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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. The original AC conversion systems were pre-4th.
  2. Peter Green dead at 73 – Mick Fleetwood pays touching tribute to band co-founder after he peacefully dies in his sleep
  3. John Saxon, 'Enter the Dragon,' 'Nightmare on Elm Street' Actor, Dies at 83
  4. Technically, but it segued nicely off Michael's post.
  5. I still say Tony is the greatest villain the MCU Avengers had to deal with before Thanos. If it wasn't for him there would have been no Ultron. And the entirety of Tony's story was accountability. Just as long as he didn't have to be personally accountable...
  6. Well, to be fair, Stark Tower was owned by Stark Industries and not directly by Tony Stark. From IM2 forward he kept commenting that she had a company to run.
  7. "Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later."
  8. I've been rewatching the MCU and noticed something in the Iron Man franchise. Iron Man: Pepper takes out Stane. Iron Man 2: Pepper takes out Hammer. Tony loses to a previous suit worn by a rookie. It takes both Tony and Rhodey to take out Vanko. Iron Man 3: Pepper takes out Killian Aldrich. So, who is the better hero? Pepper or Tony?
  9. You should never hand someone a gun unless you are sure where they will point it. Your mistake.
  10. Greywind


    “Miss Asher, there is someone here to see you.” Jen looked at the computer monitor showing the problem she had been working on. She put her pencil down, yawned and stretched. Muscles in her back and neck popped. “Mentor, when are you going to call me something other than 'Miss Asher'?” “What would you prefer I call you?” Making her way to the door, Jen said, “Jen or Jennie?” She opened the door to find her brother on the other side. “Warren!” “Hey, you,” he said smiling. “What are you doing here?” “Brought you some things you might need. Like a batch of mom's chocolate chip cookies and a batch of Kate's chocolate chocolate chip cookies.” He handed a box to her. “That black eye looks fresh.” Jen sighed. “It is. Mrs. Anderson caught me wrong.” “You wearing gear?” he asked, stepping into the room. “Always. Safety first.” She set the box on the desk. “Why'd you come out? You could have mailed the box.” Warren looked at her. “Because I wanted to see you. I wanted to see that you're okay. Why didn't Jason take care of your eye.” “I'm fine. Really,” she said smiling. “Mrs. Anderson wouldn't let him. Pain teaches best. I'm learning a lot. I'm slowly getting caught up in school. My teachers have been great about letting me make up stuff I missed.” “Speaking of which,” Warren stepped back out in the hall and picked up a backpack from beside the door. “All your school stuff mom could find.” “Thanks.” “So, hard question time. Why did you run off?” Jen sat back in her chair. “I was being bullied.” “You could have said something.” “And have Lightning deal with the problem? You've got more important things to deal with than me, Big Brother.” Warren smiled at her. “No, I don't. The most important thing is family. Which is why Jason let you stay.” Jen shrugged. “It was my problem, though. I needed to find a way to solve it.” “So, you become a student in 'The Huntress's School of Self-Defense',” he said with a laugh. Jen's eyes went wide. “The Huntress?” “You didn't know?” “Not a clue,” she said. “Uh, Dani, the human barbecue is her daughter.”
  11. So because there are other supers in the world and there are threats that may be above the players' power level, the PCs are inherently not important?
  12. Greywind


    “Hi, mom,” Amanda said quietly. With a nod of his head, Pulsar greeted her. “Mrs. Burns. We were talking about friendship and fixing things.” “I wouldn't mind if she fixed her friendship with Jen Asher. Seems things went downhill after you stopped associating with her.” “Mom...” “Amanda, do you know what these are?” Pulsar asked pointing to the two cards on the table in front of her. She shrugged. “I thought they were like business cards.” He laughed. “Something like that. When we use them out in the field, when we're working, we'll leave one for the cops to let them know we will be in to make out statement. When we leave them with an individual it is a reminder of our interaction with them. So that they know that there are Guardians in the world looking out for them. And sometimes it is so they know there is someone who will listen to them.” With a crimson flash he laid his own card down. A golden background overlaid with a crimson starburst. “If you scan one with a smart phone you will get a list of numbers in your area for people you can talk to about various things if you need to.” Without turning to the door, he said, “You're early.” Dove came through the door, Doris behind her. “Yes. They threw me out while they discuss the matter further. I hope I didn't miss anything. Hello, Amanda, Mrs. Burns.” “Oh, wow,” Amanda said quietly. “You look like an angel.” “Yes, she does,” Pulsar agreed. “Dove,” Mrs. Burns said. Kris smiled. “Only sometimes. I'm Dr. Tyler.” She held out her hand to Sophia, who took it with a stunned look on her face. “Amanda, where did the book come from?” Pulsar asked gently. “Braden found it. Up in the Wiloughby place.” “What were you doing up there? I told you to stay away from there!” “I wasn't with him! I didn't go up there!” “Mrs. Burns, may I speak to you for moment?” Kris asked. Sophia looked at her for a moment and then nodded her assent. Kris lead her into the hall. “Who is this Wiloughby?” Amanda lay her head back and closed her eyes. “An old crackpot. If he'd been rich he would have been labeled an eccentric. I didn't go up there. The place scared me.” “It's okay,” he said. “I've gone places I shouldn't have. Sometimes being able to fly leads to a whole different level of temptation. So what kind of hobbies do you have? Art? Writing?” “Pick fights with old friends and break my hand.” “I was thinking anything creative.” “Sometimes she does needlework,” Sophia said reentering the room. “She's really good at it, too.” Kris stepped to the side of Amanda's bed. “May I?” she asked, pointing to the girl's wrapped hand. Amanda shrugged and lifted it. Gently, Kris began unwrapping it. Amanda's fingers we're wrapped individually. The back of her hand was crisscrossed with angry red marks. Kris touched the skin and Amanda winced. “I'm sorry.” “Nothing to be done about it now,” Amanda said. More dejected than resigned. “Doris, could you get one of those stools?” Pulsar asked. Doris nodded and left to get one. “Mrs. Burns, make a wish.” She gave him a confused look before answering. “I wish Amanda had never gotten involved with those other kids. I wish she weren't laying there hurt.” Doris rolled the stool in and Pulsar took control of it. “I can't do anything about the past, but maybe something can be done for the future.” He spun the seat the up until it stopped. He took a seat. “Are you ready?” “Are you?” Kris asked back. “No, but I was asking Amanda.” “I guess so.” “Your whole body hurts where you're marked like that?” He pointed at the back of her hand. She nodded. “Lovely. Okay, then. What I want you to do is lay your hand in mine. I don't want to hurt you at all, but I will need to touch you.” He put his hand palm up on her table. “I think I'm getting used to the pain,” she said, trying to smile. “Let's see if we can't make the pain all go away.” Amanda smiled then. His the fingers of his other hand gently touched the exposed flesh of hers. The power flowed.
  13. In some cases (the last two I posted) they're the same woman.
  14. Granny Goodness? Even working for Darkseid his elite are always jockeying for position/favor.
  15. I would say it would depends upon the nature of the damage. A bullet that breaches isn't going to hit everyone.
  16. Whitney Frost/Madame Masque Emma Frost Talia Head Just off the top of my head.
  17. Keeping in mind, in the comics, such measures (devices, countermeasures, etc) tend to be a one-time thing. Not a constant added to the character's repertoire.
  18. If you want to run with The Engineer, disregard the bit where she under-invests and do what you want for your campaign.
  19. They would skip off the atmosphere. The computations necessary would be incomplete on account the onboard AIs aren't suicidal.
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