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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. If you're going to fudge the rolls, does the game layout really matter all that much?
  2. "Doing a certain move": as in tell the table what you're doing, no die roll required.
  3. Why play a game based on the results of die rolls if you can ignore the die roll results on a whim?
  4. Role-play the failed role. Role-play the fudged success. Not seeing a difference outside of fudging a die roll for your benefit.
  5. Barrier with an adder for the blocking of mystical senses built into the walls of the base.
  6. It is binary: you either fail or you succeed. With hero points you're sliding the scale, cheating as it were.
  7. There's no "yes, but" involved in any scenario I've seen presented yet where heroic points are involved.
  8. Isn't that the whole point behind the heroic points? To prevent failures?
  9. It depends. When I was doing mine, I worked from an older worksheet that I had done. Simple enough to convert it to a word platform, copy all, and then paste on the board.
  10. We learn from our failures. Unless someone is handing out participation trophies.
  11. Then play a game that doesn't require dice if you have an aversion to randomness happening. And as I recall, the slogan was "create the character you want to play", stemming from the predominance of "role your stats" systems at the time. Champions was one of the first point-buy game systems.
  12. I wonder if they'll allow the use of hero points in Monopoly or Risk...
  13. Heroes are not perfect. They screw up and make mistakes. They have flaws. If they were perfect they wouldn't be heroes.
  14. Role-playing and character development. Have you ever tried it?
  15. Was it awesome? No. The character was competent. He was very good at what he did. Guns were never supposed to be part of what he did. But the constant failures trying to use a gun in combat became part of the game and commentary. With hero points that never would have happened. You roll the dice and take your chances and role-play the results. "I've got his gun. I'm going to shoot the other guy." "Just throw the gun at him!" "Why?" "Because you want to hit him!"
  16. "Can't have bad things happen to my character", "can't crit fail, that's not heroic", blah-blah-blah. If they have them as a resource, the players will (ab)use them. I had a player whose character was a Batman-type. Lots of gadgets and training. Wasn't adverse to using the guns of downed thugs when he could. Only downside was, every time he picked up a dropped gun, his dice hated him. Every time he shot, he missed. He missed badly. Up to and including hitting a hostage he was trying to save. Had we used hero points none of that would have happened. Dice don't mess with your game flow. The dice ARE your game flow.
  17. I came into RPGs from wargaming a long time ago. The dice never lie. And the die rolls often create some rather interesting role-playing opportunities.
  18. You can stream free on the CW. That's how I've been watching stuff when I'm interested.
  19. According to some Asian artists, American artists put too much detail into their comic art as it is.
  20. That's Matt Reeves' vimeo. Might be a fan, but I doubt he's hoaxing his own movie.
  21. He was the Trickster pretending to be the Joker. He was so good even Batman fell for it.
  22. TV? I've got a portable DVD player or my computer to watch from my extensive collection of movies/TV shows.
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