperament to be a teacher.” “Which is what I told them and why I called you, oh great and powerful sensei.” Pursing her lips, Sharon asked, “Who is it?” “Jen Asher.” Her eyes narrowed. “Warren's little sister?” “The very same.” “No. I won't teach her to do what we do. She's too young. I am not going to create a sidekick.” Jason smiled. “Sharon, relax. Self-defense only. How soon can you be here?” “I don't know...” “Steaks on the grill. With mushrooms.” Sharon smiled. “Throw some garlic shrimp in and I'll come interview the prospective.” “Fair enough,” Jason agreed. Looking down, Sharon fiddled with something Jason couldn't see. “Two-and-a-half, three hours tops.” “Great. See you then.” Sharon nodded and the screen reset to the war room.
  7. Greywind


    Jenevieve Asher sat uncomfortably while Randall (first name or last, she couldn't be sure) stared at her from where he sat perched on a desk. Her eyes went to the window. It was a sunny, warm day, and she couldn't believe she was in California. Eye contact broken, Jen heard Randall say “House” into the microphone hanging at his shoulder. “Mr. Scott, we have a...young woman here at the gate. She says her name is Jenevieve Asher.” A flash of light caught her attention, and she turned to the monitor on the wall. She smiled and waved at Jason. When Jason didn't smile or acknowledge her, Jen lowered her hand. “Jake, escort Miss Asher to the house, please.” “Yes, sir.” The monitor shut off. “Miss Asher, come with me, please.” He held the door to the security shack open for her. Jake waved to another member of the security team, who jogged over. “I need to escort this young lady up to the house.” The other guard simply nodded and took over the security shack. Hoisting her two bags into the back of a small cart, Jake indicated the passenger seat. Jen got in. * * * * * Watching the cart on one of his monitors, Jason rubbed his temples. “Mentor, send a text to Beth that I need her at the house.” He wasn't surprised when his phone chirped. “Hello, Beth.” “What's going on? I was getting ready to head over to my dad's.” “I have a...situation occurring and I think that it might be best for all concerned if you were here.” “But my dad...” Jason sighed. “Bring him with you, if you'd like. I'll make dinner.” Hearing something in Jason's tone made Beth pause. “How bad is it?” she finally asked. “911”. “Damn. Alright. Give me a half hour. An hour if dad wants to come.” * * * * * “Thank you, Jake. That will be all.” Jake Randall nodded at Jason and closed the doors as he left. “Have a seat,” Jason said, indicating the chair across from his desk. Jen's eyes went from Jason to the chair and back to Jason. No hug. No “how are you?” Jen was seeing a side of Jason she never saw at the farm. Jen slipped uncomfortably into the chair. Jason stared at her. Fidgeting, Jen unconsciously began playing with the seam of her jeans. “Why are you here?” Smiling, Jen said, “Well, I thought that...” “Why aren't you in school? You're a junior. You have another six weeks before summer break.” Jen's eyes dropped to her lap. “Dani told me that if I ever needed you that you would be there for me.” Nodding, Jason said, “And Dani is correct. So what problem are you having that sent you out here to me instead of asking your brother or your parents?” Jen cocked her head to the side before looking up at Jason. “Teach me to fight?” “Why?” “There are these kids. They hang out together. Cause trouble. Harass other kids.” “Clique or gang?” “A gang, I guess.” “No.” Jen was taken aback. “What? Why?” “Because I'm not a teacher. I didn't learn to fight just to fight. I needed the discipline. The self-control and the patience that I learned. Patience that you are sorely testing now. There are things that you aren't telling me. Things you obviously don't want to tell me. You will, however, talk to someone that you trust. I get why you didn't tell Warren.” “He would go all over-protective big brother.” Jason smiled. “What makes you think I won't?”
  8. Exclusive: Tom Welling, Lynda Carter Returning For Crisis On Infinite Earths
  9. Brosnan has since admitted that when he was first up for the part and CBS was playing game with him to keep Steele running another season, that he wasn't ready for the role.
  10. Take it from me, living without love is not really living, it's just sort of existing. The question you have to ask yourself is what are you willing to risk for love?
  11. But not in what capacity. I know Amell met with Welling and Rosenbaum a while back
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