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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. I'm sure Hammond, Maguire, and Garfield will give him a seat at the table.
  2. Wouldn't it be easier to refer to the Dive For Cover rules that allows you to interpose yourself in front of another to protect them?
  3. If you aren't enjoying yourself, bite the bullet and bow out.
  4. It's a lake/river. Where the US side of the bridge to Canuckia is. Further north is Saginaw Bay. South is the nightmare that is Detroit.
  5. Look at the back of your left hand. I'm about where the thumb joint is.
  6. Greywind


    Reaching out, Jason flicked off the desk lamp. The last light of the day came through the window. Soon shadows would claim the office for the night. Closing his eyes, he reached out. Sharon and Jennie were by the pool. Most likely it in. Jessica was probably with them. “A call for you,” Mentor said. “From?” “Warren's.” “Put it through.” The wall across from the desk lit up with Leah. She was sitting on the couch, legs were drawn up. Her hair was loose and pulled to one side. Her brush rested on the arm of the couch. A wine glass was in her hand, resting on her leg. She wore a short royal blue robe. “Still speechless?” she asked with a gentle smile. Always. “Hi.” “Hi, yourself. It's nice what you're doing for Jennie.” Leah put her elbow on the armrest and leaned her head against her hand. “Sharon has agreed to teach her. I heard back from the IT crew. The principal tentatively okayed the agreement. She'll kick it up to the school board for a fast turn-around. With it being a full donation of material, time and labor, she doesn't think they will decline.” Jason touched a control on his desk and Leah came closer until she was the only thing on his monitor. “Nice robe.” “It should be. You gave it to me,” she teased. “Everyone in bed?” Leah smiled. “Actually, I'm here alone right now. Warren decided that he and Kate needed a night out. Mary agreed and kidnapped Aaron so that Kate didn't have an excuse.” “Dragging her kicking and screaming out for a good time,” Jason said with a smile. “They need that.” “Agreed. I hope I wasn't intruding.” Never. “I've got three mermaids out in the pool. Beyond that, I've got a painting waiting for me in the studio.” You should have let me claim her. You should get out of my head. The other laughed. “Ben is having a hard time of it, I think. He wasn't quite ready for his littlest to fly the nest. And she caught you right between your pride and your honor.” Jason nodded. “The obligation was there. From the time the Ashers accepted me.” “I know.” “She didn't tell Warren because she was afraid he'd go over-protective.” Leah laughed. “You know he would.” “Yeah. You should have seen the look on her face when I asked her what made her think I wouldn't. I don't think she realizes what she and her family means to me,” Jason said quietly. “What are you thinking?” That you're beautiful. That I miss you. That I wish you were here. And that I'm glad you're not. “As I said earlier, got too many irons in the fire and trying to get some of them out.” “We're... I'm...” Leah sighed. “Concerned about you. I was there when you made my first stone.” “Second one, too,” Jason interjected. “Technically.” Leah gave him a stern look. “I was there with you when you made Kate's. Warren said the same when you made the rest of theirs. Never had you... At no point did you have blood spraying from your nose and ears.” “Spraying? Hmm. Might have to see if Mentor caught it on video.” “I'm serious, Jason.” “I'm fine, Leah,” he said gently. “Chalk it up to not sleeping well, exhaustion.” He smiled. “I'm fine.” Leah looked at her wine glass. “I wish...” Me, too.
  7. Actually I was thinking of a Justice League/Suicide Squad crossover when Cpt. Boomerang challenged Batman to see whose weapon was better. They each threw and Boomer kept watch on the toys while Batman closed the distance. When Boomer was celebrating because his razorang broke the batarang, Batman decked him telling him, "I am my weapon."
  8. Batman doesn't need a boomerang.
  9. Greywind


    “There's a group of kids at school that delight in making other kids' life hell.” Sharon and Jennie wandered the yard. Sharon marveled in everything; a rabbit lazing in the grass, the birds darting from tree to tree, a hawk soaring above. “And you want to bully the bullies?” Jennie stopped, falling a few steps behind. “No! I just don't want to be a victim anymore.” Turning, Sharon regarded her. “You remind me a lot of Warren.” “Is that good or bad?” “It's good,” Sharon smiled as she said it. “If I teach you there are things that you have to do. First off don't lie to me.” “You sound like Jason.” Nodding, Sharon said, “There's a reason for that. I taught him. If asked something give an answer, even if the answer is that you do not wish to answer. I will not lie to you. Second, if I tell you to do something, do it. Don't ask why. Don't try to figure it out at that moment. Just do it.” “That doesn't sound too hard.” “If I take you on as my student, you will ache, you will hurt, you may even bleed. I suspect that working on a farm you're already in good physical form.” “I guess so,” Jennie said. “Why does Beth call you 'Little One'?” Jennie caught up to Sharon. “Beth and Warren have been friends forever. There was a time I thought they might marry. They met in kindergarten. Mom and Beth's mom became friends. When I came along, Beth was my babysitter. I've always been Little One to her.” Jennie noticed they were walking towards the trees. “What's back here?” “You've never been here before?” “No, ma'am. Jason said when I was ready.” Sharon nodded. “Then let's go explore, shall we?” * * * * * “Are all the components ready? Then what's the problem?” Sharon waited in the hall while Jason talked. “Then I would suggest you expedite the shipment. It was supposed to have gone out two days ago. Believe me, you do not want to get Miss Kendall upset with you. Expedite it or I'll feed you to her for lunch.” When she heard a clatter she went in. Jason had tossed his headset onto a nearby table. “Problem?” she asked. Jason shrugged. “Parts that Brianna wanted for a project. She was supposed to have them by tomorrow. She called wanting to know the status. Damned things are still sitting on the dock.” His attention was on a canvas. “How did your talk with Jennie go?” “We went exploring. Ended up out back. She met your parents, your grandparents, and Sandy.” Jason nodded. Sharon came over to look at what was on the canvas. Lines were drawn for chest or a desk. A large arched window made Sharon think of Charles'... Jason's she corrected herself, office. That would make the desk Silas' old desk. Sharon watched while Jason outlined a female form. “That reminds me, I want to see your catalog.” Glancing at her, Jason smiled. “Sketchbooks are in my room on the shelves.” A girl appeared leaning against the desk while Sharon looked on. A knee-length pencil skirt appeared and then Jason quickly removed the lines of the girl's legs. One foot was pressed against the desk and the other on the floor. “Red blouse, dark pencil skirt, heels with ankle straps. Does Beth know why you wanted to see her like that again?” Chuckling, Jason said, “I haven't told her a thing about this painting. Painting keeps me...” from thinking about this thing in my head. “Focused.” “So what about your other paintings?” Sharon moved around the studio. A bookshelf with art references were against one wall. Shelves with paints in tubes, jars, and cans lined another. A rack held other canvases. Sharon flipped through them slowly. “You picked a good week to stop by. Emily and Stacie are coming out. Emily wants to go through what I've got stashed here. She's already gone through what is at the other mansion. Stacie is playing photographer for her.” “For what?” “Gallery showing. Charity sales and auction. Gives me a chance to clear out some clutter. Pieces I won't part with will be for display only. What did you decide about Jen?” “I'll teach her. I can't fault her reasons for wanting to learn. While it isn't a fair comparison, using Warren as a yardstick, Benjamin and Mary have raised them well,” she admitted.
  10. You will bow down before me, Jor-El. You, and one day, your heirs.
  11. Upgrade Frisbee to Chakram.
  12. And you can find the collections/graphic novels in any B&N.
  13. Comics are made by corporation now. Not by contributors. One of the reasons Perez retired.
  14. Greywind


    Sharon stepped outside, closed her eyes and raised her face to the sun. She smiled, basking in the warmth. Walking to the grill, she opened the small refrigerator and liberated a bottle of beer. Jason smiled at her. “Thanks for letting me get cleaned up.” “You do clean up nicely, Mrs. Anderson.” Giving him an amused look, she stepped in close and indicated to him he should come closer. Jason bent his head down. Sharon gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for the bike. I really mean that.” “After being in the dark for so long, I thought you might want the chance to see the world again.” She gave Jason an appreciative smile. “Dinner will be done shortly.” Her attention turned to the table, eyes going from face to face. “Do I know any of these people?” she asked Jason quietly. “Hi, Mrs. Anderson,” Beth called to her. “Nice to see you again.” Sharon laughed. “Hello, Beth. Nice to see you for the first time.” Beth frowned and shook her head. Sharon pointed at her eyes. “They work now.” “Oh! That's great! This is my dad, Frank.” Sharon went to the table as Frank stood and held out his hand. “Jason didn't tell me we were expecting such lovely company for dinner,” Frank said with a wink. “Such a charming gentleman,” Sharon said with a smile, placing her hand in Frank's. “Little One here is Jennie.” “Hi. Are you going to be my teacher?” Sharon gazed at Jennie appraisingly. “That remains to be seen, Miss Asher.” Her gaze dropped to the chess board. “Who's playing?” she asked, slipping into a chair. “Jason and I,” Frank said. The board was only a few moves into the game. “Mind if I take over?” “If you'd like,” Jason said smiling. Looking over the board, she asked, “Whose move it is?” “Yours.” Eyes on the board, scanning possible moves, Sharon said, “That's a lovely necklace, Jennie.” “Thanks. Jason made it for me.” Sharon gave Jason a pointed look. “I have one similar to it.” * * * * * “Sorry I'm late.” “There she is,” Beth teased. Jessica smiled. “Yeah, you know how it is. Jason, you've got appointments lined...” “Jess,” Beth admonished. “What is the rule about work out here?” “Sorry. I forgot. Looks like I missed dinner.” “Not really. I've got one on the grill for you,” Jason told her. “Have a seat.” Jason headed back to the grill. “Jess, this is Jennie Asher. She'll be working with us through the summer. If there are any jobs you find too onerous, feel free to throw them on her work pile.” “Beth! That hardly sounds fair!” Jennie complained. Jessica smiled at Jen. “Don't worry about it. You might like some of the jobs that I find onerous.” She turned to face Jason. “On the matter of things not work, Miriam Croystetter called. She said she was having a problem getting through to you. She wants...” Jason held his hand up. “How many times did she call?” “Six,” Mentor answered. “And how many messages did she leave?” “Three. Would you like me to play them?” Mentor asked. “Like, no, but if I listen and find out what she wants, Jessica won't have to lie to her when I give her an order counter to what Miss Croystetter wants.” Jason pulled his ear piece from a pocket and set it in place. “Go.” “Jason, it's Miriam. There's a new exhibition at the Museum of Art opening this week. I was thinking that maybe you'd like to take me to see it. Call me, please.” “Anything noteworthy about the exhibit?” “There might be some pieces of interest to you,” Mentor told him. Jason thought for a moment. “Status of the event?” “Casual. And your family's holdings do allow you free access.” Nodding in thought, Jason finally said, “RSVP to the museum. Three passes.” “Yes, sir. The other messages are along the same line. There just seemed to be some urgency as they progress.” We could use her. And that is just one more reason to stay away from her. Jason pulled Jessica's steak from the grill and began filling her plate with shrimp and vegetables. “We'll put Jennie in my old room. The desk is still there. Get her a keyboard, mouse, and monitor and plug it all in to the house network,” Beth said. “After that, she'll be good to go.” Jason set the plate down for Jessica. “I want a desk set up for her outside of my office, with Jessica's. With the time differential, she'll sitting in class before Jessica gets in.” “School?” Jen asked. “Seriously?” “First concern is you meeting your obligations. That means finishing out this school year with passing grades. If you don't think you can manage that you are on the first flight back I can arrange,” Jason told her. “This is not up for debate. During the week you will either attend classes from your room here or from the desk set up for you at the office. I'm expecting a care package for you that will include all your books and your assignments through the end of the year. And so you don't get any ideas to the contrary, Warren will scan all the papers from your teachers before he sends them. Mentor will monitor your school progress.” Jennie slumped in her chair. “This isn't what I was expecting,” she said glumly. “If Mrs. Anderson agrees to teach you, you will belong to her for a minimum of two hours every evening.” “This is beginning to sound as bad as being on the farm.” Sharon smiled. “No, Miss Asher. If I agree to teach you, believe me, this will be much worse.” “Jason, about the movie premiere next week, you know I'm all for being one of the first to see a blockbuster.” “But?” “Jake and Sally want to go out that night, seeing as Jake has it off. Sam wants me to watch her.” Jason turned his gaze to Jen. “I think we can find a suitable stand-in for you, Jessica. Arrange for a third seat.” “Could be expensive,” she warned. “That's fine. As long as the three seats are together. Also, contact George. Suitable dresses for Jennie and Mrs. Anderson.” “Me?” Sharon said. “Why me?” “I think you might like the movie,” Jason said with a grin. “I assume you plan on doing your discussing here shortly,” Sharon nodded. “Then tomorrow, Beth, Jessica, either or both of you can take Jennie shopping for proper office attire.” “Can I get something for myself?” Beth joked. “Sure. Three-inch black heels with an ankle strap. Four if you're feeling adventurous. A black or dark gray pencil skirt. Sheer black hose. A red satin blouse. And a black ribbon tie.” Beth's eyes narrowed. “I have that at home.” “And you looked lovely in it.” Frank laughed. “I had to have Leah do my makeup.” “You did not,” Jason told her. “But she did do a lovely job.” “Yes, she did,” Beth agreed. “Of course, get something for yourself. Just keep in mind, if it is interesting I may need you to model it for me.” Beth stuck her tongue out at him.
  15. Greywind


    “That went well,” Warren said sarcastically after the screen went dark. “Why?” Ben asked. “Because, Dad, I don't think you could have insulted him more if you had tried. He gave you his word when he started arranging Jennie staying with him. He wouldn't do that if he didn't have every intention of making sure she's safe. Honestly, I don't expect her to see much outside of the house and the office.” “I don't get what the problem is! It isn't like he hasn't done it for Leah,” Ben said pointing at Leah's caged stone. “Or for Kate. Or for you,” he said pulling Warren's hand up so that the ring that held the blood star was between them. “That was a different time and a different matter,” Warren told him. Kate hand Aaron off to Mary. “Dad, last year, when I called having problems, before Aaron was born,” Kate glanced at Leah. “That problem was caused by Jason. Do you remember what he said to you? You and he joke around about it often enough.” “He said he suffered a bout of stupidity. That it was nothing fatal.” “It was fatal, Ben,” Leah said quietly. “Jason died saving me. And then there was a reaction, feedback to all of us that Jason has done it with.” “My reaction was the worst,” Kate said. “It caused problems with my already problematic pregnancy.” Warren and Leah glanced at each other. “Honey, that's not exactly true. You had issues because of it. That can't be denied. Jason blames himself as much as I blamed him.” “What?” Kate's mind raced, trying to make sense of things. “Marlene got hit the worst, Kate,” Leah told her. “Her link was the oldest surviving one that he had.” “Me, I didn't feel much at the time.” “Well, duh,” Leah said. “You bounced off the underside of the transport at two thousand miles per hour.” Leah sat on the couch and drew her legs up. “I'm worried about him.” “Why?” Ben asked. “I watched when he made my first one. I was there when he made Kate's. Neither time did it cause him to have blood pouring from his nose and ears.” “He didn't have that reaction when he made ours, either. I don't know why it would this time,” Warren said. “You could ask him,” Mary said, adjusting Aaron as she slipped into the rocking chair. Kate stepped to Warren. He wrapped his arms around his wife. “I'd like to, Mom. Jason and I don't talk as much as we used to.” “Maybe that's something you should correct,” Mary suggested. “I'll call him tonight,” Leah said. “After the house goes quiet.” Aaron gurgled contentment snuggling his grandmother. “Assuming the lord of the mansion allows it,” she said, smiling at the baby.
  16. Reading is on decline because the writers suck and want to cram their own propaganda at the readers. Same with the artists sometimes.
  17. Like a Vulcan. Okay, Steve Rogers gave his niece a romantic kiss (squick!)
  18. Greywind


    “Now this is how chess is supposed to be played. Having your opponent within sight so you can get a read from his body language, his face.” Jason laughed. “Sorry, Mr. Gilbert, but between business calls, Jennie, prepping the food for the grill, I'm just going to have to keep playing by remote.” Tapping the screen next to him, Jason used a bishop to remove a white rook. “Want another beer, dad?” Frank looked up. “I don't think so, dear. I don't want to drink all Jason's stock.” “Frank, it's okay. Only ones around here that drink are your daughter and... Anyway, Warren, Dani, sometimes Ash.” “You're slipping, Jason,” Frank said seriously. “Okay then,” he said smiling. “Yes, I will have another.” “That reminds me.” Jason tapped the screen again. “Security.” “Jake, I'm expecting someone. Sharon Anderson. She's coming by bike. A newer model Ducati.” “Yes, sir. I'll keep my eye out.” “Thank you.” Jason turned his attention back to the food preparation. “Jason,” he looked up at being addressed. “Mom and dad want to talk to you,” Jennie said. She looked like she had been crying. “You, too, Beth.” “Well, I guess we'd better, then, Little One,” Beth replied. As they walked past, Beth's arm went around Jennie. “I miss the days I could carry you on my hip.” Jennie leaned into Beth and smiled. Leaning back against his desk, Jason asked, “So what was decided?” “We have some reservations,” Mary said. “But we trust the two of you. These papers, do you need them all returned?” “Just the ones that you need to sign, Mom,” Beth said. “We'll get the rest of them here to put together and drop in her file.” “I still want her home, Jason,” Ben told him. “What guarantee do I have she'll be safe?” Warren stepped up to his dad and started whispering something. Ben held up his hand, cutting Warren off. Jason's face went hard as he stared at Ben. Kill him! Jason slowly smiled. Stepping to a cabinet, he pulled out a drawer and lifted a jeweler's tray. He set that on his desk and lifted the cover. “Jennie, take a look at these.” Jennie moved from where she stood just inside the door. She bent over the tray, looking at the pieces of silver and gold therein. “What am I supposed to do?” “Find one you like.” “This one,” she said, lifting out a necklace. The chain was connected at the tips of wings. Jason had made it with Kris in mind. “But it's empty.” “We'll take care of that momentarily,” Jason told her. Over her back, Jason passed a needle to Beth. Beth glared at him as she took it. “Beth, prick a finger.” “Prick a finger for...OW!” Jason cupped his hand while Beth put Jennie's finger over it and squeezed out a drop of blood. She then jabbed Jason's finger rather viciously. She withdrew the needle. Jason squeezed out a drop of his own blood to mix with Jennie's. His fingers closed over his palm and his power flowed. Jason closed his eyes. Crimson emanated from between his fingers. He winced. Then his faced contorted with rage. Jason's eyes opened. They burned crimson with his power. “Bastard,” he snarled quietly. Taking the necklace gently from Jennie he pressed the stone into the receptacle between the wings, where it locked into place. He smiled at Jennie. She stared at him. “You're bleeding.” Looking confused, Jason looked down. Blood dropped from his nose onto his dress shirt. “Nose and ears, Jason,” Beth said. She grabbed tissues and handed them to him. Jason wiped his nose and held the tissue there. “What happened?” “I don't know.” “That's never happened before,” Leah said. Concern was on her face. Closing his eyes, Jason stood still for a moment, breathing deeply. He smiled before his eyes opened. “I'm fine.” He set the bloody tissue on his desk, making sure his fingers were clean. He unhooked the chain. “Jennie?” Jennie stepped close and turned her back to Jason. He draped the chain over her shoulders and she lifted her hair so he could fasten it around her neck. Jennie raised it so she could examine the stone and setting. “I trust that will satisfy, Ben,” Jason said sharply. Ben nodded. “It will, son.” “Welcome to the club, sis.”
  19. Sorry. Namor came first. Fishboy came second. And he'll always be the orange dork who talks to fish.
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