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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Striking Appearance: Makes people want to strike you.
  2. All 6 episodes. Saw a nice clip of Sam learning to murder trees with the shield.
  3. He sacrificed Asgard to stop Hela. Because Odin told him "Asgard isn't a place. It's her people." So wherever his people are IS Asgard.
  4. Darren did one for Alliance's game magazine/catalog between 15-20 years ago.
  5. And nowhere in the definition is "attractiveness". So there 😛
  6. Did not. There has never been an "Attractiveness" characteristic. There is a "COM" stat.
  7. That's all well and good, but they've cast a new Blade.
  8. Greywind


    “So, are you planning on marrying that model or what?” Morgan asked, tossing her coffee cup in the trashcan. Jason shook his head. “Something wrong?” “She's gone.” “What happened? I thought you two were happy together.” Jason's attention was drawn to a limo at the bottom of the steps. “I woke up to find her traveling away from me. No note. Any calls went straight to voice.” A woman stepped from the back of the limo when the driver opened the door. “I need to get back to the office.” Morgan said, looking at him with concern. “If you need a friend to talk to I'm willing to get a burger at the Brass Diamond.” Jason nodded. “Or some place more expensive.” Jason nodded again, keeping his attention on the woman. She was arguing with someone in the back, while the driver pulled a battered suitcase from the trunk and deposited it on sidewalk beside her. “Or, you know, I could come over, run around your place in sexy lingerie while you make me a gourmet dinner.” Jason cracked a smile and looked at Morgan out of the corner of his eye. “Feeling the urge to model for me that badly?” Morgan smiled brightly. “At least I got a smile out of you. Got to run. Call me. I mean that. Go do your 'White Knight' routine.” Jason watched her go for a few moments before turning back to the scene below. Richard Devereaux showed himself in the open door for a moment before settling back into the shadows of the limo. The driver closed the door. The woman, angry from the way she held herself, watched the limo pull away. Before long, the woman pulled out her wallet and seemed to be counting money. Jason tossed his coffee cup in the trash and made his way down the steps. “Hi,” he said. “You know, counting your money on the street isn't a good idea in this city. Not even in front of the courthouse.” “I'm fine,” she said, stuffing her wallet back into her purse. She grabbed the handle of the suitcase and pulled it up. Jason made a beckoning gesture. “My name's Jason.” The woman gave him a questioning look. “Can I offer you a lift some place?” “I'm fine,” she said again. Jason's limo pulled up in the space vacated by Richard's. “What is it today with guys in limos?” “Well, technically, I'm not in a limo. Yet. What's your name?” “Ava.” Jason noted a zippered binder hanging behind her purse. “What's that?” he asked, nodding at it. Ava gave him a hard stare. “It's my travel portfolio.” Jason smiled. “Which are you, model or artist?” “Can't I be both at the same time?” Jason smiled and nodded. “That guy offered me a job.” “And the job Dick offered wasn't the one you signed up for.” “You know him?” “All my life, unfortunately. He's married to my mother's best friend. So, Ava, can I offer you a ride? Lunch? I wouldn't mind flipping through your portfolio. See what kind of work you do.” Ava hung her head in thought. She raised her head enough to look at Jason. “You a photographer?” Al Porter opened the back door. Jason nodded at him. “My talents lie more in paint and pencil,” Jason explained. “If you'd like maybe we could corroborate on something.” “You'd hire me just like that?” Jason shrugged. “Let me look through your portfolio. See what you have. For that, I'll buy you lunch. If I get any ideas while we talk we can discuss you modeling for me for the day.” “As long as you don't get any other ideas.” “Al, if I try to take any actions that will dishonor the lady will you protect her from me?” “Absolutely,” Al said with a straight face. “May I take your bag?” Ava smiled. “I suppose.” “Where to? Sir,” he added after a pause. “Wolfgang's.”
  9. Harrison, death isn't something you have to wish for. It's coming anyway.
  10. Fury added Nat to the Avengers. Clint got her to join SHIELD. Cap added Clint to the Avengers. Before that he was just a SHIELD agent/assassin.
  11. Steel/vibranium. The adamantium addition was an error and stated as such by the editorial team at the time.
  12. The thing about a hero, even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is. ~ Joss Whedon
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