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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. If I'm not doing something irl I'm usually working on my guild or characters.
  2. VIP is more the quality of life benefits than a single lockbox key. Make friends. Have fun.
  3. Obviously a party without a barbarian, sentry0. Rogue tries to listen at door Barbarian kicks in the door Melee ensues
  4. https://mentertained.com/amazing-female-cosplays
  5. I was managing a comic/game store at the time. Every time I put an order in with Alliance for some sets they were always sold out.
  6. Meals at 8 and 5. Toilet privileges twice a day. Raise your voice, zap. Touch the glass, zap. You step outta line, you deal with me. Please, step outta line.
  7. Spaceballs wasn't an emulator. It was a straight up parody.
  8. T, it's not about the actual fish, themselves. Fish are not important in this context. It's about fish-ing, the act of fishing itself.
  9. I wonder how much Independent Tony had to pay for all those armors in IM3...
  10. Greywind


    “Do you feel that?” “Feel what?” Melner asked. Gauges on Melner's panel spiked. “Not again,” he muttered. “Incoming wormhole!” If Leah hadn't been watching the transporter she would have smacked him. The field stabilizers lit up. “That's a lot of power,” she said, raising her hand against the glare. When it faded, Jason was on his knees. “Leah?” He glanced around. “How long have I been gone?” Approaching, Leah said, “About ninety minutes.” She noted that his clothes were different than when he departed. A different cut and style. “How long were you gone? Where did you go.” Jason stood slowly. “How long? Decades. I thought I'd never see you again.” Leah smiled. “Where did you go?” she asked again. “The future.” Jason stepped off the dais. “I need to get out of here. Fresh air. Something.” “I understand. Mr. Melner, could you have Mr. Scott's car called up, please. I don't think he's in any condition to drive at the moment.” “Sure. Sure.” He picked up a phone, pressed a few buttons. “Have Mr. Scott's limo pulled around to Special Projects. Thank you.” Leah slipped her arm around Jason. Leaning on her for support, the two of them left. “Decades?” Melner whispered, watching the two of them go. * * * * * Sitting behind his desk, Melner made notations in a journal, logging the day's events and readings. The hum of machinery brought him to his feet. “Not again!” Looking down at the transporter, watching the glare fade away, he found himself staring at Jason Scott. “Holy The Enemy Within!” “Melner! How long?” “How long? How long what? You just got back maybe a half hour ago! You left with Miss Capwell.” “Half an hour. They might still be close by.” “I'm calling security!” Melner screamed. “Don't! If you want to have a job tomorrow, don't. Did the other me talk to you at all?” “No. Just Miss Capwell.” “He may not have known you or had forgotten you.” “She wanted your car brought around. Neither of them is driving.” “Good enough.” Jason ran, slamming the doors open. “Out of the way!” he yelled at people in the hall. Skidding around a corner, for a few moments no one was in sight. Jason appeared his team communicator, fit it around his ear and flicked it on. “Mentor, code Omega lockout.” “Sir? Whom am I to lock out?” “Leah. She may already be compromised.” “Compromised? By what?” “By me.” “I don't understand, sir. Leah is in the limo. With you. Scanning. I do not understand this.” “Redact security footage at my location.” Jason changed on the run and Pulsar took to the skies. “Worry about witnesses later.” “Yes, sir.” “Maintain a lock on me. Under the lockout add me to the list. Pick two of the others to unlock.” “But why?” “Mentor, you've already said it yourself. I am in the limo with Leah. There are two of me and the one not me is the enemy.” “Jason?” “Trese?” “Do you need help?” “Yes.” “I'm on my way!” “Negative!” “What? Why?” Trese's voice sounded hurt. Goodbye. “Because I've already lost you once today.” * * * * * Leah looked at Jason and smiled. “So, no harm done and I'm to be in Vancouver on Thursday.” “Thursday?” “In two days. I have a job. You said you would have me flown up tomorrow.” “Yes. Quite right. I'm sorry. That was a long time ago for me.” “I can't imagine what that must be like.” Jason stared at her unblinking. “There's a fog on my memory due to the passage of time. I do remember you.” Leah smiled. Jason slid closer. His hand went to her face, caressing her cheek, his fingers running along her jaw, lifting her chin. Jason claimed her mouth with his. Leah lost herself in the kiss, enjoying the sensation of Jason caressing her body. His hand moved down her back, pulling her closer. It moved over her hip, tracing the curves of her butt, her thigh, until his hand met bare skin under the hem of her dress. Jason's hand moved upward. His thumb on the inside of her thigh, forcing her legs apart. That part of her awareness that sensed when she was in danger started screaming at her. “No!” Leah pushed away. “No. Not like this. Not here. I want it to be something special.” “It will be special.” Leah tried hard to manage a smile, not sure if she succeeded. “Later. Tonight. I'll wear something special. We'll lay a comforter in front of the fireplace like we do at the cabin. Then I'll be yours.” Jason's eyes were hard. Leah was taken aback by the lack of compassion in them. “Yes. You will.” Jason smiled. It wasn't the charming smile she knew Jason usually used. “As you wish.” His attention went out the door window and he spoke to her no more. * * * * * When the limo rolled to a stop, a guard opened the door and stepped back. Jason stepped forth. “Ah. The old homestead.” Halfway out the door, Leah said, “I'm sorry,” before throwing herself back into the car. Pulsar slammed into Jason, taking the door off the car. Jason was dragged along the drive before being lifted, spun, and thrown. His own power flared, bring him under control. “This is different,” he said with an evil grin. “We aren't done!” “Aren't we? Your power can't hurt me! I am you! Only I'm like Jason 2.0. Stronger in every way.” “Hold your position!” someone screamed. “Shoot him!” Jason screamed. “Stand down, Knight!” Pulsar called out at the same time. “Dammit!” Knight yelled. “Hold fire!” Jason moved in swinging. Pulsar made to block, but his aim was low. Jason smiled, then screamed when one of Elyse's honor blades cut into his arm. Pulsar swung. Jason's arm blocked. Power flared and the retracted battle pike slammed into his arm. The staff extended. The tines unfolded, one of them slicing into Jason's temple and scalp, narrowly missing an eye. With a twist, Pulsar's leg slammed into Jason's side, throwing him back to the ground. The pike disappeared. Pulsar dropped to the ground. An engine roared, brakes squealed, and Trese's Mustang ground to a halt. “It looks like I get to kill the little rebel again today,” Jason sneered. He cut loose with a blast that sent the limo tumbling towards the Mustang. Leah flew up out of the doorless opening. The limo was stopped from colliding with the Mustang by a purple barrier. “Not my car, asshole!” Trese called, getting out of her car. Lightning ripped into Jason. “I told you to stay away,” Pulsar yelled. Trese charged. “You need to explain to me how you lost me once already!”
  11. Took my fam'ly away from my Carolina home Had dreams about the West and started to roam Six long months on a dust covered trail They say heaven's at the end but so far it's been hell And there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air Gold in them hills and it's waitin' for me there We were diggin' and siftin' from five to five Sellin' everything we found just to stay alive Gold flowed free like the whiskey in the bars Sinnin' was the big thing, lord and Satan was his star And there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air Gold in them hills and it's waitin' for me there Dance hall girls were the evenin' treat Empty cartridges and blood lined the gutters of the street Men were shot down for the sake of fun Or just to hear the noise of their forty-four guns And there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air Gold in them hills and it's waitin' for me there Now my widow she weeps by my grave Tears flow free for her man she couldn't save Shot down in cold blood by a gun that carried fame All for a useless and no good worthless claim And there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air Gold in them hills and it's waitin' for me there Fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air Gold in them hills and it's waitin' for me there Waitin' for me there
  12. Greywind


    Jason brushed the hair off her face. She had nothing to offer him except for her clothes. Jason refused to take anything except his memories. Faint footsteps got his attention. Stiletto heels on a hard floor. The pattern of them tugged at his memory. They drew closer. Putting his hand on Trese's shoulder, Jason whispered, “Goodbye.” He stood up and faced the door. The figure was silhouetted by distant light in the hall. It was definitely feminine. Light from the portal room first illuminated her black boots. They came up to her knees. From there it appeared as if dark hosiery covered her legs. Her hips were revealed by a French cut black suit. Coming into the room, Jason saw that the suit was cut low in the front. The sheer bodysuit underneath covered everything to her neck. Wrist bands with rings that matched the one that hung low on her throat made Jason think of bondage. Her hair was black. Her lips were painted black. Pushing sixty, Leah Capwell still looked to be 25. When Jason looked in Leah's eyes he felt again the charge he had felt the first time he had looked in her eyes on a runway of a New York fashion show. His body reacted to her. She smiled an amused smile and stepped closer. “You could have flown down the hall instead of announcing your presence,” he said. “A waste of power,” She moved, sensual, seductive, drawing closer. “You leave your guard down around women you find beautiful.” “I'm not the one that doesn't have her shield up.” “Do I need it?” She was easily within his arm's reach. Jason's eyes traveled her body until he was once again gazing into her eyes. “I dress for the Praetor's pleasure,” she said. “You are not him.” “No.” Leah gently laid her hand against his chest. She cast a glance at the fallen, picking out Jason's compatriots. “This venture has been costly.” When she looked back at him she smiled. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “I haven't felt that since the first time I saw you. A lifetime ago. When did you see me last?” “January. We spent the weekend together.” He laid his hand atop hers. “You stopped in as a layover between modeling jobs.” His hands moved to the restraint on her wrist. He removed it and cast it aside. “Tuesday, we stopped in at work. We checked on Melner's progress.” “Warren made me sit through enough episodes of Star Trek and Stargate that even I know it's a bad idea.” That made Jason smile. “The accident.” “Yes.” Jason removed the second restraint and tossed it. He pulled her closer, feeling the warmth of her body against his. He kissed her, the jolt of electricity on his tongue was tantalizing. His hand moved beneath her hair finding her collar blocking his path. He disappeared that, as well. She pulled back. “If we keep this up we're going to give some monitors an eye-full.” “I am the Praetor's Inquisitor. No one is coming in until I go out. We don't have much time.” “Leah?” She smiled. “I am no longer his creature. It seems whatever control he had over me ended when he departed. The cost has been high.” She pulled away from him. “Trese made this,” she said, indicating the reactor they had used to charge the portal. “Trese and Melner.” Leah placed a hand on each lead to the transport device. “I am the Guardian of this gate. With my leave, you shall pass.” Machinery hummed. The field stabilizers lit up. “Leah?” Smiling at him her impish smile. “I love you. Save me.” Jason flew backward into the portal. The last thing he saw was Leah collapse on the reactor. Jason was completely alone in his own head.
  13. I remember something. There's a man. He's bald and wears a short sleeved shirt. And somehow he's very important to me. I think his name is... Homer.
  14. Greywind


    Sound came back slowly, muted. He heard his own heart beating, then the feeble scraping of a monitor, either trying to stand or get its weapon back. His head was all but empty. Jason never realized how alone that made him feel. Surveying the carnage, fallen bodies of monitors, two of the Praetor's guard, Trese, Kris, and Elyse. A few monitors were left standing between him and Aaron. In more a fit of pique than necessity, Jason pointed his hand in their direction, splayed his fingers, and cut them all down with a single burst. It seems like the only damned thing I do is survive. Making his way to Aaron, Jason knelt by the younger man. Feebly, Aaron grabbed Jason's hand, pressing something into it. “You prom...” Jason hung his head. He laid Aaron's hand on his chest and looked at what he had been given. Kate's wedding ring and the chain Aaron had worn it on. Kris was the next closest. Jason went to her. She was lying face down. Gently, Jason rolled her over. Her eyes were open, staring into the nothingness of death. He closed them and kissed her gently on the forehead. The battle pike she had used lay nearby. It wasn't the one she had carried for years, but that of Hydron, a member of the Elite Guard, and leader of the Praetor's personal guard. Jason picked it up. He used it to get to his feet. The prongs of the trident head collapsed into the shaft. The shaft retracted until it was about six inches long. Jason disappeared it. The next closest was Elyse, the blue-skinned alien woman. An artist, a common interest that had drawn her and Jason together all those long years ago when the Guardians were fairly new. Arelysan Ralach, artist, teacher, gentle soul. But for all that, she too had been a member of the Elite Guard. She had also been a rebel. Jason knelt. She still had one blade in hand. The other nearby where it had landed when she had fallen. Honor blades made of some crystalline substance from her home world. “I was honored to call you friend.” He sheathed the first blade and retrieved the second. It slid easily into its case. Without releasing the closure, Jason added the harness and sheathed blades to his collection. He turned to Trese. When he got to her and looked down, for a moment he saw the 16-year-old runaway that reached up and put her hand in his. Jason knelt. “I'm sorry, Trese. We failed. When it mattered the most, we failed.”
  15. Alcohol burns nasal passages. News at 11.
  16. What skills allows me to make a real woman with a computer program and a Barbie doll?
  17. I haven't seen anything confirming or denying Hemsworth being involved in this installment.
  18. Tom Lyle Dies at Age 66 Artist Tom Lyle has died at the age of 66, as confirmed by the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD). Lyle is known for drawing three Robin limited series alongside writer Chuck Dixon as well as co-creating Stephanie Brown/Spoiler for DC, and for designing Scarlet Spider's hoodie and tights costume for Marvel Comics. In recent years, Lyle has served as a professor and Internship Coordinator at SCAD.
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