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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Hal Jordan without the ring. Str 20 Dex 25 Con 15 Body 11 Int 25 Ego 33 Pre 20 PD 10 ED 10 SPD 6 Rec 7 End 30 Stun 29
  2. I don't know. Capt. Marvel has many times been shown to dodge the incoming lightning so that it affects someone else. Like Superman, Black Adam, etc. On the other hand I'm not entirely sure Billy Batson could dodge it.
  3. Streak wears a blue body suit with a wide red stripe from head to crotch. He runs fast. Just has a real hard time with things like turning corners.
  4. Greywind


    Putting the others in the room from his mind, Jason focused on the older man laying in the bed. He focused his mind on the task he had been asked to attempt. He sat upon the side of the bed and took the man's hand in his. His other hand Jason placed on the man's chest, his fingers finding contact with skin through the open pajama top. “Mary, you're going to have to let go,” he heard Kris say. He closed his eyes and let his power flow. * * * * * Jason felt the warm sun on his face and a cool breeze ruffled his hair. “Hello, son.” He opened his eyes. “Hello, Ben.” The Winchester rifle barked in the hands of the memory of Ben. “You trusted me that day.” “I did.” “I hope I never gave you cause to regret it.” “Never.” “That thing that was inside you, it wanted you to kill me.” “Yes. You made a demand of me to protect Jen. It didn't like that. It tried to corrupt the link I made with her.” “And that was the cause for all the blood?” Jason nodded. “But even then you protected my girl.” “I had to. I gave you my word unconditionally.” Ben looked down. “And I went and put a condition on it. I'm sorry.” “Don't be. We do what we have to for family.” “And that's what we are.” “Ever since you accepted me.” “Ever since that first meal you cooked for us on my wife's stove.” They shared a smile at the memory. Looking up, Jason watched himself lift his hand and the crimson lance shot out to shatter the memory of a bottle. “I have a favor to ask, son. I realize it's a lot to ask and it isn't fair to you.” “Ask, Ben. Let me weigh whether or not it's fair.” Ben looked at Jason and smiled. * * * * * Crimson tears rolled down Jason's face, colored by the power bleeding from his eyes. He took a heavy breath. His hand on Ben's chest turned palm up. “Mary,” he whispered. “Take my hand.” Mary reached out tentatively to slip her hand in Jason's. Jason exhaled and went back to work. He felt the surprise from the others as, one by one, he pulled them in through their shared links. Ben was holding on to Mary. “Thank you all for coming. I don't have a lot of time.” “Dad...” “It's okay, Warren. I've had a long life. A good life. I have a wife that loves me. I've raised you all as best I could. You've given me a grandson.” Warren was surprised to see Aaron in his wife's arms. “I watched, I saw the great things you all accomplish. Sometimes daily.” “Daddy?” “I'm sorry, Jennie. This is the way life is. The old pass on and young get old. Someday, when you have your own kids...” “But Jason was supposed to heal you,” Jennie said. “I don't want you to go!” “I asked him not to try. It's my time, honey. Don't blame, Jason. I asked if he could let me say goodbye.” Jennie ran to her father and buried her face against him. Even here her body was wracked by her sobs. “I'm proud of you. All of you. You're my family. You're all my kids. Even if you came into my life late.” “Pa!” Aaron cried out. Kate looked up at Warren. The two of them approached Ben. Kate passed Aaron over to Ben, Mary giving way. “My boy,” Ben whispered, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead. “Be good. Like your daddy.” Bracketed by Marlene on one side and Leah on the other, Jason slipped to one knee. Marlene dropped down beside him and held him. Ben passed Aaron to Mary. One arm draped around Jen and the other pulled Kate close. “My girls. Take care of each other.” “We will,” Kate said, putting her own arm around Jennie. Jennie looked up at her father. “I love you.” “I love you, too.” The girls stepped away. “Dad, I...” “I know, son.” Warren stepped into his father's embrace. “Lightning has a lot left to do. Starting with that son of yours.” Warren looked at his father. “I'm proud of the man you've become.” Warren stepped away and one by one the others came forward to say their goodbyes. As they did, Jason released his hold on them and they faded away. When the others were gone, leaving Ben with his immediate family, Marlene, Leah, and Jason, Ben looked at Leah. “You take care of him.” “I will. Goodbye, Ben.” And Leah faded away. Jason's hold became more tenuous. Warren and Kate faded out, taking Aaron with them. Jason's other knee hit the ground. “It's getting harder on him. I love you, Jennie.” “Bye, Dad,” she said as she faded out. “Marlene, you take care of him,” Ben called out. “I will, Ben. Thank you for everything.” “And you take care of your girl,” Ben said with a smile. “Girl?” Marlene asked. Then she too faded away. “It's just us now, Mary. I'm sorry for all the arguments and the bullheadedness.” Mary held her husband one last time. “You wouldn't have done anything any different,” she said smiling. “I'm going to miss you.” “I love you,” Ben said. Mary faded from his arms. “Thank you, son.” And then Ben was gone. “Goodbye, Dad,” Jason whispered.
  5. Adventurers Club had 27 issues from the original Hero through the ICE days.
  6. Lightning Thunderbolt Streak Speedstar XS
  7. Have you considered handling them with long tongs while wearing a hazmat suit?
  8. One thing with Hitler and the Nazis is that people refuse to believe the Holocaust happened.
  9. Greywind


    Senior year. First day of school. Jenevieve Asher rolled her bike back against the curb where all the other bikes were parked. The stand went down and locked into place. Jen turned the key and pulled it free. Climbing off the bike, she pulled an empty backpack out of a saddlebag. “Hey, Jen!” Looking to see who called her, she saw Billy coming to her. She waved. “Sweet ride,” Billy said when he got to her. “You're dad let you keep it?” Jen released her helmet and pulled it off. “Obviously. Let's just say the support in my favor was overwhelming.” “Ready for our last year?” he asked. “Last year? Maybe here, but I've got college-bound plans and maybe have a job lined up,” Jen said. “But I'm more than ready to move on from this place.” “I think I'm going to be at Mick's for a while,” Billy said. “So what did you do all summer?” Jen smiled. “Ran away from home. Lived in a mansion with a billionaire. Was put to work. Finished out my Junior year with a four-point-oh GPA. Oh, and met the cast of The Nightwraith at the Hollywood premiere.” “Wow. You really lived in a mansion with a billionaire?” he asked incredulously. Jen gave him an amused look. “Yeah.” “Wow.” “He didn't...” “Didn't what? Try something?” “Yeah.” “Billy, I swear. Jason is like a brother to me. You've met him. He spends time with Warren and Kate. And my parents.” “Him? He's rich?” Jen bumped he shoulder into his and gave him a slight shove. “Just shy of filthily so.” Billy smiled, “Yeah, well, if I were loaded and had a hot teen staying at my place...” “You'd be in jail,” Jen said with a straight face. “Maybe after, but what gets me there would be a lot of fun,” he said with a grin. “Boys,” Jen said with a shake of her head. “Jen Asher!” Jen looked around and saw a teacher near the door. “Yes, Miss Chambers?” Her and Billy approached. The teacher was an attractive brunette woman, maybe thirty. Standing in the shade, she had her sunglasses pushed up into her hair. She wore a sleeveless shirt, a skirt, and sandals against the summer hear. Miss Chambers handed her a slip of paper. “Your locker assignment and the combination to the lock. Did you get my email?” “Yes, I did. I already started on it. It helps that I kept some journals.” Miss Chambers smiled. “Good. How was your adventure?” “Exciting. Terrifying. And lots of other things all at the same time,” Jen said grinning. “I look forward to reading it when it is done,” Miss Chambers commented with a smile of her own. “Billy, you need to check in with your homeroom teacher to get your locker assignment.” “Yes'm,” Billy said. They went into the school. “Who do you have for homeroom?” Jen looked at him like he was an idiot. “Who just gave me my locker assignment?” “Oh. She's hot.” Jen stopped and just looked at him. “What?” “No.” “No what?” “Billy, I do not need to know about your high school teacher fantasies. Okay? Oh, shit.” Billy looked serious. “Language in the school, Miss Asher,” he said deepening his voice. “Something I can do for you, Amanda?” Jen asked the leader of a group that approached her and Billy. “So, you came crawling back.” “Crawl? Hardly. What do you want?” “Oh, I just figured we'd pick up where we left off when you ran away,” the girl sneered. “Healthy advice, Amanda. I'm not the girl I was last year. Do not start your shit with me!” Even Billy stepped back from Jen. “Oh, really, bitch?” Jen grinned. “Try me and see. Bitch.” When nothing happened Jen made to push past. Amanda grabbed her shoulder. Jen twisted and ducked. The incoming punch was caught solid on Jen's helmet with a crunch. Amanda screamed, holding her hand. “First day of school, first person into the infirmary,” Jen said. “Let me know when you're ready for round two.” Jen looked at Amanda's followers. “Anyone else want to follow her into the infirmary?” The group parted so she could pass. “I didn't think so.”
  10. A pleasant-faced man steps up to greet you He smiles and says he's pleased to meet you Beneath his hat the strangeness lies Take it off, he's got three eyes Truth is false and logic lost Now the fourth dimension is crossed Ni, ni, ni, ni, ni ni, ni ni You have entered the Twilight Zone Beyond this world strange things are known Use the key, unlock the door See what your fate might have in store Come explore your dreams' creation Enter this world of imagination You wake up lost in an empty town Wondering why no one else is around Look up to see a giant boy You've just become his brand new toy No escape, no place to hide Here where time and space collide Ni, ni, ni, ni, ni ni, ni ni You have entered the Twilight Zone Beyond this world strange things are known Use the key, unlock the door See what your fate might have in store Come explore your dreams' creation Enter this world of imagination
  11. When there's lightning, you know it always brings me down 'Cause it's free and I see that it's me Who's lost and never found I cry out for magic, I feel it dancing in the light It was cold, I lost my hold To the shadows of the night No sign of the morning coming You've been left on your own Like a rainbow in the dark A rainbow in the dark Do your demons, do they ever let you go? When you've tried, do they hide, deep inside Is it someone that you know You're just a picture, you're an image caught in time We're a lie, you and I We're words without a rhyme There's no sign of the morning coming You've been left on your own Like a rainbow in the dark Just a rainbow in the dark, yeah When I see lightning, you know it always brings me down 'Cause it's free and I see that it's me Who's lost and never found Feel the magic, I feel it floating in the air But it's fear, and you'll hear It calling you beware Look out There's no sight of the morning coming There's no sight of the day You've been left on your own Like a rainbow Like a rainbow in the dark, yeah You're a rainbow in the dark Just a rainbow in the dark No sign of the morning You're a rainbow in the dark
  12. I have never heard a player say that they want to see something used against them. I have seen them take limitations just to shave points so they can buy MOAR! And then cry when their limitation came into play.
  13. STR vs STR roll, add Body. The defender adds 3 to his STR to roll to escape. STR 10 now has a STR 13 using the Martial Escape.
  14. Greywind


    Ben looked at his daughter for a long moment. “Why did you have to grow up so fast?” Jennie smiled at her dad, wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face in his chest. Ben's arms went around her and held her tight. “Whoa, almost missed it,” Warren said, coming around the front of Billy's truck. Warren held a package in his hands. “What do you think, Sis?” Jen came up for air and looked at Warren tears streaming down, and she smiled. “I love it!” Warren held the package out to her. “What's this?” she asked, stepping away from Ben when his arms loosened their grip. “Me protecting my little sister as best I can,” he said. Jen took the package, set it on the porch and lifted the lid. Inside were biking leathers. She pulled the jacket out. It was black with gold lightning running down the arms. She turned it around to look at the back. On the back was sewn an image that reminded her of the necklace Jason had given her. A red compass rose bracketed by wings. “I'm out of here,” Billy said. “Enjoy your ride, Jen. See you at school.” They all waved as he pulled out. Jennie smiled. Her fingers traced the lightning on the arm. “You?” Warren nodded. “Jason and Kris,” she said holding the back of the jacket to him. “Yes. There should be a certificate in there from Ash to get your boots.” “What about a helmet?” Ben asked. “That may be the box that came from Leah,” Mary said from in the house. Ben looked at Warren. “You knew about this?” Warren smiled and shrugged. Mary brought the indicated box out and handed it to Jen. She put the jacket back in the box in came out of it and took the other from her mom. Warren passed her his belt knife to cut it open with. Reaching in she removed packing first. What she lifted out was custom made. It was painted metallic purple. She turned it and as the light on it shifted, it looked like there were bolts of blue lighting streaking across the purple field. Around the base of it flames danced. Jen looked at Warren.”Trese, Leah, and Dani?” Warren nodded. “They're all looking out for me.” “That's not all, Jen,” Warren said. He reached under the chin and pressed a stud. A HUD lit up across the smoked visor. “Hello, Jen.” “Mentor?” “Jason has allowed a part of me to monitor you, with your permission. Along with the fully functioning HUD, there is a built in GPS. You can link your phone directly into the helmet if you wish. There are safety overrides in place so that nothing will make it impossible for you to hear, say like a police siren behind you. There is a camera mounted at the front of the helmet just under the visor. There is another that records what is behind you and that will show on the HUD as well.” “I don't know what to say,” she said quietly. “Put the helmet on,” Mentor told her. She lifted it up and the helmet split, allowing her to easily put it into place. The HUD switched off and was replaced by a montage of everyone that had contributed to her gift. “We realize it's a bit early,” Leah said. “But...” “Happy Birthday!” they all said in unison. “Oh, wow! Thank you all. So much.” One by one the connections were unmade until only Leah and Sharon Anderson were left. “I heard you were a big hit in the corporate world,” Leah said. Jen smiled. “Jason said I could come back if I wanted to. After graduation,” she added. “That's great, Jen. See you soon.” Leah went dark. “I hope it fits,” Sharon said. “Yes, ma'am. I haven't tried it on yet, but it looks perfect. Thank you.” “Remember what I told you?” “Never start a fight. I won't forget.” Jen smiled. “Good girl. Be ready to ride the next time you see me.” “I will. Thank you.”
  15. Coughing is fine as long as you riot with proper social distancing.
  16. I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out I spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley The music dance and sing They make the children really ring I spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you I will remember you Your silhouette will charge the view Of distance atmosphere Call it morning driving through the sound and Even in the valley In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you Along the drifting cloud The eagle searching down on the land Catching the swirling wind The sailor sees the rim of the land The eagle's dancing wings Create as weather spins out of hand Go closer hold the land Feel partly no more than grains of sand We stand to lose all time A thousand answers by in our hand Next to your deeper fears We stand surrounded by a million years I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there Twenty four before my love and I'll be there I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out I spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be there with you Da la la la da da la
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