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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    Pulsar dropped. A quick burst from each hand blew out the skylight and part of the roof. He didn't care. It wasn't his building. His priorities were Jennie and Beth. Entering the building, he noted the main floor housed some shelves deeper in, and closer to hand by the bay doors were two newer model black SUVs with bullbars, and a big rental truck. Parked between the SUVs and the rental was Beth's car. He turned his head to the side seeing a man moving closer between the shelves. “Shotgun,” he said. * * * * * Peeking in, Huntress noted the man held the phone in his left hand. Most likely the man was right handed. Experience told her that he would turn to the right when she came in if she made noise. She was reaching for the door when Pulsar's warning came through. Followed by the muted blast of the shotgun. Her target pulled an automatic pistol from a shoulder holster under his jacket. Huntress crashed through the screen, throwing a baton that ricocheted off a cabinet and into the back of the man's head. Dazed, the man tried to level his gun at her. She caught his wrist, kicked high to the man's back, and rode him to the floor. The man cried in pain when his shoulder dislocated. * * * * The light from the shield flare died away, the pellets from the blast having fallen to the floor. Pulsar lifted his hand and released a crimson burst with his fingers spread. His target flew the length of a shelf before hitting the floor hard. Pulsar had reined in his power so as to not go through the man. He made a flying pass of Beth's car. The back end of it was crumpled. The airbags had deployed. Paint and body were ruined down the length of the driver's side. Blood smeared the door window. A look inside the truck made clear it was empty. Paint matching Beth's car ran along the left interior wall. Twin bursts slammed into the SUVs, sending them tumbling across the bay. Pulsar headed deeper into the building. * * * * * “Call 911. Give them our location. Shots fired. Guardians involved.” Loud noise came from below and Huntress could only wonder what Pulsar had done to cause it. “Give me IR.” No immediate heat sources lit up. She bound her first target, grabbed his gun, ejected the magazine, and tossed them in different directions. “Penetration on the IR, please.” She moved silently down the hall. Something moved at the end of the hall and Huntress ducked back. Automatic fire ripped through the walls. She heard the click of a magazine being ejected, and she ran. The snap of a new clip being inserted and the click of the first round being fed to the chamber came when she was about halfway down the hall. A figure stepped back into the doorway in time for Huntress' booted foot to catch them in the chest. Rounds ripped through the wall and ceiling as the dark-clad figure flew back. Huntress advanced. The woman, even through the IR flare of her HUD Huntress could see it was a her, rolled backwards and tried to bring her gun up again, only to find Huntress in front of her. Huntress kicked her again. Huntress kicked the gun away from the loose fingers that weren't quite holding it. She rolled the woman over and bound her wrists and ankles. “I've got two.” “One,” Pulsar responded. “Floor plan.” The IR switched off and the warehouse's floor plan lit up. Her position and Pulsar's lit up on it. “Jennie is above me.” “Noted. They should be together. One of them is injured. The other taking care of. Two staircases. One elevator.” Power screamed, something crashed and the building shook. “No elevator. It's Beth. Jennie isn't hurt. I'd know.” “Stairs?” “I'd rather go through the floor, but not without knowing where Beth is. North stairs.” “I'll take the south.” * * * * * Entering the stairwell, Pulsar flew up to the second floor, bypassing the landing. There were two figures covering the opening to the south stairs. Pulsar lifted his hand. A third figure spun out into the hall and a shotgun barked. Pulsar slammed back into the wall. A dark stain appeared on the shotgun wielder's pants when Pulsar advanced. His healing factor pushed bloody pellets out to bounce down the stairs. “Shit!” was all he managed to say before a crimson lance blasted into him. “Two. Two by the landing.” A canister spewing smoke bounced off the hand rail and spun into the hall. Another assailant crouched low in a doorway. They brought their gun to bear and opened fire. Pulsar produced a shield that took the brunt of the fire. * * * * * Huntress snapped a mask into place over her lower face and gave the puker time to disperse. When she heard the two people Pulsar had indicated puking and coughing, she moved. Sliding down the hand rail to the landing, she leapt through the entry. Stepping on one gun, she kicked it backwards to clatter down the stairwell. Her still-armed target took aim with teary eyes and squeezed off a round. Huntress staggered a step back. “Ow!” Pulling a baton free she slammed it down on the outstretched arm. The gun fell from numbed fingers. “You okay?” “Armor held up, thanks,” she said, pulling cuffs from a pouch. “You're first, shooty.” She slapped the cuff on the arm she had hit. The man groaned. “Aw, does that hurt?” * * * * * Dropping his shield at the same time his target dropped his gun and pulled a knife, Pulsar moved in. “You have got to be joking.” The man took a couple of wild swings with the blade while motioning Pulsar closer with his empty hand. “C'mon! C'mon! I'll cut you!” “You obviously missed the shotgun and Pulsar show.” Bringing a hand up underhanded, Pulsar let loose a blast that slammed the man into the wall. A shot echoed through the hall, sending Huntress' gas swirling. “You okay?” he asked her. “Armor held up, thanks.”
  2. Honestly, you're better off getting HD3. It covers both 5th and 6th.
  3. His final Smallville appearance he wore a bald cap because he wasn't going to shave his head for a cameo.
  4. Social combat systems generally suck. I wouldn't give anyone 60 PRE. If they were represented in "less bad ways" then, honestly, they wouldn't be stunned or under the effects of a PRE attack.
  5. He passed. https://io9.gizmodo.com/michael-rosenbaum-on-why-his-lex-luthor-wont-be-in-cris-1838413937
  6. Being stunned happens in the source material, cinematic, comic books, and prose. If you find mental powers "all or nothing" effect, then either your mental villains are too powerful (Menton) or your heroes don't have any reasonable defenses against them. Or vice versa. Presence Attacks happen in the source material.
  7. https://variety.com/2019/film/news/sony-marvel-tom-holland-spider-man-1203351489/
  8. Area Effect paint or flour bombs will make simple invisible visible.
  9. Some said the same thing about figured characteristics and COM, and yet here we are.
  10. https://metv.com/stories/the-most-absurd-we-ever-saw-spock-was-in-this-cameo-on-the-carol-burnett-show-in-1967
  11. Greywind


    With a bang and clatter of the diving board, Jason launched himself into the air. Tucking himself in tight, he did a triple somersault before flawlessly knifing into the water. When he broke the surface, Sharon Anderson said, “Very nice.” Blowing water from his face, Jason said, “Think you could do better?” “Better? Probably not. As good, definitely,” she said grinning. “How about a quad or a quint?” Sharon laughed. “A quad is possible. If it is a quintuple, I know you're cheating.” Jason smiled before cocking his head to the side and the smile slid off. He slowly sank beneath the water. Sharon stood up and watched. When Jason breached, his head was tilted down and his eyes were burning. Red reflected off the surface. “Who is it?” Sharon asked. Hauling himself from the pool, Jason said, “Jennie. She's terrified.” “I'm coming,” she said. Jason only nodded in response. * * * * * “Give me five and then make some noise.” Pulsar nodded. “Skylight or the bay door?” “Dealer's choice,” Huntress told him. “Sync up.” Pulsar's ear piece pinged and he nodded. “Front skylight. Cleaner line of sight. I don't want to hurt Jennie. And I want to know where Beth is,” he said. Huntress nodded. “No one runs off with one of my students,” she said with a tight smile. “Do me a favor.” Pulsar looked at her. “All the buildings are roughly three stories, give or take a floor. I need a pivot point.” She popped the grapple end of one of her batons free and held it out to him. Pulsar took it. Keeping his power muted, he began to fly slowly, angling towards the warehouse. “Signal when you're ready for me to go in.” “Will do.” Ignoring Pulsar, Huntress watched the telemetry in her HUD. When it switched from red to green, she threw herself off the roof. Pulsar kept moving forward. Her HUD adjusted for the movement. She hit the apex of her swing and clicked the grapple's release. Pulsar might lose some skin when the hooks retracted, but he'd heal fast enough. She did a forward roll and came up on her feet. Huntress closed her eyes and listened. No cries of alarm went out. She smiled. She missed this. She had to admit that to herself. The grapple end of her baton snapped back into place. Huntress holstered it at her back. “Camera on,” she said. [REC] appeared on her HUD. The quick reconnaissance they had done earlier showed them a glass door and a balcony at the back. Huntress figured that would be her way in. Swift and silent, she moved towards it. Looking down, the balcony held a table and chairs. A grill stood off to one end. She dropped down, landing silently. The door was open, leaving only the screen door in place. “We got your girl. There was a complication. She wasn't alone.” Hearing a man's voice Huntress paused and listened. “Kinda had a problem with your unharmed requirement. Bashed her head a bit. No. Look, man, I'm no doctor. Her friend is taking care of her. You wanna get a doctor for her go ahead. I'll tell you where and me and my crew will just disappear. Don't want to hear that. You owe me and my boys regardless of whether or not you see any money. Otherwise we come do you. Or your mom, your kid, your dog. You understand me? Good. Do your thing and we'll be in touch.” “Go,” Huntress said quietly.
  12. I heard the plan was to take Ant-Man to Disney+ where they'd get 6 hours instead of 2 on the big screen.
  13. If the villain has been close enough to the hero that they can toss them in a coffin and bury them, then any intelligent villain will also remove any foci.
  14. This is a case of seriously overthinking the issue.
  15. If the coffin is too bad, take a cough drop or some cough syrup.
  16. Doom Patrol and X-Men: similar premise. Right down to the guy in the wheelchair.
  17. I don't want to be a poor sport about this, but if he wins, shoot him.
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