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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. He is retired from everything except a few chosen con appearances.
  2. Dyin' flame, you're free again Who could love, do that to you All dressed in black, he won't be comin' back Look, save your tears Got years and years The pains of seventeen's Unreal they're only dreams Save your cryin' for the day Fool if you think it's over 'Cause you said goodbye Fool if you think it's over I'll tell you why New born eyes always cry with pain At the first look at the mornin' sun Fool if you think it's over It's just begun Miss Teenage Dream, such a tragic scene He knocked your crown and ran away First wound of pride, and how you cried and cried But save your tears, got years and years Fool if you think it's over 'Cause you said goodbye Fool if you think it's over I'll tell you why... I'll buy you first good wine We'll have a real good time Save your cryin' for the day That may not come But anyone who had to pay Would laugh at you and say Fool if you think it's over 'Cause you said goodbye Fool if you think it's over I'll tell you why New born eyes always cry with pain At the first
  3. The walls are Barriers to whatever you want barriered. TV/internet/whatever gets piped through the cable.
  4. My first question would be: why do you want to kill the PCs? When it comes to NPCs, the GM can just rule that X damage rolled will kill them, adjusting X for boss types or just use standard damage rules.
  5. Greywind


    “I think Warren is right,” Kris said. “In my nightmare I saw two men. They reminded me of those thugs Mind Warp uses.” “Oh?” Ash stepped outside. “You mean those two that did that riff off Hans and Franz?” Warren asked. “'I'm Ahlo,” Ash said with a heavy accent. “'And I'm Alphonse,” Warren added. In tandem, Warren and Ash said, “And we're here to...” they clapped their hands, “f*** you up!”
  6. A dreamy lips, set in motion, flashing Ah breathless hush, a poundin' soft, lasting Oh glossy mouth, a taste untamed, a moving Carousel, up and down Just like you Oh baby Just one more time to touch you Just one more time to tell you You're on my mind Baby, why can't I have you? You're breakin' my heart in two You know what I'm goin' through Oh baby, why can't I have you? Oh candy smile, all the while, glinting Your eyes like mica, a lethal pout, hinting (Felt the pressure) Oh and I felt the pressure, tight and warm, softly striking (Oh tripped and stumbled) Oh I tripped and stumbled I'll cling forever I'll go all night Oh baby Just one more time to touch you Just one more time to tell you I'm not so blind Baby, why can't I have you? Always breakin' my heart in two You know what I'm goin' through Uh oh baby (why can't I have you?) why can't I have you? You know what I'm goin' through (You're breakin' my heart in two) And you're breakin' my heart, breakin' my heart (You know what I'm gonna do) (You're breakin' my heart) breakin' my heart (Baby) oh baby (why can't I have you?) I need you (You know what I'm goin' through) You're breakin' my heart in two (You're breakin' my heart in two) Oh baby, I need you so much (you know what I'm gonna do), I need you, touch (You're breakin' my heart) (Baby) oh baby (why can't I have you?)
  7. I am a Barbarian GM. I revel in crushing my players, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women. It is what is best in life.
  8. Oh don't it hurt deep inside To see someone do something to her Oh don't it pain to see someone cry How especially if that someone is her Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see Talking is cheap people follow like sheep Even though there is no where to go How could she tell he deceived her so well Pity she'll be the last one to know Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see How many times will she fall for his lines Should I tell her or should I be cool And if I tried I know she'd say I lied Mind your business don't hurt her you fool Silence is golden But my eyes still see Silence is golden, golden But my eyes still see But my eyes still see But my eyes still see
  9. These are dangerous times that were living in and there are dangerous signs that were giving in to fear late one night, I'm lying here I thought I heard a sound Tell the mothers and the babes Tell the old, tell the sick they will be safe Get the young males Tell them to be brave I was so concerned with saving live I never saw you pull the knife High on the mountains Across seven seas All of the people Why me, why me? Do you feel so frustrated Frightened and feared Answer my question Why me, why me, why me Why me, why me, why me? You're such an angry young man With all your grievances People don't understand, They just can't understand What you must do to stay alive. So you try to justify All the violence and hate, before your eyes. Through the ages better men than you have tried To give what is not theirs to give To take the land where others live High on the mountains Across seven seas All of the people why me, why me? Do you feel so frustrated Frightened and feared Answer my question Why here, why now, Why here, why now, hey here Why now, why me? Oh, for now you have the power The guns and all the swords But nature has a nasty habit Of balancing her flaws Now you may try to break my body Lock me up and throw away the key But you'll never break my spirit I'm free
  10. WWIII will be Disney trying to take over all the entertainment industries.
  11. I have an ArtOGraph Lightpad. My issue with them has more to do with the paper quality and the printer they came out of. I've got lines running across the images that show up when it is backlit.
  12. I'm not seeing anything in your post except a large white space.
  13. Holy wall of whiteness, Batman!
  14. Never saw where she and Fillion dated. She's been with her now-husband since the early 2000's. They separated for a time, but reconciled in 2007, which would have been during s2.
  15. Currently working my way through Castle. Up to s3.
  16. Johnny Depp Reportedly In Talks To Play Joker
  17. You'd have to ask him. A world-builder isn't necessarily a game designer.
  18. This is true. I get what you're saying, but I stand by what I said. If they can't, for whatever reasons, or simply won't, then they aren't really worldbuilders. Just simply a gamemaster.
  19. Greywind


    Kris found Warren sitting on the glider. His beer bottle was unopened. His gaze went down the drive to the horizon. “You okay?” Warren shook his head. “We've been going over possible suspects.” “It's Mind Warp.” Kris leaned against the rail. “How can you be sure? His powers, that we know of, never included dreamwalking.” Warren looked at her. “It's got his stink all over it. Maybe it isn't within the scope of what he can do, but maybe he isn't working alone.” “Who would he work with? He's pretty much a solo act.” “That alone means someone powerful enough to yank his chain. In my mind that would put Darque at the top of the list,” Warren said. “How do you figure that?” Ash said through the screen door. “Because he's always sniping at us. His...sense of honor. Why are we all having visions and nightmares, everyone of us, except Kate?” “Well, Trese...” “Trese has, or had, nightmares about her stepfather regularly. And the way she explained it, it's like watching the same horror movie over and over again. Sooner or later you stop jumping because it stops being scary.” Warren twisted the top off the bottle and flipped it into a bin. Kris looked at Ash. “It does make some sense. None of us know enough about magic, how it works, or how Darque can use it.” “I agree,” Ash said. “Do you honestly think these dreamcatchers will help?” Warren smiled. “They definitely can't hurt. And some of them looked pretty cool. That's why I picked them up.”
  20. Worldbuilders need to get their hands dirty. Not be spoon-fed someone else's world to run in.
  21. The Batman Batmobile Officially Revealed
  22. If you want the freedom and versatility, somewhere along the line you do have to pay for it.
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