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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Stan Kirsch Dead: ‘Highlander’ Actor Dies at 51 After Committing Suicide
  2. Greywind


    Night at the Gallery Standing on the landing of the gallery's staircase, Emily Deveraux looked over the assembled guests and smiled. Tonight was a private gathering. The public opening of Jason's showing would be a few days hence, allowing for the removal of pieces Jason did not want in the public eye, and their replacement with others of his collection. Picking up the striker, Emily tapped the silver bell that had been placed for her use. “If I may have everyone's attention.” Conversations muted and eyes turned to Emily. “I would like to thank you all for coming. After many years of trying I was finally able to get Jason to agree to a public showing of his works. The main floor is fully open. Each gallery has a theme.” “So we get to see Scott's landscape paintings?” Brad Michaels snarked. Emily watched Ashleigh Parks lean to him and whisper something. Brad glanced at her. “My apologies.” Emily nodded. “The galleries on the upper levels are not yet open. They will be before the night is over. Jason has asked that those galleries remain closed until he is able to escort the subject or subjects of those galleries on a personal tour of it.” “Where is Jason?” Jordan Kendall asked. “Temporarily delayed,” Emily answered. “Beth contacted me earlier and explained that something unexpected came up that Jason had to deal with.” “It happens often enough to me,” Jordan said, eliciting a laugh from many. “Please, everyone, make yourselves welcome. There is a bar and an appetizer table. The gallery asks that, please, do not leave your glasses and plates scattered around the displays. Thank you all for coming.” Emily made her way down the stairs. * * * * * “So, where should we start?” Warren asked. “I'm thinking my husband should start with snacks. My tummy is a'rumblin' and I think I shall faint from hunger long before dinner,” Kate told him. “As you wish,” Warren replied with a shallow bow to his wife. “'Shall faint',” Leah teased. “Been reading them tawdry romance novels again?” Kate grinned. “Remind me again, oh favorite roommate, who got me started on them.” “That would have been your grandmother.” Kate thought for a moment. “Fair point,” she agreed. “But I remember a lot of them coming out of your room when we lived together.” Shrugging, Leah said, “A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do when there's no romance in her life.” “Warren is right, though,” Ash said. “Aside from Kate wasting away, where should we start.” Stepping up, Emily said, “I couldn't help but overhear. Perhaps you might try the east wing. All the paintings in there Jason is donating to one of the museums. A display of extraordinary people, from what I understand. The woman that curates the exhibit is here somewhere.” Warren held a small plate for Kate. “So, what was decided?” “Emily is suggesting the east wing,” Kris said. Flashes from the front door caught Warren's attention. “Might want to hold off for a few minutes. That might be him now.” Their attention turned to where Warren indicated. The flashes came from cameras pointed at a limousine that had pulled up. A valet opened the door and Frank Gilbert stepped out. Smiling, he turned and waved at all the photographers. He put his hand down and helped Beth out of the car. With Beth on his arm they walked into the gallery. Behind Beth, Jason exited the car. Jason headed towards the door, stopped and looked off to the side. He pointed at something and Warren cocked his head, questioning. Jason was joined by a young woman that he towered over. They spoke, the girl jotted something down in notepad. Jason held both hands up to her with his fingers splayed. He pointed at the notepad. The woman got a defiant look on her face. Jason said something further and the woman smiled. She slipped the notepad into her bag. Jason held his arm out to her, which she took. Warren continued to watch as they entered together. “I wonder who that is,” he said, nodding toward the woman on Jason's arm. Beth brought her father to them. “I have no clue,” Kris said. “Although she does look vaguely familiar for some reason.” “Mr. Gilbert,” Warren said in greeting, holding out his hand to the older man. Taking in Frank's tuxedo, he said, “I didn't realize this was a black tie event.” Frank smiled and clasped Warren's hand. “When I get to escort a lovely young woman to any event at my age, it is a black tie event.” “And she is quite lovely,” Leah said smiling. Warren thought he saw Beth blushing. “Thanks,” she said in response to Leah. “Sorry we're running late.” “Couldn't decide what to wear?” Warren teased. “Hardly. My dress was picked out a few months ago. It's a gift from Jason.” Beth's dress was royal blue silk. It fell to her knees. The upper bodice and sleeves were sheer. Her shoes matched perfectly. Kris smiled. “I thought I noticed a George.” Beth smiled back. “Hey, Beth.” “Yeah?” “Nice legs.” Warren grinned. Beth gave Warren an annoyed look and then smiled. * * * * * Jason pointed out Emily to Valora Langford. “Don't think this gets you out.” “Please, Miss Langford, I'm here most of the night. You've got yourself an exclusive. All I ask is no photographs. You don't have a photographer with you. That means any pictures you might take would be from your phone. If you would like, you and I can arrange a photo of the two of us. If you feel any of my work needs to be added to your story, then prints will be made available to you. Fair enough?” “I suppose.” “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm already running late. Emily, this is Valora Langford. She's a reporter.” Emily raised an eyebrow at Jason and then smiled at Val. “I figure a little press coverage can't hurt.” “As you wish, Jason. Come Miss Langford. I will show you around the open galleries.” As Jason turned and walked away, he overheard Val. “I heard you were shot at that party last year. Remarkable recovery.” “Yes, it was,” Emily commented. Jason shook his head. Approaching his friends, Jason's gaze fell on Kate. Feeling his gaze upon her, Kate looked back and then blushed. “I told you that would be a lovely dress on you.” Kate gave a shallow curtsy. “I figured with everyone who would be here it would be safe to dress up.” Jason smiled. “The effort is much appreciated.” “And Aaron willing, it will be much appreciated after, as well,” Warren said. Kate blushed deeper. Leah elbowed her in the ribs. “Emily suggested the east wing,” Ash said. “Something about 'extraordinary people'?” “Just a series of paintings I've been working on when I should be sleeping,” Jason said. “Different heroes and villains. Some the curator requested. Others were ones that I had access to good references for.” “No nudes?” Brad Michaels asked when he walked up. “Tasteful ones,” Jason answered. “Getting caught doing things you shouldn't be, Michaels, will get you tossed out. Excuse me.” Jason headed towards the stairs.
  3. The clouds prepare for battle In the dark and brooding silence Bruised and sullen storm clouds Have the light of day obscured Looming low and ominous In twilight premature Thunderheads are rumbling In a distant overture All at once, The clouds are parted Light streams down In bright unbroken beams Follow men's eyes As they look to the skies The shifting shafts of shining Weave the fabric of their dreams
  4. This is a callback to CA:TFA, yes, but it also shows that Bucky healed and was himself again.
  5. https://metalinjection.net/this-is-just-a-tribute/rushs-geddy-lee-and-alex-lifeson-release-statement-on-the-death-of-neil-peart
  6. As did Marvel before that. Branagh stepped away from Thor. Favreau stepped away from Iron Man. Edgar Wright/Ant-Man. Pretty sure there are others. With Branagh it was the forced inclusion of Barton. With Favreau, the Black Widow.
  7. My brother was a big fan. Sad to see they died the same way.
  8. Could be introduction cameos. This guy here is the Penguin. We'll get to him later. This one over here? He's the Riddler. We'll get to him later, too.
  9. Doesn't mean much. That's more or less a courtesy assignment given to previous directors that doesn't really have to do much.
  10. Well, so far this movie promises Catwoman, The Riddler, The Penguin, and now Two-Face.
  11. Matthew McConaughey Cast As Two Face In The New ‘Batman’ Film
  12. I just like to meet a woman before she sees me naked.
  13. Ilyana doesn't look like a young girl. She looks more like how she looked after she was rescued from Belasco.
  14. All aboard! Hahahahaha Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye... Crazy, but that's how it goes Millions of people living as foes Maybe it's not too late To learn how to love and forget how to hate Mental wounds not healing Life's a bitter shame I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules One person conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role Mental wounds still screaming Driving me insane I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I know that things are going wrong for me You gotta listen to my words Yeah Heirs of a cold war, that's what we've become Inheriting troubles, I'm mentally numb Crazy, I just cannot bear I'm living with something that just isn't fair Mental wounds stop healing Who and what's to blame I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
  15. If you want it faster award more XP. It is, after all, your game.
  16. I don't know if you noticed or not but I'm an extremely arrogant man who tends to think all of his plans will work.
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