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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Why would they bother? Mysterio and Jameson already threw that knowledge out into the wide world.
  2. It was how Stark found Spider-Man.
  3. Well, my days of not takin' ya seriously are certainly comin' to a middle.
  4. Best job? One they can hold down with their erratic behavior.
  5. Avengers: The Death of Tony Stark Spider-Man: Peter Mourns for Tony Stark Peter Gunn s1 (Seriously, what happened to TV shows having a 38 episode season?) I'm on the third of 4 discs. S2 and 3 waiting in the wings.
  6. GM's fiat is handwavium. GM says; handwavium.
  7. Mogo Str 750 Dex 5 Con 380 Body 84 Int 28 Ego 48 Pre 10 PD 375 ED 375 SPD 3 Rec 226 End 760 Stun 649
  8. If you want stats for something like a cure using any power based effect you end up having to account for why it shuts down Cyclops' eye beams as well as doing the same to Superman if it were something that would also affect his character, equally. The only way you can effectively get that is GM fiat; handwavium.
  9. Somewhere there is a chart for comparing OCV to DCV that when you cross-index the numbers it gives you the target number you need to roll.
  10. Plot device; handwavium.
  11. That's a really strange name for an invulnerable martial artist.
  12. It's at the bottom of that pile over there -->
  13. Justice League Bats Str 25 Dex 30 Con 20 Body 12 Int 35 Ego 20 Pre 35 PD 15 ED 15 SPD 8 Rec 9 End 40 Stun 35
  14. Gnort Str 10 Dex 18 Con 13 Body 11 Int 8 Ego 20 Pre 12.5 PD 8 ED 8 SPD 3 Rec 5 End 26 Stun 23
  15. John Stewart Str 20 Dex 23 Con 15 Body 11 Int 25 Ego 31 Pre 20 PD 10 ED 10 SPD 5 Rec 7 End 30 Stun 29
  16. I hereby dub thee "The Scribbler".
  17. Greywind


    “So, where are you going on your honeymoon?” Kate asked. Marlene waved the thought away. “I'm still dealing with the aftereffects of a nine-month unexpected leave of absence. It will be a little while before we can really go anywhere.” “Yes, but any ideas?” Smiling, Marlene said, “Lot's of ideas.” Playing with the setting of her stone, she pulled the key out. “First thing is to figure out where this goes.” Kris hid her smile by taking a drink. “Then, maybe change out the silverware, redecorate the mansions.” The key slid back into her necklace. “Mansions. Plural,” Jason said. Marlene smiled at him. “It isn't like the New York mansion sees a lot of use. One or two parties a year,” she said. “I don't know,” Adalene said. “Jen, Lisa, and I have been getting a lot of use out of the libraries. I think we've maybe cataloged all of a quarter of the basement.” “The efforts you're putting in are appreciated, Addie,” Jason said. She smiled. “Oh, I'm getting quite a list going of books I want to borrow.” The sound of a motorcycle was heard in the distance. “Speaking of Jen,” Kate said. Jason chuckled. “Wrong Jen, Kate.” “Oh.” “Although, I probably could have given her that task, too,” Jason said. Warren laughed. “Bad enough you had her and Stacy go through all your paintings. If you had her going through your mom's library she'd still be chained in the dungeon.” “You have to admit,” Kate said. “It seems like the summer was good for her.” “For the most part,” Beth said quietly. Marlene reached over and took her friend's hand. Beth smiled. Jen rolled the bike to a stop, popped her helmet off and hung it from the handlebar. “Hey, Little One. How's my favorite office gopher?” “I'm good,” Jen said coming up the steps. “I thought you guys would have headed off by now.” “Beth and I have to be back in the office tomorrow,” Marlene said. “And some of us will be taking our leave shortly,” Stephen Langford said. “Jason, can I talk to you? I have something I'd like to ask.” “What's on your mind?” Jen took a deep breath. “Well, there's this girl.” “Girl not you I assume.” “No. Not me. I know you don't want everyone to know about...,” she glanced at Stephen. “Just say it, Jen,” Jason prompted. “Well, I know you don't want everyone to know how you can heal. Demands, privacy, and having a life and all that. But this girl...” Jason's face was blank and his eyes bored into her. The last time he looked at her like that was the day she showed up unexpected in California. “Her name is Amanda Burns.” “She got involved in some ugly stuff, Jase,” Warren said. “You knew about this?” Jason asked without taking his eyes off Jen. “Most of us did,” Kris said. “The only stipulation we had was that she had to be the one to ask.” “What, exactly, did she get involved in?” Jen leaned back against the porch rail. “The group that I told you about, Mandy was one of them. The first day of school she tried picking a fight with me in the hall. She ended up with a broken hand.” Jason's eyebrows went up. “It wasn't me, exactly. I dodged. She hit Mentor.” Jason nodded. “This group they got involved with something.” “Demonbone,” Adalene said. “Bright Lady,” Stephen said. “He's a real piece of work.” “You keep bringing her up and you'll be my mother's favorite in no time,” Angelique said. “Second favorite. Jason gave her something I never could.” Angelique smiled. “Anyway, I don't really want to know how those kids got involved with him.” “You've dealt with him, Stephen?” Adalene asked. “Damage control only. Slippery little bastard got away. He has an item of power. From time to time it needs to be recharged. His preferred method of doing so is teenagers and or mature women that he convinces are neglected.” Jason gave him a questioning look. “Orgies.” Jason closed his eyes and rubbed his brow. “What happened to the girl?” “It wasn't just an orgy, Stephen. It was a summoning.” Adalene turned her attention to Jason. “They were calling up something.” “Scruffy?” Adalene smiled. “No. You pretty much ended that one. I'm not sure what they were summoning. Amanda called him the 'Beautiful Man'. She was supposed to be the sacrifice. The only problem is that the sacrifice was supposed to be perfect. I am not sure what perfect was supposed to entail, but with a broken hand, Amanda did not qualify. She was scarred. Horribly. I've been monitoring her. I have not detected any taint on her. But her injuries were terrible.” “How serious?” “She spends her time either laying in her bed or sitting looking out the window in a wheelchair,” Jen said. “She has a hard time trying to stand, let alone walk. She refuses to look in a mirror after what they did to her.” Marlene squeezed Jason's hand. He turned to look at her. “'To help those that cannot help themselves'. Isn't that how the charter reads?” “You are an evil woman.” Marlene grinned. “Whose idea was it to put that in the charter in the first place?” “Sandy, I believe.” “I will see what I can find about Devilbone and this 'Beautiful Man',” Stephen said. “I would really like to put him down like a rabid dog and lock that toy of his away.” “I like you, Stephen,” Jason said smiling. “I have a conference at the hospital in two days, Jason,” Kris said. “If you'd like to tag along that should give you the opportunity to wander, help, and do whatever.” “How many sick 'whatevers' normally run around in a hospital that might need help? That's my main problem. I am not God. It is not my place to play one.” “Hmm. Moral quandaries. Sounds like my cue to take my leave,” Stephen said. “Mr. Langford,” Marlene said, standing up. “Mrs. Scott.” “May I have a word with you? In private.” “As the lady wishes,” he replied with a formal deep bow. He held out his hand to her. “Any particular place I should do my vanishing act?” Warren shrugged. “Middle of the drive is fine unless you make a mess on your way out.” Stephen led Marlene away. “I'm sorry,” Jen said. “If it were me...” “I'd do in in a heartbeat, Jen.” Jen smiled. “I know. I don't care what happened between us, but she didn't deserve what they did to her.” “How long ago was the attack?” “Just over two weeks ago,” Warren said. “So not quite healed anyway.” “No,” Kris said. “So, Jen,” Beth said. “Homecoming?” Jen waved it away. “Not going. No date. No dress.” Jason looked at Warren. “Kate and I are chaperoning.” Jason cleared his throat and smiled at Jen. “George made you two dresses. One was for the Halloween party. The other...” “Is hanging in my closet. I know,” Jen said. “Then the deal is this. I will do what you're asking. If...” “Next week,” Warren said. “If you don't have a date for homecoming by next week, I will take you.” Jen stared at Jason. “You're like a brother to me.” “At the very least it means you won't have to worry about the usual shenanigans from boys your own age,” Beth said. “Not to mention his wife, your brother, your father all ganging up to kill him if he did,” she added laughing. “Fine. If I don't have a date by next week you can take me.” * * * * * “So, what can I do for you, Mrs. Scott?” Marlene smiled sweetly. “I have been watching you and Angel, Mr. Langford. How the two of you keep looking at each other.” His eyes darted to the porch, finding Angelique looking at him before her eyes darted away. “Yes, exactly like that. I don't think I need to question your intentions, sir.” “Well, I was thinking perhaps...” “Stephen, she's my friend. I don't believe she has ever truly been romanced. If you hurt her I will personally set out to make your life hell.” “I don't think...” Marlene raised a brow. “You would truly?” Marlene nodded. “As you wish,” he said bowing his head to her. “Lady Bouchard,” Angelique looked at him. “May I have the honor of calling on you?” Angelique smiled. “I think I would like that, sir.” “How may I contact you?” he asked. Conjuring up a blue butterfly, Angelique sent it fluttering to him where it landed on his shoulder. Then it froze. “I shall keep it safe. Until later,” he said with a bow to the ensemble. He stepped away from Marlene, giving her another nod. Yellow with sparks that looked golden, Stephen conjured up a portal and stepped inside.
  18. Stat conversions from DC Heroes.
  19. Kilowog Str 45 Dex 15 Con 33 Body 15 Int 28 Ego 25 Pre 17.5 PD 28 ED 28 SPD 5 Rec 16 End 66 Stun 54
  20. Guy Gardner Str 20 Dex 23 Con 18 Body 12 Int 13 Ego 26 Pre 25 PD 13 ED 13 SPD 5 Rec 8 End 36 Stun 31
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