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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    With an apron on and flour on her hands, Jen went to the door to answer it. She opened the door to find a young man on the other side in jeans, t-shirt, and a “Mick's Garage” ball cap. “Hey, Billy.” “Jen. You're back?” “No. This is a projection from next week. Obviously, I'm back. I got in yesterday.” “You've got flour in your hair. And on your face.” Jen wiped her face with the back of a flour-covered hand. “Now you've got more.” “What can I do for you?” “I've got a delivery.” Jen glanced out the door to see the pickup truck with closed trailer attached. “My dad's out in the barn.” Jen pushed a button beside the door that rang the buzzer in the barn. Billy smiled. “It's for you. Not your dad.” “Oh.” Jen stepped outside. Handing her a clipboard, Billy said, “Sign here.” She did where he indicated. “And,” he flipped a few pages, “here.” She signed that, too. “What is it?” her father asked. “William,” he said with a nod. “I didn't order anything.” “No sir. It's a delivery for Jennie.” Billy passed Jen a thick manila envelope and turned to the waiting trailer. He unlocked the trailer and lowered the ramp before disappearing inside. A few minutes later, he rolled a Ducati Diavel 1260s down onto the dirt. “Oh, wow,” Jen said quietly. “It's mine?” “You did just sign the delivery papers,” Billy said with a grin. “You're not keeping it,” Ben said. “Dad...” “No. No rebellious teenager routine. It's going back. William, roll it back up.” Jen opened the envelope. The first thing she pulled out was a note and began reading. “It's from Mrs. Anderson.” She flipped through the rest of the papers. “The insurance is in here. Jason paid it for the year.” “I don't care,” Ben said. “Dad, I'm keeping it. I'm not rebelling. It's a gift from Mrs. Anderson and Jason.” “You'll need to be trained on how to ride it. You'll need to get it added on to your license.” Jen smiled. “I can ride it. Mrs. Anderson taught me. Along with that other thing. I got what I needed in California and I intend to go to the DMV Monday to get my license updated.” Ben looked at his daughter for a long moment. “Why did you have to grow up so fast?”
  2. Where was the outrage then? https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investigations/2019/07/31/you-re-gonna-kill-me-dallas-police-body-cam-footage-reveals-the-final-minutes-of-tony-timpa-s-life/
  3. Durkon is also doing what he was told to do by Thor.
  4. I see them paying for a lot of tires in the near future.
  5. I haven't heard about shooting, but I know they vandalized some first aid stations. If they get sent in if and when those disputes turn violent, it could already be too late for whoever is already in there.
  6. Doubtful since domestic disputes turn violent, drug addicts can turn violent, etc. Which is why police are sent into those situations armed.
  7. I hear the drizzle of the rain Like a memory it falls Soft and warm continuing Tapping on my roof and walls And from the shelter of my mind Through the window of my eyes I gaze beyond the rain-drenched streets To England, where my heart lies My mind’s distracted and diffused My thoughts are many miles away They lie with you when you’re asleep And kiss you when you start your day And a song I was writing is left undone I don’t know why I spend my time Writing songs I can’t believe With words that tear and strain to rhyme And so you see, I have come to doubt All that I once held as true I stand alone without beliefs The only truth I know is you And as I watch the drops of rain Weave their weary paths and die I know that I am like the rain There but for the grace of you go I
  8. Wasn't that the name of squid that tangled with the Nautilus in 20000 Leagues Under the Sea?
  9. There's Suicide Squad and soon to be The Suicide Squad.
  10. There's a reason Arrow used characters like Deathstroke. Where they could get away with it they took some of Batman's gallery, like Deadshot, but then he'd been on Smallville as well. They would never get away with trying to use the likes of the Joker, Penguin, etc. So they didn't try.
  11. Didn't see where they had finished The Suicide Squad yet. Was it any good? What role did Fillion have?
  12. Greywind


    The staff spun easily in Adalene's hands as she went through her forms. It was thicker than she was used to using, but it was straight and balanced. Meditation while going through her forms was difficult. Did you have anything to do with my mother's death? She answered that honestly. No, she had nothing to do with the death of Stacy Lane-Scott. Arthur Kayne took responsibility for that. She was surprised that Jason hadn't killed him outright. It was only that he had sacrificed his own life to safe Angelique's that gave him that small respite. Sandra Wilson was another story. Did you have anything to do with her death? She had answered that she hadn't, but was that really the truth? Compulsion was never good magic to use to begin with. It was an area of magic that wasn't within her strengths. The “love spell” she had used did what was intended. Made the two of them fall in love with each other. To keep Jason and Marlene separated. Further she had used similar magics on Jason's friends to reinforce keeping them apart. She used them and still they call her friend. If you don't mind me being blunt, Darque, both you and my predecessor were idiots. I went back over Arthur's journals on the matter when this whole affair was brought to my attention. I studied the charts. I ran the numbers. I looked at all the signs. Those two were never the ones that should have been kept apart. His parents were. And Arthur pretty much forced them together, too. Adalene brushed sweat-sticky hair from her forehead with the back of one hand. Damn you, Stephen. And thank you. Now all she had to do was come to terms with herself. Fall in the mountains and it was hot. Beth had loaned her a sports bra, Marlene running pants with a matching jacket. She had pulled her shoes out of a portal before she was admonished about no powers at the cabin. She had taken the jacket off when she started to get heated. The thinner air wasn't helping her any either. She'd been trying to find her inner balance for well over an hour.
  13. Hanging out under an overpass during a tornado is a no-no anyway. Head to a ditch and lie low.
  14. Greywind


    Angelique paid little mind to the conversation at the table. Occasionally she would glance at Stephen and wonder. She gazed at Marlene and Jason, and, strangely to her, actually felt happiness for them. Jason was showing Marlene something below the table's level. Marlene had a questioning look for it and then glanced at Angelique. Marlene's face lit up with a smile and she said something private to Jason. In turn Jason glanced up at her and smiled as well. While she watched, Jason stood up and began tapping his glass with knife. People quieted and started looking at him. “If I could have everyone's attention, please.” The remainder of guests fell silent. “Thank you. Normally at times like this there are gifts. Marlene and I asked for nothing beyond your presence, with which you graced us. While there are some here that weren't expected,” or invited he left unsaid, Angelique glanced at Stephen again. “All have been made welcome by our hosts. “Normally, gifts would be given by the groom to his groomsmen. Lucky for me I only required Warren. Marlene, on the other hand, what with Beth, Trese, Dani, Ash, Kris, and Leah, is an entirely different story.” People laughed. “But there is one person here that I would like to do something for. One person without whom neither Marlene nor myself would have been here to start this new chapter.” Jason stepped around his table toward the center of the tent. “I'm not done yet, but if you will excuse me for a few moments, I won't be long.” He walked out of the tent. Everyone began wondering, murmuring, questioning each other. Warren leaned over to Marlene and asked. Marlene smiled and simply shook her head. Beth whispered something in Marlene's ear from the other side. Again, Marlene shook her head. “Bright Lady,” Stephen said under his breath. Angelique turned to see what he was looking at. Jason was escorting a woman with long brown hair, pale, almost white eyes, and gorgeous. The gown she wore was a white so bright it was almost painful to look at. Even in the shade of the tent. A garland was about her waist. Her gown appliqued with vines and flowers about the hem, neck and sleeves. “I met this dear lady a little while ago. I had been searching for some answers to some questions and she was helpful enough to supply me with some of them.” Jason brought her closer. “The answer wasn't what I had asked for, but it was the answer that I needed at the time.” Stephen stood and dropped to one knee. “Stand, Stephen. You did my bidding well.” Her voice was like the wind passing through the leaves. “Angelique, this is Phaedra,” Jason said. “Hello,” Angelique said with a smile, not knowing who this woman was. “Hello, daughter,” Phaedra said with a smile of her own. A glass shattered. “What have you done?” Anton raged. The smile fell away from Jason's face and he turned slowly to face Angelique's father. “Made your life a little more interesting, I hope.” Phaedra turned to face Anton as well. Her voice then was like the freezing winds of winter carrying snow and ice. “The pact is broken, Lord Darque. Through no agency of mine I have met my child. We are quit.” Anton glared at Jason. “We aren't done.” “Need I remind you, sir,” Kate said standing, “the agreement between you and I that allowed you to be welcome here? Nothing you learned here today is to ever be used by you.”
  15. Greywind


    Super Agents?
  16. Pi: Hmm, uh, I don't know, Mr. C. Um, what color is it? Richard Castle: Free
  17. ...and so you're back from outer space...
  18. You'd probably prefer the Golden Age stuff then, where the only resemblance there was to continuity was the regular cast of characters and no story impacted upon any other. Personally, I prefer the world building approach. Everything may not impact on everyone else, but it may get mentioned in passing. I would have loved it if Marvel and DC had more living worlds, but then, that kind of screws with character longevity.
  19. Superman Fans Are Ecstatic to Have Henry Cavill Returning
  20. ...and so you're back From outer space...
  21. Greywind


    “And that's pretty much the story,” Jason said. He sat between Marlene and Leah. Both women had their legs drawn up, knees pointed towards Jason. He had a hand on the leg of each. Neither seemed to notice or care. “Sounds like a delusion,” Brad said. “It is a bit far-fetched,” Warren said. “Even for us.” “Jason, who is this?” Kate turned the sketchbook around so he could see. “Kira. Aaron watched over her. And the other younglings.” Ash looked at Jason in thought. “What happened to your other self?” “He... His body was destroyed.” “That was the flare that was on the news that day?” Warren asked. Jason only nodded. “And the flares you sometimes exhibited?” “Bolt reconfigured the absorption device that he used on Leah last year. Attuned it to my power. I used it. After that it was a matter of me containing too much power. Some of it was bleeding off. Some of it had to be discharged.” “You were still having that issue before the wedding. This seems...” “Far-fetched?” Jason added. “Yeah.” Lisa moved and opened the double doors wide. Lightning crashed right outside. Rain was still hammering down. Cool air swept in. The fire roared as it if were trying to escape up the chimney. “I don't want it to seem like we're doubting you, but with your artistic talent you could just draw anything and say who it is,” Ash said. “Jason disappeared for the better part of an hour,” Leah said. “But to where? Honestly Jason, do you have something else that might be evidence?” Jason looked at her. “Catch.” He whipped his hand towards her underhanded. A crimson flash brought a cylinder into being arcing through the air when it left his hand. Ash caught it. She released the mechanism and it extended, the tines folded out. “Hydron,” Ash said. “If that isn't sufficient, I also have Elyse's honor blades in her harness.” “That is an interesting story, Jason,” old Joe said. “But that isn't all you brought back. Is it? You said your enemy's body was destroyed. Not killed. He is inside you along with the power you absorbed.” Jason's hand shot up. A crimson lance blasted towards the old Indian. Only to be intercepted by Trese's shield. “He's still fighting!” “How can you tell?” Brad called. “Because my shield held!” Warren took all of it in. He still had time to think. This was why the sheriff had come. To warn them. You may have to fight him. Warren slammed into Jason, shoulder into his gut. He carried him out into the storm, realizing that Lisa saw this all coming. That was why the doors stood open. He released Jason. From Warren's speed, Jason kept moving away. Warren's fist shot up into Jason's jaw.
  22. Don't speak disparagingly of my shiny little badge. It goes well with my beady little eyes.
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