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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Sitting at his desk, Jason pored over memos and project reports. He signed off on some, rejected others, and wrote questions in others. Over on a couch, using the coffee table, Jessica had her own papers spread out in relatively neat piles. The intercom buzzed. A glance told Jason it was the reception desk and it was being relayed from Jessica's desk. Jason tapped a button. “Yes?” “Mr. Scott, there's a woman here that would like to speak with you. A Mrs. Palmer. She doesn't have an appointment.” With the tap of another button Jason's monitor lit up. With a few more tappings Jason was seeing the security feed from reception. Standing at the front desk was Marlene's mother. “I'll have Jessica escort her to my office.” Hearing her name, Jessica began piling up her papers. “Yes, sir,” came the response from the intercom. Jason tapped another button. “Beth.” He watched Jessica walk out. “Yes?” “My office.” “Five minutes.” Jason broke the connection. * * * * * By the time Beth got to Jason's office he was standing at the window staring out. He barely acknowledged her presence when she entered. She slipped into his chair, brought up her own desktop on his monitor and resumed her work until Jessica returned with Meredith Palmer. A flash of sunlight on silver caught her eye. Jason held a chain and was rubbing his thumb on the stone. “You're thinking about her.” Jason nodded and drop his chin. His fingers slipped into his vest pocket and the chain disappeared. “I should have taken that away from you.” “You're more than welcome to try. You should have let me make you one.” Beth smiled. “Pass. On both counts.” When Jessica opened the door, Beth rose. “Hi, Mom,” she said smiling. “Beth?” Mrs. Palmer gave her a questioning look before looking at Jason. “Jason.” Turning slowly to face her, Jason greeted her with, “Mrs. Palmer.” “May I get you anything, Mrs. Palmer?” Jessica asked. “Coffee? Tea?” “No, thank you.” “So, what can I do for you Mrs. Palmer?” Jason asked. Standing a little bit straighter, she said, “You can do for me the truth. Where is my daughter?” “Mrs. Palmer...” “Don't give me a repeat of the song and dance you gave me and my husband! Where is Marlene?” “...please, have a seat,” Jason finished. “Jessica, a pitcher of water and glasses, please.” “Yes, sir.” Jessica left to get the requested items. “Mom, please,” Beth said indicating a couch, “sit.” Sighing, Mrs. Palmer sat and slipped the strap of her bag off her shoulder. Beth sat with her. Looking pointedly at Jason, Mrs. Palmer said, “I used to like you. I want to like you. I need to know where my daughter is.” “Mrs. Palmer, I didn't lie to you or your husband. I do not know where Marlene is.” Jason sat across from the women. “The last she was seen was in my apartment in New York.” Opening her bag, she pulled out a journal. “Do you know what this is?” she asked, holding it towards Jason. “Sandy and Marlene fell in love with the design. Summer between our junior and senior years I got each of them a case of them.” She set the journal on the table between them. “Sandy stored most of hers at the cabin. Marlene was still using hers.” “I've been keeping Marlene's house clean.” “I sent a cleaning crew for that.” “It was appreciated, but it is my daughter's house. I will keep it clean for her. Until she comes home. But this journal,” she tapped the book, “it tells...Marlene wrote about you. It tells about what happened before you left for New York.” Jason nodded. “And what do you plan on doing with the knowledge you now have? Blackmail me?” “You, your friends, you're heroes. Why aren't you looking for Marlene?” “They are. I'm not.” “What?” “My friends.” Jason shrugged, “Also Marlene's friends. They're heroes. And if I know them at all, they haven't given up searching for Marlene.” “But you have.” Beth reached for Meredith's hand. “Mom...” “No, Mrs. Palmer, I haven't given up. I haven't stopped looking for her. And I won't.” Beth gave Jason a guilty look. “Find her! Whether to marry her or to bury her, you find her! You bring her home! You owe her that much!” “Then why are you sitting here? Why aren't you out looking?” Mrs. Palmer gripped Beth's hand. “Because I have responsibilities here. After the explosion I withdrew. A friend gave me some information that gave me a direction to look. And I went. I caught hell from some people for taking off,” Jason explained. “I was one of them, mom. Jason didn't say anything to anyone. He just disappeared,” Beth said. Jason gave Beth a quick smile. “That's not exactly true, Beth. Learned a long time ago to leave a trail of bread crumbs. Kris knew where I was. Not necessarily what I was doing, but she knew where I was. When I got more information that sent me elsewhere, she knew where I was going.” Jason leaned forward, forearms resting on his legs. He pressed his fingertips together between his spread knees. “I have a penchant for doing things my own way. We all do, really. We have our own contacts and connections that we foster. Kris, being a doctor, has the medical community. Also others she can reach out to. Other heroes. Some villains.”
  2. Eddie Money Dies at 70, Weeks After Announcing Esophageal Cancer Diagnosis
  3. Because there's a God of Disease that keeps inflicting them?
  4. Maybe Create Water opens a tap into the elemental plane of water and fills up whatever receptacle is handy and then shuts itself off.
  5. Ambassador, there are so many things in the universe that are and so many things that aren't. If I were to take the time to deny all the things that aren't, we'd be here for centuries, wouldn't we?
  6. Legsweep is how it sounds; low spinning kick that knocks the legs out from under the target. Takedown, in my mind, tends to be like a wrestling takedown; tackle/grapple, target ends up pinned underneath you.
  7. Rolling damage for an already successful attack is the fastest thing that happens on the list 😛
  8. But on the other hand, Cover is an attack that already hit. Just the damage hadn't been rolled yet...
  9. I had a player whose character was covered by a lot of police. Attempted to teleport out. Got shot with a lot of stun guns.
  10. Would turn it off for the duration. I don't think that it would cause accelerated aging.
  11. Greywind


    Sunlight flashed off armor, the color sliding between pink and purple as the suit came to rest. “Jason?” Jessica was nervous seeing the armor standing there. Smiling, Jason said, “It's okay, Jessica.” He walked around the suit taking in details in the work. “I like how the color is laid on the armor. Reminds me of that car you used to have.” The suit was shorter than him. “I'm not sure your bag goes with it.” A small gym bag was slung over one shoulder and hung below the opposite arm. The figure unslung it and held it out to Jason. He took it. A modulated voice said, “Breach”. The face plate lifted and seams split down the front of the chest, each arm and leg. Brianna stepped out wearing a full black body suit with purple accents and silvered patches. “Standby mode”. The armor closed itself. “Nice trick.” “Yeah. Dad saw it in a movie.” Brie tossed her arms around Jason and squeezed, growling playfully. “And I still have that car.” “So, what are calling this miniature monstrosity you've created?” “Now don't you start with that!” Brie kept one arm around Jason and turned to her armor. “I was thinking 'Cavalier'. Dad won't be the only knight flying around.”
  12. "Make a fist. Pull back. Assert yourself."
  13. Greywind


    Siobhan “Irish” Kendall picked up her phone and glanced at the screen before answering. “Hello, darlin'. How are ye doin'?” Her pen worked a crossword puzzle in a newspaper as she talked. “Aye, I know Marla. Are ye askin' on 'count Leah is seein' her?” The butt-end of her pen began to tap against the newspaper. “I see... That's good... Aye... Aye... I can vouch for her. Why dinna ye ask Daniel? Of course no'. Ye've made it verra clear ye no like the man.” Irish set the pen down and pushed the paper aside. “No. Tha' no' be a problem. I'll talk tae her an' arrange an introduction... Aye. Ye know ye don' need tae have reason tae call... Love ye, too.” She stared at her phone for a moment before setting it aside. “Who was that?” Jordan Kendall asked his wife. “Tha' be Jason. He wants an introduction with Marla Pearson.” “Who for?” “Himself, apparently. Things seem tae be weighin' heavy on 'im.” “I should go see him,” Brianna Kendall said. “It's been a while and there are some things of Uncle Chuck's that I'd like a chance to go through if Jason'll let me. Mentor might be a little more helpful with what I'm looking for if I'm there in person.” “Mentor will be no more helpful if you're there than if you're here,” Jordan pointed out. “The only difference that can be made is if Jason tells Mentor to help you.” Brianna nodded. “Which he'll have a much harder time telling me no if I'm standing in from on him. Besides, sounds like Jason could use a friend.” “Ye jus' take care. I no like thinkin' of tha' boy as a loose cannon.” “Relax, mom. It isn't like we're going to raid Uncle Chuck's bar again.” “That's not funny, Brie.” “No, but I can laugh about it now. You're not the one that was standing in front of him when he lost control.”
  14. Greywind


    The house was dark, the front door was unlocked. Kate slipped her keys back into her jacket pocket. Flipping a switch by the door turned a lamp on. Leah was still sitting on the couch where she had been. The wine bottle was laying on its side, empty. Leah's wine glass lay on the rug on the far side of the coffee table. Kate went and picked it up, set it on the table and righted the wine bottle. “Hey, Sparky,” she said quietly. “Is everything okay?” Leah nodded. “Just wearing your robe?” Leah nodded again. “Give Jason a peep show?” she teased. Leah shook her head. Kate sat on the couch beside Leah. “Are you okay?” “No,” Leah answered quietly. “What's wrong?” Leah looked at Kate. She was crying. “I want my life back.” * * * * * “HR sent a memo and wanted me to remind you that threatening to feed an employee to a customer is not acceptable.” Jason looked at Jessica. “It wasn't a threat. It was a promise. Inquire as to why those parts were sitting on the dock two days after they were supposed to have been shipped.” “Already done. The response was 'clerical error',” Jessica told him. “Damned expensive clerical error. Mentor, do we have an ETA when Brianna can expect delivery?” “Yes, sir. In fact, she already queried and I gave her the answer. She should have them around one her time.” “So roughly sometime in the next three to four hours.” “Yes, sir.” “Thank you, Mentor.” Beth walked in wearing her red blouse, dark skirt, heels with straps, and sheer dark nylons. “I'm just about ready to go,” Jess said. “That's fine,” Beth responded. With her back to Jason, she shimmied up on his desk. Turning sideways, she brought her legs up on it and struck a pose. “What position do you want me in?” She settled back on her elbows and raised her chin. “Like this?” She turned to face him resting her head on one upraised palm. Her legs were flexed with her knees pointing at him. “Or like this?” Jason laughed. “Jessica, would you mind getting my camera for me?” Jessica was grinning and trying not to laugh as well. “Yes, sir.” “Thanks, Beth. I needed that,” he said gently. “What? You needed to see me rolling around on your desk?” “I needed the laugh.” “I know,” she said quietly. “Can I ask you... Have you figured out what happened?” “Not yet. I have been looking. Believe me, I've been looking. You don't want to know the rocks I've turned over and the people I've talked to looking for information,” he explained. “I miss her,” Beth said. “Me, too. Something on your mind?” he asked. Beth frowned. “That transparent, am I?” “We've been together ten years, more or less living together,” he explained. Smiling, Beth said, “Not really. We met, you hired me, you met Kris and Ash, started your little gang, and moved to New York while I stayed here, minded your appointments, and went to school.” She rolled on her back and stared at the ceiling. “Did you know about the rumors that went around the office about how I got my job?” “I never heard a peep. Your buckle is broken.” Beth lifted her leg and looked at her shoe. “I know. I snagged it on something between my place and here.” “May I?” Jason asked, indicating her shoe. Beth moved her foot closer and Jason undid the strap. “Even with you in New York, in a relationship with Ash, people swore up and down we were sleeping together.” Attention on the shoe, Jason said, “Funny. I only recall the one time you were ever in my bed and that was because I wouldn't let you sleep on the couch.” Beth smiled. “Chivalry noted. Your dad came down pretty hard on anyone that implied my sexual prowess had to do with the job.” “You were an excellent assistant, Beth. You're an excellent office manager. I've never regretted hiring you. Buckle is fixed.” Beth sat up and put her foot on his knee. “I've never regretted coming to work for you, either. Sometimes you made so angry I wanted to kill you, but I never regretted.” Jason slipped her shoe on and fastened the strap around her ankle. “I'm just glad that helping you get dressed was never part of the job.” Jason smiled and nodded. “How are things with Boyd?” Beth dropped her gaze to the buckle. “Like new.” She smiled at Jason. “Thanks. I don't know how things are with Boyd. How do you do it?” “Do what?” “Well, with Ash, the two of you were together almost constantly. And with Kris and Warren in the mix. You and Leah spent a lot of time apart with her modeling schedule. And now with Marlene missing, how do you do deal with the separations?” “There were nights Ash and I slept in our own rooms. With Leah, there were lots of phone calls. Afterward, there was a lot of anger. Anger that I took out on a lot of people.” “What about Angelique?” “Stress relief. Enemy with benefits at the time, I guess.” Beth cocked her head and looked at him. “But why?” “There was an attraction involved. The forbidden fruit. But it turned out that the man that arranged for Leah and I to get together was also involved in Leah leaving. And he manipulated events so that Angelique and I might turn to one another,” Jason explained. “In light of what I know now, his reasoning was that if someone might actually care about her, not being forced to, but naturally care and have concern for her, she might broaden her own empathy, if that makes sense. Let her see there is more to life beyond selfish reasons.” “How are you dealing with Marlene?” “Aside from looking for her?” Beth nodded. “Lack of sleep. Lots of coffee. A lot of violence in the gym. Entirely too much thinking.” “Got it!” Jessica announced. “Where do you want to start?” “Oh, lets take a few hundred of Beth being inappropriate on the desk so we can post them up on her MyFaceSpaceBook and maybe sell her on the internet.” “Working back around to wanting to kill you,” Beth said. “Seriously, how do you want me?” Jason came around his desk and held his hand out to Beth. She slipped off the desk with his help and straightened her skirt. Jason took the camera from Jessica. “Lean back against the desk.” Looking back, Beth did as he asked, gripping the side of the desktop. “Put your heel up against the desk. Yes, like that.” Jason knelt a little distance away. “Did it work with Angelique?” Beth asked. Jason glanced at Jessica before answering. “I think so. She made some apologies where appropriate. She disappeared at the same time. I think she was trying to save her.” Beth nodded. “Need to do something with your arms.” Beth gave him a questioning look. “Jessica, hand her a book off the shelf, please.” Jessica did. “Hold it close to your chest. No, look straight ahead.” Jason lay on his side and snapped a picture. Lost in thought, Beth gently bit the tip of her thumb. Jason snapped again. “I think that will do,” he declared. “You're working on something,” Beth realized. Jason smiled at her. “I want to see it.” “When it's done.” Jason handed her the camera. Beth flipped through the images. “I look pensive.” “And beautiful,” Jason said quietly to her. Beth smiled. Jason pulled open a drawer in the desk and handed two cards to her. “Here.” “What's this?” One card was Jason's credit card. The other was an appointment card. “After clothes shopping and lunch, the four of you have an appointment. Full spa treatment.” Jessica squealed. Beth only nodded. “I need to change,” Beth said. “I will see if Jen and Mrs. Anderson are ready,” Jessica announced and walked out. Walking slowly towards the door, Beth stopped when Jason spoke. “Where it comes to Boyd, do what feels right.” “Can I ask you something?” Jason nodded. “Why did you keep your distance from Marlene for so long?” “To keep her safe and to protect myself. I didn't want to see what I might be if she weren't in this world and knowing that it might be my fault,” he said quietly. “And?” “And I've made some questionable decisions since she's been gone.” Beth nodded. “I need to get changed.” Beth walked out. “And I'm not done making them,” he said to himself.
  15. Do Sony's rights cover them doing animated series? Or are the animated rights elsewhere?
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