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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. It's Tuesday. He doesn't take heads on Tuesday.
  2. Greywind


    Kira's game of cat-and-mouse with Jason continued until he went down a blind alley. She waited. She waited with the impatience of youth. She crept up to the corner and looked around. Jason was nowhere in sight. Kira walked into the alley and looked around, scratching her head. Unless Jason buried himself in one of the piles of refuse he wasn't in the alley. Movement caught her eye and she looked up. “Got you,” she said to herself. She examined the piles. “If I go up that one I can grab hold of that pipe. Shimmy over to that other one. Maybe I can jump to that platform. Then I can use the old ladder to go up.” She grinned. She began her ascent. At first she found it fairly easy, but as she got higher the piles became more unstable. Debris would shift and threaten to take her down with it. Making her way to the first pipe, things got easier for her once she had hold of it. She shimmied along it, eventually reaching the second pipe. She pulled herself up and sat on it to rest. Kira looked up and caught sight of Jason looking out with something held up to his eyes. He took a bite of something and Kira's belly rumbled. “Time to go,” she said. She stood up on the pipe and began measuring the distance, slowly working up the nerve to make the jump. She leapt out into the void, stretching for the fire escape, and squealed when she realized that she wasn't going to make it. Looking down she saw the piles below coming at her. Something broke her fall. An arm was wrapped around her chest. Looking up, she saw Jason hanging from the bottom of the fire escape platform. “No dying,” he told her.
  3. Urban combat. Hidden deployment.
  4. Ruby Rose Exits the CW’s ‘Batwoman’, DC Series To Recast Iconic Lead Role For Season 2
  5. Sometimes things don't happen the way you planned, sometimes you could end up lower than you started.
  6. Nothing like lying in advance...
  7. Greywind


    “And this is the pool.” Jason opened the mini-fridge and took out a bottle. “You want something to drink?” Trese nodded. Jason stepped out of her way while holding the door open so she could make her choice. Marlene was busy coating herself with sunscreen. Beth was reading something from an SE brief. Both wore bikinis. “And if the urge to skinny dip strikes you, Marlene can give you pointers.” Marlene quirked a knowing, teasing smile at Jason. “That's really not my thing,” Trese said. “You could take your t-shirt off and get some sun,” Marlene said. “I'm comfortable,” Trese mumbled. Marlene simply smiled. Movement caught Trese's eye and she watched a blonde go off the diving board. The blonde tucked in and did a double somersault before hitting the water badly. When she broke the surface she slammed her hand down on the water and yelled her frustration. “Dani, what are you doing here?” Jason asked. Dani dove under to the ladder and pulled herself up. “Spending time with my mom.” Both Jason and Trese looked around to see if they had missed anyone. “So, where's your mom?” Jason asked. “She's in LA. One of her students has a match this weekend. She wants you up there. Hey! How come you get to bring home strays?” “For starters, she isn't a stray. She's a guest. Theresa, this is Danielle Anderson. Dani, this is Theresa Gardner. The next point, this isn't your home.” “It is when I'm here. Chuck said so.” Dani stuck her tongue out at him. “And the last time you brought strays here it was both the men's and women's basketball teams.” Dani pouted. “Yeah? And? It improved my chances for a date.” “And as I recall you never made it off the bench that season.” “It wasn't for lack of me trying.” Jason nodded his chin towards the diving board. “Trying to work on your form?” “My form is just fine. It's the landings,” Dani said. “Jason,” Beth called. “Make yourself at home,” he said to Trese before heading over to see what Beth wanted. Dani smiled. “Take your shirt off. Enjoy the sun and the pool.” “I'm fine,” Trese said. “Come on,” Dani said, grabbing hold of the hem of Trese's shirt and tugging on it. “I said no!” Purple energy poured from Theresa. It slammed into a table sending it flying. Chairs tumbled in its wake. Dani, closer to the source of the event, went flying back into the pool. Trese paused, looking much like a deer in the headlights, and the power faded away. Then she broke into a run, not knowing where she was going. “Go!” Marlene called out. “I'll get her!” Jason ran after the girl. His longer stride more than a match for her rapidly pumping legs. He slowed his pace to a jog. Marlene dove into the pool, angling towards Dani. Dani floated below the surface. When Marlene got to her and rolled Dani over, a single large bubble broke from the girl's mouth and raced for the surface. Pulling her up, Marlene swam for the shallow end. “Give me a hand,” she called to Beth. Beth met her in the water, chest-deep. Marlene got her legs under her and the two of them pulled Dani to the steps. With Dani on her side, Marlene opened the girl's mouth. Beth compressed Dani's stomach and water came out of her mouth. Dani coughed. “What? No mouth to mouth?” She coughed again, bringing up more water. “That was quite a scare, Dani,” Marlene said gently, smiling. “Oh. I can't believe I got blindsided by a rookie.” Using the handrail, Dani pulled herself to her feet, further aided by Marlene and Beth. “Where did she go?” “Cemetery. Are you okay?” Dani nodded. “I will be. I guess I should have listened.” “Maybe,” Beth said. “If she's anything like me, she's probably terrified right now,” Dani said, punctuated with a hacking cough. “Jason followed her.” “I'm going after her.” Dani started off towards the woods, stumbling a step or two. “You need help?” Marlene asked. Dani just shook her head. Her steps became more steady, but she never broke into a run.
  8. Actor and comedian Jerry Stiller has died due to natural causes, his son, actor Ben Stiller said in a tweet. He was 92.
  9. Or StormWatch. ...as long as Image doesn't litigate...
  10. Mad Max in a wheelchair? Does the motor come with a blower?
  11. Little Richard, Founding Father of Rock Who Broke Musical Barriers, Dead at 87
  12. Oh you could do that. And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed the charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
  13. Greywind


    They walked slowly along the Seine. Stephen had draped his jacket over Angelique's shoulders against the night's chill. She had slipped her arm in his. He hadn't seemed to mind. They had met in Paris for dinner. The Eiffel Tower the backdrop out the cafe's window. A part of Angelique wanted to think it had been a romantic dinner. In her many years, she never truly had been romanced. They talked. They talked about the things they knew in common. He talked about his apprenticeship to Arthur Kayne. She talked about her mother and the time they have been spending getting to know one-another. After dinner they began walking continuing the conversation. They had lost track of time. The sky lightened with the pre-dawn twilight. “I do hope, dear lady, that you don't think I am being too forward. I really enjoyed your company. I would like to do this again sometime.” Angelique smiled. “Sometime soon.” “I believe I would like that, as well,” she replied. His fingers caressed the side of her face, brushing her hair back. “Bright Lady, you are beautiful. Knowing who your mother is explains much.” “Are you going to keep teasing me, Stephen? Or are you going to kiss me?” “I didn't want to presume.” “Presume, Stephen, or I may have to rethink doing this again.” He smiled. Stepping close he slipped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. His other arm went beneath his jacket and slipped about her waist. Their lips met. He kissed her tenderly. Angelique fought the urge to return it with a more demanding kiss. She was willing to take things slowly. Angelique's eyes went wide. Her preternatural senses all alerted her to danger. “Bright Lady! Did you feel that?” “Yes,” Angelique answered. “It was a calling.” Her hand moved, calling up power. A globe appeared over her hand. It spun until the western hemisphere was visible. A flare lit near the Rocky Mountains. “Closer,” she told the globe and it zoomed in. “Closer.” She pointed out on the globe, “I think that's Denver.” “Denver is more north and east of the mountains. That is in the mountains. You're right, though. It was a calling. The One Who Watches.” “That's a mouthful.” Angelique dropped the spell and the globe dissipated. “Your portal or mine?” Stephen was already calling one forth. Angelique thought it strange the way he shifted into his Arcane persona. No emotions. Just thought and action. “Who do we know in that area?” he asked. Angelique felt a tugging around her neck. She looked down to see the bloodstar glowing. “Jason Scott.”
  14. Finished Quincy, ME s1 and 2. Moving on to Peter Gunn. Finding stuff my mom never opened.
  15. Greywind


    “Are ye ready?” “Aye,” Jason responded. Irish gave him a look that mixed annoyance and amusement. “Alright then. We're waitin' on ye.” Jason stepped into view where Trese could see him and took off his robe. The only thing he had on was brief briefs. Trese's eyes went wide. Jason was ripped. His muscles had muscles. “Geez,” she said quietly. “Ye keep starin' at 'im like that, Theresa, an' it'll go ta 'is 'ead,” Irish teased. “Okay. Step inta the scanner and let's get started.” “Maybe Theresa ought to step out,” Kris said. “Kris,” Jason called. Kris looked at him through the window. “She stays unless she chooses to go.” Kris looked at the girl for a moment, and then back at Jason and nodded. Jason stepped into the scanner. “Powerin' up. Keep yer hands an' head inside the ride at all times,” Irish said. “It wasn't me,” Jason said. “It was the one-armed man!” “Ya, after he stuck 'is hand out where the scanners be spinnin', what ye expect but ta only 'ave one hand?” Trese watched the boards light up. “This is cool.” “He's put on a little weight since last time,” Kris said. “Heartbeat is good and strong. Blood pressure is in the green.” “Those numbers can't be right,” Trese said. “They all be within his normal parameters,” Irish said. “Looks good, Jason.” “But...” “Just wait a wee bit, Theresa. Maybe ye'll unnerstand. Changing up, Jason. Let's see how the matrix is doin', shall we?” Irish threw a switch and the room went dark except for the light from the scanning bars rotating around where Jason stood. Those went from blue to red. Trese didn't know what she was looking at. Something coursed through the bodyform on the monitor. “Can ye call some up?” Whatever it was shifted to Jason's feet and hands. Trese glanced out the window and in the dark it looked like Jason was above the scanner. Her eyes darted to the screen that had held Jason's vital stats and his weight had dropped to zero. “Any problems this time?” “Just an itch. Might have to get Kris to race me to the beach.” Kris laughed. “You know my wings can't keep up with you.”
  16. Johnny Storm Susan Storm 😛
  17. Greywind


    “I'm not sure I'm carrying anything. He cost me a job when I needed to be working. Things ended badly between us. Then I got lucky and Jason wanted me to work for him.” “And he's never regretted that,” Leah said, applying makeup with a brush. “Thanks. I guess we should have talked more before.” Leah shrugged. “I got the impression you didn't like me.” Looking hurt, Beth said, “I'm sorry. I like you just fine. As a person. I just didn't think you and Jason...” Leah gave Beth a sad smile. “I guess you didn't get caught up in the magic.” “I don't understand.” “Close your eyes. Eye shadow time.” Leah worked deftly with the brush. “Let's just say someone gave Jason and I a push closer together. The same person that helped separate us.” Leah felt herself coming to tears. “The same person that arranged the Witch to be in close proximity to Jason when he was emotionally vulnerable,” she said quietly. “Marlene didn't like that, either,” Beth admitted. “What are you doing to me?” she asked to redirect the conversation. Leah smiled. “What you asked.” “What color?” “I'm just about done. So, feeling confident yet?” Leah teased. Beth growled. “What does that have to do with anything?” “Your lipstick. If you're feeling confident I have a color in mind. If not, then I have a different color in mind.” With a sigh, Beth said, “I've trusted you this far with my face. Do what you're going to do and I'll pass judgment when I see it, I guess.” “Fair enough.” Beth felt the applicator move across her lips.
  18. What is it you seek? Why do you wander? Why were you born? And why do you live? Believe that it is to protect something With the strange powers that you have inherited In the darkness I search for something I have lost In the flow of time I await the light that will soon come I dream that we might one day meet again
  19. When the person who was always there went away I was assaulted by nothing but noise Never again being able to call out a name you've grown used to saying Is a lonely thing, isn't it? I will swim there without relying on a boat with no oars Cotton candy Sadness can be healed while you whistle Cotton candy Don't hide your tears from others Even if it's too bright or too dark Fix your gaze and look closely To find a light in the dark In the light to find the invisible thing
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