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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Greywind


    “What do you know about it?” she screamed at him. “Because I've crossed my own lines,” he said gently. “And I have friends that caught me, held me, and were able to pull me back. Like I said, I'm no hero. I'm a man like any other. I make mistakes.” The cleaner beeped at his feet, indicating it had done its job. He knelt and picked it up. “Mind if I borrow your table for a moment?” He set the cleaner on it and opened the top. Pulsar lifted out a container holding bits of glass. He turned it so Amanda could see it. “What do you make of this?” “It's broken.” “Like you seem to think you are?” Amanda nodded slowly. He fished out two bigger pieces. “Well, what if I put these two pieces together like so? They see to fit together. Yes, very nicely.” He watched Amanda and smiled behind his mask. Crimson ran along the seam where the two pieces met. “And where there were two there is now one.” “How did you do that?” “Just a slight application of power.” He set the glass back in the container. “Now, I have no clue what that vase looked like before. So I'm going to have to trust you to tell me if I get it right.” With a crimson flash the entire container an its contents disappeared. With another flash, he brought the container back into being and set it back into the cleaner. “This is a prototype. It's being worked on for crime scene cleaning,” he explained. “I don't understand. Where's the vase?” Pulsar took the cleaner off the table and disappeared it. “You know, you screaming at me like that, I think you've taken a look down your own path and you aren't sure you should continue down it.” Amanda looked away. “It's okay, Amanda. Watch.” She turned back and he lifted his hand over the table. He lowered a finger, gauging distance between it and the surface. With another crimson flash the vase appeared under his finger, resting evenly on the table. “It isn't as easy to fix a person. Who they are, their mind, they have to admit there is a problem. They have to want to be other than they are. It helps to have friends and family that care.” “I thought I had friends. None of them have come here to see me.” “No one?” he asked. “My mom comes when she gets out of work. When I was in a coma there was a girl from school that would come and do her homework and talk to me about it all as she was doing it.” “Something seems to be missing here,” Pulsar said. Another flash brought the liquid container from the cleaner to his hand. He released the stopper and poured the water into the vase. Empty, the container disappeared. The flowers he had been holding the entire time he slid into the vase. “Sorry. I'm not much for arranging flowers.” He moved the vase to the window. “So, this girl that did homework, you don't consider her a friend?” “She used to be,” Amanda said quietly. “I broke that, too.” “If she was here doing her homework with you, don't you think that it could be fixed?” “What's going on here?” Sophia Burns asked entering the room.
  2. Sunlight = damage over time. Sunburns, skin cancer, and the like.
  3. Kelly Preston Dies of Breast Cancer at 57
  4. Body tend to be per hex/2m. Which would put Mogo a lot over just the simple 84 listed in his stats.
  5. Well, it is entirely possible that the alternate ID has higher stats and a martial dodge, while the base form has a DCV of 2 or 3 and only modified by the base dodge of +3.
  6. You just described the last several years of my life. My mother passed away in March. I'd been caregiver to her and my little brother prior to his death. Her health hadn't been the greatest, but she managed to outlive 2 of her children. Now I'm just cleaning up the mess.
  7. Greywind


    Elementals? Vortex, Morningstar, Fathom, Monolith, Saker...
  8. Tech heroes also tend to use a modulator. Iron Man, Batman, etc.
  9. Greywind


    Leaving the pediatrics ward behind, Pulsar pushed the call button for the elevator. When the door dinged, he stepped aside to allow the staff to exit before stepping in. When the door closed he let out a sigh. “How was pediatrics?” Kris asked, her voice coming through the team's communications. “I am seriously rethinking someone's pregnancy. At least Psistorm has her hamster ball trick to keep them occupied.” “You are not and yes she does.” “Coffee break?” “Yeah. Some of the doctors are on board, but they don't see the same kind of cape traffic New York does. Some are arguing that they can't see the expense.” Pulsar shook his head and pressed the button for the fifth floor. “Did you point out to them the subsidy?” Kris laughed quietly. “Honestly, it slipped my mind. Thanks for the reminder.” “Just spending money on someone's good cause,” he said as the door opened. “Reconvening,” Kris said. “Wandering another hall,” he replied. “Five eighteen,” Mentor supplied. “Still going to wander the hall, Mentor, but thanks.” Several of the orderlies and nurses stared as he walked by. He often found himself nodding in greeting in passing them. Following the signs that showed where rooms 511 to 520 were, he turned a corner in the hall. “Can I help you,” a woman asked. He looked at her and she smiled. She was dark skinned, round faced, and had a bright smile. His eyes darted to the name tag hanging from a lanyard. “Hello, Doris. I'm just stretching my legs a bit.” “I'd heard you would be here with Dove today.” “She's in a meeting trying to set up a project,” he affirmed. Doris beamed. “I'd really like to meet her.” “I will see what I can do.” She was about to say something further when what sounded like glass breaking came down the hall. “Oh, Lord,” she said and turned down the hall. Pulsar followed after. “518,” he said to himself. He caught the room numbers out of the corner of his eye and calculated. Doris turned into room 518 unless he was wrong. “Are you alright?” he heard Doris ask. “I'm sorry,” he heard mumbled. Almost too faint for him to hear. “I'll have to get someone to clean this up. Are you sure you're alright?” Pulsar heard no response. “Excuse me,” Doris said to him as she came out of the room, almost colliding with him. “Quite all right. Problem?” he asked. “Just a broken vase. I will be right back.” Stepping into the room, Pulsar noted it was single occupant. The girl lay in her bed staring out the window. She was bandaged like a mummy. Only her eyes, mouth, and a few wisps of hair visible. “Hello,” he said. The girl's eyes turned to him, but she didn't say anything. He glanced over the wreckage on the floor. “Pretty flowers. I bet that vase was lovely, too.” “It was an accident,” she whispered. “Hard to manipulate things with your hands all wrapped up, I bet.” He squatted down and began picking out the plants. “They'll clean it up,” Doris said from the door. Looking back over his shoulder, Pulsar said, “It's okay.” A crimson flash brought forth what looked like a robot sweeper. “Water and glass,” he said. He set it on the floor and it began collecting the spilled water and broken glass. He stood back up with the flowers in hand. On her table were Lightning's and Psistorm's calling cards, one blue with gold lightning bisecting it from corner to corner, the other a uniform metallic purple. “Two of them. You're getting yourself quite the collection. You must be the young lady Lightning told me about. Mandy Burns, isn't it?” “Amanda,” the girl said. “What happened to you?” he asked gently. “What do you care? No one listens to me,” she said quietly. “I care. And you have my undivided attention. If you'd like, we can talk about the weather. Or you can rant and rave about anything on your mind. Or you can tell me about the 'Beautiful Man' and Devilbone. I wouldn't mind talking about any of it. If we talk about the last, then maybe we can do something to keep what happened to you from ever happening to anyone else.” “I wish I was out there. In the sun. Maybe lying on a beach somewhere.” “That sounds nice,” he said. A bird flew past her window. “What's it like to fly?” “There's a lot of freedom up there,” he said. “I dream about it sometimes. Being up there among the clouds.” “The clouds can be chilly to pass through. All that water vapor. Some of it waiting to become rain. Maybe when you're better I could take you. Let you see what it is like for yourself.” “You'd do that?” she asked. “Yes. As long as there aren't any emergencies that need to be dealt with.” “What's it like to be a hero?” “I don't know.” Amanda eyes turned to him. “But you're a hero.” Pulsar shook his head a little. “No, I'm not. I'm just a man gifted with...” He stopped for a moment, senses on alert. “I'm just a man gifted with incredible and sometimes terrifying power.” Amanda looked down. “I'm evil.” Cocking his head to the side, Pulsar asked, “What makes you think that?” She shrugged. “It wasn't supposed to be me. It was supposed to be someone else. We were going to use someone else. After we got ready some of them grabbed me. Braden told me they decided that I was to be the sacrifice because I wasn't a good girlfriend.” “What was to happen to the sacrifice?” “I don't know. They never let me see the book. All they said was that the Beautiful Man would claim the sacrifice.” “You aren't evil, Amanda. I have seen evil. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're a kid. Do you know why you're a kid? Because you get to make mistakes and learn from them. That's why a lot in our legal system works the way it does. Once you get a look down a path, seeing the cost of going that way, all it takes is to look inside, weigh the cost of it on your soul, and say, 'I don't want to be this person.' The problem is, a lot of people when they do it, they don't care enough about themselves or others they may hurt in the process. So they keep going, crossing one line after another that they never should have crossed. Until, eventually, they are so far gone that they don't know the way back.”
  10. Yeoman Rand tempted him, but then, she was supposed to. At least until they removed her.
  11. Except they took their inspiration from Ultimate FF and not the 616 stories.
  12. Was talking about the first post. I don't ever start a campaign without doing guidelines. I also tend to be one that, whatever the players can come up with within the guidelines they may find themselves having to deal with it from an enemy.
  13. Greywind

    VIPERS assets

    She's Viper. Or Madame Hydra. You don't like her assets?
  14. Greywind

    VIPERS assets

    So come up with "The Shaker".
  15. A government is a body of people, usually, notably ungoverned.
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