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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Buy your arrow multipower/charges/whathaveyou. Buy the bow as the range effect on the arrows.
  2. Yes, she is. That's Nicole Brune. Model and artist. And mother...
  3. 106 https://www.indiatoday.in/movies/hollywood/story/marvel-reveals-captain-america-s-real-age-in-avengers-endgame-final-scene-1598464-2019-09-12
  4. Bucky: She must be a hundred years old now. Steve: So are we, pal. So are we.
  5. Greywind


    Kris caught sight of Jason talking with Irish, Jordan, and Brie and changed her course. “I can't believe you painted that as fast as you did,” Brie said. “What's it going to cost me to keep it out of sight?” Pulling his phone out of a pocket, Jason scrolled through something. “I'm afraid I can't help, Brie,” Jason said. “Listing shows it was already bought.” “And I think it will look great hanging in my workshop,” Jordan said. “Da?” Brie tried not to whine. Jordan and Irish laughed. “I'm sure the gallery and your chosen charity appreciate it, Jordan” Jason said. “Hi, Kris,” Brie said. “You look lovely tonight.” Locking eyes with Jason, Kris said, “Thank you. That's a lovely dress you're wearing, Brie. Hello, Irish, Jordan. Can we talk? Excuse us, please.” Kris took Jason's arm and began pulling him away. “Excuse us,” Jason said. When they were a distance from anyone, Kris turned to him. “Something wrong?” Kris's eyebrow shot up. “Embarrassed you, did I?” Kris's wings surrounded them, muffling their talking. “You've got Dani drooling all over it.” Jason looked her in the eyes. “I'm sorry. I meant to show you it myself.” “All the white shows off nicely against the black background. It's a lovely painting. Why did you paint me two stories tall?” “Your wings. I wanted to keep the scaling right.” Kris sighed. “What are you going to do with it. Emily said it isn't for sale.” “It isn't. I'm hanging it in your apartment in the tower tomorrow.” “Mine? Why?” Jason smiled. “What did I tell you about yourself?” “That I'm beautiful and sensual.” “And if you look at that painting often enough you just may come to see yourself the way I see you.” Kris stepped closer and put her forehead against his chest. “You can add sexy to the list, too.” Kris made a fist and thumped him in the chest. “You are a pain in my ass,” Kris said. Laughing, Jason slipped an arm around her. When his fingers touched the bare skin of her back he pulled his hand away. Bastard. The entity in his head laughed. “Something wrong?” “Not sure,” he said.
  6. Mystic Imp The Red Cap is a murdering goblin that soaks his cap in the blood of his kills.
  7. I would say it would depend on the character. If you're building heroes, sure, standard builds. If you're building a villain, depends on what your intent for the villain is.
  8. Wilford Brimley, ‘The Natural’ and ‘Cocoon’ Star, Dies at 85
  9. Greywind


    “Hey, Sis!” Kari called out. “Come here! You have got to check this one out!” Kris turned to where Kari had called from. Kari was animatedly beckoning her. Kris headed over. Ash, Dani, and Trese were clustered in front of a large painting. The angle was bad for her to see what it was. Kari was grinning. “What do you think?” Kris looked up at the painting and her jaw dropped. The painting was done for a large space. Like over the fireplace in a room with a vaulted ceiling. “I'm going to kill him,” she whispered. Kris looked upon herself. Her wings were upraised in victory. She was kneeling in shallow water. Her fingers were running through her wet hair. The white body-stocking was wet and covered her with its nonexistence, leaving anything that wasn't shadowed on full display. “I'm going to kill him,” she said. “What? I thought he captured me well. Of course, he had to use your wings as a model,” Kari said grinning. “You?” “Of course me. Didn't you notice the tattoo?” Kris looked again and saw the red bands encircling one upper arm. “It isn't you, Kari. It isn't exactly me either. Although I did model for it.” “But the tattoo,” Kari argued. “Is red.” Kris grabbed her twin's arm and lifted it. “Yours is blue. Jason pays attention to details like color. If it were meant to be you the tattoo would be blue. And more than likely there wouldn't be any wings. When was the last time you modeled for him?” “Not in a long time,” Kari answered. Kris noticed the black ribbon hanging from the brass tag that read “Winged Victory”. “Emily!” she called out, seeing the older woman passing by. “Yes?” “What does the black ribbon mean?” “It means the painting is not for sale. Don't bother asking or submitting a bid on it,” Emily explained. Kris closed her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered. “That one is to be removed after tonight's showing. Only the current guests get to see it. After that, I have no idea what Jason plans to do with it.”
  10. Suggestion: for the character pages, see about setting them up as an organizational file. UNTIL or whatever, using official logos and whatnot.
  11. Greywind


    Standing on the landing, Jason looked out over his guests. Had she been here, the first viewer would have been Marlene. His eyes lit on Leah. She was laughing and talking with Kate and Stacy. He tapped the bell. “If I can have everyone's attention for a moment. I would like to thank Aunt Emily for dragging me out into the public eye tonight. She has been a lovely and gracious hostess. But if I don't get the show started she may just go ahead and do it without me. I'm going to go ahead and open the first gallery now. Those paintings are of two ladies very dear to my heart, and sadly, neither of them are here. Aunt Emily, if you would do the honors and escort the Palmers and Wilsons through it for me?” Emily smiled and nodded her assent. “For the second gallery, that is filled with images of another lady who is very dear to me. Leah, may I have the honor of your company?” Jason descended the steps and held his hand out for Leah. Kate smiled and gave Leah a nudge. Leah walked, not slow, but purposeful. As if she were walking in a fashion show. Every other step her leg flashed from the confines of her dress. With every step Jason's heartbeat quickened. Leah's hand slipped into Jason's and for a moment his heart, his breathing, his world suddenly stopped. She smiled and suddenly his world righted itself. “So, what are you going to show me?” “This way,” he said, tucking her arm under his. He led her up the stairs toward the first gallery. Jason reached out and touched the light panel. Glancing in, Leah saw paintings of Sandy and Marlene. A few steps further on and he touched the light panel for the second gallery. He ushered her in. Leah's eyes danced from one painting to another, never really stopping to take anyone of them in. Each one of them brought up a memory. Closing her eyes, she said, “I... I need a moment.” Jason waited patiently, allowing her all the time she felt she needed. “Okay,” she said finally. “Where do we start?” Jason led her to a simple portrait of her. Leah was sitting with her legs drawn up, coffee cup held in her hands. A plain button-down men's shirt, bluejeans, and socks were her attire. “That was the first night. From the sketch you did.” “The night we met. The first night you slept in my bed. The first night for a lot of things,” he said. “When did you paint it?” “After... You'll find that there are pretty much in a timeline from then until the end,” he explained. Since she was main subject, Leah saw a lot of portraits. Some paintings she and Jason had corroborated on. Others he just took the lead and painted. One picture was her in lingerie sitting at a vanity doing her makeup. The tag read “A Model's Life”. Another painting was Leah in an evening gown reclining on a chaise lounge. “We were planning this one when...” “Lots of photo references to fill in,” he said quietly. Leah wiped her face with the palm of her hand. “You're going to smear your makeup.” “I don't care,” she said. Jason pulled the kerchief out of his suit coat and handed it to her. She took it gratefully. The tour continued until they came to the last painting. The journey had many smiles and laughs from her. Jason was pleased. The last painting Leah looked up at. “If you get me that outfit I would totally wear it for you,” she teased. More seriously, she said, “That's not me.” The brass plate below it read, “The Inquisitor”. “It is and it isn't. And I hope it never comes to pass.” Leah looked at him. There was pain there. “There's a story behind it.” Jason nodded. “Have you told anyone?” Jason looked down and nodded. “Does that mean I'm not going to get a hot bondage outfit this Christmas?” she teased, trying to lighten the mood. Jason looked off to the side and nodded to Emily. She led a small group into Leah's gallery. Leah walked slowly to the railing. Jason watched her walk. At the railing, Leah's fingers started tapping on it. Jason walked over to her, his gaze down, lost in his own thoughts about his meeting with the Inquisitor. Leah turned around. “Jason, look at me.” Jason's head came up slowly, like he was fighting the weight of his thoughts. Starting at her shoes, “modeling shoes” Leah had called them when she first saw them, his gaze traveled up slowly. Leah had told him to look at her, so he did. The skirt had split, leaving one hosed leg exposed. The dress hugged her well. Jason had done the rough design and George Sanza had tweaked it and made improvements. When his eyes reached hers and he felt the charge he often did when looking in her eyes, Leah smiled. It was that charge that often kept him from looking at her. You should take her, the entity in his head told him with a laugh. She's practically begging you to subjugate her. Again. F*** off! He snarled back at it, working hard not to display his anger at it to Leah. Leah's tongue wet her lips briefly. “What happened to me, what happened to us wasn't your fault. It was Bauer's.” Jason noted the name and that she hadn't used his first name. A great improvement in his mind. “One of the things I always loved about you, knowing what my job entailed, you never got jealous. Never knowing what exactly I might have been doing for a photo shoot.” “I got jealous,” he said. “But I realized it was part of your job and didn't want it coming between us.” “Oh,” she said with some amusement. “But you got copies of all the photos per my contract.” “I still do.” Leah gave him a questioning look. “I got a package from Renea's office last week.” “I didn't realize she left that clause in.” Jason smiled. “You signed a contract without reading it? I thought you knew better.” Leah shrugged with a smile. “I was just happy she was resigning me and that I'd have work and money coming in. Anyway, what I wanted to say, I love you. I still do. I don't want to jump back into something with you. Not now. Not with everything going on. But if you need a friend, someone to talk to, someone to listen, I'm willing to be there. If you need me.” “I appreciate it.” “I should let you get on with your show.” She stepped closer, took hold of his tie, and pulled his cheek down to where she could kiss it. Jason watched her go, his kerchief still clutched in her hand.
  12. As I recall, mutants have a baseline Remarkable for CON.
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