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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins And this is Crystal as Sephiroth.
  2. Yeah, but... "I retire for what, like, five minutes, and it all goes to shit."
  3. Yes, the team has a vehicle. The weapons tend to be the people riding inside it.
  4. If the only things that need to be costed are the things that directly affect combat, 99% of the Skills are useless.
  5. Thanos didn't take Wanda seriously. "I don't even know who you are." Wasp in the movies is not Jan. It's Hope.
  6. To live like you were dying ~ Tim McGraw
  7. "I never yielded. As as you can see, I am not dead."
  8. I've ready that Sony doesn't want Spider-Man playing second fiddle to Larson. I've read that Disney doesn't want stars or movies pandering to any cause outside of Profit.
  9. Marvel Studios' 'Black Panther' Director Ryan Coogler Full Statement on the Legacy of Chadwick Boseman
  10. (Un)Luck should be a constant in the character's life if they have it, affecting him in little ways outside of the results of the dice. Hit Locations, for one.
  11. Or it still grows somewhere in the wild where it was never found/cultivated/repotted.
  12. If you need lots of dice to make Luck worthwhile you're doing something wrong.
  13. I'm tinkering with some of my characters in regards to 6th. I may toss some at the wiki when I'm satisfied with them. Main issue would be imaging them.
  14. How was Banner de-Hulked? His arm got jacked up by using the Gauntlet. The Russo Brothers left that for whoever picks up Hulk later in a movie to deal with.
  15. Greywind


    Ben looked at the stuff Warren loaded into the back of the truck. “What did you do? Rob Mick's?” “No and sort of,” Warren said. “I had some help finding what I needed. I printed off the list of what I took showing Mick's price for each item plus the tax. I left him money a little in excess of that.” “And what are you going to do with it all? It doesn't work for any of our vehicles.” “I know, Dad. After the ambulance took that woman and her baby, I was standing there with her keys in my hand. So I popped a cord in and Mentor did the diagnostics. All this stuff is what Mentor and I decided her car needed immediately to get running again. You mind driving?” “Why would I do that?” Ben asked. “Because I'm tired and I brought you breakfast.” * * * * * Warren connected the last spark plug wire while keeping an eye on the taxi that pulled up across the street. “Hey!” a dark haired man called out as he climbed out of the taxi. “What are you doing with my wife's car?” “Fixing it,” Warren said with a smile. “Something made me stop and pick up some parts. I know it sounds weird, since all the parts I picked up aren't for my truck, but I got 'em. Then me and my dad got going and I asked, 'Okay. Where to now?' And the same feeling that made me pick up the parts lead me here. The car was unlocked and the keys were in it. So we got to work.” Warren wiped his hands off with a rag and held one out to the man. “I'm Warren Asher, by the way. This is my dad, Ben.” “God, this has been a weird night. I know the car needed work, but money's been tight. My wife and I are...were expecting. She's saying a Guardian, that Lightning dude, delivered my little girl.” “Really? Wow!” “Yeah! Oh,” the man said, finally taking Warren's hand. “I'm David Henderson.” Warren turned back to the engine and looked it over one more time. “Everything looks good, Dad. See if it turns over.” The engine started smoothly. “It hasn't sounded that good in years. I don't know what I can do to repay you,” David said. “What did you and Amy name your daughter?” Warren asked. “Storm Lynn. On account of the storm last night and how she was delivered.” David stopped and stared at Warren for a long moment. “How did you know my wife's name was Amy?” Smiling, Warren said, “Papers in the glove box.” Warren started putting the tools away. “You can repay me and my dad by being a good husband to Amy and a good father to Storm.” “I'll do my best,” David said. “Thank you.” “You're going to need to replace the right front tire. It's going bald.” Ben said. “You might want to consider a new set all around. The spare is worse.” “I'll do that. Thanks again,” David said, climbing behind the wheel. Ben and Warren watched him drive off. “That was close.” “I told you I was tired,” Warren said, putting the gate back up on truck.
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