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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. The hits land so fast as to make no difference so far as the attack goes. The system reflects that. First and foremost is balance.
  2. People just tended to gravitate towards the examples we were given in the various products over the years.
  3. If you look at Thor in the beginning, he was the OIHID poster boy. Donald Blake, a lame doctor who used a cane to get around. Strike the cane against the ground and he becomes Thor, God of Thunder. His hammer was the cane. Take his cane away and he can't transform. If the hammer is out of his hands for more than a minute, Thor reverts to being Blake. Blake can't call down the thunder and lightning. Thor can't perform surgery.
  4. If everyone was the same the world would be extremely boring.
  5. Jalapeno? Curry? There's about 80 different types of Thai peppers. How about Ghost pepper?
  6. For the longest time, Jen was capable of switching. In a lot of ways she was more capable than Banner at it. It wasn't until later she lost the ability to revert to non-She-Hulk. Not sure that even stayed in the character.
  7. Greywind


    We often look for reasons why things happen. Sometimes it is being in the right place at the right time. Or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes it is just because people can be assholes. Take Morgan, for instance. Morgan was out having fun with some friends and after they all split, she decided to get something to eat. She settled on a burger from Brass Diamond. As the name implies, it is a sports bar. In the parking lot some loser took an interest in her purse. Or in her. I was in New York dealing with a corporate matter. Yet another brush fire incident dad wanted me to put out. Sandy always wanted to come to New York. Visit Broadway and see the lights. And as many shows as she could manage. God, I miss her. One of the secretaries told me I should give the Diamond a try. So, here I am. Right place? Wrong time? I guess it all depends on who is on the receiving end. In the books and movies these things usually start with a scream or a gunshot. Not this time. This just had to do with me noticing a pretty girl with a lovely smile. I didn't hear what started it. A raised voice quickly lowered and a bit of a scuffle. I would like to say that I investigated because it was the right thing to do. The truth is I don't know what it was that made me go look. “You should have stuck with your friends,” I heard a man say. He was holding a knife at her. “Gimme your purse. Maybe you'll get lucky and that's all I'll want.” Now, how to deal with this? I could blast him and out myself to Morgan. Nah, I was more in the mood to get physical. And it was only a knife. No, not a Crocodile Dundee knife. Or even a Bowie knife. Hell, not even a military grade survival knife. Just a run-of-the-mill switchblade. Morgan was hesitant to pass over her purse. The guy made a grab for it. I came around the van they were behind in time to grab the guy's knife hand. “The lady has a friend,” I told him. “Your mistake.” My other hand caught him by the collar. Using the momentum of his lunge, I slammed him into the hood of the car on the other side. With a slight twist, the knife clattered on the pavement. Okay, so the twist wasn't that slight. I had a lot of anger and personal pain I was dealing with in my life. I did leave the arm attached. And in its socket. Morgan had the presence of mind to use her cellphone to call 911. It only took a few minutes for a patrol cruiser to swing by and pick up our perp. We made our statements to the police. Morgan sprung for coffee for both of them. After the excitement was over, Morgan introduced herself. “Hi. I'm Morgan Shaw. Thanks for your help.” “Jason. Scott.” “Of Scott Enterprises?” “That is why I'm in town.” “My father runs Shaw Securities.” I looked at her. “That would make you Morgan the Younger.” She smiled. “Why does that sound like Charles Scott talking? Were you going in or coming out?” “Going in. One of the girls suggested I try the place.” Morgan smiled wider. “I'm buying. Maybe we can get a head up on our relationship if your company keeps doing business with my dad's.”
  8. According to the post Simon made, Steve doesn't currently have time in his schedule.
  9. By RAW, RAW is nothing but guidelines. Do what works best for your game.
  10. Because of the velocity added to damage.
  11. Generally, "Reason from Effect". SFX just tends to be how the character does their thing; how you imagine it happening.
  12. If the character converts to a vehicle, then the character uses the vehicle record sheet along with the attendant rules for vehicles.
  13. I'd suggest looking at Madison Jeffries and the Box armor. Jeffries is/was Alpha Flight's resident technomorph that inherited Box after its creator Roger Bachs died. Jeffries used it as a robot, a suit of armor, and AF's version of the quinjet.
  14. With the changes to his old Q&A forum maybe he retired.
  15. THUMPER Charles Turner Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Height: 6'5” Weight: 300 lbs STR 40 DEX 20 CON 40 INT 10 EGO 10 PRE 20 OCV 7 DCV 7 OMCV 3 DMCV 3 SPD 10 PD 20 (rPD 20) ED 20 (rED 20) REC 20 END 80 BODY 15 STUN 55 Running 18 Swimming 4 Leaping 8 SKILLS +4 with HTH combat POWERS Hardened (x2) Applied to PD Hardened (x2) Applied to ED Knockback Resistance -6m Regeneration 2 BODY per turn Double Knockback applied to STR Resistant Applied to PD Resistant Applied to ED COMPLICATIONS Distinctive Features: Big and bulky (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) Enraged: When in combat (14-, recover 8-) Hunted: Various Hero Groups/Law Enforcement Infrequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish) Social Complication: Public ID: Charles Turner (Freq/Major) Unluck: 2D6 Background: Chuck Turner never caught a break. Not in school. Not after he dropped out. He couldn't hold down a job. Management always ended up firing him for "anger issues". Whatever that meant. To him it just meant people should stop pissing him off. The military didn't want him, what with him not even making it into high school. Chuck turned to petty larceny and eventually got into a crew. No skills to really help with robberies and heists, Chuck was usually just a thug with a gun. They made a few scores, but something always happened whenever they went for a big score. It wasn't his fault that the drill bits broke, or the drill broke, or someone forgot to charge the tanks of the cutting torch. It wasn't Chuck's fault. Chuck's (un)lucky break came when the crew was asked to do some work for someone important. But first the guy wanted to runs some tests. Take a physical, have a little blood drawn, nothing serious. Then the guys with the green jumpsuits under their jackets pulled out a lot of funky guns. The crew was ordered to strip down to their skivvies. Then they were lead out one at a time. Chuck wasn't a rocket scientist, but he knew this wasn't what the crew agreed to. The bed he was lead to had restraints attached. No one answered any questions. They talked as if he weren't even there. The first shot they gave him made Chuck pass out. When he woke up the restraints were a lot tighter than they had been. His nose itched. He lifted his hand to scratch it without thinking about the restraints on him. The rail on the bed broke off. It only took him a few seconds to decide he wasn't staying. Whatever they did to him, Chuck grew several inches and almost doubled in weight. He got himself a fancy suit and decided he was going to set himself up in his own part of the city. When some local supers showed up to stop him, a newscaster on the scene dubbed him "Thumper" due to the speed in which he thumped on things. Personality/Motivation: Thumper does for Thumper. He isn't in it for the money. He'll take whatever he wants. Quote: The gods make their own rules. Powers/Tactics: Thumper is a brawler. Not a thinker. He does not use fancy maneuvers. His tactics tend to be of two types: punch and grab/throw. He is not a killer, but if people do happen to die getting into his business, oh well. He does not haymaker. He will run in, punch, and chase what he hit. Or he may grab and then throw if he's surrounded/boxed in/cornered. He is a loose cannon with anger issues. He has no knowledge whatsoever of his regenerative capabilities. He has no recollection of ever being injured since he was changed. Campaign Use: Thumper was originally conceived as a fast, mid-grade brick. His defenses are somewhat moderate overall. He was often used as the introductory scenario in my campaign for new players. Appearance: Thumper wears an orange bodysuit with a cowl. His boots, gloves, and trunks are dark blue. He wears a harness of dark blue; straps over the shoulders connecting to rings/discs (one on his chest, the other on his back), then one strap from the bottom of each ring connects to his belt.
  16. From the clips, it looks like Zemo is back in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
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