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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Keep in mind, the Harbinger of Justice was Steve Long's character.
  2. And does the ARC reactor actually work?
  3. Why would Cap want to restrain Able?
  4. To be fair, that's Jensen Ackel's Halloween costume. It was made by someone on the Supernatural crew.
  5. She did not invite her out on a mission. She invited her out to where the mission was going to be.
  6. Getting thumped in the melon is another way to lose your focus.
  7. Heroes in Champions don't party until after the bad guy goes to jail. They're a team. Bad guy does a thing. Heroes get wind of it. Heroes engage bad guy. Bad guy gets away after saying how great his plan is. Heroes prepare for round 2. Heroes track down the bad guy and stop him just in time.
  8. Their fire/explosion SFX sucks ass.
  9. When did Superman become a mutant? He's an alien. He takes no pains to hide the fact that he is an alien from another planet.
  10. Eh, never worry about wasting time. If you have questions, ask.
  11. Being non-super they get it under "equipment".
  12. The steel mill paid for the i-beam. Or the people that bought the i-beam to have the building constructed paid for it.
  13. The spell cards they put out for an earlier edition was awesome.
  14. Greywind


    Rain hammered the roof above the porch. Headlights cut through the predawn dark and the rain. In the light Warren was better able to see the holes Jason had blasted in the ground. When the old farm pickup rolled to a stop, Warren flipped up the collar of his work coat, and grabbed the thermos off the porch rail. He trotted down the steps and opened the passenger door of the truck. He passed his father the thermos. “Need to take care of something first.” He closed the door and grabbed a spade from the bed of the truck. He made quick work of filling the holes. Once the rain let up and everything dried out he'd probably need to add more dirt to smooth it out. He tossed the spade back into the truck and opened the door again. “You alright? You look kinda tired.” “Long night. Didn't sleep well. Or much.” During the night Warren half-expected to hear a crash from the barn. When the first roll of thunder broke and woke him, that was what he had thought happened. Ben popped the top of the thermos. “What happened?” Warren shrugged. “Long story. I'll tell ya once we get started, but I need to check something in the barn first.” Warren closed the door and headed towards the barn. Someone had closed the door against the rain. Warren used the pedestrian door and slipped inside. He took his cowboy hat off and shook the water from it. He hung it on a peg. Someone had turned on his work light. Warren listened. Movement, quiet steps in the loft were barely discernible. He went up the stairs. A shadowy figure moved through their forms. Jason was meditating while doing katas. From time to time power would flare dimly around Jason's hands. “You okay?” “Better.” “But not...” Jason shook his head. “Not yet.” “Marlene?” Jason indicated a figure curled up in a blanket laying on the couch. “Everything okay between the two of you?” “Working on it.” Moving closer, Warren said, “I was worried I'd be repairing or rebuilding my barn.” Jason chuckled. “Not like we haven't done that once or twice already. Sorry about the holes.” Warren shrugged. “Holes can be filled. Dani explained. I guess I never really thought about why you don't drink. I just assumed it was a personality quirk.” “It wasn't something I ever wanted to go into.” “Maybe,” Warren said. “Maybe it would have helped us understand you a bit better. Marlene forgave Trese and Kris. Slept with Kris?” Jason hung his head. “Long story.” “Seems to be a morning for them,” Ben said from the stairs. Kill him! Power flared brightly. Warren watched Jason. Rage crossed Jason's face. He closed his eyes, closed his hands into fists. Jason slipped into a stance and began slowly doing a kata.
  15. Greywind


    Moving the rest of the way into the loft, Marlene sat before Jason and crossed her legs. “What's wrong?” “Control. Must regain.” “Must regain your control?” Jason nodded. “I'm sorry. I didn't know.” She thought she saw Jason smile at her. “Not your fault.” “I don't hate you. I know that was something you were afraid of, but I don't hate you. I think in some ways I understand you better now.” Marlene moved closer until her knees were almost touching his. “I realize you were scared and worrying about me, but I won't be anyone's prisoner. Not even yours.” Lifting his head, Jason opened his eyes. “Sorry.” Marlene smiled. “I wish you had taken me to the plane when I left. We could have talked more.” Jason dropped his head again. “Didn't think...” “You thought I didn't want you to. I know. When you let me in did that go both ways? Were you able to see my memories?” “No. Wouldn't.” “Good, because I have something to tell you and I would have hated to have you find out like that. To find out that I didn't tell you something important. I should have already. I meant to. When all this happened we were going to go out to dinner. You were going to take me dancing and I was going to tell you when we got back to the loft. I thought that we'd get the fireplaces lit up and a comforter on the floor and you would hold me and then I'd tell you that I was pregnant.” Jason's eyes shot up. Marlene felt tears rolling down her face. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you after.” “When?” “Kris is saying March.” Marlene pulled the zipper down on her running jacket. “Baby bump showing.” Jason reached out toward Marlene's belly. His hand began to glow. He made a fist and pulled away. “How?” Smiling at him, Marlene said, “We made love.” Reaching out to her again, trying to touch her face, Jason's hand began to glow. The closer he moved, the brighter the glow around his hand grew. Closing his hand, Jason pulled back. “Kris thinks that it is all your fault. Her idea is that with all the fun and games we had, you somehow healed the damage from when I had the mumps.” She laughed. “So, it is all your fault that I could get pregnant and it is all your fault that I am.” Jason tried again. When he closed his fist, before he could pull away, Marlene reached out and touched his arm. “I'm not afraid.” She lightly drew her fingers down his arm and over his wrist. “You won't hurt me.” Jason's hand opened. The pad of her middle finger crossed from his wrist over the heel, to caress the palm. The flare faded. She gently took his hand.
  16. Yeah, but ask any woman that wears a skirt and hose in the winter if it don't get a bit drafty in the nethers.
  17. Luke said "it's not possible" and threw up his hand. Is 1 pt in STR equal to 1 pt in DEX? Seems the numbers would say they would, but then why does DEX cost more? All the arguments of "this stat does more/less than that stat, so it should cost more/less" seem to point out that a lot of the stat valuation is based solely on experience and usage. So, since most players/GMs got nothing out of COM, it went away and we got the Striking Appearance in its place. And we have dry areas in stats where they do nothing except get us a little closer to the next skill break point. Two different 450 pt characters are equal. Not necessarily balanced against each other, but equal. Equal in value. It takes a GM to sit and go over the characters to find the balance between them, based on his experience, expected usage, and opinion. And opinion is nothing to base a balance on.
  18. D&D is more the path of least resistance. Wider brand recognition and everyone knows someone that plays it.
  19. From Stephen Amell: "Towards the end of season 6, I approached Greg Berlanti, who I will be thanking in a second, and said that I thought both personally and professionally that, at the end of my commitment this coming season, it would be the best for me to move on." "I've always been a fan of television shows that, not only don't overstay their welcome, but end in a manner that really packs a punch." Stephen also hinted that his family obligations had informed his decision to bow out. "A large part of this decision being that I am now a father and a husband. And a lot of my life and interests don't really reside in Vancouver anymore."
  20. They did that with Arrow for 5 years. It got old.
  21. Singing? Sean Connery, Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
  22. https://batwoman.tv/batwoman-receives-full-season-order
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